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kaab (กาบ)

Thai name for large, sheath-like bracts or spathe (fig.) enveloping an inflorescence or drupe, as well as the husk-like outer layers of a plant which can be pealed from its soft, herbaceous stem, like that of the banana plant, for example. In Loei Province, the broad spathe of the coconut palm is used in the making of Phi Tah Khohn masks (fig.).

Kaaknasoon (กากนาสูร)

Thai. Name of a character from the Ramakien, a female giant belonging to the entourage of Totsakan, who instructed her to harm a reusi, who lived in the forest. She changed herself into a large crow (fig.) and flew to his hermitage, which she completely destroyed whilst ferociously pecking at the hermit. The hermit then went to see Totsarot and told him what had happened. Totsarot then sent Phra Ram and Phra Lak to help the hermit and when Kaaknasoon returned after seven days, she was shot and killed by an arrow. Her appearance is reminiscent of that of a European plague doctor, who wore a leather face mask with glass eye openings and an elongated beak-shaped nose which was filled with herbs, straw, and other aromatic items, which not only filtered the stench of the putrid air, but was a the time believed to also shield him from contracting the highly contagious disease. These medieval physicians likewise carried a stick, used to examine patients without the need to make direct contact with them. See also Kahkamukha. See also LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & NAMES.

kaam (กาม)

Thai for kama and Kama, meaning ‘love’ or ‘desire’ and its personification, i.e. the god of love and desire, also known as Phra Kaam (fig.). Depending on the context, the word may also be translated as ‘sexual desire’, ‘sex’, ‘sensual’, ‘sensuous’ ,‘carnal’ and ‘erotic’.

kaan (คาน)

See mai kaan haab.

Kaanboon (การบุญ)

See Garnboon.

kaanboon (การบูร)

Thai for ‘camphor’, a sticky white or transparent substance with a strong, aromatic odour found in wood of the ton obcheuy yuan (ต้นอบเชยญวน) or ‘Annamese (Vietnamese) cinnamon tree’, with the botanical name Cinnamomum camphora and in English known as Camphor Laurel or Camphor Tree (fig.). It is widely used in Hindu religious ceremonies, as a fuel to light a holy flame. It is burned to bring about purity and since it burns cool without leaving an ash residue, it also symbolizes consciousness. Besides this, it is used for its scent and as an ingredient in mainly Indian cooking. One of Pathum Thani's OTOP products is kaanboon hom, i.e. ‘aromatic camphor’, a kind of herbal scent or perfume bag, often sold in the form of a small cotton doll, known as tukkatah kaanboon hom, ‘aromatic camphor dolls’.

kaan borijahk lohng sop (การบริจาคโลงศพ)

Thai for ‘coffin donation’.

kaan chai thuay dood leuad (การใช้ถ้วยดูดเลือด)

Thai. ‘To make use of cups to suck blood’. Designation for cupping or fire cupping, an acupressure technique used in traditional Chinese medicine and in Mandarin known as ba guan zi.

kaancheud mangkon (การเชิดมังกร)

Thai. ‘Manipulation of the dragon’. Name for the Chinese Dragon Dance (fig.).

kaancheud seua (การเชิดเสือ)

Thai. ‘Manipulation of the tiger’. Name for the Chinese Tiger Dance (fig.).

kaancheud singtoh (การเชิดสิงโต)

Thai. ‘Manipulation of the lion’. Name for the Chinese Lion Dance (fig.).

kaanchon kai (การชนไก่)

Thai. ‘Cock fighting’. Name of a brutal blood sport that, although illegal, banned or restricted in most countries, is still widely practiced in Thailand, as well as in many other countries of Southeast Asia. Cock fighting is a cruel ‘game’ in which fighting cocks, specially bred for aggressive behavior, are pitted against each other. The fights traditionally involve betting and often the birds are injected with stimulants to heighten their aggression and sometimes even fitted with metal spurs or razor-sharp blades. When a bird is down and wounded during a fight, it is often prone to choking in its own blood. To prevent asphyxiation its owner will suck the blood from its wounds and throat to clear the windpipe so that the bird can be re-pitted until it is incapable of being revived and a winner can be declared. Cock fights are animal cruelty for the purpose of amusement and greed, and whilst the winners scrape the pot, the loser ends up being served in one, or more likely is tossed onto a heap of other dead birds. Cock fights became a major concern for authorities during the outbreak of the deadly avian flu, as the sucking of blood from injured roosters could become a prime, potentially lethal, gateway for the spread of the H5N1 bird flu virus to humans. In September 2004 the virus killed at least one eighteen year old man who raised fighting cocks outside Bangkok. King Naresuan was a huge enthusiast of cock fighting and at shrines devoted to him one will generally find stone sculptures of cocks, often placed there as offerings (fig.). It is believed that King Naresuan used a Yellow White-tail Fighting Cock (fig.), a species known in Thai as Kai Chon Leuang Haang Khao and famous for its endurance in fighting, in a cock fighting game with the uparacha of Burma. WATCH VIDEO.

kaan fai fah nakhon luang (การไฟฟ้านครหลวง)

Thai. ‘Metropolitan Electricity Authority’. Name for the municipal electricity supply agency for the Bangkok metropolitan area. Electricity was introduced to Thailand by Chao Phraya Surasakmontri (สุรศักดิ์มนตรี) after this chargé d'affaires to France returned from Paris where he had been impressed by how the French capital was illuminated with electric light. Upon his return he tried, yet initially failed, to convince King Rama V, who had never experienced the benefits of electricity, of the importance of this new energy for the nation. Hence, he then persuaded the Queen to assists him and eventually the Grand Palace was decorated with lamps and illuminated on the occasion of the birthday of King Chulalongkorn, on 20 September 1884. After this, electricity soon became widely used in Bangkok and in 1894 a first electrical tramway was established (fig.), replacing trams drawn by horses, that were in use since 1887. The tram business was sold and ownership transferred several times, time and again changing its name, and eventually being named Thai Electricity Corporation Company Limited. When in 1950 the concession expired, the government took over operation, changed the name to Bangkok Electricity Authority, and placed it under the control of the Ministry if the Interior. On 1 August 1958, the current Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA) was established, which gradually evolved from its many predecessors, while on 28 September 1960 the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA), known in Thai as kaan fai fah suan phumiphaak (fig.), was established as the government department responsible for providing electricity (fig.) in 74 of the 77 provinces in Thailand, i.e. all except Bangkok, Samut Prakan and Nonthaburi. The emblem of the MEA is orange and consists of a circle with the silhouette of Phra Thihnang Anantasamahkom, i.e. the Ananta Samahkom Throne Hall (fig.), a landmark building in the capital, and four lightning bolts. See also POSTAGE STAMP and MAP.

kaan fai fah suan phumiphaak (การไฟฟ้าส่วนภูมิภาค)

Thai. ‘Provincial Electricity Authority’. Government department responsible for providing electricity in 74 of the 77 provinces in Thailand (fig.), i.e. all except Bangkok, Samut Prakan and Nonthaburi, which are served by the Metropolitan Electricity Authority, known in Thai as kaan fai fah nakhon luang. See also POSTAGE STAMP and MAP.

kaang ha sih (ค่างห้าสี)

See Red-shanked Douc Langur.

kaangkaeng le (กางเกงเล)

Thai. ‘Sea trousers’. Name for the traditional Thai fisherman pants worn by the Chao Le, a lightweight and oversized pair of trousers, somewhere between a sarong and a pair of culottes. They are made very spacious and need to be wrapped around the waist and then tied with a string from the back, to form a belt. They are popular as casual wear at home and on the beach, and are usually made from cotton or rayon, one size fits all. Due to its wide trousers legs sometimes referred to as elephant leg pants. This kind of long baggy pants are also commonly worn in Myanmar, where they are known as Shan baun-bi, i.e. ‘Shan trousers’ (fig.).

kaangkok (คางคก)

Thai for ‘toad’.

kaangkok ban (คางคกบ้าน)

Thai. ‘House toad’. Name for the Common Asian Toad (fig.). Also transcribed kahngkok bahn and kaangkok baan.

kaangkok sawan (คางคกสวรรค์)

Thai. ‘Heavenly toad’. Name of an auspicious animal from Chinese mythology. READ ON.

kaang ngok (ค่างหงอก)

Thai. ‘Grey Langur’. A name for the Silvered Leaf Monkey, used alongside kaang thao.

kaang pla thod (ก้างปลาทอด)

Thai. ‘Fried fishbone’. Name for a snack consisting of deep fried fish bones, which can be dipped in either a sweet-and-sour nahm phrik sauce or a spicy nahm jim kai sauce. See also nang pla thod krob (fig.). It is a specialty from Ayutthaya.

kaang sahm sih (ค่างสามสี)

See Black-shanked Douc Langur.

kaang thao (ค่างเทา)

Thai. ‘Grey Langur’. A name for the Silvered Leaf Monkey, in addition to kaang ngok.

kaang waen thin neua (ค่างแว่นถิ่นเหนือ)

Thai. ‘Northern Spectacled Langur’. Designation for the Phayre's Leaf Monkey.

kaang waen thin tai (ค่างแว่นถิ่นใต้)

Thai. ‘Southern Spectacled Langur’. Name for the Dusky Leaf Monkey.

kaanhaam (คานหาม)

Thai. Name for a sedan chair or litter (fig.). Kaan means ‘to carry something (with both hands)’ and haam means ‘sedan chair’. Also saliang. See also palanquin, yahnamaht and yahnumaht.

kaan jad dokmai (การจัดดอกไม้)

Thai. ‘Flower arrangement’. This art form is very traditional, especially in the making of phuang malai, flower garlands (fig.) made from jasmine and other colorful flowers, including orchids. These are thread on a wire with a long needle. Also the arrangement of bouquets using tropical species is very popular. See also Pahk Khlong Talaat (fig.), fruit carving and kaan roy phuang malai.

kaan koh kong hin (การก่อกองหิน)

Thai term meaning ‘construction of rock piles’, which refers to the making of cairns (fig.). See kong hin.

kaan loh (การหล่อ)

Thai. ‘Casting’. A manufacturing process in which a metal, often a precious metal such as bronze or gold, is liquefied, cast into a mold and solidified again.

kaan loh phra (การหล่อพระ)

Thai. ‘Casting of Buddha images’. A manufacturing process in which liquid bronze is cast into a mold (fig.) and solidified into a Buddha image. First hot wax is poured into a mold, creating a wax image of the desired shape which, once dry and solid, is taken from the mold; then, some nails are inserted at certain points around the wax image, which is then covered with a mixture made of plaster, sand and water, and tied with a metal wire (fig.); this is done a second time and then the image is put into a kiln, in order to make the wax melt and create a hollow cavity of the desired shape, a technique known as lost wax; next, hot liquid bronze is cast into the cavity, replacing the wax; once solidified, the covering is smashed, revealing the bronze statue; the image is then polished and decorated, and lacquer is applied as a base colour, which is rubbed with sand paper to smoothen it; then it is painted with black lacquer and covered with gold leaf; finally it is polished one more last time. See also Buranathai Buddha Image Foundry (map - fig.).

kaan prakuat (การประกวด)

Thai for ‘competition’ or ‘contest’, usually referring to a beauty contest, with or without a catwalk. The word derives from prakuat, meaning ‘to compete’ or ‘to contend’. Vanity is a not insignificant facet of Thai youth culture and beauty contests are thus very popular, both with male, female and kathoey participants, though most foreign visitors would consider Thai beauty contests rather long-winded and boring. Participants usually compete for money prizes and are judged by a panel, though members of the audience most often also have a say. They can support their favourite candidate by buying him or her flowers. The more flowers a candidate receives, the more votes or points he or she will get from the panel in that particular category of the contest. Since there is no limit on the flowers one is allowed to buy or receive, participants will try to get as many supporters as possible to come and cheer on them.

kaan roy phuang malai (การร้อยพวงมาลัย)

Thai. ‘To string [flowers into] garlands’. Term for making flower garlands, a popular form of kaan jad dokmai, i.e. ‘flower arranging’. They are usually made from jasmine and other colorful flowers, including orchids. See also POSTAGE STAMPS.

kaan sadaeng khuang fai (การแสดงควงไฟ)

Thai. ‘Fire spinning show’. Term for fire performances in which fire poi, a fire stick or a fire rope, i.e. a baton or stick, or a rope, usually with a handle on one end and a kind of weighted torch-like canister with a wicking material at the other end, is spun around at night, creating hoop-like displays of flames that lit up against the dark of night. In Thailand, these kind of fire performances are typically held on sandy beaches nationwide, especially on those of the more popular tourist islands. See also TRAVEL PICTURE and WATCH VIDEO.

kaan salak dun (การสลักดุน)

Thai. A metalworking technique in which a malleable metal is ornamented by hammering it on both sides. READ ON.

kaan seuksah (การศึกษา)

Thai for education.

kaan wian thian (การเวียนเทียน)

Thai. Name for a candlelight procession, in which people walk three times around a temple, an important shrine or a stupa, in a clockwise direction, an act also known as a thaksinahwat. The three circumnavigations represent the Triple Gem. See also thian pansa. WATCH VIDEO.

kaan yaay ton klah (การย้ายต้นกล้า)

Thai. ‘Paddy sprouts transplanting’. Abstract noun of yaay ton klah.

kaan ying thanoo (การยิงธนู)

Thai for ‘archery’, one of the main skills that kings and warriors of the past had to master, both as a weapon in combat and for hunting. READ ON.

kaap he reua (กาพย์เห่เรือ)

Thai term for any epic poetry in verse form, which makes use of tones as well as rhymes, but lacks any definite metrical scheme or cadence, and which in general consists of 8 to 14 verses. The most famous of its kind was composed by Chao Fah Thammathibet, the viceroy of Ayutthaya and the eldest son of Somdet Phra Chao Yoo Hua Borommakoht (1733-1758 AD), which is still sung today in the Royal Barge Procession (fig.), in order to give rhythm to the oarsmen. See also he reua.

kabang (กะบัง)

Thai name for a kind of crown-like headdress, somewhat reminiscent of a diadem, and worn by Thai classical dancers, as well as by certain monkeys and demons in the Ramakien. As such, it is the counterpart of the cone-shaped chadah (fig.). It is usually worn by less important characters, while the main characters by and large wear a chadah-style crown, though there are several exceptions, e.g. Hanuman (fig.), who most of the time is depicted wearing a kabang. When worn by monkeys, it is also referred to as kabang nah ling, whereas if worn by demons, it is called kabang nah yak. Also transcribed ka-bang. See also LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & NAMES.

kabi (กบิ)

Thai-Pali word for ‘monkey’, akin to kabih, kapi, kabin (กบิล) and kabin (กบินทร์), and besides the similar terms ling and wahnon.

kabih (กบี่)

Thai-Pali word for ‘monkey’, akin to kabi, kapi, kabin (กบิล) and kabin (กบินทร์), and besides the similar terms ling and wahnon.

kabihthoot (กบี่ธุช)

A standard with a picture of Hanuman, which Rama used to lead his army of monkeys. Also transcribed kabeetut.

kabin (กบินทร์)

Thai-Pali. A compound term of kabi (กบิ), meaning ‘monkey’ and in (อินทร์), which besides being the name for Indra in certain contexts also means ‘patriarch’ or ‘general’. As such it is a synonym of phaya ling, which translates ‘monkey king’ or ‘monkey general’, which may refer to Hanuman. The term is also related to the words kabi, kapi and kabin (กบิล), the latter with a different Thai spelling, all of which mean ‘monkey’, and are used besides the terms ling and wahnon.

kabin (กบิล)

Thai-Pali word for ‘monkey’, akin to kabi, kapi and kabin (กบินทร์), the latter with a different Thai spelling, and besides the similar terms ling and wahnon.

Kabinburi (กบินทร์บุรี)

Thai. Name of a district of Prachinburi. It is a compound of kabin and buri, and means ‘City of the Monkey General’, meaning the town of Hanuman. The city dates back to the Ayutthaya Period and its city hall was previously located in Ban Hanuman (บ้านหนุมาน), i.e. the ‘House of Hanuman’, until it in 1906 was moved to Ban Pahk Nahm (บ้านปากน้ำ), i.e. the ‘House at the Mouth of the River’, the area where the Hanuman River and Phra Prong River merge into the Bang Pakong River (fig.).

Kabinlaphad (กบิลพัสดุ)

Thai for Kapilavatthu.

Kabin Maha Phrom (กบิลมหาพรหม)

Thai name of a deity who had his head cut off after losing a wager. Kabin Maha Phrom was the deity that looked after all important ceremonies in the lives of humans, until one day, a certain rich man who had no children asked the god Indra for help, who gave him a son. The boy, named Thammakumaan (ธรรมกุมาร), which can be translated as ‘Child of the Dhamma’ or ‘Righteous Prince’, was very gifted and even understood the language of the birds. He was given the same responsibilities over human ceremonies,  as Kabin Maha Phrom, exciting the jealousy of the latter. To stop the competition, the deity challenged the boy by giving him three riddles to solve, and made a bet with him, saying that if he knew the correct answers to the riddles within a week, the deity would cut off his own head, but if he couldn't give him the correct answers, he himself would be beheaded. Nearing the end of that week, Thammakumaan who still didn't know the correct answers, was resting underneath a tree. In the tree were some eagles, who were looking forward to soon be feasting on the flesh of the dead body of the boy who would fail to solve the riddles. Whilst relating the story of the wager between the god and the young man, the eagles revealed the right answers to those three riddles. being able to understand the language of the birds, Thammakumaan was now well informed and on the appointed day he gave the Kabin Maha Phrom the three right answers. The god hence lost the wager and cut off his own head, but since his head had intense heat, it would cause an inferno if it were to touch the earth, or parch the sea if it would fell into the sea, his head was deposited in a cave in the heavens. Every new year, i.e. on Songkraan Day, Nang Songkraan, i.e. one of the god's seven daughters in turn will carry her father's head in a parade. Though the seven daughters are often referred to as one, by the name Nang Songkraan, each one separately also has her own name, attributes, mount and other characteristic. Each one corresponds with a day of the week and in the annual parade, the one representing Miss Songkraan, i.e. will carry the head of Kabin Maha Phrom, will be in compliance with the day of the week on which the festival falls, and is hence different each year, thus taking turns in this role. The deity is usually referred to as Tao Kabin Maha Phrom and his name is often transliterated Kabil Maha Phrom. His name is similar to that of Phra Phrom, i.e. Brahma, and like Phra Phrom, Kabin Maha Phrom is also depicted with four faces. See also POSTAGE STAMPS.

Kabin Paksah (กบิลปักษา)

Thai-Pali. ‘Monkey-bird’. Name of a mythological creature from Himaphan, half-bird and half-monkey, i.e. the torso of a monkey (kabih) and the legs and tail of a bird (paksah). In addition it has a pair of small wings on its upper shoulders and is often depicted holding a staff. Here, kabin (กบิล) is in Thai spelled with the end consonant being an L (ล) which in Thai is at the end of a word or syllable always pronounced as N, but it is sometimes spelled differently, as in Kabinburi, where kabin, also meaning ‘monkey’, is spelled กบินทร์, which is a compound of kabi (กบิ), another synonym for ‘monkey’, with in (อินทร์), i.e. ‘patriarch’, and is then interpreted to be a synonym of phaya ling, which translates ‘monkey king’.

Kabuki (歌舞伎, かぶき)

Japanese. ‘The art of singing and dancing’. Name of a classical dance-drama from Japan in which the stage performers wear elaborate mask-like make-up known as kumadori (隈取) and which typically uses the colours white, red, blue, brown and black. Each of the colours expresses a certain trait of the character that is played. This form of Japanese folk drama started in the 17th century Edo Period and was founded by Izumo no Okuni (出雲阿国), a so-called miko (巫女) or Japanese shrine maiden, i.e. a young priestess who works at a Shinto shrine, and from where she got her name, as she worked at the Izumo-taisha (出雲大社), i.e. the Grand Shrine of Izumo, an old province of Japan. In this early period Kabuki's stage performers were all women and it was often performed in the in the red-light districts of Japan. It was also associated with prostitution, which stands at the origin of the term Prostitute Kabuki. The make-up used in Kabuki is often represented in decorative masks used for adornment. See also Chinese Opera and TRAVEL PICTURE.

kacchera (ਕਛੈਰਾ)

Punjabi. Name for the undergarment worn by Sikh devotees as one of the five articles of their faith. It is similar to boxer shorts, yet has to be made entirely from cotton, and thus has a drawstring at the waist rather than an elastic band to keep it in place. It is worn as a reminder that one should control ones kama, i.e. sexual desire or lust.

Kadru (कद्रू)

Sanskrit. Name of the daughter of Daksha, wife of Kasyapa and mother of the nagas in the Mahabharata, but in the Ramayana she is described as being the daughter of Kasyapa and Krodhavasa, who is also a daughter of Daksha.

kae (แกะ)

Thai for ‘sheep’, while a ‘goat’ is called phae.

kaeb moo (แคบหมู)

Thai for ‘pork cracklings’. Deep fried strings of pork rind, i.e. the tough outer layer of bacon. It is a crispy, popular snack, often served with other dishes, such as nahm phrik oung (fig.), and during khantoke dinners (fig.). It is an OTOP specialty from Phayao and is also widely made (fig.) and sold on the Kaad Thung Kwian (กาดทุ่งเกวียน) forest market of Lampang.

kaebon (แก้บน)

Thai. To fulfill a promise by making a votive offer, often in the form of a paid dance performance near an important shrine, where one earlier prayed or asked for a good result from an event or occasion. Alternatively, one can put up a set of miniature dancers known as tukkatah ram thai (fig.), that perform a more permanent dance performance called lakhon yok (fig.). Also transcribed gaebon. WATCH VIDEO.

kaek (แขก)

Thai. ‘Guest’ or ‘visitor’. Term used to refer to people of Indian descent (fig.), i.e. the indigenous people from the Indian Subcontinent, including Pakistan, Sri Lanka, etc. It may also be transcribed khaek or Kaek (Khaek), with a capital letter. See also farang.

kaen (แคน)

1. Thai. A bamboo mouth organ. A traditional Thai wind instrument with multiple pipes and a polyphonic sound, somewhat like that of an organ, and which is mostly played by the people of northeastern Thailand (fig.). It is made from the firm stems of reed (fig.) and usually left in its natural colour, although occasionally it may be dyed to make it look more attractive (fig.). It is held with both hands and played by blowing air into the mouthpiece (fig.), whilst alternately covering and uncovering small tone holes with the tips of ones fingers, to alter the pitch of the sound produced and which is proportional to each pipe's effective length. There is just one tone hole on each pipe, located just above the mouthpiece. An instrument representative of Isaan (map), it is often displayed in art of that region (fig.). Also transcribed khaen. See also gaeng.

2. Thai. Name in Isaan for the takian thong, a tree in English known by the name gagil and with the botanical name Hopea odorata.

kaeng (แกง)

Thai. Generic name for a variety of typically Thai, often soup-like, curries. It may be clear and thin, or spicy and thickened with coconut milk, depending on the variety, which is often specified by adding a suffix, e.g. kaeng phanaeng, kaeng khi lehk, kaeng khiao wahn, kaeng som, etc. To those different curries, meat, fish or seafood will be added, according to ones choice and liking, and to specify the dish more accurately, the Thai word for the kind of meat, fish or seafood used, will hence be added to the name of the curry. Many curries are typically eaten with some raw vegetables that are served on the side, such as yod krathin (fig.).

kaeng khiao wahn (แกงเขียวหวาน)

Thai. ‘Sweet green curry’. Name of a kind of curry (kaeng), made on the basis of green chili paste (fig.) and coconut milk, which is mixed with water and cooked in a wok, whilst adding other ingredients, such as a little palm sugar and fish sauce, meat or fish, crisp eggplant (makheua proh - fig.), pea or cluster eggplant (makheua phuang - fig.), kaffir lime leaves (makrud - fig.), Thai Basil (hora-phaa) leaves (fig.), and sliced red chili peppers.

kaeng khi lehk (แกงขี้เหล็ก)

Thai. Name of a kind of curry (kaeng) made with the young leaves and flowers of the khi lehk american, a kind of cassia tree also known as suwannaphreuk.

kaeng massaman (แกงมัสมั่น)

See massaman.

kaeng phanaeng (แกงแผนง)

Thai. Name of a kind of red curry (kaeng) with plenty of coconut milk, what makes it milder and thicker than regular red curries. It is made with little shreds of kaffir lime leaf, sliced red chilis and bite-size chunks of either beef, pork or chicken, naming the dish after the meet, e.g. kaeng phanaeng moo (pork) for the dish with pork, kaeng phanaeng kai (chicken) for the dish with chicken, etc.

kaeng som (แกงส้ม)

Thai. ‘Sour curry’ or ‘orange curry’. Name of a kind of thin, curry-like soup (kaeng), made of tamarind paste, which is orange in colour and somewhat sour in taste. This then forms the basis, in which other ingredients are added to form a dish, which is further named according to the ingredients that are added, e.g. kaeng som cha-om kung (fig.).

kaeng som cha om kung (แกงส้มชะอมกุ้ง)

Thai. Name of a thin, curry-like soup (kaeng), known in Thai as kaeng som, made of tamarind paste, fish sauce, sugar and lemon juice, and which is orange in colour and somewhat sour in taste. In it, thick, square-cut blocks of omelet mixed with young green Acacia leaves called cha om, are added (fig.), as well as kung, i.e. ‘shrimps’.

kaen tawan (แก่นตะวัน)

Thai. Name for the Jerusalem artichoke, the root of a kind of sunflower, with the botanical designation Helianthus tuberosus, and which is also commonly known as sunchoke and earth apple. It is cultivated for its edible tuber and in Thailand, where it is grown commercially in Khon Kaen and Phetchabun, the root is sliced and eaten raw as a herbal snack. The Jerusalem artichoke is not at all an artichoke and the name Jerusalem is a corruption that derives from the mispronunciation of girasole, the Italian word for sunflower, which literally means to turn (gira) to the sun (sole), the Italian equivalent for the Greek word heliotropio (ηλιοτρόπιο) from which the English term heliotrope derives, which describes the concept that members of the sunflower family always face the sun. They follow the course of the sun by turning their inflorescences towards the sun.

kae salak (แกะสลัก)

Thai term used for the art of making three-dimensional sculptures or relief forms, by either chiselling, carving, engraving, etching and sculpturing wood, stone or other materials, including even fruit and vegetables (see fruit carving). Other methods of producing statues or three-dimensional, such as casting or moulding, are called differently, i.e. for ‘casting’ the term loh (หล่อ) is used which is also slang for ‘male beauty’, and for ‘moulding’ the word pan (ปั้น) is utilized.

kae salak dun (แกะสลักดุน)

See kaan salak dun.

kae salak pak (แกะสลักผัก)

Thai. Carving of vegetables into sculptures following tradition. See also fruit carving.

kae salak ponlamai (แกะสลักผลไม้)

Thai. The artistic carving of fruit into sculptures or reliefs following tradition. See also fruit carving.

kaew (แก้ว)

Thai for ‘glass’, especially ‘cut glass’ or ‘crystal’, as distinguished from sheet glass, which is called krajok (กระจก). The term is also used as a designation for precious and exquisite things, such as gemstones, and often appears in names of places, places and temples, as in Wat Phra Kaew. Also transliterated kaeo.

kaew chao jom (แก้วเจ้าจอม)

Thai. ‘Crystal minor wife of a king (without his child)’. Name for a small tree with the botanical name Guaiacum officinale, commonly known as Roughbark Lignum-vitae. It originates from the East Indies and was introduced in Thailand by King Rama V, who brought it with him from Java after a visit to the island, and subsequently planted it in the Royal Palace's garden. Today the showy blue to bluish-white flower is the symbol of the Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University (มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏสวนสุนันทา) and is portrayed on a postage stamp issued in 2002 AD (fig.).

Kaew Jom Kaen (แก้วจอมแก่น)

Thai. ‘Crystal, [the] core leader’. Name of a book composed by Princess Sirindhorn under the pseudonym Waen Kaew (แว่นแก้ว), and in English referred to as ‘The Mischievous Kaew’ (fig.). The literary work is a youth book based on the princess' own experiences from her childhood. The main character of the book is a girl named Kaew (Crystal), who is also the core storyteller. Each chapter she tells about one of her adventures, describing both her mischief and her knowledge. She introduces her friends and nephews, and even gives recipes to make Thai desserts. When UNESCO in 2013 presented the honorary prize of World Book Capital 2013 to Bangkok as the 13th city in its capacity that was declared the metropolis of reading in order to encourage learning by books at an international level, the princess granted royal permission to print the cover of Kaew Jom Kaen on a commemorative postage stamp, issued to mark the event (fig.).

kaew mangkon (แก้วมังกร)

Thai name for the dragon fruit.

kaffir lime

See makrud.

kah (ก๋า)

Thai. Another name for wih.

Kahkamukha (काकमुख)

Sanskrit. ‘Crow-faced’, sometimes translated as ‘raven-faced’. A form of Mahakala (fig.) depicted with a black (kala) complexion, wings and the head of a crow. This form of Mahakala, i.e. the Hindu god of time and a form of Shiva as the personification of Kala in a terrible form, occurs especially in Tantric Buddhism and hence in the religious art of Tibet. The name is also transcribed Kakamukha and he is sometimes referred to as Kahkamukha Mahakala, or Kakamukha Mahakala. Compare with Kaaknasoon.

Kahn Pheungboon Na Ayutthaya (ก้าน พึ่งบุญ ณ อยุธยา)

Thai. True name of an early 20th century novelist, who wrote under the pseudonym Mai Meuang Deum. READ ON.

kahng kahw (ค้างคาว)

Thai name for ‘bat’. Literally kahng means ‘to be left dangling’ or ‘perching’ and kahw means ‘to stench’ or ‘stink’.

kahng kahw kitti (ค้างคาวกิตติ)

Thai. Name for the hog-nosed bat which is also known as the Bumblebee Bat, the world's smallest bat with the scientific name Craseonycteris thonglongyai. It has an adult body weighing only between 1.5 and 2.0 grams, and a wingspan of about 16 centimeters across. These rare bats are insectivores and are only found in Thailand and Myanmar, where they are known to live in just a few limestone caves in forested landscapes. It gets its name from Kitti Thonglongya (กิตติ ทองลงยา), a Thai scientist who in 1973 first listed this species which he discovered in a cave in the amphur Sai Yohk (ไทรโยค) in Kanchanaburi province. Before that time it was unknown to science. In 1986 it was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's smallest known mammal.

kahng kahw mongkut (ค้างคาวมงกุฎ)

Thai.Diadem bat’. Thai term for Horseshoe Bat.

kahsahwapad (กาสวพัสตร์)

Pali-Thai. The robe of a Buddhist monk. See also traijiewon and pah kahsahwapad.

kahthah (คาถา)

Another transliteration for kata.

kahtiyaw (กาเตียว)

Thai. Northeastern Thai name for the krajiaw.

kai (ไก่)

Thai for ‘chicken’, ‘hen’, ‘cock’ or ‘rooster. As chicken, it refers to both the bird itself and to chicken meat used in dishes. In Thailand, the fowl correspondents to the first letter of the Thai alphabet, i.e. ko kai ( ไก่). Though kai is the general term for rooster (fig.) in Thai, when referring to the animal in the zodiac, usually the term ra-kah (ระกา) is used. Also transliterated gai. See also POSTAGE STAMP, THEMATIC STREET LIGHT (1), (2) and (3), and MORE ON THIS.

kai betong (ไก่เบตง)

Thai. A breed of domestic chicken, that originated from the langshan (แลงซาน) variety from China and was introduced to Thailand by Chinese immigrants. It is named after the place where it was first bred for consumption, i.e. the Amphur Betong in Yala Province. Adult males have a reddish-yellow plumage and females are whitish-yellow. Adult males have a reddish-yellow plumage and females are whitish-yellow. Both sexes have yellow legs and feet, and a single red comb. See also Bantam.

Kai Chao Liang (ไก่เจ้าเลี้ยง)

Thai. Literally ‘Ruler-bred Cock’, but usually translated as ‘Royal Fighting Cock’. Another name for the ‘Yellow White-tail Fighting Cock’, besides Kai Chon Leuang Haang Khao and Kai Chon Phra Naresuan.

Kai Chon Leuang Haang Khao (ไก่ชนเหลืองหางขาว)

Thai. ‘Yellow White-tail Fighting Cock’. A special breed of fighting cock, also known in Thai as Kai Chao Liang and Kai Chon Phra Naresuan.

Kai Chon Phra Naresuan (ไก่ชนพระนเรศวร)

Thai. ‘Phra Naresuan Fighting Cock’. Another name for the Yellow White-tail Fighting Cock’, in addition to Kai Chon Leuang Haang Khao and Kai Chao Liang.

kai dam tun yah jihn (ไก่ดำตุ๋นยาจีน)

Thai. ‘Chinese medicinal steamed black chicken’. Name of a dish prepared from an attractive Chinese breed of chicken with the binomial name Gallus Gallus Domesticus Brisson. It has a unique, fluffy plumage, which is usually white (fig.), but may also have other colours, including black. Its feathers are said to feel like silk and the animal is hence given the name Silkie (Silky). They are among the most docile of poultry and are considered ideal pets, as well as ornamental fowl. Unlike most other breeds, it has five toes (others usually have four), a black skin (fig.), black meat and bones (fig.), and is both eaten (in Thailand usually as a soup) and used as an ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine, for its high levels of carnosine, a natural anti-oxidant that has a number of beneficial properties, believed amongst others to improve muscle strength and alleviate the effects of ageing and diabetes. Though this substance is also commonly found in ordinary breeds of chicken, Silkies have proven to have twice as much of it. In Thailand, they are sold on markets, already slaughtered and plucked, and prepared in restaurants in Chinatown, as well as in places with large Chinese communities, such as Nakhon Sawan and Doi Mae Salong in Chiang Rai province. Also known as Black-Bone Silky Fowl.

kai fah (ไก่ฟ้า)

Thai. Literally ‘sky fowl’ or ‘blue fowl’. Though, used as a term, it translates as ‘pheasant’ and refers to fowls that are members of the family Phasianidae, which also includes birds other than pheasants, such as the Red Junglefowl, the Green Peafowl and the Indian Blue Peafowl, as well as several kinds of partridges and peacocks. In fact, the family Phasianidae recognizes only eight species of pheasant living in Thailand, i.e. the Silver Pheasant, Siamese Fireback, Crested Firebak, Crestless Fireback, Kalij Pheasant, the Hume's Pheasant, the Malayan Peacock-pheasant, the Bar-tailed Pheasant, and the Grey Peacock-pheasant. Most of them belong to the genus Lophura, apart from the two Peacock-pheasants, that belong to the genus Polyplectron, and the rather rare Hume's Pheasant, which as only species belongs to the genus Syrmaticus.

kai fah lady (ไก่ฟ้าเลดี้)

Thai. ‘Lady fowl’. Name for the Lady Amherst's Pheasant, alongside kai fah lady amherst.

kai fah lady amherst (ไก่ฟ้าเลดี้แอมเฮิรสท์)

Thai. ‘Lady Amherst fowl’. Name for the Lady Amherst's Pheasant, alongside kai fah lady.

kai fah lang khaw (ไก่ฟ้าหลังขาว)

Thai. ‘White-backed fowl’. Name for the Silver Pheasant, alongside kai fah lang ngun.

kai fah lang ngun (ไก่ฟ้าหลังเงิน)

Thai. ‘Silver-backed fowl’. Name for the Silver Pheasant, alongside kai fah lang khaw.

kai fah lang thao (ไก่ฟ้าหลังเทา)

Thai. ‘Grey-backed fowl’. Name for the Kalij Pheasant.

kai fah phaya loh (ไก่ฟ้าพญาลอ)

Thai name for the Siamese Fireback.

kai fah sih thong (ไก่ฟ้าสีทอง)

Thai. ‘Golden-coloured fowl’. Name for the Golden Pheasant.

kai jae (ไก่แจ้)

Thai. ‘Dwarfed fowl’. Name for the Bantam.

kai juk (ไก่จุก)

Thai. ‘Tufted fowl’. Name for the Crested Partridge. See also juk.

Kailasa (कैलास)

Sanskrit. A mountain in the Himalayas, the dwelling place of Shiva and Parvati. In Thai Krailaat and in Sanskrit also called Kailash.

kainn pone pain (ကင်းပုံပင်)

Burmese name used for the snake cucumber, besides kainn pone thee.

kainn pone thee (ကင်းပုံသီး)

Burmese name used for the snake cucumber, besides kainn pone pain.

kai pah (ไก่ป่า)

Thai. ‘Forest  fowl’ or ‘wild fowl’. Name for the Red Junglefowl, a tropical bird with the scientific name Gallus gallus and a member of the Pheasant family, Phasianidae. Roosters are more brilliantly coloured that their tame relative, Gallus gallus domesticus, and can easily be distinguished by two white patches on either side of the head. It is native to Southern Asia, including Thailand. According to Dr. Tom Pizzari from the University of Oxford, chickens originated in Thailand and the Red Junglefowl is the wild ancestral population that produced all the different breeds of domestic chicken found worldwide. No wonder the first letter of the Thai alphabet (fig.) is called ko kai (ก.ไก่), which means chicken’, while the second letter is named kho khai (ข.ไข่), which means ‘egg’, thus also solving the question of whichever came first (fig.). Like many birds in the Pheasant family, males and females show very strong sexual dimorphism (fig.). Males are much larger with bright gold and bronze feathers and a tail composed of long, arching feathers that look black, but shimmer with metallic blue, purple and green in the light. It has a large red comb on the head and fleshy wattles near its throat. The female has a rather small comb and no fleshy wattles and her plumage is rather dull, designed for camouflage, as she alone looks after the eggs and chicks (fig.). Red junglefowls are herbivorous and insectivorous, feeding on worms, grass, corn, soybeans, and different kinds of grains found on the ground. See also kai fah and See also TRAVEL PICTURE and WATCH VIDEO.

kai thong (ไก่ทอง)

Thai. ‘Golden fowl’ or ‘golden chicken’. Name of a kind herb of which the golden-brown hairs, that grow on this tuber-like plant's root, are used in traditional medicine to stop bleeding.

kajae (ກະແຈະ)

Lao for thanaka (fig.) or wood powder used as a traditional make-up.

kaki lima

Malay. ‘Five foot’. Architectural term for a covered pedestrian walkway in front of colonial-style buildings, often shophouses, in many old parts of cities and towns throughout Malaysia and Singapore, as well as in the old part of Phuket Town. The portico-like walkway is either sunken into the ground or elevated from the road, yet in either case leveled with the ground floor of a building, and provides a corridor to shield pedestrians from the sun and rain by the overhanging upper floors of that building. The name kaki lima derives from the fact that these walkways were initially about five foot wide, although many are now wider. Hence, the term is nowadays used generally for any type of veranda or corridor, regardless of its function or width. Since many hawkers use the walkways to to sell a local food, snacks and drinks, the term kaki lima is in Indonesia slang for food vendors, though it is asserted that the Indonesian term may also derive from the fact that originally those peddlers on the sides off the road had mobile push carts, and were referred to as kaki lima or ‘five footers‘, because of the two wheels, the back stand, and the two legs of the guy pushing it. WATCH VIDEO.

Kakku (ကက္ကူ)

Name of one of Asia's largest and most spectacular ancient monuments, and one of Myanmar's hidden gems, consisting of an 12th century AD historical Pa-oh site, with a collection of around 2,000 ancient stupas, tucked away in the scenic highlands some 50+ kilometers south of Taunggyi, Shan State’s thriving capital. The stupas in this remote location are packed closely together in ranks and while the main stupa stands about 40 meters tall, most are around 20 meters high. According to legend, the first stupas were built by King Alaungsithu (fig.), the 12th Century King of Bagan. Many stupas are richly decorated with religious and mythological sculptures and figures, and while those allegedly date to the 17-18th century, some of the other structures are clearly much older. In full its name is Mwe Taw Kakku (မွေတော်ကက္ကူ). See MAP.


Pali. A buddha of the past and a precursor of Sakyamuni, i.e. the historical Buddha. He was born in Khemavati, today's Gotihawa near Lumbini in southern Nepal as the son of a brahmin priest, who was a chaplain to the king of Khemavati. Like the historical Buddha, he was married and also had a son. According to legend, Kakusandha was 40 cubits (ca. 18.3 meters) tall, lived for 4,000 years until he renounced his worldly life, and died at the age of 40,000. He is one of the four giant standing buddha's in Ananda Phaya in Bagan, located at its North Gate, the others being Kassapa facing South (fig.), Konagamana facing East (fig.), and Gautama at the West Gate (fig.). Initially, this giant Kakusandha image purportedly had a large blue diamond in its forehead, which was stolen and later, in the 16th century, surfaced again in India, where it became known as the Hope Diamand. In Sanskrit, this buddha is known as Krakucchanda, in Thai he is called Kukasan (กกุสันธ) or Phra Kukasan Phutta Chao (พระกกุสันธพุทธเจ้า), and in Burmese Kakuthan (ကကုသန်).

kakuthaphan (กกุธภัณฑ์)

1. Thai. The Thai Royal Regalia (fig.), which consist of the Great Crown of Victory (fig.) or Phra Maha Phichai Mongkut (fig.), the Sword of State or Phra Saeng Khan Chai Sri (fig.), the Royal Sceptre or Tahnphrakon (fig.), the Golden Fan or Padwaanlawichanie and Yak's Tail (fig.), and the Golden Sandal or Chalong Phra Baht (fig.). In a ceremony on Coronation Day, which is held annually on May the fifth, these Five Insignia of Kingship are placed on the throne in Dusit Maha Prasat Throne Hall (fig.). In 1988, the Royal Regalia appeared on a set of postage stamps, issued to mark the Longest Reign Celebrations of King Rama IX (fig.). Also transcribed kakuttapan.

2. Thai. Royal insignia or emblem, as well as the regalia or royal signs of royal privilege. Also transcribed kakuttapan.

3. Thai. Name of Prince Siriraj Kakuthaphan (fig.), the 59 child of King Rama V.

Ka Kwe Bu Pe

Kayang name for a female dragon.

kala (कला)

1. Sanskrit. Term used to express time and energy, death and creation, as well as the destruction of the universe. Personified as Kala or Mahakala (fig.), the Hindu god of time and a form of Shiva, and as Kali or Mahakali, a form of his consort Devi. Both represent the terrifying destructive aspects of time, and it is Kala who orders Yama, the god of death, who will die. The Thai word for time (kaan, กาล) is derived from it. Pronunciation is ka-lah. See also Phra Kaan, golden parrot, and compare with kala.

2. In Thailand, Cambodia and Indonesia, term for kirtimukha. Pronunciation is ka-lah. Compare with kala.

kala (काला)

Sanskrit-Pali. ‘Black’. The name Kali is derived from it and it also occurs in the name Kalasin which means ‘black water’ or ‘black river’. Pronunciation is kah-lah. Compare with kala.

kalachakra (กาลจักร)

Sanskrit-Thai. ‘Wheel of time’ or ‘time-wheel’, a circular frame or disc associated with the dance of time and eternity performed by Shiva., as well as with the universe, as displayed in certain kilkhor or sand mandala from Tibet (fig.). See also Nataraja.


Sanskrit name for Kalewin.

kalae (กาแล)

Thai. V or X shaped, often flame like ornament at the top of traditional gabled roofs (fig.) in North Thailand. ‘Ka’ literally means to cross, and ‘lae’ means to look or to keep an eye on something. The origin is disputed, but possibly goes  back to the crossing of the slanting side beams at the ridge of gabled roofs (fig.), as can still be seen in simple huts today (fig.). However, the word ‘ka’, which may also be transliterated as ‘kah’, also means ‘crow’ (fig.), a possible reference to the chofa, that according to some represents a highly stylized form of the garuda or hamsa. Also transcribed galae. See also THEMATIC STREET LIGHT.

kala face

See kirtimukha.

kalaga (ကန့်လန့်ကာ)

Burmese. ‘Curtain’ or ‘screen’. A kind of appliqué tapestry, which is heavily embroidered with gold thread or filigree (fig.), and often decorated with small pieces of coloured glass and/or small mirrors. It is typically used as Burmese temple cloths and is usually made in relief using kapok as a filling. For the production of larger embroidery pieces, some collaboration is required. Whereas one or more workers sit on a makeshift scaffolding erected over the top, i.e. the front side of the cloth, thus creating the visible part, another team works from below, i.e. on the invisible back of the cloth, while laying on their backs. The workers on the scaffolding push the needle and thread through the fabric from above, passing it on to the aids below, who push it back up from below (fig.). Kalaga is in Burmese also referred to as shwe gyi do, which translates as gold thread embroidery’.

ka-lah (กะลา)

Thai for ‘coconut shell’. The term is used especially to refer to the hemispherical parts, after the hairy inner shell of a whole coconut has been split into two halves, with one half being somewhat pointed, the other with three distinctive germination pores at the base.

kalamae (กะละแม)

Thai. Name for a kind of Thai toffee made of sticky rice flour, coconut milk and sugar which is boiled and stirred (kuan) until it has turned sticky and dark. Although traditionally Thai, its name is derived from the French word caramel meaning ‘burnt sugar’. The Mon people, especially those from Samut Songkhram, have their own variety called kalamae raman, said to be the most delicious as it is made with plenty of coconut. It is wrapped in the dried, woody, bark-like spathes (bracts that envelop a flower-cluster) of the betel palm, called kahb (กาบ) mahk. It is sold either uncut or cut up together with the wrapper, in bite-size pieces. The wrapper is not edible. See also TRAVEL PICTURE.

kalamplih (กล่ำปลี, กะหล่ำปลี)

Thai. Name for a kind of Thai cabbage of the genus Brassica, which is used as a leafy green vegetable. It has smooth leaves, that are packed rather compact together. There are two kinds, i.e. a round form and a pointed form. The latter is also referred to as kalamplih hua jai, with the word hua jai (หัวใจ) meaning ‘heart’ and referring to its shape. It is eaten fresh, usually sliced in small chunks, and served as a complimentary vegetable with certain dishes. Also transliterated galamplee.


Term from Cham religious architecture referring to a sanctuary in the form of a tower.

kalapaphreuk (กัลปพฤกษ์)

The official Thai name for the pink shower tree or pink cassia (fig.), a deciduous tree that grows up to 12 meters tall and has the scientific Latin name Cassia bakeriana. The name kalapaphreuk however, is often used generally to refer to all cassia trees with pink flowers, i.e. pink cassia trees. See also kalaphreuk.

kalaphreuk (กาฬพฤกษ์)

The official Thai name for the horse cassia, a kind of pink cassia (fig.), a deciduous medium sized tree that grows up to 20 meters tall and has the scientific Latin name Cassia grandis. See also kalapaphreuk.

kalasa (कलश)

1. A flask or water pot alleged to contain the amrita. It is one of the eight auspicious symbols or Ashtamangala and is frequently seen as one of the attributes of Padmapani, Kuan Yin, Maitreya, and Kubera. See also Treasure Vase, kundika, Suwanphingkhaan, and puranakata.

2. In Hindu and Buddhist architecture the term used for the peak that crowns a stupa.

Kalasin (กาฬสินธุ์)

Thai-Pali-Sanskrit. ‘Black water’ or ‘black river’. Name of a province (map), as well as its capital city, in Northeast Thailand, 519 kms Northeast of Bangkok. READ ON.

kaleb (กะเหล็บ)

Thai. Name of a type of basket, which is woven from bamboo and used by the men of the Lao Sohng minority people from Laos, as a container to store mahk (areca nuts - fig.) and bai chaphlu (betel leaves - fig.), i.e. two ingredients used in betel nut chewing (fig.), as well as gold ornaments. All these items are typically used as a dowry in their marriage rituals. This kind of basket is round and bulbous above and rectangular at the base. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

Kalewin (กเลวิน)

The reusi who paid homage to the newborn prince Siddharta and to whom the infant showed his first miracle by placing himself on the turban of the sage. Other texts, however, mention a hermit with the name Asita. In Sanskrit Kaladevala.

Kali (काली)

1. Sanskrit. In Vedic times the name meant ‘the Black One’ and was associated with Agni, the god of fire, who had seven tongues with which he licked the offerings of butter. Of these seven tongues Kali was the black, terrifying tongue. See also kala.

2. Sanskrit. ‘Black goddess’. The horrifying form of Devi, the consort of Shiva. As a goddess of death (fig.), violence, and doomsday, she is one of the fiercest, strongest, and most complex deities in all of Hinduism, and she's is often depicted with a terrifying face with a protruding tongue (fig.) and tusks, and smeared with blood. If portrayed with multiple arms, typically ten, of which at least one holds a weapon and another sometimes the decapitated head of a giant dripping with blood, she is known as also Mahakali (fig.). Her ornaments include snakes, skulls, and figures of children. She is a form of Durga. See also kala.

3. Sanskrit. Fourth and last of the four yugas, and the present time cycle according to Indian cosmology. For more see Kali Yuga. Compare with kala.

Kalidasa (कालिदास)

Sanskrit. ‘Servant of Kali’. Name of a renowned poet in India (app. 550 AD) and author of the Sakuntala, a drama in Sanskrit which was translated into Thai by king Vajiravudh. By some called the Indian Shakespeare.

Kalij Pheasant

A species of pheasant with the scientific name Lophura leucomelanos, and found in South and Southeast Asia, especially in the foothills of the Himalayas, from northwestern India to western Thailand. This species is closely related to the Silver Pheasant (fig.) and has several subspecies, which can roughly be divided into two main groups, according to their geographical appearance. Besides the nominate race, the first group includes the subspecies Lophura hamiltoni, Lophura melanota, Lophura moffitti and Lophura lathami, which are found in the western and central part of its range, the second group includes the subspecies Lophura williamsi, Lophura oatesi, Lophura lineata and Lophura crawfurdi, which are found in the eastern central part of this bird's range. The males of the first group are glossy blue-black, with white to the rump or underparts in most subspecies, and similar to the Vietnamese Pheasant (fig.), the westernmost subspecies Lophura hamiltoni has a white crest, whereas that of all others is blue-black. The plumage of males in the second group is also glossy blue-black, but the tail and upperparts are white or very pale grey, with most feathers densely vermiculated with black. Females are brownish, with most feathers pale-edged, giving the plumage a scaly appearance (fig.), whilst in some subspecies the underparts are distinctly marked in whitish and black. In Thai, known as kai fah lang thao.

Kalika (कालिक, กาลิกะ)

Sanskrit-Thai. ‘Relating to time’, akin to the Thai word kaan (กาล). Name of one of the eighteen arahats, who is usually depicted sitting on an elephant whilst studying a scroll. Though some sources state that he formerly was a mahout, the elephant, an animal of immense strength, endurance and perseverance, is more likely an allegory for the power of Buddhism, whereas the scroll represents the sutra. In Chinese he is known as the luohan Qi Xiang (骑象, or in traditional Chinese: 騎象), literally ‘To Mount an Elephant’. In English he is referred to as the Elephant-Riding Lohan or the Dust Cleaning Arhat, indicating the dusty mind that needs to be cleaned and akin to Chudapanthaka, the Door Watching Arhat, who sweeps dusty floors as a cleaning meditation. In Thai his name is pronounced Galiga, but he is also called Kagkahti (คักขาทิ). In Vietnamese, he is called Ky Tuong La Han (fig.).

Kalitas (กาลิทัส)

Thai name for Kalikdasa.

Kaliya (कालिया)

The naga serpent king with five heads, which was subdued by Krishna when he was a mere child. It lived in a whirlpool of the river Yamuna (fig.), polluting the neighborhood with its poison, until it was removed by Krishna. This scene is often depicted in art as the young Krishna dancing on the head of the snake. See also Naak Galyah.

Kali Yuga (कलीयुग)

Sanskrit. The present era or time period and the most depraved of the four yugas, the cycles of creation. This cycle began in 3,102 BC and will last 432,000 years, according to Brahman beliefs.

Kali Yuk (กลียุค)

Thai name for Kali Yuga.

Kalki (कल्कि)

See Kalkin.

Kalkin (कल्किन्)

The tenth, still to appear avatara of Vishnu in the form of a white horse. Riding this horse he will destroy all evil with a blazing sword and restore the innocence in the world, at the end of the present Kali era. Vishnu also has another equine form known as Vajimukha, which is Sanskrit for ‘horse face’ (fig.). Also called Kalki.

ka-loong put (k'loong put)

Vietamnese. Name of a highland ethnic musical instrument made from hollow bamboo pipes, arranged horizontally and in increasing length, akin to a xylophone. The latter is in Vietnamese known as trung (t'rung) and the ka-loong put is also referred to as trung ka-loong put. The instrument is played by softly clapping the hands in front of the openings of the pipes on one side, making the wind blow through them and thus creating sound.

kalpa (कल्प)

Sanskrit. The duration of a cosmic period equaling 4,320,000,000 years for mortals, but just one day and night for Brahma.

Kalwar (กาลหว่าร์)

Thai name for ‘Calvary’, i.e. Golgotha, the place where Jesus Christ was crucified. A Portuguese 18th Century Roman Catholic Church in Bangkok is named Bot Kalwar, i.e. ‘Calvary Church’ (map). After the fall of Ayutthaya to the Burmese in 1767 AD, the Catholics had moved from the former Siamese capital to the western bank of the Chao Phraya River in Thonburi, where they in 1770 AD built the Santa Cruz Church (map). The original building had a rather Chinese design and was nicknamed Kuti Jihn (กุฎีจีน), i.e. Chinese dwelling, and the community that grew around it became known by that name up to present. Yet, when in 1786 AD the Catholic Portuguese rejected French clergy, King Rama I granted them a plot of land on the eastern bank of the Chao Phraya River, where the Portuguese built a new church. This original building no longer exists and the present-day church in gothic-style architecture is in fact the third church building, that was constructed in the reign of King Rama V. This church is also known as Holy Rosary Church. WATCH VIDEO.

kalyanamandapa (कल्याणमण्डप)

Sanskrit. ‘Mondop of good fortune’ or ‘auspicious mondop’. A hypostyle hall used for the symbolic marriage of the temple deity.

kam (กรรม)

Thai for karma.

kama (काम)

Sanskrit. ‘Love’ or ‘desire’. In Hinduism, kama is personified by the god of love, that is to say Kama, and it is a theme often celebrated in Hindu art, such as in the Kamasutra, i.e. the sutra or ‘discourse’ on kama, and in the erotic sculpted bas-reliefs of the Hindu-Jain temples of Khajuraho in India. In Buddhism, kama refers to both the senses and visible phenomena.

Kama (काम)

Sanskrit. The Hindu god of love and desire, portrayed as the most handsome of all gods. He is the son of the goddess Sri. He is sometimes depicted with wings and carries a bow made of sugarcane, with a string of honeybees and arrows decorated with fragrant flowers. His mount is a parrot and the apsaras are his servants. He shoots his love arrows to humans in order to inspire romantic love and is the Hindu equivalent of Cupid. His consort or shakti is called Rati (fig.). He is also known as Madana, Manmatha and Kamadeva. In Thai called Phra Kaam. See also kama.

Kama on parrot

kamala (कमल)

Sanskrit. ‘Lotus flower’, i.e. a red lotus. Pink, white and blue lotuses are called differently, i.e. padma, pundarika, and utpala, respectively. The red lotus signifies the original nature and purity of the heart, and as such it is the lotus of love, passion, and compassion, as well as all other qualities of the heart. It is therefore also the flower of Avalokitesvara, the bodhisattva of compassion.

kamaloka (कामलोक)

Sanskrit-Pali. ‘Sensuous world’, i.e. the world of the five senses, which comprises the six lower celestial worlds, the human world (manussaloka) and the four lower worlds or apaya, i.e. the animal kingdom (tiracchahnayoni), the realm of ghosts (petaloka), the demon world (asuranikahya), and the hells (niraya/naraka). The term is a compound of the words kama and loka.

Kamboja (कम्बोज)

Name for a state in Cambodia, that existed between the 6th and 8th centuries AD, after the fall of Funan, and also known as Chenla. Kamboja derives from the Sanskrit name Kambuja.


Name of the ancient Khmer people. They are the supposed descendants of the Hindu sage Kambu Svayambhuva, their eponymous ancestor. An ancient legend tells that Shiva gave him the apsara Mera, a celestial nymph, as his bride. From their names the word Khmer is said to have derived, i.e. Kambu and Mera became Kamera, later to be pronounced Khmer. A royal lineage came forth from this couple and the name Kambuja means ‘born from Kambu’. In another legend, it is told that the father of Mera was a dragon king who ruled over a watery kingdom. When his daughter was to marry an Indian Brahmin named Kaundinya (another name for Kambu) and in need of a dowry, he drank all the water of his kingdom in order to provide his son-in-law with land. That land, is told, was named Kambuja. This is reminiscent  of a Thai legend in which a phayanaag, the chief of the nagas, drank all the water of the world to provide his son-in-law with land, but was ordered by Vishnu to return it all and was squeezed until he had expelled all the water he had consumed. These stories are perhaps inspired by Cambodia's Tonlé Sap (fig.), the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia (map - fig.), whose dimensions swell and shrink up to five times its original size, depending on the seasonal monsoons and the flow of the Tonlé Sap river that in the Southeast converges with the Mekhong river. In the rainy season, when the level of the Mekhong rises rapidly, it reverses the natural flow of the Tonlé Sap river, causing it to flow upstream, into the lake. Tonlé Sap has the highest concentration of freshwater fish in the world, thanks to the mineral rich sediment carried into the lake by the annual floods. The name Kambuja is still in use in Cambodia today. In Sanskrit known as Kamboja.

kammataan (กรรมฐาน)

Thai-Pali-Rajasap. Meditation in the Buddhist manner, leading to Enlightenment and tranquility of mind. See also Thai Forest Tradition.

kamnan (กำนัน)

Thai. An elected official who oversees the general welfare of the people in a tambon.

kamphaeng (กำแพง)

Thai for a ‘surrounding wall’ or a ‘fortification’. When built around a city or citadel, it is called kamphaeng meuang.

kamphaeng kaew (กำแพงแก้ว)

Thai. ‘Jewelled wall’. A decorated wall built in a temple or palace compound to separate a specially sacred area, as well as a parapet built around a monument.

Kamphaeng Phet (กำแพงเพชร)

Thai. ‘Jewelled wall’ or ‘diamond wall’. Historical capital of a contemporary province (map) of the same name in North Thailand. READ ON.

Kamphon Wacharaphon (กำพล วัชรพล)

Thai. Founder of the Thai Rath newspaper, who was praised by UNESCO for his work in education and promoting and developing journalism in Thailand. He was lauded by the organization as an individual of great importance for his establishment of the Thai Rath Vithaya School network and the Thai Rath Foundation. Kamphon devoted the last part of his life to promoting formal education for those in rural and remote areas of Thailand, building new schools, which now add up to over a hundred and with around 30,000 students. Originally from Samut Sakon, where he was born on Saturday 27 December 1919, he built the first school under his Thai Rath Vitaya school project in Lopburi, in 1969. He passed away on 21 February 1996 zt the age of 77 and is commemorated with a Thai postage stamp issued in 2019 on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of his birth. Also transliterated Kamphol Vacharaphol. See POSTAGE STAMP.

Kamphucha (กัมพูชา)

Thai name for Kambuja and for Cambodia.

kampie (คัมภีร์)

Thai. Something profound, sacred manuscripts, the bible. Also transliterated kampih, khampih, khamphi, or similar.

kampieweht (คัมภีร์เวท)

Thai name for the Vedas.

kampiewehttahng (คัมภีร์เวทางค์)

Thai name for Vedanga.

kan (กัณฑ์)

Thai. Classifier used to indicate the ‘number’ of ‘sermons’ (thet).

Kanaka Bharadvaja (कनकभारद्वाज, กนกภารัทวาช)

Sanskrit-Thai. ‘Golden Bharadvaja’. Name of one of the eighteen arahats, who was a Buddhist mendicant monk known for begging with his alms bowls and eyes upraised, accepting food without shame. This is contrary to normal practice, as monastic precepts prohibit monks to eyeball anyone at any given time and monks on bintabaat are instructed to submissively bow their heads toward the ground (fig.) when accepting food (fig.). He thus represents one who can receive gifts graciously. He is usually portrayed standing on one foot with one knee pulled up and both hands stretched out in the air, holding a small alms bowl. It is assumed that as joy descends from heaven, he raises the bowl to receive happiness. In Vietnam, where he is called Cu Bat La Han (Cử Bát La Hán), he is sometimes depicted seated on a fenghuang (fig.), i.e. a phoenix-like bird (fig.). In paintings he is sometimes pictured with a small disciple at his side. In Chinese, he is known as the luohan Tuo Bo (托钵, or in traditional Chinese: 托缽), literally ‘To Hold An Alms Bowl Up With The Palm’. In English, he is referred to as the Raised Bowl Lohan or Alms Holding Arhat. In Thai his name is pronounced Kanaka Pharathawat, but he is also known by the name Kaya Khaap Sulijarn (กะยะขาปสุลิจารย์). His Sanskrit name is in part similar to Bharadvaja and associated with the Bhardwaj or Bharadvaja Bird, i.e. a name used in India for the Greater Coucal (fig.). Sometimes Kanaka Paridhvaja.

Kanaka Vatsa (कनकवत्स, กนกวัจฉะ)

Sanskrit-Thai. ‘Golden Calf’. Name of one of the eighteen arahats, who was a well-known public speaker and debater of the Buddhist doctrines and famous for his sermons on happiness which he described as experienced through the five senses, in contract to bliss which defined he as joy not coming from the five senses, but from deep within, like a feeling in ones his heart and not being subject to changes on the outside, it could be sustained indefinitely. He often smiled during debates and is sometimes portrayed banging cymbals in joy. In Thai, his name is pronounced Kanakawatcha, but he is also known as Khayaket. In Chinese he is known as the luohan Xi Qing (喜庆, or in traditional Chinese: 喜慶), literally ‘To Be Happy and Celebrate’. In English, he is referred to as the Happy Lohan or Jolly Arhat. In Vietnam, he is called Khanh Hy La Han (Khánh Hỷ La Hán) and may be depicted seated on a hoofed mythical animal while holding a rice bowl (fig.). Also written Kanakavatsa.

Kanaung (ကနောင်)

Burmese. Name of a Prince of Burma. He was the younger brother of Mindon Min (fig.), with whom he on 11 July 1853 forced their half brother Pagan Min, the 9th King of the Konbaung Dynasty, to abdicate, making Mindon Min the new King and Kanaung the Heir Apparent. He is acclaimed for his attempts to modernize the country by sending scholars to Western countries and by founding an arms industry. However, his efforts were cut short when he was killed by his two nephews, sons of King Mindon Min, in an unsuccessful palace coup. His remains lie buried at Sanda Muni Phaya (fig.), a Buddhist temple at the foot of Mandalay Hill. Often referred to as Kanaung Mintha, i.e. ‘Prince Kanaung’.

Kanaung Mintha (ကနောင်မင်းသား)

Burmese for ‘Prince Kanaung’.

Kanchana Aranyawasi (กัญจนะ อรัญวาสี/อรัญญวาสี)

Thai. Name of a senior Buddhist monk of Wat Soong Men (วัดสูงเม่น), a forest temple in the northern Thai province of Phrae. READ ON.

Kanchanaburi (กาญจนบุรี)

Thai. ‘City of gold’. A provincial capital of app. 37,000 inhabitants in West Thailand, 128 kms from Bangkok. READ ON.

Kanchanaphisek (กาญจนาภิเษก)

Thai-rajasap for ‘Golden Jubilee’. Term often used when referring to structures built or projects initiated for the Golden Jubilee of the King, e.g. Kanchanaphisek Bridge (fig.), the Kanchanaphisek Ubosot at Wat Sri Phan Ton (fig.), and Kanchanaphisek Lighthouse (fig.). Also transliterated Kanchana Phisek. See also Flag 50th Anniversary on the Throne.

Kanchanaphisek Bridge

Name of a cable-stayed bridge over the Chao Phraya River in Samut Prakan Province, built as part of the Outer Ring Road project. It was opened to traffic on 15 November 2007 and consists of a two pylons, from which the suspension cables extend to the road surface, lifting the 500 meter long main span, the longest of its kind in the nation, more than 50 meters above sea level. The total length of the bridge is 951 meters, has six lanes and is 36.7 meters wide (fig.). In Thai, it is called Sapaan Kanchanaphisek (สะพานกาญจนาภิเษก), meaning ‘Golden Jubilee Bridge’, named after Highway 9, which is also called Thanon Kanchanaphisek, i.e. ‘Golden Jubilee Road’, and that runs over the bridge. The name was changed in 1996 from Highway 37, in honour of king Rama IX and to commemorate his Golden Jubilee on the throne that year. See MAP.

kandara (कन्दर्)

Sanskrit for ‘elephant goad’. See also kho chang.

Kaneht (คเณศ)

Thai name for Ganesha. Also Phra Kaneht.

kang (กัง)

A generic Thai name for macaque, though often specifically used for the Pig-tail Macaque, officially known as Southern Pig-tail Macaque and in Thai as ling hang san.

kang (กั้ง)

Thai generic name for ‘mantis shrimp’, a semi-large marine crustacean, which despite its designation, is not a shrimp. READ ON.

kanga (ਕੰਘਾ)

Punjabi. Name for a small wooden comb used and worn by the Sikh and one of their five articles of faith. It is used both to untangle their kesh, i.e. uncut hair, usually twice a day, and to keep the hair, which is eventually wrapped into a topknot on the head, tightly in place, after which it is covered by a scarf-like under-turban called patka and/or a turban known as a dastar or pagri. The kanga is a symbol of cleanliness and reminds Sikhs that their lives should be tidy and organized.

kang han nahm chai pattana (กังหันน้ำชัยพัฒนา)

Thai name for the chai pattana aerator (fig.), an invention of King Bhumipon Adunyadet used to increase the oxygen content of water. A sculpture of the device, officially referred to as Tribune Rama IX Waterworks, was raised in the King Rama IX Royal Park in Bangkok, on the occasion of the 80th birthday of this monarch. See MAP.

kanit (กนิษฐ)

A Thai term for ‘younger sister’ and a synonym for nong (น้อง). Also transliterated ganit. In Thai it is also spelled otherwise and then transliterated khanit.

kanitah (กนิษฐา)

A Thai term for ‘younger sister’ and a synonym for nong (น้อง). Also transliterated ganitah. In Thai it is also spelled otherwise and then transliterated khanitah.

Kanji (漢字)

Japanese. Literally ‘Han character’, i.e. the Chinese characters that are used in the modern Japanese writing system, along with hiragana and katakana, as well as the Indo-Arabic numerals, and the occasional Romanization of Japanese words. It is believed that Chinese script first came to Japan on articles imported from China during the Han Dynasty, thus introducing the script when the Japanese language itself had no written form. Since 1946, a modified, simplified form of the Kanji script, called Shinjitai, i.e. literally ‘New character form’, was officially adopted. In comparison, Shinjitai relates to Kanji in a way similar as to what Simplified Chinese is against Traditional Chinese, yet is less extensive in its scope. See also Ateji.

Kan Khwan

Kayang. Name of a traditional religion as practiced by the Kayang (Kayan) people of Burma and Northern Thailand. Its doctrine asserts that the world was created by the eternal creator Phu Kabukathin assisted by two other deities, that is Ti who created the earth and La Taon who created man and the animals. Kan Khwan belief trusts that all components of the Universe are linked together by a giant spider's web, embracing the earth, the moon and all the stars. In the beginning the land of the earth was fluid, so, the god Phu Kabukathin planted a small post in the ground. As the post grew the earth also grew into seven outer and inner layers and it became firm. The post was named Kan Thein Bo, meaning ‘the means of formation of earth’ and is today an important part of their religious worship. Kan Khwan belief is in practice since the Kayang people emigrated from Mongolia during the Bronze Age.

Kannabhorn Bejaratana (กรรณาภรณ์ เพ็ชรรัตน์)

Thai. See Kannaphon Phetcharat.

Kannaphon Phetcharat (กรรณาภรณ์ เพ็ชรรัตน์)

Thai. Name of the daughter of Queen Sunandha Kumariratana (fig.) and King Chulalongkorn (fig.), born on 12 August 1878. The young princess drowned together with her mother on 31 May 1880, when the boat (fig.) they were traveling in on their way to the Royal Summer Palace (fig.) in Bang Pa-in got involved in an accident and capsized. Despite the presence of many onlookers, no one dare come to her rescue, as the law forbade commoners to touch any royal, even in order to save their lives. King Rama V had a memorial erected for them at the Bang Pa-In Palace (map - fig.). The name Phetcharat (เพ็ชรรัตน์) means ‘glass diamond’. The princess' full name is also transliterated Kannabhorn Bejaratana.

kannikah (กรรณิการ์)

Thai name for an up to 10 meter tall, perennial shrub or a small tree, with the botanical name Nyctanthes arbor-tristis, and commonly known as Night-flowering Jasmine or Night-blooming Jasmine. The fragrant flowers, that grow in clusters of two to seven, have five to eight white petals, that form a corolla with an orange-red centre. They open at dusk and close at dawn, hence the name Night-flowering Jasmine. The scientific Latin designation arbor-tristis means ‘sad tree’ and refers to the fact that the flowers lose their brightness during daytime, which led to the tree sometimes being nicknamed ‘tree of sorrow’. Its fruit consists of a heart-shaped to round capsule of about two centimeter in diameter, which is flat at the sides and has two swollen sections in the centre, each containing a single seed. This shrub is native to southern Asia, including Thailand, and appears in several Hindu myths. It also has several medicinal uses. Nyctanthes arbor-tristis is portrayed on a Thai postage stamp issued in 2002 AD (fig.).

kanok (กนก)

1. Thai-Sanskrit. ‘Gold’ or ‘golden’, as in ‘kanok nakhon’ (golden city).

2. Thai. A flame-like design consisting of double curves. See also kranok and THEMATIC STREET LIGHT (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5).

Kantarat (กานตรัตน์)

Thai. Name of an 18 holes golf course, uniquely and seemingly out of place located in between two airstrips (fig.) at Don Meuang Airport (DMK) in Bangkok (fig.), i.e. in between the runway used by the Royal Thai Air Force and the one reserved for civil aviation. Though situated in a secured area and in a way —at least in part— on military domain, beside military personnel also civilians are welcomed here to play golf amidst the continues flow of air traffic and to the amazement of the many often flabbergasted passengers that land and take off from this airport, especially those who are confronted with this incongruous golf course for the first time. See MAP.

Kantarat Airfield Golf Course

Kanthaka (कण्टक)

Sanskrit. ‘Rebel’. The snow-white horse of prince Siddharta, born on the same day as its master. After carrying the prince away from the palace during the Great Departure, the horse died of sorrow. Also Kantaka. Compare with Balaha.

Kanthakumara (कण्टकुमार)

Sanskrit. ‘Rebel prince’. Son of Uma or Devi, the shakti or consort of Shiva. Also Subramaniam and in Thai usually called Phra Kanthakuman. Sometimes transcribed Kantakumara.

Kan Thein Bo

Kayang. ‘The means of formation of earth’. Name of a kind of totempole worshipped by the Kayang people of Burma and Northern Thailand. It is said that after the creation of the earth all land was fluid and Phu Kabukathin, the eternal creator, therefore planted a small post in the ground, enabling earth to grow and the land to become firm. This eventually enabled the Kayang people to settle down. Every year between March and April, the Kayang erect a new pole, if possible, made from the Eugenia, the first tree said to ever been created. The pole comprises of the sun, at its peak; the sanctuary, a place where the deities reside; and the streamer, a ladder that connects earth with heaven, with at the top a spider's web that humans need to pass to go to heaven. See also Kan Khwan.

kanthet (กัณฑ์เทศน์)

Thai. A chapter in the jataka. See also kan and thet.

kan thuay (คันทวย)

Thai term for an eave bracket.

kanun (ขนุน)

Thai name for the Artocarpus heterophyllus (fig.), a large fruit (fig.) and its tree, of the genus Artocarpus which also includes the breadfruit tree, and has the western nickname ‘jackfruit’. The fruits have a dark yellow and very sweet flesh (fig.) which sit like small bags around the thumb sized seeds in an enormous brown-green husk with short, hexagonal, blunt prickles. Jackfruit seeds are also be consumed and have certain health benefits. They are a rich source of dietary fiber and are said to give instant relief from indigestion and treat constipation. The Thai name for the tree is ton kanun and khanom met kanun, i.e. ‘jackfruit seeds’, is the name given to a traditional Thai candy (fig.). Its fruiting season is from January to May (fig.). In Vietnam, the wooden dolls (fig.) used in water puppetry (fig.) are typically carved from jackfruit wood.

kanun sampalo (ขนุนสำปะลอ)

Thai. See sake.

kanya (กัญญา)

See ganya.

kao (เก่า)

Thai for ‘old’ or ‘of long standing’, a word associated with the number nine, due to its similarity in pronunciation, although the word for ‘old’ has a low tone (เก่า), whereas the word for ‘nine’ has a falling tone (เก้า). Sometimes transcribed gao. See also boraan.

kao (เก้า)

Thai for nine’, considered a lucky number associated with long life, due to it similarity to the word for ‘old’. Though pronounced similarly, the word for ‘nine’ has a falling tone (เก้า), whereas the word for ‘old’ has a low tone (เก่า). Sometimes transcribed gao. See also Rama IX. Its Thai numeral is .

kao kih (เก๋ากี้/เก๋ากี่)

Thai name for the wolfberry or Chinese wolfberry, which is also known by a variety of other names, including the commercially used designation goji berry, i.e. the circa 2 centimeter-sized, orangey red, ellipsoid fruit of a plant with the botanical name Lycium chinense, or of the very closely related Lycium barbarum. The berries are prized for their highly nutrient and medicinal value. Though rarely found in fresh form outside of their production region, fresh they are used to make certain beverages, but in food they are generally used in dried form and their shape and structure to some extent resembles that of raisins. They are used in a variety of dishes, but are traditionally cooked first (fig.). They are sweet and, according to some, they also have a slightly nutty taste. In Thailand, they can be found in bulk on the markets of Bangkok's Chinatown. Sometimes transcribed kao kee and also known by the names huay kih (ฮ่วยกี้), and malet kao kih (เมล็ดเก๋ากี้) or met kao kih (เม็ดเก๋ากี้), i.e. goji seeds’ or ‘wolfberry seeds.

kaolad (เกาลัด)

Thai. ‘Chestnut’. Name of a glossy hard brown edible nut, i.e. the seed of a tree with the botanical name Castanea sativa. Chestnuts can be eaten raw, but in Thailand they are usually roasted and referred to as kaolad kua. They are roasted in a large wok filled with small pebbles or large grains of sand, measuring about 3-5 millimeters in size. When the sand heats up the pellets turn black and the chestnuts are added to it. Then, the content is stirred for 30 to 40 minutes to prevent the chestnuts from burning. Some vendors may add roasted sugar or roasted coffee beans to it for a better taste and aroma. Using the sand helps retain the heat for a long time which in turn aids in gradually detaching the flesh from the rind. The pebbles can be used for about a month after which they begin to fall apart and turn into powder. Roast chestnuts have an oily sweet taste and are considered a real delicacy. Freshly roasted chestnuts are widely sold along Yaowarat Road in Bangkok's Chinatown, where they are rather high-priced, though nowadays chestnuts are also widely for sale in supermarkets, imported in packed form, already roasted, peeled and ready to eat, and usually at a fraction of the price in Chinatown. Also transcribed gaolad.

Kao Suriya (เกาสุริยา)

In the Ramakien the wife of the mythological King Totsarot of Ayutthaya, and mother of Rama. See also LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & NAMES, and MORE ON THIS.

kapala (कपाल)

Sanskrit. ‘Skull’, ‘cranium’, ‘cup’, or ‘alms bowl’. Name for a ritual bowl made from a human skull, and in iconography used as an attribute of several Hindu and Mahayana Buddhist deities, especially in Lamaism, Tantrism, and Vajrayana Buddhism. READ ON.

kaphrao (กะเพรา)

Thai name for a species of basil, with the scientific names Ocimum sanctum and Ocimum tenuiflorum. In English, it is known by the designations Tulsi and Holy Basil, the latter not to be confused with Thai Basil, which is a variety of Ocimum basilicum, known in Thai as hora-phaa (fig.). Yet another type of basil commonly found in Thailand is maenglak (แมงลัก), which is known in English as lemon basil (Ocimum citriodorum). Kraphao is an aromatic plant with hairy stems and slightly serrated leaves, about five centimeters long and strongly scented. Flowers are purplish and grow in elongate racemes. There are two main morphs of Ocimum sanctum, i.e. one with green leaves, the other with purplish leaves. The leaves are used in Thai cuisine, most commonly in a dish known as khao pad kaphrao kai (ข้าวผัดกะเพราไก่), i.e. ‘basil [leaves] fried [with] chicken [served over plain boiled] rice’. Usually pronounced kaphao, without the ‘r’.

kapi (กปิ)

Thai-Pali word for ‘monkey’, akin to kabih, kabi, kabin (กบิล) and kabin (กบินทร์), used besides the similar terms ling and wahnon.

kapi (กะปิ)

Thai. ‘Shrimp paste’. A salty paste made from pulverized marine shrimps that fermented in salt. It is used as an ingredient to flavour food, and is a main ingredient in a dish known as khao kluk kapi (fig.). It is thought by some that the name of Bangkapi, a district or khet in eastern Bangkok derives from this as a compound of bang (บาง), the  name commonly used for riverside settlements, and kapi, allegedly due to the local production thereof. However, some inhabitants of this district with a large Muslim community claim the name derives from the kapioh (fig.), the religious brimless hat worn by Muslims, as an abbreviated version of it.


Pali for Kapilavatthu.

Kapilavatthu (कपिलवस्तु)

Sanskrit. The empire in nowadays southern Nepal (formerly India) where king Suddhodana, the father of the historical Buddha ruled, and consequently the birthplace of prince Siddhartha. See also Lumbini. In Pali called Kapilavasthu and in Thai Kabinlaphad.

kapioh (กะปิเยาะห์)

Thai-Malayu. Name for a traditional kufi-like brimless hat worn by male Muslims in southern Thailand, especially in the deep southern provinces of Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat, near the border with Malaysia, where it is called kopiah. They are either coloured, usually with a patterned design (fig.), or entirely white. Sometimes transcribed as kapiyo, kapio or kapiyoh. It is claimed by some that the name of Bangkapi, a district or khet in eastern Bangkok with a large Muslim community, derives from this religious hat, as a compound of bang (บาง), the  name commonly used for riverside settlements, and an abbreviated version of kapioh, i.e. kapi (กะปิ), though since kapi also means  ‘shrimp paste, others say the name is related to the local production of this important ingredient in khao kluk kapi (fig.). See also taqiyah.


Name of a tropical tree of the order Malvales and the family Malvaceae. Its scientific name is Ceiba pentandra and previously it was separated in the family Bombacaceae. There are many different species and it is also known as ceiba, silk-cotton tree, Java cotton or Java kapok. In Thailand the tree is of a medium size and grows up to 15 meters but some species may grow as high as seventy meters tall with a very substantial trunk up to three meters in diameter and buttressed roots. Adult trees produce several hundred seed pods (fig.) which contain black seeds surrounded by a light, fluffy, cream-coloured fibre that is a mix of lignin and cellulose, and which is also called kapok. The fibre is buoyant, very resilient and resistant to water, but cannot be spun. Instead it is used as filling in mattresses, pillows, triangular floor pillows called mon khwahn, Burmese temple cloths with filigree and images in relief (fig.), cuddly toys and for insulation. It was previously much used in life jackets and similar appliances. But kapok is also highly flammable and villagers often utilize it as a fuel to ignite a ‘taban fai lighter (fig.). When still young the cucumber-like seed pods are soft and green and its flesh is edible (fig.), both fresh or as an ingredient of a Thai curry called kaeng or gaeng, but when they ripen the pods turn hard and light brown, and its flesh becomes fibre. The seeds produce a vegetable oil. Today kapok has largely been replaced by synthetic materials. In Thailand, Kapok Trees yield between February and April and are called ton nun.

kara (ਕੜਾ)

Punjabi. A round iron or steel bracelet worn by Sikh devotees at all times, as one of their five articles of faith, and as constant reminder that whatever a person does with his or her hands has to be truthful and worthy towards God, with the circular form of the bangle symbolizing God's eternity.

karahi (कड़ाही)

Name of a wok-like, yet deeper, circular, open cooking pan, used in India. It is also known by a variety of other names, including karai, kadai, etc.


Common name for a species of flowering shrub, with the botanical designation Carissa carandas, which produces berry-like fruits that are rich in iron and Vitamin C, and are said to have certain health benefits. They purportedly reduce blood sugar levels, inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and prevent heart diseases. The shrub grows naturally in areas of the Indian subcontinent, including in lowland rain forests of Sri Lanka, India, and Nepal, at the lower elevations of the Himalayas. In India, the berries are are commonly used as a condiment in pickles and spices. In Thai, known as manao mai ruh hoh, or simply manao hoh.

karaoke (カラオケ)

Japanese. ‘Empty orchestra’. Entertainment in nightclubs, bars, saloons, roadside shops, etc. Customers sing to a backing track whilst the song text appears on a video or computer screen. In Thailand this form of entertainment has become so popular causing the spread of so-called karaoke booths, solitary enclosures with a private coin-operated VCD player, microphone and screen where one chooses a listed song by typing in its code, jukebox-style (fig.). Karaoke-equipment can even be found in some Bangkok taxis allowing customers to spend their time in traffic jams in a relaxing manner.

karawak, karawake, karawek, karaweik (การเวก, ကရဝိက်)

1. Thai. A mythical creature half human and half bird. See also Garuda and Vayupak.

2. Thai name for a bird-of-paradise, in full called nok karawak. Its tail feathers are used on a certain royal hat, which is known as Phra Malah Sao Soong.

3. Thai. Common name for kradang nga ngaw (fig.).

4. Burmese. A mythical swan-like creature, supposedly with a melodious cry, which is used as a ceremonial royal barge in Myanmar. A replica of this Burmese royal barge known as the Hintha Barge (fig.) and with the figurehead of a hintha bird (fig.), is used by the Intha people to transport the Hpaung Daw U Buddhas (fig.) during their annual festival and procession on Inle Lake.


With around 265,000 the Karen are the largest hill tribe in Thailand. They have lived in the region for many centuries and are divided into several subgroups. In Thailand, the most numerous are the Sakoh (Sgaw), Pwo and Kayah, besides the Kayang and Paduang, both Long-neck Karen. The word ‘Karen’ is not known to the different subgroups themselves and the Thai call them Kariang and Nyang. The term is however generally used by anthropologists when referring to certain tribes who speak closely related tongues and who are not that related to the languages of other hill tribes. They are therefore placed in a separate category within the Tibeto-Burman family of the Sino-Tibetan language group. MORE ON THIS.

kare-sansui (枯山水)

Japanese. Term that refers to a Japanese rock garden, oftentimes also called a Zen garden. The term literally means ‘dried out mountains and rivers’ or ‘dry landscape’, whereas the Kanji character formation of kare (枯), could also bring to mind the picture of ‘old wood’ or ‘old trees’, i.e. petrified wood, as it consists of a compound made up of ki (木) and ko (古), meaning ‘wood’ or ‘tree’ and ‘old’ respectively. However, the etymology behind it is rather different, as this Kanji character derives from Chinese, where it is a compound of the words mu (木) and gu (古), also meaning ‘wood’ or ‘tree’, but is actually used as a pictophonetic pronounced ku, in which only mu suggest the meaning while gu determines but the sound. This type of stylized miniature landscaped garden is characteristically created using carefully composed arrangements of rocks and stones, moss and moss covered objects, pruned trees and bushes, gravel and sand, as well as water features. These gardens are said to date back to the Ashikaga Era, i.e. the Muromachi Period (1336—1573 AD), and were traditionally created at Zen temples, designed to stimulate meditation, as well as around Shinto shrines, and at palaces. They are typically intended to be seen from a single viewpoint outside the garden and a distinctive feature is the use of white sand or gravel, which symbolizes purity and is often raked to represent ripples in water, thus creating a river of white gravel or sand that represents a metaphorical journey through life. Also spelled karesansui. See also PANORAMA PICTURE, TRAVEL PICTURE (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5), and WATCH VIDEO (1) and (2).

Kariang (กะเหรี่ยง)

Thai name for Karen.

karin (करिन्)

Sanskrit for ‘elephant’. See Asian Elephant.

karma (कर्म)

Sanskrit. The law of cause and effect, in which one's present state is the result of actions from the past, either in this life or in former lives. Karma ends when one attains nirvana and the cycle of death and rebirth is broken. Karma is closely linked with samsara and transmigration. In Thai kam.

karoshi (過労死)

See gwarosa.

karry (กะหรี่)

1. Thai for curry.

2. Thai slang for a prostitute.

Karttikeya (कार्तिकेय)

The god of war, leader of Shiva's troops and usually considered to be the son of Shiva and Parvati. READ ON.

karuna (กรุณา)

Thai term for ‘compassion’ or ‘kindness’.  In some contexts, it can also mean ‘please’ or ‘to request politely’.  It is one of the aspects or faces of Brahma (fig.), the other three being metta, mudita, and upekkha. See also Phra Phrom Sih Nah.

Karuppu (கருப்புசா)

Tamil. ‘Black’. Name of a Tamil deity, usually referred to as Karuppu Sami, with the word sami meaning ‘deity’ or ‘god’. According to legend, Rama had sent Sita to stay in the ashram of Valmiki, when she was pregnant with Rama's heir. While there, she gave birth to a son. Some days later, she left the ashram in order to do some chores and asked Valmiki to keep an eye on her child in the cradle. Whilst he was watching the infant he went into a deep meditation. When Sita returned and found Valmiki in meditation, she didn't want to disturb him and took her child. When Valmiki came out of his meditation, he found the child missing. So, he put some holy grass in the cradle and chanted a mantra that turned the grass into a real human child. When he later found out that Sita had already taken her child, he asked her to treat the newly made baby also as her own. When Sita returned to Rama, he was surprised to see her with two boys. Able to have only one heir, Rama wanted to test the purity of the boys. He lighted a bonfire and asked the boys to approach him by crossing the fire, saying that whoever was to be his heir would have to cross the fire unhurt. In obeying Rama, the boy made from grass got stuck in the middle of the fire and burnt his body, becoming very dark. Rama made the real son his heir, but also blessed the other boy by appointing him as his escort god, and named him Karuppu, but he also goes by a variety of aliases. In compliance with his name, he is usually (though not always - fig.) portrayed with a black, or alternatively, with a dusky or greyish-blue complexion, his hair plaited in a thick tuft (jata) that hangs over to one side, and three horizontal lines (tri-pundra) applied on his forehead. Besides this, he stands upright and wields a weapon with his right hand, in general a scimitar-like sword, whilst he leans on a mace (gada) with the other hand. His image is often found in Hindu temples, where he is usually called Sri Karuppana Swamy. As part of his worship he is offered holy ash and alcohol, and a lit cigar or cigarette is placed in his mouth. All those items relate to fire and refer to his ordeal in the flames. This deity is popular among the Tamil community of southern India, and shrines devoted to him are always found at the outskirts of their villages, as he is believed to be a warrior who masters all land and who prevents all evil from entering a boundary, and thus from entering the village, an idea which is reminiscent of the Akha spirit gates (fig.). He is often worshipped alongside Muneeswarar.

kasalong (กาสะลอง)

Thai name for the Indian Cork Tree, an evergreen tree with white, slaverform flowers. In Thai, it is also known as pihb.

kasalong kham (กาสะลองคำ)

Thai name for a tree with the botanical name Radermachera ignea, which in Thai is also known as pihb thong. This evergreen or semi-deciduous tree grows to a height of between 6 to 20 meters and blooms from January to May, displaying clusters of tubular, bright orange flowers with a sweet jasmine-like fragrance, that grow on old branches. It is the provincial tree of Chiang Rai province and is said to symbolize simplicity, endurance, advancement and peacefulness. It is sometimes referred to by the common name Tree Jasmine, a designation which is however also commonly used for the Indian Cork Tree, which in Thai is known by the names kasalong and pihb.

kasat (กษัตริย์)

Thai-rajasap meaning ‘king’, ‘raja’, ‘ruler’, ‘potentate’ and ‘monarch’. Its is an abbreviation of the Thai word kasatriya which itself is derived from the Hindi word Kshatriya.

kasatriya (กษัตริยา)

Thai-rajasap meaning ‘king’, ‘raja’, ‘ruler’, ‘potentate’ and ‘monarch’. Its is derived from the Hindi word Kshatriya. It is generally used abbreviated (kasat), whereas the full word appears only in compound words, called kham samaht.

Kasetsart (เกษตรศาสตร์)

Thai. ‘Agriculture’. Name of the first agricultural university and the third university in Thailand. READ ON.

kasin (กสิณ)

Thai. Meditation of the four elements, but in general also used as a term for any form of meditation, especially that of the ten kinds of reflection, which is divided into phutkasin (ภูตกสิณ), that focuses on the four elements, i.e. earth, water, fire, and wind; wankasin (วรรณกสิณ), which concentrates on the four colours, i.e. green, yellow, red and white; thought on light; and contemplation on space. MORE ON THIS.

Kashyapa (कश्यप)

See Kasyapa.


1. Pali. A buddha of the past, a precursor of the historical Buddha. He is the third of the five buddhas to spread Enlightenment in this world and one of the four buddha's in Ananda Phaya in Bagan, located at its South Gate, the others being Konagamana facing East (fig.), Kakusandha facing North (fig.), and Gautama at the West Gate (fig.). In Sanskrit he is known as Kasyapa, in Thai he is called Phra Kassap Phutta Chao (พระกัสสปพุทธเจ้า), and in Burmese Kathapa (ကဿပ).

2. Pali. The monk who succeeded the Buddha as leader of the Sangha. In mural paintings usually portrayed as an old man accompanied by the young monk Ananda, the Buddha's nephew and his most important disciple. Also Maha Kassapa.

Kasyapa (कश्यप)

1. Sanskrit. Name of a rishi who is the father of the devas, asuras, nagas and all humans. He has several consorts, i.e. the thirteen daughters of Daksha, with whom he had several offspring, e.g. Garuda and Aruna are his sons with his consort Vinata,  the apsaras are his children through Muni, the nagas are his sons from Kadru, Agni and the Adityas are his sons by his wife Aditi, etc. Also transcribed Kashyapa.

2. Sanskrit. Name of one of the candidates for inclusion as the 17th or 18th arahat, especially when referred to as Maha Kasyapa which is sometimes spelled Maha Kassapa. As Maha Kasyapa the name may also refer to one of the four initial arahats, whom the Buddha had asked to remain in the world to propagate the dhamma, one for each of the four directions of the compass.

3. Name of the monk who after the Buddha's Mahaparinirvana succeeded him as leader of the Sangha. He is one of the Ten Principal Disciples. Also Maha Kasyapa and Maha Kassapa.

4. Sanskrit. A buddha of the past (fig.), a precursor of the historical Buddha. In Pali, he is known as Kassapa (fig.).

kata (คาถา)

Thai term for a verse in Pali or the text of a thet or sermon, but also for an incantation or a (magic) spell. Pronounced kaathaa (kahthah).

katana (刀)

Japanese. Name for a Japanese sword, such as those worn by samurai in feudal Japan. READ ON.

katha (คทา)

Thai name for gada.

Kathavarayan (กัตตะวรายัน)

Name of a Indian-Tamil kind of nat, who according to legend was born from the rays that radiate from Shiva's third eye. The goddess Devi appointed Kathavarayan as watchman of a garden that she had created on the banks of the river Ganges. One day, Kathavarayan took away the dresses of women who came there to bathe, and thus he was cursed by Devi, declaring that he had to take birth seven times. In addition, he was convicted by the king to die on pointed stake for his offence. However, when he was about to die on the stake, Devi took pity on him and he got relieved from the curse. She then instructed him to sit on her northeastern side and bless all those who come to see her. As such, his image is often found near the entrance of Hindu-Tamil temples, such as Wat Sri Mariamman on Silom Road in Bangkok. This deity is celebrated on the full moon day in the month of Chitirai, i.e. April-May, when his image is taken around the temple is a procession.

ka-thi (กะทิ)

Thai for ‘coconut milk’.

kathin (กฐิน)

Thai. The period of one month following the rainy season or ‘pansa’, when pious laymen bring gifts and robes to all the monks of a temple, usually in the month of November. For this ceremony people will collect money on a small leafless tree by going around or by placing it in their business or at the temple to which anyone can make a donation (tamboon) by attaching a banknote to its branches. On a certain day, or when the money tree (fig.) is considered full, it will be taken to the local local temple in a procession and offered to the monks, often together with monk's robes. During the kathin ceremony, temples  indicate their participation by placing vertical banners called thong kathin at the temple. The kathin tradition goes back to the assignment the Buddha gave to his first disciples to find their own robe, rather than buying one. He pointed to pieces of cloth hanging from tree branches in the forest, torn off from passer-by's clothes. These could easily be used to make a robe by stitching them together and then dying it. This is one reason why a needle is one of the things (borikaan) Buddhist monks are allowed to posses. See also kathin phra racha thaan, kathin luang, thod phah pah, kreuang kathin and krob trai. Also known as thod kathin. WATCH VIDEO.

kathin luang (กฐินหลวง)

See kathin phra racha thaan.

kathin phra racha thaan (กฐินพระราชทาน)

Thai. The kathin ceremony performed by the king or a state dignitary in name of and representing the king. Also kathin luang. See also Royal Barges.

kathoei (กะเทย)

See kathoey.

kathoy (กะเทย)

See kathoey.

kathoey (กะเทย)

Thai for transvestite. In Thailand the term refers usually to men who dress as girls or act girlish. In most large cities, many cabaret shows are performed by those so-called ‘lady boys’ and draw large crowds of curious tourists from all over the world (fig.). Kathoey shows are also very popular with Thai gays and most gay discos and pubs have lip-sync performances with guys in cross-dress doing their act. From a distance it is often hard to tell if the performer is a girl or a kathoey. Sometimes called the third gender and also transcribed kathoy, kathey, kathoi, kathoei, kathui and kathuy. The term is comparable with the Chinese expression nan se. See also look sawaat and phi seua kathoey.

kathputli (कथपुतली, कठपुतली)

Rajasthani-Hindi. ‘Puppet story’ or ‘wooden puppet’. An Indian form of marionette theatre from Rajasthan, which uses string-puppets made from mango wood and often without legs and feet, as the lower body is instead covered in long skirts. The arms are always stuffed with cloth for flexibility and to give them a natural, human-like appearance. The puppets have strings attached to the head, waist and hands, but not on the lower body. With animal puppets, such as camels and horses, usually only the neck is movable. Puppeteers are traditionally from the Bhatt community and the main puppeteer is called sutradhar. He is accompanied by a narrator-singer or bhagavat, drums, cymbals and the harmonium, as well as a reed-like bamboo instrument that emits a shrill sound and is used to attract attention (fig.). This performing art is believed to be more than two thousand years old and is said to be the most popular form of Indian puppetry. In the past, puppeteers used to travel from place to place and performed in villages to entertain the local people, narrating stories and folk tales of legendary heroes or historic events, though nowadays kathputli performances mostly find place at hotels to entertain tourists.

kathuy (กะเทย)

See kathoey.


Vietnamese-Laotian. Name of an ethnic minority group, that lives in Vietnam and Laos, and that has an estimated population of around 61,000. Their language belongs to the Mon-Khmer linguistic family. Their funeral traditions include the construction of small funeral huts in which the coffin is placed, and which are adorned with wooden carvings, oftentimes of animals, such as water buffaloes (fig.).

Kaunghmudaw Phaya (ကောင်းမှုတော်ဘုရား)

Burmese. ‘Royal Merit-making Pagoda’. Name of a Buddhist temple in Sagaing. READ ON.

kaupina (कौपीन)

Sanskrit. A kind of loincloth worn as underclothing by certain men in India. It consists of a rectangular piece of cloth, which is bound around the waist with a horizontal strap, cord, or even a chain (fig.). It somewhat resembles the Japanese fundoshi (), the string-like wrap as worn by sumo wrestlers, for one. It is the recommended undergarment for Brahmacharya, and is typically worn by Indian yogi (fig.), sadhu (fig.), brahman priests and novices (fig.), celibates, and other ascetics. It is even said that all great, realized masters wore but the kaupina. Also pronounced kaupin.

Kauravas (कौरव)

Descendants of the Lunar king Kuru, a royal family branch in the Indian epos Mahabharata. See also Pandava.

kaustubha (कौस्तुभ)

A magical gem that surfaced during the churning of the Ocean of Milk and is worn on the chest by both Vishnu and Krishna. WATCH VIDEO.

Kawila (กาวิละ)

Ruler of Lampang and Chiang Mai in the beginning of the Chakri dynasty. See Chao Kawila.

kay (เกย)

Thai. Name of a platform used to ascend or descend a riding animal, such as an elephant or a horse, as used in the past by royalty. The platform is permanent and can be either part of a building or freestanding, in which case it will also have a staircase. Also transcribed gay or qay, and perhaps etymologically related to the English word quay. A mounting platform for royalty which can be moved and hence is not permanent, nor part of a building and usually made of a lighter material, is called kaylah (เกยลา).

Kayah (คะย้า)

A subgroup of the Karen in Thailand.


1. Name of one of the subgroups of the Long-neck Karen, in Thai called Kayang.

2. Name of an indigenous tribe from the island of Borneo, categorized as a part of the Dayak people, to which also the Iban (fig.) belong.

Kayang (กะย้าง)

One of the subgroups of the Long-neck Karen in Thailand, originally from Burma. They live mainly in the provinces of Mae Hong Son and Chiang Rai, close to the border with Myanmar. The name also refers to their language. Their women's traditional costume includes the wearing of brass coils. After 1000 AD the Kayang people dealt economically and socially with the neighbouring Shan and the women were often seduced by these outsiders. Then the Pwo from the Thaton region alerted the Kayang about atrocities the Burman people had inflicted upon them, so the Kayang started to look for a solution on how to avert these threats. Since they are descendants from Lan Nan Htu Su and Ka Kwe Bu Pe, they decided to institute a status symbol for their women. According to folklore, when the girls Mu Don and Mu Dan visited their grandmother, the lady dragon, they were presented with gold bars when they left. They then started to decorated themselves by winding gold coils around their wrists and necks. As gold was rare the need for brass arose. This was obtained by exchanging silver with the Shan traders, mainly provided by those of the Satoung village. Since 1070 AD the Kayang women have worn brass coils. There are several reasons for wearing them e.g. to avoid an unwelcome advances by the Shan and Burman chiefs; as cultural identity to distinguish themselves from other ethnic groups and to protect the women from intermingling with other races; and as a status symbol, as they are descendants of the mother dragon they adorn themselves in her likeness, with the idea that how longer the neck is, the more graceful the looks are. The Kayang Long-necks start wearing brass coils from the age of four. From then onward the rings are changed about twice until the age of fourteen, with loops being added to the spiral about every three years, as the girl grows and ages. Brass coils for adults usually consist of multiple parts that is, a main coil of 16-22 windings, with at the base a separate 5-6 coil winding, onto which a smaller coil of 62 mm diameter with 5 loops is attached perpendicularly, at the back (fig.). Each set of brass rings is made in one piece from a single brass rod and a total set of rings for adults can easily weigh up to 8 kilos, depending on the number of coils. The men prepare the brass rods but it are the women who fix the rings. Brass is a tough metal and the winding is done manually by any strong woman with exceptional talent, called a fixer. See also Kan Thein Bo and Kan Khwan. MORE ON THIS.

Kayaw (กะยาว)

A subgroup of the Karen hill tribe whose women are typified by their long earlobes. MORE ON THIS.

kayih (กาหยี)

Another Thai name for velvet tamarind, next to yih.

Keeled Box Turtle

Name of an Asian species of box turtle, with the scientific name Cuora mouhotii. It is found in Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Myanmar, as well as in China and India. It is alternatively known as Pyxidea mouhotii. Keeled Box Turtles are characterized by a dorsally flattened, yellowish to reddish or dark brown carapace, which is strongly serrated at the back. It has three distinctive keels, i.e. one medial and two lateral keels. Its limbs are gray to dark brown or black, with the anterior surfaces of the forelegs being covered with large scales. The toes are only partially webbed. This species is largely terrestrial and only rarely enters water. It prefers moderately moist habitats with plenty of vegetation and ground litter for cover. In Thai it is called tao jan.

Keinnaya (ကိန္နရာ)

Burmese term for Kinnara, a mythical bird with human head and torso. In Myanmar, Buddhists believe that 4 of the 136 past animal lives of the Buddha, i.e. chaht that the Buddha embodied in the form of an animal, were Keinnaya, e.g. the Canda Jataka. It is also one of the 108 symbols on the Buddhapada, i.e. the footprint (fig.) or soles of the Buddha (fig.). The female form of a Keinnaya is called Keinnayi. The Keinnaya is the symbol of the Red Karen people.

Keinnayi (ကိန္နရီ)

Burmese. Female form of a Keinnaya.

kejih (เกจิ)

Thai term used for any Buddhist monk who is a pundit famous for magic spells.

Kek Lok Si (極樂寺)

Chinese-Hokkien. Name a Buddhist temple, in the Malaysian state of Penang. It covers an area of 120,000 square meters and is the largest Buddhist temple in the country, as well as a significant religious landmark for tourists from Southeast Asia and Hong Kong. Its name, Kek Lok Si, translates to ‘Temple of Supreme Bliss’ and symbolizes Sukhavati, i.e. ‘Place of Great Bliss’, sometimes translated as ‘Paradise’ or Pure Land’, of Mahayana Buddhism. The temple is situated on Ayer Itam (亚依淡), which in Malay literally means 'Black Water', yet is referred to as ‘Crane Hill’ as it resembles a flying crane, a name given to the site after the temple's construction, which took place between 1890 and 1930. It features a seven-story pagoda, known in Hokkien as Ban Hoat Thah (萬佛塔), which translates as ‘Pagoda of Ten Thousand Buddhas’, which was commissioned by the Thai King Rama VI and houses 10,000 alabaster and bronze Buddha statues, as well as a Buddha statue donated by King Rama IX. The pagoda boasts a Chinese-style octagonal base, a middle tier inspired by Thai design, and crowned with a Burmese-style spiral dome. By intertwining these architectural elements from various cultures, it symbolizes the fusion of Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism. Due to its historical association with the Thai monarchs of the Chakri Dynasty, who all bear the crown title Rama, the pagoda is affectionately known as the  ‘Rama Pagoda’. In 2002, a 30.2 meter high bronze statue of Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy, was erected. This focal point for devotees was later covered by an octagonal roof supported by 16 pillars. The temple's buildings are predominantly constructed with granite. The complex includes several prayer halls and pavilions, as well as a large pond in a landscaped natural setting, including a charming mini cascading waterfall, which is the home of over 500 turtles. WATCH VIDEO and VIDEO (EN).


A spherical drinking vessel, usually with a bulbous spout.

kendo (剣道)

Japanese. Way of the sword. Name of a modern Japanese fighting sport and martial art, which uses bamboo swords known as shinai (竹刀), both for practice and competition. Participants wear protective gear called bogu (fig.), which literally means armour and that is also known as kendogu, i.e. kendo equipment. This protective gear consists of a mask and breastplate, similar to those used by a catcher in baseball, though the kendo mask also hood-like helmet and shoulder protectors attached to it, making it somewhat reminiscent of a coal hood or the monastic hood worn by Christian monks. In addition, the combatants wear gauntlet-like hand and forearm protectors, as well as a skirt-like leg and groin protector.

keng (เก้ง)

Thai for Barking Deer.

keng (เก๋ง)

1. Thai generic term for any type of cottage, cabin, shack, hut or pavilion.

2. Thai term for rain visors made of bamboo, wood, canvas or metal, as well as the hood or roof of a boat, cart, wagon or car, i.e. a sedan.

3. Thai. Architectural term for an edifice with a Chinese-style roof, which typically has upward curved corners, a feature related to feng shui, in which it is believed that curved lines ward off evil spirits, whilst straight lines are said to attract evil. Also called keng jihn (เก๋งจีน).

Keng Buppha Praphat (เก๋งบุปผาประพาส)

Thai. Name of a pavilion in the European Gingerbread-style, known in Thai as reuan khanompang khing, and located within the compound of the Bang Pa-in Summer Palace in Ayutthaya (fig.), in the middle of a garden beside a pond in the inner palace area and built with the purpose for viewing flowers. It was completed on 16 June 1885, during the reign of King Chulalongkorn. See TRAVEL PICTURE and EXPLORER'S MAP.

kes (केश)

Sanskrit-Hindi word for hair and which may also be transliterated kesh, especially when referring to the practice of having uncut hair. Also transliterated keza.

kesh (केस)

Hindi term for uncut hair. The practice of allowing one's hair to grow naturally as a symbol of respect for the perfection of God's creation. With the Sikh, the long hair is knotted on top of their head and usually held in place with a comb known as a kanga. Both the kesh and kanga are worn by Sikh devotees as part of the five articles of their faith. The topknot is covered by a turban known as dastar or pagri, or by a scarf-like kind of under-turban called a patka (fig.). Also transliterated kesha or keza and also spelled kes.

Ketu (केतु, เกตุ)

1. Sanskrit-Thai. The lower part of Rahu that represents his tail and is considered the personification of comets and meteorites, whilst the upper part of Rahu travels through the universe in a chariot pulled by eight black horses. The demon Rahu was cut in two by Vishnu using his chakra for secretly lining up among the gods and receiving a portion of the amrita. Ketu is one of the nine gods worshipped in the phra prajam wan system of the Hindus, lined up in the northwestern corner, facing South. The Rahu name also appears in the Buddhist Phra prajam wan geut system as the pahng pah leh laai Buddha pose, corresponding with Wednesday after sunset.

2. Sanskrit-Thai. Name of the planet Neptune.

ketumala (เกตุมาลา)

Thai name for the raised skull or ushnisha (fig.), i.e. the protuberance normally found on the head of a Buddha image, as one of the marks of an enlightened being in Buddhist iconography, and which in Thailand is usually topped bylotus bud (fig.) or a flame called rasmie, that emerges from this bump, as a symbol of Enlightenment. A certain style of Buddha images cast by order of King Mongkhut, that is Rama IV (fig.), were cast without the raised skull, as prototypes of Buddhist art in the royal style of that era, including Phra Angkhirot, Phra Nirantarai (พระนิรันตราย), and Phra Samphutthasiri (พระสัมพุทธสิริ).

Ketumati (เกตุมดี)

Thai-Sanskrit. The earthly paradise that the bodhisattva Maitreya will preside over when he descends from Tushita heaven as the future Buddha. It is often referred to as the Pure Land and the name is sometimes translated as ‘endowed with brightness’.

Keua Nah (กือนา)

Name of the eight king of the Mengrai Dynasty ruling the ninth reign of the northern kingdom of Lan Na from 1355 to 1385. READ ON.

keub (คืบ)

Thai. Ancient Thai unit of linear measure. In the past it represented 12 inches (30.48 centimeters), but nowadays it is fixed at 25 centimeters.

keun thao thang sih (ขึ้นท้าวทั้งสี่)

Thai. ‘Offering to all four’. A ceremony in North Thailand in which six baskets with food are offered to the protecting gods of a certain place. Firstly, these are for the four lokapalas from Buddhism, who guard the four directions; but additionally, also for Indra, ruler of the Tavatimsa Heaven and in Hindu cosmology a lokapala himself; as well as for Phra Mae Thoranee, the goddess of the Earth. Despite the name ‘offering to all four’, actually six baskets are used, thus offering both horizontally, i.e. to the protectors of each directions of the compass, and vertically, i.e. to the rulers of Heaven and Earth. Also transliterated kheun thao thang sih.

keyuradhara (केयूरधरा)

Sanskrit term for a ring or bracelet worn around the biceps on the upper arm. It may be worn as a charm and is hence reminiscent of the Thai prachiad (fig.). However, if the ring or bracelet is made of gold, then either the Sanskrit term rukmaggada or kajcanaggadin will be used.

kha (ข่า)

1. Thai name for the blue or ‘Thai’ ginger, a rhizome with culinary and medicinal uses either of the genus Alpinia or of a type known as krachai in Thai. There are four species, i.e. the greater galangal (Alpinia galanga), which is a main ingredient in the dish tom kha kai (fig.); lesser galangal (Alpinia officinarum); krachai or fingerroot (Boesenbergia pandurata - fig.); and krachai dam or sand ginger (Kaempferia galanga - fig.). The rhizomes of the genus Alpinia are typified by their light colour and pale purple-rose stems. Also called galanga, galangal and galingale.

2. A hill tribe of the Mon-Khmer race living in the North of Thailand and the Shan States. Another tribe with the same name belongs to the Malay race.

khaet (ខេត្ត)

Khmer. Term used for a province in Cambodia and related to the Thai word khet, meaning ‘domain’ or ‘zone’.

Khaay Phetcharat (ค่ายเพชรรัชต์)

Thai. ‘Phetcharat Camp’. Name of a scouting campground in Saraburi, a province in Central Thailand. The camp, situated on a 125 rai domain, i.e. 20 hectares, has the capacity to host up to 1,000 Scouts. The camp is built from natural materials, like teakwood and stones gathered from the surrounding mountains and is dedicated to the youngsters and children participating in Scout programs of the various provinces of Thailand, who come here to learn about nature and to practice physical activities, such as sports and exercises. On the wall behind a podium in an open-door hall on the compound is a portrait of Robert Baden-Powell, the British Lieutenant-General, who founded the World-wide Scout Movement. To its left is a portrait of King Wachirawut (fig.), i.e. Rama VI, who in 1911 established the Thai Scouting organization, locally known as look seua (fig.), i.e. the ‘Tiger Cubs’, hence the many tiger statues on the compound. In the centre top of the wall is an emblem that consists of a royal crown with the Thai text Khaay Phetcharat and with the subtitle Nai Phra Upatham (ในพระอุปถัมภ์), i.e. ‘Under Royal Patronage’. On 6 May 1911, King Rama VI Initially founded the Wild Tiger Corps, in order to train government officials, as well as civilians on military drills, with the conviction that such a training would instill a sense of discipline and loyalty to the country, the monarchy and religion. Yet, after less than 2 months, the organization was on 1 July 1911 transformed into the Thai scouting organization, which is officially known as Kha-na Look Seua Haeng Chaht, i.e. the ‘National Scout Organization of Thailand’. The camp's name Phetcharat (เพชรรัชต์) means ‘Someone who has money and diamonds’. This richness is locally depicted in the many gilded thematic street lanterns across the compound that show a horse pulling a wagon with treasure (fig.) in the form of Chinese gold ingots (fig.) and coins. Near the entrance of the camp is also a huge statue of Budai (fig.), an informal Taoist-Chinese wealth god, also known as Mi Le Fo (fig.) or the Smiling Buddha, who is said to disperse wealth from a large purse in the form of a cloth sack or bag, that is filled with precious items, yet never empties. See also THEMATIC STREET LIGHT and WATCH VIDEO.

khai jab san (ไข้จับสั่น)

Thai. ‘Shivering fever’. A name for malaria. Also khai pah.

khai khao (ไข่ข้าว)

Thai. ‘Egg rice’. Name of a dish consisting of a fertilized egg with a nearly full-developed embryo inside which is boiled alive and then eaten. Originally from China, where they are called maodan (毛蛋) or ‘furry eggs’, they are popular all over Southeast Asia and in the Philippines it is a national dish called balut. In Vietnam, they are referred to as trung vit lon (trứng vịt lộn) or hot vit lon (hột vịt lộn), and in Cambodia as pong tia kohn.

khai khem (ไข่เค็ม)

Thai for ‘salted egg’. Also called khai phok, literally ‘daubed egg’, i.e. daubed in salt. It can either refer to an egg preserved in saline water, or to an egg daubed in ashes or in a mixture of chaff and (iodized) salt. Usually ducks' eggs are used. Occasionally called khai phok khem.

khai khem din so phong (ไข่เค็มดินสอพอง)

Thai. ‘Marl salted egg’. A salted egg produced by coating it with a mixture of marl (soil of clay and lime), water and salt, and preserving it for a certain period of time. This kind of egg is a well-known souvenir of Lopburi. See also khai khem.

khai leuad awk (ไข้เลือดออก)

Thai. ‘Bleeding fever’. Thai name for haemorrhagic fever.

khai look kheuy (ไข่ลูกเขย)

Thai. ‘Son-in-law eggs’. Name of a dish of hard boiled eggs, cut in half and fried in oil until they are golden brown and blistered. They are served in a sweet, syrup-like sauce, made of tamarind paste, soft brown or palm sugar, a little fish sauce and lime juice, mixed with topped fried onion, dried red chilies and chopped coriander leaves. In English usually referred to as deep fried boiled eggs.

khai mot daeng (ไข่มดแดง)

Thai. ‘Eggs of red ants’. Pupated larvae of Weaver Ants, in Thai known as red ants. These white, roughly one centimeter long larva are found in the ants nests (fig.), high up in the trees (fig.). The local population of Isaan and North Thailand consider them a real delicacy. Uprooting these nests is not easy, due to the painful but harmless bite of the red ants.

khai muk (ไข่มุก)

Thai for ‘pearl’ or ‘pearly egg’. READ ON.

khai nok kra-tha (ไข่นกกระทา)

Thai. ‘Quail's egg’. Eggs of a small bird in the pheasant family, with the scientific name Coturnix coturnix. These small eggs are considered a delicacy and widely sold on markets as a snack, either hardboiled or as tiny eggs sunny-side up. As such, they are typically served with soy sauce. Another popular snack consists of hardboiled quail's eggs wrapped in wonton, known in Thai as kiyaw, and deep-fried until crisp (fig.). Quail's eggs are also typically sold in small baskets or nets at hot springs, to allow visitors to boil them naturally in the wells (fig.), when picnicking. In sushi, they are sometimes used raw.

khai pah (ไข้ป่า)

Thai. ‘Jungle fever’. A name for malaria. Also khai jab san.

khai phalo (ไข่พะโล้)

Thai. Name for a dish of eggs boiled hard in soy sauce, making the outside of the egg white turn brownish-beige. This dish is actually named after a dish of pork stewed in a kind of gravy, which besides the meat juices and soy sauce, also contains a powder called phong phalo (ผงพะโล้), which is made from coriander seeds (fig.), cinnamon (fig.), pepper (fig.), cardamom (fig.), and star anis (fig.). The dish is typically eaten with large, block-like pieces of stewed pork, known as three-leveled pork, referring to the different levels of meet and fat, but also with chicken drumsticks and pieces of fried tofu. This kind of eggs are also commonly served with the dish khao kha moo bohraan (fig.). In English, it is referred to as soy egg and sometimes as ramen egg, after the Japanese noodle dish ramen (拉麺) that is served with a boiled soy egg.

khai phalo

khai phok (ไข่พอก)

Thai. ‘Daubed egg’. Another name for khai khem. The term may refer to khai khem phok din, meaning ‘salted egg daubed with soil’, i.e. marl (soil of clay and lime), as in khai khem din so phong, or to khai phok khem, when daubed in ashes or in a mixture of chaff and (iodized) salt.

khai ping (ไข่ปิ้ง)

Thai. ‘Toasted egg’ or ‘baked egg’. Name for a chicken egg in its shell, skewered on a thin wooden stick and roasted over a charcoal fire. Prior to grilling the egg, kreuang prung, such as pepper and soy sauce are injected, and mixed with the yolk and egg white, blending them together, so it seems as if it is an ordinary boiled egg without egg yolk.

khai sah (ไข้ส่า)

Thai for dengue fever.

khai samphao (ไข่สำเภา)

Thai. ‘Samphao egg’ or ‘Chinese junk egg’. Another name for khai yiew mah.

khai yad sai (ไข่ยัดไส้)

Thai. ‘Stuffed egg’. Name of a dish that consists of a lightly cooked omelet, that is folded into a square and filled with minced meat mixed with some other ingredients. READ ON.

khai yiew mah (ไข่เยี่ยวม้า)

Thai. ‘Horse urine egg’. Name of a preserved egg, usually a duck's egg, prepared by soaking it in a mixture of clay, ash, salt, quicklime and rice straw for several weeks to months, depending on the method of processing. Sometimes, the eggs are coated with rice chaff (fig.), in order to prevent them from sticking to one another. The process turns the yolk into a dark greyish green to black colour, whereas the egg white becomes a dark brown, transparent jelly (fig.). The transforming agent is alkaline and after the process is completed the egg will have a strong odor of sulfur and ammonia. In English, it has several names, including century egg, hundred-year egg, thousand-year egg or simply preserved egg. The Thai name refers to an old myth that claims century eggs once were prepared by soaking eggs in horse urine, but this is not plausible. The myth may have arisen due to the ammonia smell that sometimes is released during certain production processes. Century eggs originally came from China, where they are called either pidan (皮蛋), meaning ‘leather egg’ or ‘skin egg’, or sonhuadan (松花蛋), what translates as ‘pine-patterned egg’. The origin of the latter is not clear. It might be due to either a snow crystal or pine branch-like pattern near the surface of the albumen with some century eggs, or due to the fact that the eggs in China were originally preserved in large ceramic pots with patterns of pine trees. Since the Chinese first came to Thailand often in junks, the egg is in Thai also called khai samphao, meaning ‘Chinese junk egg’. Today, China is the world's largest producer of century eggs. It is popular all over Southeast Asia and in Vietnam, where it is called hot vit bach tao (hột vịt bắc thảo) or trung vit bach tao (trứng vịt bắc thảo), century eggs are often sold still covered in the black ash used to salt them, thus assuring customers that they were made using the traditional method (fig.). In Thailand, century eggs are nowadays usually not longer made in the traditional way, but by using a newer method that achieves the same results and in which the eggs are soaked in a mixture of brine, calcium hydroxide and sodium carbonate for about ten days, after which they are wrapped in plastic and left to age for several weeks. On Thai markets, these century eggs are easy recognizable by their pink coloured egg shells, used to distinguish them from other duck eggs, such as ordinary duck eggs and salted duck eggs, which are left in their natural colour (fig.). See also Burmese jelly egg.

Khajon Jaratwong (ขจรจรัสวงษ์)

Thai. Name of a Siamese prince of the Rattanakosin Period, with the title of momchao. READ ON.

kha khoo (ขาคู่)

Thai. Term for a classic Thai-style design of inward curved furniture legs, typically used in cabinets, coffee tables, chairs, etc. The design is influenced by traditional Chinese art-styles and was commonly used in so-called opium beds, a kind of large coffee table on  which one would lay when smoking opium.

khakkhara (खक्खर)

Sanskrit. Name for a ringed staff held by certain arahats, monks and bodhisattvas in Mahayana Buddhism. It is meant to inform people of their presence through the jingling sound caused by the rings and in order to seek alms, as well as to warn small and crawling creatures of their approach, so as to avoid stepping on them. By announcing their arrival in this way they avoid speak unnecessarily. It is also used by Shaolin warrior monks (fig.) as a weapon and in prayer, e.g. by the abbot of a Chinese temple usually wields the staff during grand ceremonies, striking the ground three times to symbolize the breaking of ignorance. The khakkhara consist of a usually thin, wooden staff capped with metal loops and rings which are either four, six or twelve in number, indicating the Four Noble Truths, the Six Paramitas or the Twelve Nidanas, respectively. Occasionally, the rings may be double (fig.). The bodhisattva Ksitigarbha (fig.) is usually depicted carrying a khakkhara, which he also uses to force open the gates of hell, and the arahat Chudapanthaka (fig.) was given one by the Buddha, to stop him from knocking on doors when begging for alms. In Chinese called xi zhang (锡杖), literally ‘thin cane’ or ‘thin walking stick’, but also ‘bestowing staff’. It is sometimes referred to as a Buddhist beggar's staff.

Kham Hai Kaan Chao Krung Kao (คำให้การชาวกรุงเก่า)

Thai. ‘Word (or Testimony) given by the People of the Ancient City’. A chronicle in the archives of Thai history, which dates from the Ayutthaya Period and records the kingdom's inception up to its destruction by the Burmese in 1767 AD. It is an important book on the history of Thailand and was assumed by Prince Damrong Rachanuphaap, the Father of Thai history, to be the source for the story Khun Chang Khun Paen (fig.).

Kham Chanoht (คำชะโนด)

Thai. Name of a forest temple in Udonthani, and a place of pilgrimage and worship, which is believed to be located at the palace of the Phayanagaraat (fig.), i.e. the Naga King, known as Chao Poo Sri Sutho Nagaraat (fig.), and his Naga Queen called Chao Yah Sri Patum Mah Naki (fig.). It is also known as Wat Pah Kham Chanot, Meuang Chanot or Wang Nakarin Kham Chanot. It is idyllically located in the middle of a field surrounded by water, inside a ca. 200 meters wide grove of Taraw Palms (fig.), which in Thai are called ton chanoht, hence the name of this forest temple. See also TRAVEL PICTURES (1) and (2), and WATCH VIDEO (1) and (2).

khamin (ขมิ้น)

1. Thai term used for both ‘Curcuma’ and ‘turmeric’, the first one (Curcuma) actually being a genus in the plant family Zingiberaceae, which contains species such as turmeric and Siam Tulip, the latter (turmeric) being a species with the botanical name Curcuma longa, within the genus Curcuma.

2. Name of a limestone cave in Tai Rom Yen, a circa 425 km² National Park in Surat Thani, known in Thai as Tham Khamin (fig.).

kham meuang (คำเมือง)

Thai. Northern Thai dialect. Typical is the slow rhythm of its speech, much slower than the other three main dialects in Thailand.

kham samaht (คำสมาส)

Thai term for a compound word or a combination of words.

Khamu (ຂະມຸ)

Laotian for Khmu.

khan (ขรรค์)

Thai. A kris-like dagger (fig.), one of the regalia of kingship. Also Phra Khan and Phra Saeng Khan Chai Sri (fig.).

khan (ขัน)

Thai. A bowl, cup or basin possibly placed on a pedestal called phaan (fig.), like a betel-set. See also khantoke.

kha-nah (คะน้า)

Thai name for Chinese broccoli, a leaf vegetable in the family Brassica, with the scientific name Brassica alboglabra, i.e. Brassica oleracea var. alboglabra. It has long, thick stems and leathery, bluish-green leaves. It is very similar to another member of the Brassica family, i.e. Brassica campestris, that is commonly known in Thai as phak kwahng tung, but which additionally has yellow flowers (fig.). Also known as kai lan and Chinese kale.

Kha-na Look Seua Haeng Chaht (คณะลูกเสือแห่งชาติ)

Thai. ‘National Scout Organization of Thailand’. Usually referred to by the abbreviated term look seua.

khan dong (khăn đóng)

Vietnamese. Term for a turban, which in Vietnam is tidily wrapped and worn by boys and men (fig.) as part of the traditional ao gam (fig.) or ceremonial dress (fig.). In English usually referred to as Vietnamese turban.

khanit (ขนิษฐ)

A Thai term for ‘younger brother or sister’ and a synonym for nong (น้อง). In Thai it is also spelled otherwise and then transliterated kanit or ganit.

khanitah (ขนิษฐา)

A Thai term for ‘younger brother or sister’ and a synonym for nong (น้อง). In Thai it is also spelled otherwise and then transliterated kanitah.

khan kaew (ขันแก้ว)

Thai. ‘Crystal bowl’ or ‘glass bowl’. Name for a wooden, usually triangular, phaan-like tray on a pedestal that consists of three legs, and which is generally decorated with paintings or carved figures, not seldom of nagas. It is used in Buddhist temples as a vessel to present religious offerings such as flowers, known as kreuang bucha. The triangular shape represent the Trairat or Triple Gem. Occasionally, the tray may also be round in shape and the triangular form is therefore also be referred to as khan kaew thang sahm (ขันแก้วทั้งสาม), to specifically identify the triangular variety.

khanmahk (ขันหมาก)

Thai name for a betel-set.

khanom (ขนม)

Thai. General name for sweets and sweetmeats. The term is both used generally, and as a prefix with other names to define the type. Thailand has a large variety of sweetmeats, many made on basis of rice flour, coconut and sugar. In the past sweets were only made on special days and occasions, either as part of merit making or tamboon, during festivals or when receiving important guests. The making, eating  and offering of sweets is still a common custom during certain festivals today, e.g. krayahsaad which is eaten during the saad festival, in Isaan locals offer sweets to each other during phen time on the day of boon khaw sahk, during boon khaw pradap din when sweets are offere to both deceased and living family members, etc. Thai sweets are often painstakingly and elaborately prepared in order to make their appearance as attractive as their taste. About the origin of the word khanom opinions are divided. Some believe the word has derived from khao nom (ข้าวนม), i.e. ‘rice’ and ‘milk’, the main ingredients of many sweets in India. However, most Thai sweets don't have an Indian origin and use rice and coconut milk as a basis, rather than milk, and in Thai, coconut milk is called ka-thi, not nom. Others therefore believe the word is a Thai-Khmer compound of either khao (ข้าว) or khao (เข้า) and nom. Both Thai words khao have a falling tone, thus making the spelling unsure, but the first word khao means ‘rice’ and the latter ‘to enter’ or ‘to add’. The word nom is Khmer and means ‘food prepared with dough’ and ‘cake’. This would be consistent with the word for bread which is khanompang in Thai and nompang in Khmer.

khanom a-lua (ขนมอาลัว)

Thai. Name for a traditional sweet made of coconut milk, all purpose flour, mung bean flour and sugar. The texture of this jelly sugar candy is a little hard and dry on the outside but soft, moist and tender on the inside, whereas they are usually dyed with various pastel colours and shaped as little whipped cream cones. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

khanom bah (ขนมบ้า)

Thai. Name of a snack or candy that is crafted from glutinous rice flour, which is kneaded until it reaches a moldable consistency. The dough is then shaped into round pieces, flattened thinly, and cooked. After folding, the dough is left to rest before being fried in oil until cooked through. Once cooked, it is set aside to cool, after which sesame seeds are sprinkled onto it. Khanom bah resembles sabah, i.e. the large shinny seeds of the sea bean, which kids use to play tossing games (fig.). This snack is one of five snacks used as a traditional offering to monks during the Tenth Lunar Month Festival, i.e. an autumnal religious festival known in Thai as Praphenih Sart Deuan Sip, in which ancestors and deceased relatives are honoured, and in which the khanom bah symbolizes sabah seeds for the deceased to play a tossing game. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

khanom beuang (ขนมเบื้อง)

Thai. Name for a very ancient sweet which original recipe came from India and was brought to Thailand by Indian brahmins in the Sukhothai period. It consists of a small crispy pancake made from ground green gram or mung bean flour, baked onto a hot plate and finished with various toppings, such as whipped cream made from coconut juice and sugar; golden threads made of either duck egg yolk (light orange) or of minced shrimps mixed with a saffron (dark orange) colouring agent; long scraps of shredded coconut (almost ripe) and some coriander. When ready they are folded. It has been around for more than 2,000 years making it the oldest known sweet in existence. An ancient legend tells the story of Gosiya, a contemporary of the Buddha. He was a very rich but stingy man who loved eating khanom beuang pancakes. To avoid having to share them with anyone he told his wife to make the sweets upstairs, away from public eyes, so he could eat all by himself. When the Buddha found out about the man's behaviour he sent Mogallana to visit Gosiya during his bintabaat alms round and told him to beg for khanom beuang as an alms offering. Gosiya, although unwillingly, couldn't decently refuse the monks request thus came up with the idea to offer only a very small pancake. However, each time his wife put the dough onto the baking plate it miraculously swell until it had the size of the hot plate itself. After several attempts to make just a small khanom beuang, he gave up his efforts and eventually became a generous man. Also transcribed khanom bueng, khanom bueng and khanom beuang.

khanom chan (ขนมชั้น)

Thai. ‘Steamed layer candy’. Name for a kind of ancient traditional dessert made in layers, usually nine, as this is an auspicious number, and is steamed similar to dumplings. It is also often made in the shape of a flower, akin to khanom cho muang (fig.), though whereas the latter have a pinkish, violet, purple or lilac hue, khanom chan can be of any colour. See also POSTAGE STAMPS.

khanom cho muang (ขนมช่อม่วง)

Thai. ‘Purple bouquet candy’. Name for a kind of ancient traditional dessert, which is less familiar to the younger generation in Thailand. It is consists of steamed dumplings that are fashioned as flowers and that have a pale to dark violet, purple or lilac hue, or a comparable tinge. It is reminiscent of khanom chan (fig.), an ancient Thai traditional dessert made in layers and resembling flowers, as well as of the Vietnamese dish banh bao banh vac, known in English as White Rose Dumplings (fig.), a culinary specialty and signature dish from Hoi An. See also POSTAGE STAMPS.

khanom dara thong (ขนมดาราทอง)

Thai. ‘Gold Star Candy’. Name for a kind of traditional dessert, that consists of jasmine scented gold dough balls with sugar-coated and dry-fried watermelon seeds. It is also known as khanom jah mongkut (fig.). They resemble small stars (dara) or crowns (mongkut). See also POSTAGE STAMPS (1) and (2).

khanom dih sam (ขนมดีซำ)

Thai name for a snack that is crafted from a blend of rice flour, granulated sugar, brown sugar, water, and salt. The dough is kneaded and left to rest for three hours, then vegetable oil is incorporated. Small portions of dough are shaped into balls and placed on oiled banana leaves to prevent sticking. A hole is pressed into the center of each ball, and they are then fried in oil until golden brown. Finally, they are drained in a colander. This snack is one of five snacks used as a traditional offering to monks during the Tenth Lunar Month Festival, i.e. an autumnal religious festival known in Thai as Praphenih Sart Deuan Sip, in which ancestors and deceased relatives are honoured, and in which khanom dih sam represents a pawn or money given to the deceased to serve as a resource to facilitate their time in hell. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

khanom gui chai (ขนมกุยช่าย)

Thai. Name for a type of steamed dumpling, filled with a mixture of chopped Chinese leek flowers (fig.) and any kind of cooked meat as a matter of choice. READ ON.

khanom hin fon thong (ขนมหินฝนทอง)

Thai. ‘Golden rain candy stone’. Name for a traditional Thai dessert that Siamese soldiers in the past used to take with them to the front as an easy bite-sized snack and as part of their food supplies. It is made from flour, roasted beans or roasted rice, depending on preference, which has been mixed with coconut milk and sugar that has been simmered, and that is next molded into a solid lump similar to a stone or pebble, and decorated with a tiny piece of gold leaf.

khanom jahk (ขนมจาก)

Thai. Name for a sweet made from the flesh of a young coconut, mixed with pounded lotus seeds (fig.), beans and taro (fig.). It is named after the leaf of the nipa palm (fig.), called bai jahk (fig.) in Thai, where it is wrapped and baked in. Also khanom jaak.

khanom jah mongkut (ขนมจ่ามงกุฏ)

Thai. ‘Master's crown candy’. Name of a small cake-like candy made of wheat flour, a chicken egg, egg yolk, sugar, the thickest part of coconut milk and watermelon seeds. Its bottom resembles a miniature tart which is filled with an orange coloured candy made of egg yolk, sugar and coconut cream and which is flanked by peeled watermelon seeds. They resemble small crowns (mongkut) or stars (dara) and are hence also known as khanom dara thong (fig.). Also spelt khanom ja mongkut. See also POSTAGE STAMPS (1) and (2).

khanom jihb (ขนมจีบ)

Thai. Savoury sweetmeats made of thin sheets of rice or wheat dough enclosing minced meat and steamed in small round bamboo baskets called kheng (fig.). The dough wrapping is usually either light green or beige and they come in a variety of different tastes, including pork, crab and shrimp mincemeat. Some varieties are topped with a small piece of carrot as garnishing. Also khanom jeeb.

khanom jihn (ขนมจีน)

Thai. ‘Chinese  pastry’. Noodles made from rice flour, produced by pressing rice flower paste through a sieve, into boiling water. Khanom jihn is served mixed or topped with curry or condiments. When mixed with bean curry it is called khanom jihn nahm phrik (a spicy-sweet peanut-like sauce), if mixed with a catfish curry it is called khanom jihn kaeng plah dook (catfish curry), if topped with meat curry it is called khanom jihn kaeng neua (meat curry), if mixed with a fish soup it is called khanom jihn nahm yah (herbal sauce), when eaten with a curry seasoned with dried dok ngiaw flowers (fig.) it is called khanom jihn nahm ngiaw, and when eaten with powdered shrimps and pineapple slices, coconut and krathiam (garlic) it is called khanom jihn sao nahm (stirred juice). The dish is especially popular in Southern Thailand where it developed its own culinary genre.  In Isaan called khao pun and in the North known as khanom sen. Also transcribed kanom jihn, khanom jin, khanom chin, or similar.

khanom khai hia (ขนมไข่เหี้ย)

Thai. ‘Monitor lizard egg sweets’. A sweet snack of small balls rolled from a dough made from sticky rice flour mixed with a paste of sweet potatoes, and with a filling of salted green beans. The balls are then fried in oil until golden brown and crispy. hen done they can be coated sugar, or for those who don't like them too sweet, they can be sprinkled with seeds instead, such as sago or sesame, which is done before being fried, so they stick to the dough. This snack originates from the beginning of the Rattanakosin Period and was formerly known as khanom khai hong, i.e. hamsa egg sweets’. Also spelled khanom kai hia.

khanom khai nok kratah (ขนมไข่นกกระทา)

Thai. ‘Partridge egg sweets’. Name for a snack similar to khanom khai tao but somewhat larger and made with sweet potato instead of tapioca. WATCH VIDEO.

khanom khai pla (ขนมไข่ปลา)

Thai. ‘Fish egg candy’. Name for a traditional dessert or snack made of rice flour mixed with toddy palm and shredded coconut. This snack is one of five snacks used as a traditional offering to monks during the Tenth Lunar Month Festival, i.e. an autumnal religious festival known in Thai as Praphenih Sart Deuan Sip, in which ancestors and deceased relatives are honoured, and in which the khanom khai pla, or alternatively khanom kong, represents a piece of jewelry, elevating the appearance of the deceased in hell to a more dignified state. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

khanom khai tao (ขนมไข่เต่า)

Thai. ‘Turtle egg sweets’. A sweet snack of small balls rolled from a dough made from tapioca flour mixed with self-rising baking powder, undiluted coconut milk, egg yolk, sugar and salt, and fried in oil until golden brown and crispy. Due to the added self-rising flour the small fritter-like balls are rather light and frothy, somewhat resembling Dutch and Belgian oil balls (oliebol/smoutebol) but rounder and smaller. They have the shape and size reminiscent of turtle eggs, hence the name. They are on occasion served with cinnamon sugar. Besides this, there is also a slightly larger variety, which is made from sweet potato and called khanom khai nok kratah, and if also coated with light or a mixture of light and dark sesame seeds (fig.) they are called khanom nga. They are often sold together with khanom khai tao and regularly referred to by the same name. Sometimes transcribed khanom kai tao. See also ma tuan and pah thong goh. WATCH VIDEO.

khanom kha kai (ขนมขาไก่)

Thai. ‘Chicken leg candy’. Name for a Thai kind of snack that consists of rather hard, orangey coloured, elongated cookies, that are made with bread flour and powdered cream cheese, fried in oil, and have a spicy to salty taste. The name kha kai is also used for breadsticks, also known as grissini. To distinguish the candy from grissini, one can either refer to the candy's distinctive color, namely orange, known as sih som in Thai, or alternatively append the term khanom pihb, which alludes to the tin canister called pihb (fig.), that is traditionally used to store candy in bulk. In English, referred to as biscuit sticks.

khanom kliaw (ขนมเกลียว)

Thai. ‘Whorled sweets’, ‘coiled sweets’ or  ‘plied sweets’. A glacé, bread-like snack, made from wheat flour and egg, and seasoned with salt and pepper. The obtained dough is twisted it into a helix-shape, which is fried until crispy and then coated with sugar and sometimes with seeds or pieces of preserved fruit, etc. It has a sweet taste and originates from Sukhothai, where it is widely available. Also transcribed khanom kliao, or similiar.

khanom koh (ขนมโก๋)

Thai-Chinese name for a kind of candy, made mainly from sticky rice powder and sugar, and a typical Chinese wedding candy. They are made either plain or with a filling, usually a sweet bean paste. Often, they are made into a round, disk-like shape, with a relief imprinted on the top, or into a specific form, such as fish, a Chinese symbol for ‘excess’ or ‘surplus’. Originally it is white (fig.), but sometimes a colour is added. Often the used food colouring is red, the colour associated with Chinese weddings and a symbol for wealth, good luck, beauty and purity, but which makes the outcome rather pinkish. There is also a softer variant known as khanom koh oun (ขนมโก๋อ่อน), which is usually filled with a paste of beans (fig.).

khanom kong (ขนมกง)

Thai. ‘Wheel sweets’. A kind of traditional sweet from the central to southern regions of Thailand and in English is usually referred to as cartwheel candy, as it is fashioned in the form of a circle with a cross. It is made from a dough that consists of a mixture of sticky rice flour and wheat flour which is fried in vegetable oil. Due to its distinctive form, which resembles the dhammachakka, i.e. the Buddhist Wheel of Law (fig.), this candy takes an important place in certain Buddhist festivals and ceremonies, such as the Tenth Lunar Month Festival, i.e. an autumnal religious festival known in Thai as Praphenih Sart Deuan Sip, in which ancestors and deceased relatives are honoured, and in which the snack represents a piece of jewelry, elevating the appearance of the deceased in hell to a more dignified state, as well as in wedding ceremonies, where it is given to newly wed couples as a kind of ancestral ornament, in order to whish them good luck, progress and growth, i.e. going forward just like the Buddhist Wheel of Law keeps on turning, spreading the dhamma endlessly. This type of candy is depicted on a postage stamp issued in 2018 as part of a set of six stamps on traditional Thai sweets. See also POSTAGE STAMPS (1) and (2).

khanom krachao sida (ขนมกระเช้าสีดา)

Thai. ‘Sida's basket candy’. A kind of Thai sweet consisting of small basket-shaped tarts filled with pastel-coloured, shredded coconut. The name derives from an episode in the Ramakien story in which Sida, when was abducted by Totsakan to be taken to Langka, dropped the basket that she was carrying in the forest, where it overgrew with vines. See also POSTAGE STAMP and LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & PLACE NAMES.

khanom krok (ขนมครก)

Thai. ‘Mortar sweets’. A kind of Thai sweetmeat consisting of tiny bowl-shaped pancakes. They are made on a specially designed griddle with small curved-in cavities, comparable to a wafer iron but with round hollow spaces and without a lid. They are prepared from sticky rice flour, sugar and coconut milk. When ready they are usually topped with some chopped spring onion. In English sometimes referred to as coconut-rice pancakes (fig.) and in Thai also called khanom krok boraan. The Thai word krok means ‘mortar’ and refers to the fact that the sticky rice needs to be ground in a mortar in order to make it into flour, whilst the word boraan literally means ‘ancient’, but could in this context be translated as ‘after the old fashion’ or ‘in the old manner’. Also khanom krok. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

khanom lah (ขนมลา)

Thai. Name of a traditional snack of Nakhon Sri Thammarat that is made from rice flour, tapiaca starch and liquid palm sugar, mixed with egg yolk and run though a kind of makeshift strainer that was formerly made from a coconut shell with holes punched in it, thus creating thins strands that are scattered on the surface of a wok by moving the strainer over its surface, creating a orangey mesh-like pattern. After briefly being fried the now dry mesh is gathered from the wok by rolling it onto a bar or tube, creating rolls ready for consumption. Whereas the name khanom is a generic for sweets and sweetmeats, lah derives from ka-lah, i.e. coconut shell’ and refers to the fact that originally a coconut shell with holes was used as a strainer. Khanom lah is one of five snacks used as a traditional offering to monks during Sart (สารท), i.e. an autumnal religious festival during the tenth lunar month when ancestors and deceased relatives are honoured and in which khanom lah is produced in large sheets that represents the offerings of clothes to the spirits of the dead, reminiscent of —and almost simultaneous to— kathin, the period of one month following the rainy season or ‘pansa’, when pious laymen donate robes to the monks. The large sheets of khanom lah offered in the Praphenih Sart Deuan Sip, i.e. the Tenth Lunar Month Festival, are typically rolled into the shape of  tall cones. Also transliterated khanom la. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

khanom look chub (ขนมลูกชุบ)

Thai. Marzipan-like sweets (khanom) made from a paste of steamed green beans mixed with thick coconut milk, sugar and water moulded into miniature tropical fruits or vegetables (fig.) and coated with a thin layer of jelly, applied by dipping (chub). These gracefully created sweets can be found on food markets as well as at buffets in hotels and restaurants, as a dessert. The term look is a classifier for fruits and vegetables, used in Thai language to express a unity or quantity.

khanom met kanun (ขนมเม็ดขนุน)

Thai. ‘Jackfruit seed candy’. A kind of khanom thai, i.e. golden bean paste and egg yolk-based sweets, in the form of jackfruit seeds (fig.). See also kanun and POSTAGE STAMPS.

khanom moji (ขนมโมจิ)

Thai-Japanese. A Japanese-style sweet, known as mochi, similar to khanom pia (fig.) and made from a dough of steamed, pounded sticky rice and cane sugar, filled with a paste, usually of beans. It was first introduced into Thailand by Thai people who brought the sweet back from Japan as a souvenir or present for relatives, after visiting the country. When production in Thailand began, its taste was adapted to fit Thai tastes. It is a specialty from Nakhon Sawan, where Thai production first started, about 20 years ago. In English, it is called mochi, which is the same as the Japanese name mochi (餅), and which refers to the fact that it is made from glutinous sticky rice, which is also known as mochi rice. One remarkable kind of mochi, which looks like a large drop of water, is called Mizu Mochi, literally ‘Water Mochi’, yet it is usually referred to as Raindrop Cake (fig.). See also mooncake.

khanom nga (ขนมงา)

Thai. ‘Sesame candy’. A kind of sweet consisting of crispy balls rolled from a dough made from tapioca flour and self-rising baking powder, and coated with light or a mixture of light and dark sesame seeds. Due to the expansion of the dough, the pastry is hollow on the inside, and this cavity is filled with a sweet bean paste, akin to that used in khanom look chub, hence they are also known as khanom nga sai tua (ขนมงาไส้ถั่ว), i.e. ‘sesame candy filled with beans’. They are often sold together with khanom khai tao (fig.) and sometimes confusingly referred to by the same name. In English, they are called sesame balls or sesame seed balls, a name which is also used for an outwardly similar looking Chinese candy called ma tuan (fig.).

khanom nuad mangkon (ขนมหนวดมังกร)

Thai. ‘Dragon beard candy’. A kind of handmade traditional Chinese nougat-like candy, made using a 2000-year old technique first introduced to the imperial court in ancient China, in which a skilled candy-maker (fig.) repeatedly stretches a small mass made of boiled sugar, maltose and some vinegar, until several thousand fine strands are formed, which are then trimmed in dry-fried glutinous rice flour to prevent excess glueyness, and coiled into a cocoon-like sweet. Alternatively, the strands of sugar may be wrapped around finely chopped, lightly roasted coconut, peanuts or sesame seeds. Dragon beard candy has a delicate crispness, and melts on the tongue, but is best consumed within an hour after production, as after a while it loses its fine texture and starts to become sticky. In Chinese, it is called yin si tang (银丝糖), which can be translated as ‘silver silken candy’, ‘silver strings sweets’ or ‘silver fine threads candy’ and in English it is sometimes referred to as Chinese cotton candy.

khanom pahk moh (ขนมปากหม้อ)

Thai. ‘Pot-mouth candy’. General name for a kind of sweets (fig.), that consist of a soft, often coloured dough, made from sticky rice flour stiffened with starch, and which is used as a wrapper for certain types of filling, usually a mixture of grated coconut, finely chopped peanuts and minced meat, with salt and sugar. The dough is steamed on a piece of cloth spanned over the mouth of a large pot and covered by a cone-shaped lid, similar to the process of making tapioca balls (fig.). Once the dough has stiffened enough, the filling is added and the dough wrapped around it. It is typically served with lettuce leaves and prik khee noo chilies, and usually sprinkled with fried garlic or sometimes with sesame seeds and a little coconut milk, known in Thai as nahm ka-thi. This snack or desert is also referred to as khao kriyab khanom pahk moh (ข้าวเกรียบขนมปากหม้อ), i.e. ‘pot-mouth crispy rice candy ’.

khanompang (ขนมปัง)

Thai for ‘bread’. Compare with the Khmer word nompang.

khanompang cham (ขนมปังฉ่ำ)

Thai. ‘Moist bread’ or ‘succulent bread’. Name of a Thai snack that consist of a soft yet crispy, sweet, buttery, toast-like cuboid chunk of bread, usually served on a skewer and drizzled with a sauce of choice, such as chocolate or caramel. Its is made from a loaf of bread of which the crusty edges have been removed, cut into large cuboid chunks which are covered with butter mixed with sugar and then toasted on a baking plate until crisp. WATCH VIDEO.

khanompang nah moo (ขนมปังหน้าหมู)

Thai. ‘Bread topped with pork’. Name for snack that consists of small, square, bite-sized slices of bread, topped with minced pork and fried in oil until crispy, becoming a kind of golden-brown mini-toasts covered with meatloaf. Prior to being spread on the bread, the minced pork is mixed with garlic, coriander and eggs, and seasoned with soy sauce. They are typically eaten with a sweet dip, which is made by boiling a mixture of vinegar, sugar and a little fish sauce, which is then cooled down and either mixed with slices of fresh cucumber and red shallots, or with finely chopped coriander and thinly sliced prik khee noo chilies (fig.).

khanom phong (ขนมพอง)

Thai name for a snack made from sticky rice which is prepared by first steaming the rice until cooked. Subsequently, the cooked rice is placed into prepared molds of various shapes and left to dry under the sun. Once dried, the rice is fried in very hot oil until it puffs up into light, airy snacks. This snack is one of five snacks used as a traditional offering to monks during the Tenth Lunar Month Festival, i.e. an autumnal religious festival known in Thai as Praphenih Sart Deuan Sip, in which ancestors and deceased relatives are honoured, and in which the khanom phong snack of puffed rice symbolizes a raft for the deceased, which serves as a vessel to traverse the stream of suffering, sin, or karma. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

khanom pia (ขนมเปี๊ยะ)

Thai. A kind of light pastry cake filled with a paste, most often of beans, but also other fillings, such as a durian paste (fig.) or minced pork are sometimes used. The top is coated with egg yolk, making it typically darker than the rest of the cake, and often bears the stamp of a Chinese character, printed on it in red. Some varieties may have extra toppings, such as sugar or sesame seeds. In English, it is usually referred to as Chinese cake or Chinese puff. It is typically offered to monks on bintabaat at the end of the rainy season, during owk pansa. Also transcribed khanom piya. See also khanom moji and mooncake.

khanom piak poon (ขนมเปียกปูน)

Thai. Name of a kind of jelly pudding, also referred to as glutinous rice cakes, topped with some grated coconut. It is made from rice flour mixed with arrowroot or tapioca starch, lime juice, palm sugar and concentrated pandan juice. There are two kinds, i.e. a green variety and a black type which is the basically same but made black with toasted coconut husks.

khanom sakoo (ขนมสาคู)

Thai. Generic name for any snack or dessert made with sago. There are several kinds, and the most commonly found desserts include khanom sakoo sai moo (tapioca balls - fig.) and khanom sakoo piak (tapioca pudding - fig.). Also spelled khanom saku.

khanom sakoo piak (ขนมสาคูเปียก)

Thai. ‘Wet sago-dessert’. Name for a watery, pudding-like dessert, usually referred to as tapioca pudding. There are several types, each named after the main ingredient it is served with, e.g. khanom sakoo piak maphrao aun (ขนมสาคูเปียกมะพร้าวอ่อน) for tapioca pudding with young coconut, khanom sakoo piak met bua (สาคูเปียกเม็ดบัว) for tapioca pudding with lotus seeds (fig.), khanom sakoo piak khao poht (ขนมสาคูเปียกข้าวโพด) for tapioca pudding with corn, etc. The dish is sometimes made with coconut milk and according to ones taste and liking, some may add syrup or liquid palm sugar and crushed ice to it. Also spelled khanom saku piyak.

khanom sakoo sai moo (ขนมสาคูไส้หมู)

Thai. ‘Sago-snack filled with pork’. See tapioca balls.

khanom saneh jan (ขนมเสน่ห์จันทน์)

Thai. Name for an old kind of sweet, which loosely translates as ‘charming sandalwood candy’. READ ON.

khanom sen (ขนมเส้น)

Northern Thai name for khanom jihn. Also transcribed khanom sen, or similar.

khanom tahn (ขนมตาล)

Thai. A kind of cake made from banana, coconut milk, rice flour, yeast, and palm sugar, and topped with shredded coconut. It usually served in small cups made from a banana leave. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

khanom ta-koh (ขนมตะโก้)

Thai. Name of a pudding-like dessert made from flour, sugar, coconut milk and other flavouring ingredients, as well as an ingredient of choice, such as corn kernels, taro, brown beans, Chinese water chestnuts (haew - fig.), Job's tears seeds (look deuay - fig.), etc.. It is typically served in cups made from pandan leaves and topped with either a decorative item, such as flower petals, or a component used in the desert representative of the ingredient of choice. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

khanom thai (ขนมไทย)

Thai. A kind of orange coloured sweetmeat made of egg yolk, sugar and rice flour. It is traditionally eaten on special occasions and ceremonies. There are many kinds, each known by its specific name e.g. khanom foi thong (ขนมฝอยทอง), i.e. ‘shredded or fluffy golden sweets’, also nicknamed ‘angel hair’ which is considered auspicious and often served in local ceremonies, although it is not a typical Thai desert, but came from the half-Portuguese half-Japanese female royal chef in the Ayutthaya period who introduced these sweet golden strands at the court; khanom thong yib, meaning ‘picked gold sweet’; khanom met kanun, that is ‘jackfruit seed sweet’, khanom thong yod, which translates as ‘gold drop candy’ and khanom thong phlu, i.e. ‘rocket gold sweet’. This kind of sweet can be soft or crunchy and if crunchy, the word krob (กรอบ), meaning ‘crispy’, is added to the name. Thong means ‘gold’ and refers to its orange colour. Also khanom Thai.

khanom thang thong (ขนมถังทอง)

Thai. ‘Golden Tank Candy’. Name for a kind of traditional street food dessert that consists of a type of pancake made from rice flour, coconut and sugar, and which originally is topped with sweet shredded coconut, though nowadays also other toppings may be used.

khanom thong ek (ขนมทองเอก)

Thai. ‘Prime Gold Candy’. Name for a kind of traditional dessert, that consists of dumplings made with wheat flour and egg yolk, and topped with a small peace of real gold leaf. See also POSTAGE STAMPS.

khanom thong muan (ขนมทองม้วน)

Thai. A traditional sweetmeat made of flour, coconut milk and egg. They are baked on a waffle iron-like hot plate (fig.) and resemble small pancakes, made into rolls (muan). There are two kinds, i.e. soft or ‘fresh’ ones called khanom thong muan sod (สด) and crispy ones called khanom thong muan krob (กรอบ - fig.). Both types are dotted with black sesame seeds. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

khanom thong yod (ขนมทองหยอด)

Thai. ‘Gold drop candy’. See thong yod.

khanom thuay foo (ขนมถ้วยฟู)

Thai. ‘Spungy Cup Candy’. Name for a kind of (mini) rice flour muffins, usually referred to in English as steamed cup cake. Also transliterated khanom thuai fu. See also POSTAGE STAMPS.

khanom tom (ขนมต้ม)

Thai. Name of a dessert or snack of small coconut ball dumplings, that consist of a soft dough made from glutinous rice flour and filled with a stir-fried coconut filling mixed with sugar that is boiled and afterward covered with shredded coconut. Sometimes a colouring agent is added to the dough. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

khanom wahn (ขนมหวาน)

Thai. Literally ‘sweet candy’, but rather and in general used as the generic term for any ‘dessert’.

khanom wai phrajan (ขนมไหว้พระจันทร์)

Thai. Literally ‘moon revering candy’. Name used for a Chinese-style pastry commonly referred to as mooncake.

khanom wun krob (ขนมวุ้นกรอบ)

Thai. ‘Crispy jelly candy’. Name of a traditional Thai dessert or candy that consists of sweet cube-shaped crispy jellies in various colours, crunchy on the outside and soft on the insides. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

khantoke (ขันโตก)

Thai. A small round floor table (toke) in Lan Na, usually made from rattan and sometimes painted with lacquer, on which a typical northern Thai meal is served in a set of small bowls (khan). The diners sit on the floor around the table and share a number of dishes. Also khantohk. WATCH VIDEO.

khantohk (ขันโตก)

See khantoke.

khao (ขาว)

Thai word for ‘white’. Probably etymologically related to khao, the Thai word for ‘rice’. It has a rising tone.

khao (ข้าว)

Thai for ‘rice’, though the term is also used for other cereals, such as ‘grain’, and in general for ‘food’ as a whole, as in the expression kin khao (กินข้าว), i.e. ‘to eat’, literally ‘to eat [rice/food]’. The word has a falling tone. See also rice.

khao (เขา)

1. Thai-Phasa Klahng for ‘mountain’ or ‘hill’. The word has a rising tone and is comparable to the name phanom used in Isaan, the designation doi used in northern Thailand, and the term khiri used mostly in southern Thailand.

2. Thai for ‘horn’ or ‘horns’.

3. Thai for ‘dove’.

4. Thai for the pronouns ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘they’, and ‘them’.

khao (เข้า)

Thai for ‘to enter’, ‘to come/go inside’, or ‘to add’. The word has a falling tone.

khao chae (ข้าวแช่)

Thai. ‘Soaked rice’. Name of a traditional dish from the central region. It consists of boiled jasmine rice soaked and served in iced water, which is scented with flower leaves, and eaten with assorted side dishes, typically including fried shrimp-paste balls similar to look chin kung thod or kung ra-beud (fig.), deep fried fine threads of meat, hua chai poh wahn (fig.), and various fresh vegetables, such as wild ginger, raw mango, cucumber, green shallots and red chilies. Initially, khao chae was a dish that the Mon people, who also call it peung sangkraan (เปิงสังกรานต์), used to offer to the monks in ceremonies during the Songkraan festival. In the reign of Rama V, it was introduced to the court by palace officials, who offered it the king. After the king's death, the dish became familiar and widespread with commoners, who initially called it khao chae chao wang (ข้าวแช่ชาววัง), literally ‘soaked rice of the court attendants’ or ‘soaked rice of the court people’. The dish is typically served during the hot season and eaten only for lunch or in the afternoon.

khao din (เขาดิน)

Thai. ‘Earthen hill’ or ‘dirt hill’. Short for khao din wa-nah.

khao din wa-nah (เขาดินวนา)

Thai. ‘Earthen forest hill’. Popular name used by the locals to refer to Bangkok's zoo, officially known as Suan Sat Dusit, i.e. Dusit Zoo. Often abbreviated khao din.

Khao Fachi (เขาฝ่าชี)

Thai. ‘Mountain Pleasing to Upasikas’. Name of a mountain in Ranong Province with a viewpoint that offers clear and stunning views of the sea and surrounding area, making it an ideal spot for watching the sunrise and sunset. WATCH VIDEO (1) and (2), and VIDEO (E).

khao fahng (ข้าวฟ่าง)

Thai for millet or sorghum, a genus of numerous species of grasses, some of which are raised for grain. It is a tropical cereal plant bearing small nutritious seeds that pop like corn when roasted. Some kinds are used as fodder plants or pasture, since it belongs to the family of grasses. It is somewhat similar to look deuay.

khao ho bai bua (ข้าวห่อใบบัว)

Thai. ‘Rice wrapped in lotus leaf’. Name of a traditional dish of cooked or fried rice mixed with some ingredients, wrapped in a lotus leaf and steamed in a bamboo basked called a kheng, thus transferring the fragrance of the leaf onto the rice, giving it its special aroma. Ingredients can vary and besides some spices often include shrimps, shredded pork, sliced sweet Chinese sausage and a shiitake mushroom. Sometimes also cooked lotus seeds (fig.) are added.

khao kha moo bohraan (ข้าวขาหมูโบราณ)

Thai. ‘Rice with pork leg in the old style’. A dish consisting of stewed pork leg, khai phalo (fig.), i.e. a sliced up egg boiled hard in soy sauce, and some steamed vegetables served over rice. This dish is usually sold at roadside food stalls, front-home shops and in the coupon-style mass restaurants of large shopping malls. It has though a very high calorie value.

Khao Khanaab Nahm (เขาขนาบน้ำ)

Thai. ‘Mountains Flanked by Water’. Name of two mountains that are roughly a hundred meters tall, separated by the Krabi River and located at the mouth of the river and the entrance to Krabi town. The twin mountains, located in a dense mangrove forest, are home to some amazing caves worth exploring. In the main cave, some human skeletons have been found. They are presumed to belong to some early dwellers, who settled in the area and perished in the cave when they were cut off by an inundation. The cave today displays some of edifices of earlier cave dwellers, as well as some human bones. The eye catcher in the cave is the huge skull and bones of a giant human or yak, whose remains are entwined by the skeleton of a large serpent, said to be that of a phayanaag, i.e. the mythological ‘King of Snakes’. The mountains are regarded as a landmark and symbol of Krabi, and the natural gateway to the city. The mountain on the eastern side of the river can only be reached by boat. See also EXPLORER'S MAP, TRAVEL PICTURES (1) and (2), and WATCH VIDEO.

Khao Khlang Nok (เขาคลังนอ)

Thai name of an important ancient site at Sri Thep Historical Park in Phetchabun Province, dating from the 13 to 14th centuries. Originally, it was a large religious complex, yet today only its square base remains, which measures  circa 64 by 64 meters, with stairs that ascend to the top from all four directions. The structure stands around 20 meters tall from its base to the apex and is divided into two main levels, each about 5 meters in height. Encircling it in each cardinal direction are some smaller stupas symbolizing cosmic beliefs and reflecting architectural influences from southern India and Central Java akin to Indonesia's Borobudur. It has been suggested that it originally consisted of a three-level structure and may have served for ritualistic and navigational purposes. It was restored in 2012 and on 19 September 2023, UNESCO designated the ancient city of Sri Thep as a World Cultural Heritage Site, making it the 4th site in Thailand to receive this honour and the 7th World Heritage Site in the country. Its official designation is The Ancient Town of Sri Thep and its Associated Dvaravati Monuments. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

khao klong (ข้าวกล้อง)

Thai term for milled but unpolished rice, also referred to as half-milled rice. It is an OTOP product from Prachuap Khirikhan, for one. See also khao som meua.

khao kluk kapi (ข้าวคลุกกะปิ)

Thai. A dish of rice mixed with shrimp paste (fig.), known in Thai as kapi, and typically served with shredded omelet, dried or fried shrimps, slices of fried Chinese sausage (kun chiang), thinly sliced sour mango (ma muang man) or grated papaya, sweet pork (wok-fried pork seasoned with fish sauce, dark soy sauce and sugar), dried chilies, chopped red onion or shallots, chopped long beans, and a wedge of lime, though also other ingredients may variably be used. In Englsih, this dish may be referred to as rice seasoned with shrimp paste, or simply as shrimp paste rice (fig.). Also transliterated khao khluk kapi.

khao kluk kapi

khao kon thod (ข้าวก้อนทอด)

Thai. ‘Fried rice ball’. A kind of food made from boiled rice mixed with egg, garlic, pepper, sugar, fish sauce, light soy sauce and sometimes with a little minced pork and some pulverized parsley stems, moulded into balls and are coated with a layer of finely crushed breadcrumbs before being deep-fried, thus creating a golden, crunchy outer layer. They are a specialty from Isaan and are typically eaten with naem, slightly fermented, salted pork (fig.), as an ingredient in a dish called yam naem (fig.). Their size is generally slightly smaller than that of a tennis ball. Also called kluk khao thod, with the word kluk meaning ‘to mix’ or ‘to roll’.

khao kriyab (ข้าวเกรียบ)

Thai. ‘Crispy rice cracker’. Umbrella term for any type of cracker, a deep fried snack by some better known by to the Indonesian name krupuk and made from starch, typically tapioca or rice flour, mixed with water, at times some spices, and usually flavoured with powdered shrimps or prawns, in which case it is referred to as prawn cracker, in Indonesian called krupuk udang and in Thai khao kriyab kung (ข้าวเกรียบกุ้ง). Prior to frying, the mixture is rolled out, steamed, sliced and sun-dried. Crispy crackers are commonly served as a starter in Myanmar, while waiting for the main dishes to arrive. Compare with thua nao.

khao kriyab waw (ข้าวเกรียบว่าว)

Thai. Thin slices of rice flour crisped over an open fire (fig.), often using a tao tahn. The ingredients for this fragile, round crackers include pounded sticky rice and oyster sauce. Usually also some sugar is added. Though, there are several varieties and they are generally referred to as just khao kriyab (fig.). In the past it used to be a kind of snack or khanom, that was only found during certain boon festivals, especially boon phrawet, or in the cold season, after the rice harvest. Due to this association with the past, it is by many youngsters seen as a rather ancient snack. In Isaan it is called khao pohng (ข้าวโป่ง), i.e. ‘inflated rice’ or ‘blistered rice’, or khao khiyab (ข้าวเขียบ); in the North it is named khao khuab (ข้าววบ), khao phong (ข้าวพอง) or khao pong (ข้าวปอง) -which derives from pohng (โป่ง) or pong (ป่อง)- and also means ‘inflated rice’ or ‘blistered rice’; and in the South it is known as kriyab niauw (เกรียบเหนียว), referring to khao niauw, i.e. sticky rice. The name waw is derived from its flat form and light weigth, which is reminiscent of a traditional Thai kite (fig.), called waw in Thai. Compare with thua nao.

khao kung krob (ข้าวกุ้งกรอบ)

Thai. Name for a crispy dish made with rice and shrimps, mixed together and then deep-fried. It is a local specialty from Uthai Thani.

khao lahm (ข้าวหลาม)

Thai. Sticky rice or khao niauw grilled in a bamboo cylinder called krabok. The sticky rice is mixed with sweet coconut milk and other ingredients, such as corn, Thai custard, beans, etc. It is eaten by hand after the cylinder is peeled opened like a banana (fig.), and is ideal to take as a snack on hikes or, as is often seen upcountry, when going to work in the fields. In Chonburi province is a rural highway named Khao Lahm, and in Bangkok is a street that bears this name. Also transcribed khao laam, khaw lahm and khao lam. See also THEMATIC STREET LIGHT.

Khao Lak–Lam Ru (เขาหลัก-ลำรู่)

Thai. Name of a National Park in Phang Nga Province, that covers an area of about 125 km². The park includes tropical evergreen montane forests and a small coastal area. The park hosts diverse wildlife, including mammals, including also Binturongs (fig.), over 170 bird species, and various reptiles and amphibians, including the Elongated Tortoise (fig.).  Known for its beaches, waterfalls, and hiking trails, the park was significantly impacted by the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, which caused severe damage and many deaths. Despite the tsunami's impact, the park remains a vital ecological site with ongoing conservation efforts. WATCH VIDEO and VIDEO (EN).

khao man kai (ข้าวมันไก่)

Thai. ‘Chicken oily rice’. A dish of chicken over rice cooked with coconut milk. In English, it is referred to as Hainanese Chicken Rice, and is said to be a specialty introduced to Singapore by immigrants from Hainan Island, off the coast of China, though their own invention and not ready available in their home country and hence also called Singapore Hainanese Chicken Rice. In Thailand, it is traditionally served with some sliced cucumber, a soup made from chicken broth and parsley, to which sometimes also chicken liver and coagulated blood are added, as well as with a spicy sauce made from ingredients, that include prik khee noo chilies, ginger and garlic. It is typically found at markets and roadside restaurants.

khao mao (ข้าวเม่า)

Thai. Shredded rice grain. Nearly mature rice which is harvested just before it has fully ripened. It can be made of either glutinous or non-glutinous rice and eaten uncooked as well as prepared. First the rice is soaked in water to loosen the husk, then it is roasted (kua) and pounded until it is flat. After this it is winnowed to remove the husks and dust. Its natural colour is grey to light green, but often its colour is made more attractive bright green by mixing the rice with some fresh leaves of a tree called ton kahm pu (ต้นก้ามปู) whilst it is being pounded, although nowadays more often a green colouring matter is used instead. When popped it is called khao mao rahng (ข้าวเม่าราง - fig.) which can be mixed with Thai herbs or spices and is then also known as khao kua ob samunphrai, i.e. ‘popped (kua) and roasted (ob) herbal (samunphrai) rice (khao)’. Herbs may include fried onion, peanuts, dried chilis and dried makrud leaves (fig.). When fried and mixed with bean curds and dried prawns it is called khao mao mih (ข้าวเม่าหมี่) and fresh it is called khao mao sot (ข้าวเม่าสด - fig.). Another variety is khao mao krayahsaad (ข้าวเม่ากระยาสาตร - fig.) which is caramelised with sugar and usually mixed with other ingredients, especially seeds and nuts like the krayahsaad sweetmeat (fig.). Glutinous khao mao finely ground into a powder and mixed with sugar and grated coconut is used to make a candy known as khanom khao mao (fig.), as well as a wrapper for a snack of deep-fried banana called gluay khao mao thod (fig.).

khao mo (เขามอ)

Thai-Khmer. ‘Small Rocky Mountain’. Name for an artificial miniature hill. There are two types of khao mo. One is a small-sized and potted, i.e. a form of miniature garden with a miniature hill of rocks and stones, arranged in potted plants, in the same category as penjing, i.e. ‘miniature landscape’ (fig.) and bonsai, which means ‘potted plant’ (fig.). The other is large-sized, i.e. built on the ground or in the middle of a pond, and consists of a structure of genuine or replica rocks and stones, piled on top of another to form a miniature hill, with coves and nooks (fig.), and sometimes with waterfalls and caves. This second type of khao mo is designed to decorate monasteries and royal palaces, a garden architecture that dates back to the Ayutthaya Period. Whereas the Thai word khao means ‘hill’ or ‘mountain’, and mo can be translated as ‘small hill’, the term mo is actually said to derive from the Khmer word t’mor, which means ‘rock’. A popular khao mo in Bangkok is that of Wat Prayun Wongsahwaht (fig.) in Thonburi, adjacent to the main entrance of this Buddhist temple, and part of it. It is built in the middle of a pond filled with turtles and fish, and surrounded by a rock garden and a number of miniature chedis and stupas, cathedrals, pavilions, and rare plants. In the evening, it is illuminated with both large spots and countless tiny Christmas or LED lights.

khao mok kai (ข้าวหมกไก่)

Thai. Name for a dish known in English as chicken biryani, that originated in Persia, i.e. present-day Iran, and which in Thailand is made almost exclusively by the Muslim population. It consists of steamed rice, sometimes mixed with raisins and sliced toasted almonds, which is fried, mixed and seasoned with a sauce made from curry powder and some other herbs, such as ground turmeric, ground cinnamon, clove, star anise (fig.), coriander seeds (fig.), black pepper (fig.), fennel seeds, and black cardamom (fig.), and then topped with fried red onion slices and with fried or marinated chicken, which are prepared separately. The dish is usually also eaten with some fresh vegetables, such as sliced cucumber and spring onion.

khao moo kaolih (ข้าวหมูเกาหลี)

Thai. ‘Korean pork rice’. Name of a dish that consists of chunks of pork, as well as cabbage, stir fried separately in a wok. It is served over steamed rice and optionally with some slices of cucumber and topped with a fried egg. It is usually served with a small bowl of broth-like soup, often with some phak chih, i.e. coriander, and a piece of cooked fak, i.e. winter melon (fig.). Also referred to as khao nah moo kaolih (ข้าวหน้าหมูเกาหลี), i.e. ‘rice topped with Korean pork’.

khao neung (ข้าวนึ่ง)

1. Thai. ‘Steamed rice’. Name of a dish which is prepared by soaking hulled rice in water, dry it and then steam it. It may be mixed with steamed, crumbled fish and is usually served with fresh bai chaphlu, chilies and slices of an Isaan style sausage.

2. Thai. ‘Parboiled rice’. Name for rice that has been boiled in the husk, thus improving its nutritional value. After this the rice is polished by hand to remove the bran layer. The word parboil is a compound of partially and boil, meaning ‘to boil until partly cooked’.

khao niauw (ข้าวเหนียว)

Thai. ‘Sticky rice’. Name for glutinous rice, a variety of rice which is soaked in water and then steamed in a huad (fig.) placed over a boiler, rather than cooked, and eaten with the fingers. It is usually served in a small basket made of bamboo and called aeb (fig.), kong khao or kratib (fig.). It is especially popular in Isaan and Northern Thailand, and has many different applications, e.g. khao niauw moon, sticky rice mixed with coconut cream eaten as a desert with barracuda mango, a sweet and soft kind of mango with yellow flesh; grilled in a bamboo cylinder a snack known as khao lahm; ground and made into a kind of rice cracker, stuffed with sweet or savory fillings and wrapped in leaves, used as the basis for brewing sato, fried rice balls (fig.), khao kriyab waw (fig.), etc. Also referred to as as sweet rice, waxy rice (fig.), botan rice, mochi or moji rice (as in khanom moji), and pearl rice. Often transcribed khao neaw or khaw niao.

khao niauw chup khai thod (ข้าวเหนียวชุปไข่ทอด)

Thai snack of glutinous rice, i.e. sticky rice, which is steamed and then made into a ball, put on a stick and dipped in egg yolk, and then grilled over a charcoal fire.

khao niauw moon (ข้าวเหนียวมูน)

Thai. ‘To mix sticky rice with coconut cream’. Name of a kind of desert consisting of glutinous rice (khao niauw) mixed with palm sugar and coconut cream, and served either with barracuda mango, a sweet and soft kind of mango with yellow flesh, or durian. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

Khao No–Khao Kaew (เขาหน่อ-เขาแก้ว)

Thai. ‘Offshoot Mountain—Crystal Mountain’ or ‘Spire Mountain—Glass Mountain’. Name of a twin karst or limestone mountain in Nakhon Sawan province. The mountains are home to a large troop of wild Crab-eating Macaques, i.e. Long-tailed Macaques, known in Thai as ling sahaem. Also transliterated Khao No–Khao Kaeo. See also TRAVEL PICTURE, PANORAMA PICTURE, MAP, and WATCH VIDEO.

khao pansa (เข้าพรรษา)

Thai. ‘Entering the rainy season’. The beginning of the rainy season in Thailand. It is the start of a three month period when Buddhist monks retire to their temples to study and meditate, and in which they refrain from travelling. At the start of this festival people perform a thaksinahwat (fig.) in the temple and young men and boys are ordained as monks or novices for a short period of time. Other lay people hold celebrations in and around the temple and many make vows they will try to keep during this period, such as –temporary– refraining from drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco. The period starts with the casting, procession and offering of large thian pansa candles (fig.), usually in the middle or at the end of July, and marks the start of the Buddhist Lent, that ends about three months later with ouk pansa, literally ‘exiting the rainy season’. Also transcribed khaw pansa/phansa. See also Wax Candle Festival.

khao phad (ข้าวผัด)

Thai term, usually translated as ‘fried rice’. Whereas khao literally means rice, the word phad should actually be understood as ‘to mix food in a wok with a little oil’, i.e. ‘to stir fry’. The main ingredients are cooked rice, an egg, sliced onion, finely chopped garlic and ditto spring onions, and optionally some chopped tomato. When meat or other constituents are added the Thai word for that ingredient or supplement is then also added at the end, e.g. khao phad kai (ข้าวผัดไก่) for ‘fried rice with chicken’, khao phad moo (ข้าวผัดหมู) for ‘fried rice with pork’, khao phad poo (ข้าวผัดปู) for ‘fried rice with crab’, khao phad talae (ข้าวผัดทะเล) for ‘fried rice with seafood’, khao phad kung (ข้าวผัดกุ้ง) for ‘fried rice with prawns’, etc. On request a fried egg (khai dao) can also be ordered with it which is served on top and the dish is then referred to as khao phad khai dao (ข้าวผัดไข่ดาว). Khao phad is typically served with some sliced cucumber, green onions and half a lime to squeeze on top, and sometimes with lettuce and some slices of tomato as well. Also transcribed khao pad, khaw phad, khaw pad, khaw phat, khaw pat, khao phat and khao pat, or a similar variety.

Khao Phaeng Mah (เขาแผงม้า)

Thai. ‘Horse Stall Mountain’. Name of a hilly area in Wang Nahm Khiauw district of Nakhon Ratchasima province, which is well-known for its krathing viewpoint. Here, on a small hill, Wildlife Fund Thailand offers a Gaur-watching programme, within the scope of its wildlife conservation activities. From this hill, some large herds of Gaurs (fig.) can be observed in the wild, especially when they come out in the open to graze on plants and grasses in the surrounding fields, typically between 6.00 and 8.00 AM and 4.00 to 6.00 PM. This particular spot is also excellent to observe other animals that live in this area.

Khao Phra Wihaan (เขาพระวิหาร)

Thai. ‘Temple mountain’ or ‘sanctuary on the mountain’. A Khmer temple built between the 9th and 12th centuries AD, during the Angkorian Period. It is considered to be one of the most spectacular sites of the ancient Khmer Empire and was constructed over a period of nearly 300 years. It straddles the border with Thailand, near the present day Thai province of Sri Saket, where the temple's two satellite stupas known as Prasat Santhop are located (map), and Cambodia, with its entrance clearly on Thai soil, while the main complex is on Cambodian territory, in the khaet Preah Vihear. This has caused a long standing dispute about its ownership, until the International Court in Den Haag in 1962 eventually allocated it to Cambodia, where it is known as Prasat Preah Vihear. However, the dispute flared up again in July 2008 after the site was listed as an UNESCO World Heritage site, angering envious Thai nationalists. Tensions escalated into a military confrontation with both sides accusing each other of violating ones autonomy. The complex lies at 657 meters above sea level in a sandstone mountain range but ends abruptly on an overhanging cliff. Because of this the temple can only be entered from the North, on Thai territory. Nearby is Pha Mo Ih-Daeng (ผามออีแดง), a viewpoint (map - fig.) from where one has a panoramic view of the Cambodian landscape below, as well as of the Khao Phra Wihaan temple complex in the distance. Pha Mo Ih-Daeng, sometimes transcribed Pha Mor E-Daeng or Phah Mo-I-Daeng, means ‘red small hill cliff’, and from its top, a staircase leads down to bas-relief carvings located at the mountain's side, which is part of the Dangrek mountain range. It features three figures wearing Khmer costumes and seated in the lalitasana pose, and probably dates back to the mid-11th century (map - fig.). Both the temple, Pha Mo Ih-Daeng and the surrounding area on Thai territory are part of Khao Phra Wihaan National Park, which covers an area of about 130 km², partly stretching into Ubon Ratchathani Province. Also transcribed Khao Phra Viharn. See MAP.

Khao Phutthong (เขาพุทธทอง)

Thai. ‘Golden Buddha Hill’. Name of an arboretum established in 1980 AD, at the main shrine of Suan Mokkha Phalarahm, in Chaiya district of Surat Thani province, which has a garden ubosot that is used as a meditation centre by followers of Phuttathaat, i.e. Buddhadasa Bhikku. In full it is known as Suan Rukkhachaht Khao Phutthong. See also POSTAGE STAMPS.

khao pun (ข้าวปุ้น)

Name used in Isaan for khanom jihn.

Khao Sahm Muk (เขาสามมุข)

Thai. ‘Three Porches Mountain’ or ‘Hillock of the Three Porticos’. Name of a small coastal mountain in v province, located on a spit of land, roughly in between Bang Saen Beach (fig.) and Ang Sila fishing village. It offers a panoramic view over both those areas and features on the provincial coat of arms (fig.). The seashore hillock has a sala with a statue of the goddess Chao Mae Sahm Muk, of whom it is believed that she protects seafaring fishermen, as well as the local population. Khao Sahm Muk is occupied by large groups of Crab-eating Macaques, that live here in the wild. See MAP.

Khao Sahm Roi Yot (เขาสามร้อยยอด)

Thai. ‘Three Hundred Mountain Peaks’. A National Park (map) in Prachuap Khirikhan, which covers an area of about 98 km². It is located along the shoreline of the Gulf of Thailand and is home to Tham Phraya Nakhon, a cave (fig.) which houses a royal pavilion (fig.) known by the names Phra Thihnang Khoo Ha Khareuhaat and Phra Thihnang Khoo Ha Sawan, and which features on the provincial emblem of Prachuap Khirikhan (fig.). To fully appreciate the immense scale of this mountain range, it’s best viewed from the air (fig.). See MAP.

khao san (ข้าวสาร)

Thai for ‘polished rice’. Khao San Road, a famous tourist hub in Bangkok's subdistrict Banglamphoo, is named after it. This walking street has a daily market and many shops that stay open until late. The area is very popular with backpackers and has a rather hippie-like atmosphere. There is a wide variety of pubs and bars, as well as low-budget hotels and guesthouses. It is one of the few places in Thailand where one can watch street performances. The street and the adjacent area has a nice mixture of visitors, including tourists and expats, as well as many Thai people. Pronunciation khaw saan and sometimes transcribed khao sarn or khao sahn. See MAP.

khao soi (ข้าวซอย)

Thai. Name of a northern Thai dish of thin flat egg noodles that are poured with a curry-like broth served with chicken, beef or pork and topped with the same noodles fried crisp, some small red onion slivers and cuts of pickled Chinese lettuce. Fresh lemon and nahm phrik phao, a sauce of dried chilies fried in oil (fig.) are used to spice up the dish. In the northern Thai town of Chiang Mai is a restaurant called Mae Sai, named after the northernmost town of Thailand in Chiang Rai Province, which has earned itself a Michelin Star preparing and serving this typical northern noodle dish. See also POSTAGE STAMP and WATCH VIDEO.

Khao Sok (เขาสก)

Thai. Name of a mountain, as well as of a National Park in Surat Thani Province, which covers an area of about 738 km². READ ON.

khao som meua (ข้าวซ้อมมือ)

Thai. ‘Hand-polished rice’. Coarse rice, also referred to as half-milled rice. It is an OTOP product from Roi Et, for one. See also khao klong.

khao tok (ข้าวตอก)

Thai. ‘Popped rice’. Puffed rice, in Southeast Asian tradition, typically obtained by heating the rice kernels in a large wok mixed with some fine sand, usually from a nearby river. READ ON.

khao too (ข้าวตู)

Thai. Abbreviation for khao too maprao oun. Also spelled khaw tuh.

khao too maprao oun (ข้าวตูมะพร้าวอ่อน)

Thai. Name for a kind of sticky candy or sweetmeat (khanom), in English referred to as granulated rice balls or granulated rice cakes. It is made ​​of sundried cooked rice, which is pounded and then stirred over a soft fire, adding water, coconut sugar, coconut milk, grated coconut meat, and some scraped flesh and juice of a young coconut (maprao oun). The mixture is then made fragrant with a thian ob, sometimes using jasmine or ylang ylang. The soft paste is then rolled into elongated balls, similar in shape to khai mot daeng (fig.), or alternatively pressed into rounded moulds, to make small, disc-like cakes, that are similar in shape and size to hockey pucks. Also called khao too.

Khao Yai (เขาใหญ่)

1. Thai. ‘Big Mountain’. Name of Thailand's oldest national park, established on 18 September 1962 and covering an area of 2,168 km². It is situated largely in the province of Nakhon Ratchasima, but also includes parts of Saraburi, Nakhon Nayok and Prachinburi. The park's altitude ranges from 400 to 1,000 meter above sea level and consists of evergreen forests and grasslands. There are around 3,000 species of plants, 320 species of birds and 67 species of mammals, including the Asian Elephant (fig.), tiger, Asian Black Bear (fig.), Gaur (fig.), Barking Deer (fig.) gibbon, etc. There are also several waterfalls, including the three level nahm tok Haew Narok (เหวนรก), the biggest in the park of which the name means the ‘abyss of hell’ (map - fig.) and which appears on a Thai definitive postage stamp issued in 2008 (fig.), Haew Suwat (เหวสุวัต), a 25 meter high cascade (map - fig.), and Sarika. Haew Narok is nicknamed Susaan Chang Pah (สุสานช้างป่า), i.e. Wild Elephant's Graveyard, as sadly, many wild elephants have died here after falling into the waterfall, that seems to live up to its name. On 5 October 2019, eleven wild elephants died here, all believed to belong to the same herd, and making it one of the biggest losses of wild elephants living in National Parks in Thailand on record. See MAP and WATCH VIDEO (1), (2) and (3).

2. Thai. ‘Large Mountain’. Name of a male spirit or protector deity with the title Chao Pho (เจ้าพ่อ), who is venerated on Koh Si Chang, where he has a shrine on the slope of Mount Phra Chulachomklao (fig.). See also TRAVEL PICTURE and MAP.

3. Thai. ‘Large Mountain’. Name of a tambon in Cha-am (ชะอำ) District, Phetchaburi.

khao yam (ข้าวยํา)

Thai. ‘Rice salad’. A southern dish consisting of cooked dry rice, served with some pounded dry shrimps, roasted shreds of coconut, pound roasted prik kee noo chilies and some fresh vegetables, that include sprouted soybeans, finely shredded young makrud (kaffir lime - fig.) leaves, thinly cut takrai (lemongrass - fig.), sliced tua fak yao (Chinese long bean - fig.), as well as finely sliced mango and some manao (lemon) on the side, and most importantly, a sauce called nahm budu or nahm kheuy. It is typically eaten as breakfast by pouring the sauce over the ingredients, which are then tossed as a salad,  squeezing the lemon over it. It is often sold on markets and at simple food stalls.

Khawih–Honwichai (คาวี-หลวิชัย)

Thai. Name of a Thai folktale about the friendship between a tiger cub and a calf, that were changed into humans by a reusi (hermit), in order that their friendship could last forever without becoming hazardous. The calf was named Khawih (Khawee) and tiger cub was named Honwichai. The boys were then asked to stay with the hermit until they reached adulthood, so that they would be able to study. As they grew up and the time came for them to leave, the hermit changed their clothes into those similar to princes and gave them sacred knives in which he enclosed their hearts, so that they could not be killed. The story is also referred to with the names in the opposite order, i.e. Honwichai-Khawih, and often transliterated differently, e.g. Khawee-Honwichai, Kawih-Holwichai, Kawee-Honwichai, etc. In 1999, a scene of the folktale was depicted on a Thai postage stamp (fig.).

Khawin (คาวิน)

Thai. Name of a hermit, who appears in the epic Ramakien, where he cast a spell that anything thrown in the water would immediately sink to the bottom, in order to avoid anyone from building a road for the monkey army of Phra Ram (fig.) to cross into Longka. However, by carrying the task out alone without the aid of others, the curse could be broken. Hence, the monkey-warrior Nilaraat (fig.), volunteered to take the task of throwing boulders into the sea upon himself and thus got around the spell. See also LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & NAMES.

Khayaket (ขายะเคช)

Another Thai name for Kanakavatsa.

Kheedkhin (ขีดขิน)

Thai name for a city in the epos Ramakien, which was initially ruled by the monkey-king Bali or Phali (fig.), in Sanskrit known as Vali, until his half-brother Sukrihp (fig.), in Sanskrit called Sugriva, seized power and usurped  the throne, becoming the de facto new ruler of Kheedkhin. Also transliterated Khiht Khin or Khit Khin, and sometimes referred to as Khat Khin (คัตขิน), Khet Khin (เขตขิน), with khet meaning ‘domain’ or ‘zone’, or simply Khin (ขิน), yet sometimes with a different spelling in Thai, changing the rising tone into a low tone by using the tone mark mai ek (ไม้เอก). See also LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & NAMES.

kheng (เข่ง)

1. Thai. A round platter-like basketwork or crate made of bamboo, used to pack or transport fish. It is used for packaging pla tu for one, each kheng usually containing two or three fish (fig.).

2. Thai. A small or sometimes large (fig.) round bamboo basket used to steam khanom jihb and dim san (fig.). They are designed to be easily stacked upon each other and single or top baskets might be covered with a chequer plaited lid.

3. Thai. An indefinite unit of capacity roughly equivalent to a basket.

khet (เขต)

Thai. ‘Domain’ or ‘zone’. Term used for the division of Bangkok into different zones, which is than upcountry, where zones are called tambon. Besides 45 zones or khet, Bangkok also has 5 districts called amphur which are administrative subdivisions of the province or jangwat of Bangkok. Bangkok's capital city is the khet Phra Nakhon. The zones are divided into subdistricts called khwaeng. The Thai word khet is related to the Khmer khaet, the term for a province in Cambodia.

Khet Raksah Phan Sat Pah (เขตรักษาพันธุ์สัตว์ป่า)

Thai. ‘Domain to preserve breeds of wild animal’. Name for any Wildlife Sanctuary in the country, which exist in addition to the many National Parks and National Marine Parks, in general known as Uthayaan Haeng Chaat. MORE ON THIS.

khi lehk american (ขี้เหล็กอเมริกัน)

Thai. Another name for the suwannaphreuk. See also kaeng khi lehk.

khim (ขิม)

Thai. A stringed instrument (fig.) of Chinese origin, constructed on a similar principle as the piano and played with two percussion sticks.

khimar (خمار)

Arabic. Term for ‘veil’ or ‘headscarf’, as used by Islamic women. Compare with hijab.

khing (ขิง)

Thai for ginger.

khing daeng (ขิงแดง)

Thai word for red ginger (fig.).

khiri (คีรี)

Thai-Phasa Pak Tai term for ‘mountain’ used mostly in southern Thailand, comparable to the general Phasa Klahng term khao, the name phanom used in Isaan, and the Thai-kham meuang designation doi used in northern Thailand.

khlui (ขลุ่ย)

Thai. Name of a kind of end-blown woodwind instrument, traditionally made of a long segment of bamboo and sometimes decorated with skin, though they also exist made from hardwood and even from plastic. Unlike the pih, this flute has no reed, but has instead a wooden plug that, apart from a small slit known as the duct, almost completely closes off the front part of the cylindrical segment and serves as the mouthpiece. Near the top of the flute, just a small distance underneath the mouthpiece and beyond the wooden plug, is a -often rectangular- hole with a bladed edge through which the breath escapes, and which creates a whistling sound. The amount of breath that escapes can be regulated by opening or closing off the finger holes, which will influence the tones. The khlui generally has seven finger holes and originally came in three sizes, namely small, medium and large, each of which is known by its specific name, i.e. khlui lib, khloi phiang-ou and khlui uh, respectively. However, later someone created a flute with a higher sound, which goes by the name khlui kruad (ขลุ่ยกรวด) and which is used mainly with modern musical instruments, such as those used in rock or pop. In 1970, the khloi phiang-ou was depicted on one of a set of four Thai postage stamps featuring Thai musical instruments (fig.). Also spelled khluy. See also khluythip.

khlui lib (ขลุ่ยหลิบ)

Thai. Name of a small-sized khlui, which is around 36 centimeters long and about 2 centimeters wide.

khloi phiang-ou (ขลุ่ยเพียงออ)

Thai. Name of a medium-sized khlui, which is around 45 to 46 centimeters long and about 4 centimeters wide. In 1970, the khloi phiang-ou was depicted on one of a set of four Thai postage stamps featuring Thai musical instruments (fig.).

khlui uh (ขลุ่ยอู้)

Thai. Name of a large-sized khlui, which is around 60 centimeters long and about 4 to 5 centimeters wide.

khlong (คลอง)

Thai for ‘canal’. Bangkok has a large network of canals. A boat tour on the canals of Thonburi (map) is a popular tourist attraction. Many canals also have public boat services and they are a fast way to get around town. See also Khlong Saen Saeb, Khlong Maha Naak, and Khlong Rop Krung.

Khlong Banglamphoo (คลองบางลำพู)

Thai. ‘Banglamphoo Canal’. Additional name used for the northern section of Khlong Khoo Meuang (fig.), which runs from the Fan Fah Bridge near Pom Maha Kaan (fig.), where it connects with Khlong Maha Naak (fig.), to the Chao Phraya River (fig.) near Pom Phra Sumeru (fig.) in Banglamphoo District. See MAP.

Khlong Jik (คลองจิก)

Thai. ‘Pinch Canal’. Name of a canal in northeastern Bangkok. READ ON.

Khlong Kacha (คลองกะจะ)

Thai. Name of a canal in northeastern Bangkok, that connects Khlong Jik (fig.) with Khlong Hua Mahk (คลองหัวหมาก).

Khlong Khoo Meuang (คลองคูเมือง)

Thai. ‘City Canal Ditch’. A canal dug in 1783, on the orders of King Rama I, after he moved the capital from Thonburi to its present location in Phra Nakhon, thus surrounding the new capital and enclosing it akin to the moat of a fortified city. In the West, the city already had its natural border, i.e. the Chao Phraya River, and with the canal dug, he consequently created an ‘island’, which became known as Koh Rattanakosin. The canal semi-circumvents inner Rattanakosin Island, flowing alongside Atsadang Road, and making a curve from the banks of the Chao Phraya River at the Phra Pinklao Bridge (fig.) in the North, formerly known as Tha Chang Wang Nah (ท่าช้างวังหน้า), to the Pak Khlong Flower Market (fig.) and the Rajini (ราชินี) School in the South. Somewhere halfway, the canal features the Pihkun Bridge (fig.), i.e. a pedestrian bridge built in 1911 by Queen Saowapha that connected inner Rattanakosin with outer Rattanakosin and eastern Bangkok. Confusingly, the name Khlong Khoo Meuang (fig.) is also used for a second canal dug in 1785 when the city expanded and which is also known as Khlong Rop Krung (map - fig.), a similar meaning that translates as the ‘Canal Encircling the City’. To avoid a mix-up, the older canal is usually referred to as Khlong Khoo/Kuh Meuang Deum (คลองคูเมืองเดิม), i.e. the ‘Original City Canal Ditch’, while in English, it is known as the Old City Moat. See MAP.

Old City Moat

khlong lon (คลองล้น)

Thai. ‘Overflow canal’. A canal that extends sideways from another canal and which is dug to be used as an overflow or drainage system during heavy rainfall to slow the rise of the water level in the main canal or waterway.

Khlong Maha Naak (คลองมหานาค)

Thai. ‘Canal of the Great Naga’. A canal dug around 1785, on the orders of King Rama I. READ ON.

Khlong Nakhon Luang (คลองนครหลวง)

Thai. ‘Capital City Canal’. Name of a canal in Ayutthaya, once the capital of Siam. It flows from the Pa Sak river towards Bang Pa-in, passing through the districts Nakhon Luang and Uthai. Along its route it has four sewer canals, namely the canals 6, 26, 27 and 28, whilst the section of the canal that flows in front of the Singha's Wang Noi Beverage Distribution Centre, is lined with colourful light displays that at night are visible from afar.

Khlong Ohng Ahng (คลองโอ่งอ่าง)

Thai. ‘Bowl Jar Canal’. Name of the southern section of the lager Khlong Khoo Meuang (fig.), a canal that semi-circumvents the old city and is hence also known as Khlong Rop Krung. It connects to the Chao Phraya River (fig.) near Wang Burapha Phirom, adjacent to and to the southeast of Praisanihyakahn (fig.). The name drives from the fact that in that neighbourhood there was once a centre where Mon and Chinese earthenware was sold. It is the middle and second of 3 canals that semi-circumvent Rattanakosin Island in the east and together with the river in the west form a three-layered protective barrier, the inner one being the Old City Moat (map - fig.), the outer one Khlong Phadung Krung Kasem (map - fig.). Though, since they all enclose the old city, any one of these may also be referred to as Khlong Rop Krung, though this name is especially used for the the first two canals. See MAP.

Khlong Phadung Krung Kasem (คลองผดุงกรุงเกษม)

Thai. ‘Canal to Keep the City Secured’. A canal dug in 1851 on the orders of King Rama IV and to serve as a new outer moat for the expanding city. It connects to the Chao Phraya River at Wat Devarat Kunchon Worawihaan (วัดเทวราชกุญชรวรวิหาร) in the North and runs to River City in the South, roughly forming an arch that passes by Bobae Market and Hua Lampong Train Station (fig.). See MAP.

Khlong Prawet Burirom (คลองประเวศบุรีรมย์)

Thai. ‘Access to the Pleasing City Canal’. Name of a 46 kilometer long canal in eastern Bangkok. READ ON.

Khlong Prem Prachakon (คลองเปรมประชากร)

Thai. Name of a major, 50,846 meter long canal in eastern Bangkok, that runs northbound and connects the capital with Bang Pa-in in Ayutthaya province. Its construction started in 1869 and it is believed to be the first canal dug in the reign of King Rama V. See also Laksi.

Khlong Rangsit Prayoonsak (คลองรังสิตประยูรศักดิ์)

Thai. Name of a major canal in northern Bangkok. READ ON.

Khlong Rop Krung (คลองรอบกรุง)

Thai. ‘Canal Encircling the City’. A second canal ring dug in 1785 on the orders of King Rama I, when expanding the new capital. It was completed by connecting Khlong Banglamphoo (fig.) with Khlong Ohng Ahng (fig.), and dug with the use of 10,000 Khmer prisoners of war. The canal runs in a large curve from the banks of the Chao Phraya River near Banglamphoo in the North, to Wang Burapha Phirom in the South. It is 85 sen and 13 wah (3,426 meters) long, 10 wah (20 meters) wide and 5 sok (cubit) deep. It formed the ancient capital's eastern, northern and southern frontier and consequently some forts were built alongside it, e.g. Pom Maha Kaan (fig.). In total, 14 forts defended the city, tough today only 2 remain. As is often the case with alleys (soi) and canals (khlong) in Thailand, the local community refers to it by their own designation, naming it after whichever well-known area it runs through or after whatever famous building or meeting place that may be located in its vicinity, and parts of it may therefore bear different names. In Banglamphoo, for example, the canal is called Khlong Banglamphoo and in another area it may be given any of the names of the bridges that it passes under. In one place it is known as Khlong Ohng Ahng, meaning ‘Bowl Jar Canal’, because in that neighbourhood there was once a centre where Mon and Chinese earthenware was sold. The current name is only officially in use for the whole canal since 7 December 1982, the year Rattanakosin celebrated its bicentennial, and it is also known as Khlong Khoo Meuang (fig.). In addition, the name is confusingly also used for the smaller Old City Moat (map - fig.) which semi-circumvents inner Rattanakosin Island, flowing alongside Atsadang Road, from Phra Pinklao Bridge (fig.) in the north to the Pahk Khlong Flower Market (fig.) in the south. See MAP.

Khlong Saen Saeb (คลองแสนแสบ)

Thai. A canal connecting Bangkok with Chachengsao. READ ON.

Khlong Samrohng (คลองสำโรง)

Thai. Name of an important 55 km long canal that spans Samut Prakan and Chachengsao provinces. Originating from the Chao Phraya River (fig.) in Samut Prakan and merges with the Bang Pakong River (fig.) in Chachengsao Province. Its name derives from samrohng, i.e. the Wild Almond Tree, an up to 30 meters large tree, with the botanical name Sterculia foetida (fig.) and also known in Thai as po daeng. Khlong Samrohng was originally created during the reign of King Ramathibodi II of Ayutthaya, a period when this kingdom was heavily involved in maritime trade and travel between villages and the capital city was largely dependent on waterways. At that time, the Chao Phraya River served as the primary route from the Gulf of Thailand to Ayutthaya, in addition to two rivers in the region with river mouths, namely the Tha Chin (fig.) and Bang Pakong rivers. To connect these rivers and improve transportation, the Kings of Ayutthaya ordered the construction of canals to shorten travel times and bypass the numerous bends of the Chao Phraya River. Hence, Khlong Samrohng, was dug to link the Chao Phraya and Bang Pakong river mouths, establishing it as an important transportation route. Around 1498, King Ramathibodi II ordered the dredging of Khlong Samrohng on the eastern bank of the Chao Phraya towards its mouth. However, there is evidence to suggest that this waterway may have existed naturally, at least in part, before the Ayutthaya Period. It is possible that Khlong Samrohng was originally dug as a route for moving the army from the Khmer capital, Angkor Thom (fig.), to the Chao Phraya River basin. The abundance of Samrong trees in the region, along with the Khmer origins of other nearby canal names, supports this belief. Khlong Samrohng is the stage for the annual Lotus Throwing Festival (fig.), a unique tradition held exclusively along this waterway, when locals gather along the banks to throw lotus flowers onto a boat carrying a revered replica of the Luang Pho Toh Buddha image (fig.) from Wat Bang Phli Yai Nai (fig.). Also transliterated Khlong Samrong. See also POSTAGE STAMPS, TRAVEL PICTURES (1), (2) and (3), and WATCH VIDEO.

Khlong Sathorn (คลองสาทร)

Thai. A canal in Bangkok's Sathorn District, which is named after Luang Sathon Rajayukta, who in 1895 engineered the digging of the canal that connects the Chao Phraya River (underneath the Taksin Bridge) with the Wat Hua Lamphong Canal, which runs parallel to —and to the south of— Rama IV Road. The canal was dug in order to help improve public transportation inside the city. See MAP.

Khlong Seua Tai (คลองเสือตาย)

Thai. ‘Dead Tiger Canal’. Name of a canal in Samut Prakan, that runs away from Bangkok in roughly southeastern to eastern direction, parallel to Sukhumvit Road. READ ON.

Khlong Sok (คลองศก)

Thai. ‘Era Canal’. Name of a river in Khao Sok (เขาสก - fig.), in Surat Thani Province. Note that, though having the same transliteration in Latin script, the Thai spelling of the name for the river (ศก) differs from that of the place name (สก). The Sok River is formed by the confluence of Khlong Phra Saeng (คลองพระแสง), which emerges from the Chiaw Lan Reservoir (fig.) at the Ratchaprapha Dam (map - fig.), with the Phum Duang (พุมดวง) River, a tributary of the Ta Pi (ตาปี) River which empties in the Gulf of Thailand, just after passing the city of Surat Thani. Due to its proximity to Khao Sok National Park, the Khlong Sok River is a popular venue for rafting, canoeing and river tubing. See MAP and WATCH VIDEO.

Khlong Thom Center (คลองถมเซ็นเตอร์)

Thai. Name of a huge indoor market in Bangkok for tools, toys and electronics, that over time expanded into the neighbourhood which besides shop houses also has a regular outdoor market that on the edges merges into the markets and shops of Chinatown and Little India. It is also referred to as Talaat Khlong Thom.

khluythip (ขลุ่ยทิพย์)

Thai. ‘Divine flute’. Name given to a famous bronze sculpture of a boy playing a flute (khlui). The original was initially created by the Thai artist Khien Yimsiri (เขียน ยิ้มศิริ), but it has often been copied, both in bronze and in other materials, especially wood. Also spelled khluithip. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

Khmer (ខ្មែរ)

1. The inhabitants of Cambodia. From the 7th to the 15th century AD they established a powerful kingdom based at Angkor from where they expanded their empire to rule over much of Indochina. Officially, the Khmer Empire was proclaimed in 802 AD and lasted until 1431 AD. The Khmer were also present in Thailand's central river basin as early as the Dvaravati Period, mixing with the local Mon who were already there, and ultimately Dvaravati was invaded by King Suryavarman II in the first half of the 12th century, until the Thai King Phra Ruang in 1238 AD rejected their sovereignty. Their 7th to 11th centuries conquests brought cultural influence in the form of art, language and religion, and due to their political domination triggered the decline of the Dvaravati culture. They made Lopburi their central outpost and it became a religious centre. For etymology and Khmer legends see also Kambuja. MORE ON THIS.

2. Architectural style and art style from the Khmer period, in Thailand especially present between the 7th and 13th centuries AD in Central and Northeast Thailand. Its characteristics can however still be found later, mixed with other art styles. The Khmer style architecture found in Thailand positively resembles that of Angkor Wat in Cambodia.

3. The official language of Cambodia, also referred to as Cambodian. With an estimated 16 million native speakers, it is the second most widely spoken Austroasiatic language, after Vietnamese. In addition, about one million people speak Khmer as their second language. The dialect known as Northern Khmer is widely spoken in the Thai provinces of southern Isaan, i.e. Buriram, Surin, Sri Saket and Ubon Ratchathani. See also KHMER SCRIPT.

Khmu (ขมุ)

Name of an ethnic hill tribe minority group in Thailand, but which is also found in Vietnam, Myanmar, Southwest China, and Laos, where with a population of around 450,000, it is one of the largest ethnic groups of the country, based mainly in the North. Vietnam has the second largest population with around 43,000 Khmu people, whereas Thailand has a Khmu population of around 10,000, the same number as found in China, where they are however not recognized as a separate ethnic group, but instead listed as an undistinguished ethnic group. Most Khmu people in Thailand arrived as refugees from Laos and Vietnam. They are closely related to the Mlabri. Usually pronounced Khammu, from the Laotian word Khamu, but sometimes spelled Kemu, and in Vietnamese known as Khơ Mú.

kho (ขอ)

Thai name for angusa. Also kho chang.

khoa (खोआ)

Hindi term for condensed milk, i.e. dried cow or water buffalo milk which is thickened, usually by simmering in a karahi, i.e. a wok-like, yet deeper, open pan, and used as an ingredient in Indian cuisine, especially in various types of sweets, such as pedah (fig.). There are several varieties, depending on the percentage of moisture left within the cheese-like substance.

kho chang (ขอช้าง)

Thai. ‘Elephant hook’. Instrument used by mahouts to drive elephants. Also an attribute of Ganesha (fig.) and Indra, symbolizing control or the possibility to steer someone in the right direction. Ordinary elephant hooks usually have a simple wooden handle, but others may be made of expensive materials such as ivory whilst some are elaborately carved or decorated (fig.). In Thai also kho and in Sanskrit angusa or sometimes kandara. See also patak (fig.) and kho ngao (fig.).

khoi (ข่อย)

Thai name for the Toothbrush Tree, a kind of tree which is also known as the Siamese Rough Bush, and with the botanical name Streblus asper. Its wood has been important in papermaking in Thailand for many centuries, as it produces a kind of paper that is durable, even in the tropical high-humidity climate, does not burn easily, and is resistant to yellowing and insect damage. It is today still used in the production of Thai khon masks.

kho kai thod (ข้อไก่ทอด)

Thai. ‘Fried chicken knuckles’. A dish of deep fried chicken joints, i.e. the soft gristle at the end of a chicken bone. It is a crispy dish popular in Isaan and usually served with fresh vegetables such as salad, sliced cabbage and cucumber. Its full name is actually hen kho kai thod which translates as ‘fried chicken ligaments’ or ‘fried chicken tendon’. Sometimes transcribed kho gai thod.

Kho Khot Kra (คอคอดกระ)

Thai. One name for Kra Isthmus’ or ‘Isthmus of Kra’, besides Kiw Kra.

khom (ขอม)

1. Thai. A member of the ancient Khmer race.

2. Thai. The Cambodian script, used in religious books in Pali (fig.).

3. Thai adjective for Khmer or Cambodian.

Khom Dam Din (ขอมดำดิน)

Thai-Khmer. ‘Ground submerging Cambodian’. Nickname for the Khmer envoy (or assassin) who was sent to arrest (or kill) Phra Ruang. According to legend, he was able to travel underground by using magic powers. However, when he emerged to deliver the Khmer King's message, legend says he was turned into stone by Phra Ruang. In one account of this famous folk tale, which was first recorded in the Chronicle of Upper Siam by Phra Wichian Preecha (พระวิเชียรปรีชา), the director of the royal institute in the reign of King Rama II, Phra Ruang, the son of Khong Khrao (คงเครา), was responsible for providing sacred water from Lavo as a tribute to the ruler of the Khmer Empire. Instead of putting the sacred water into jars to send it the Khmer capital, he invented baskets plugged by a kind of resin that could hold the water without leaking. The Khmer emperor, however, became suspicious of Phra Ruang' wit, fearing that this could adversely affect his own power, so he ordered Phraya Decho (เดโช) to travel to Lavo and arrest or kill Phra Ruang. Having heard rumours about this plan, Phra Ruang fled to Wat Mahathat, a Buddhist temple in Sukhothai (fig.), where he was ordained as a monk, thus enjoying the protection of the robe. When Phraya Decho realized that Phra Ruang had fled, he pursued him to Sukhothai using his magic power to travel underground. Once he arrived at Wat Mahathat, he emerged from the ground and saw a monk sweeping the floor. He asked the monk where he could find Phra Ruang, not knowing that the monk in fact was Phra Ruang himself. Realizing he was in imminent danger, Phra Rung used some sacred power of his own and replied to the Khmer assassin to stay put and not move, words that triggered a spell which gradually transformed the assassin into a rock-like solid mass on the ground. In 1907, King Vajiravudh visited the old town of Sukhothai and wrote in his diary that the local people used to flake out a sacred stone on the grounds of Wat Mahathat, believing that it was the Khmer assassin who had turned into stone and used it as a medicine as they believed that it had healing powers. In order to maintain the rock surface, the king ordered the governor to keep the stone in good condition. At the present, the rock is kept and exhibited at the Ramkhamhaeng National Museum in Old Sukhothai (fig.). See also TRAVEL PICTURE.

Khon (โขน)

Thai. Classical dance theater, typically with themes from the Ramakien. READ ON.

kho ngao (ของ้าว)

Thai.  A scythe-like weapon with a hook underneath the blade and used particularly in hand-to-hand combat on elephants’ backs, a type of warfare known as yutthahadtie. See also kho chang and Suriyothai.

Khong Beng (ขงเบ้ง)

Thai name for the wise counsellor and clever strategist in the story Three Kingdoms. In Chinese he is referred to as Zhuge Liang (诸葛亮). He is often depicted wearing a robe and holding a fan made of crane feathers. He is also known by the nickname Wo Long (臥龍), i.e. ‘Sleeping Dragon’.

khong dee (ของดี)

1. Thai. ‘Good article’ or ‘good product’. Name for specialties or goods characteristic to a certain area. Each community has it own specialty, going from handicrafts to food products. If the products are from to a certain province, they are called khong dee khong jangwat. Many of these domestic articles may also be local OTOP products.

2. Another name used for a charm, amulet or protective talisman, alongside the words kreuang rahng, kreuang rahw and yan.

Khongkha (คงคา)

1. Thai name for Ganges.

2. The goddess of the waters, rivers and canals, in Thailand. She is worshipped in the annual festival of Loi Krathong and her mount is the makara, which in iconography may also take the shape of a crocodile (fig.). Her name is etymologically related to the Indian word Ganges. Also Mae Khongkha.

Khon Kaen (ขอนแก่น)

Thai. ‘Core (or heart) of the tree-stump’. A university town and large provincial capital (fig.) in the heart of Isaan. READ ON.

khon mask

See hua khon.

khon saai khao wat (ขนทรายเข้าวัด)

Thai. ‘To carry sand into a tempel’. Annual practice during Songkraan in which sand is brought back to the temple in order to replace all the sand that has been carried out from temple grounds sticking to visitors feet, as it is not considered good to take anything away from a Thai temple, even unwillingly. Figuratively it also means to do something for the general good. Nowadays the sand is often used to make sand chedis, a local form of folk amusement called ko phra chedi saai (fig.). WATCH VIDEO (1) and (2).

Khoo Kongsi (邱公司)

Chinese. Short name for Malaysia's largest Hokkien clan house, located in the heart of George Town, Penang. It is fully known as Leong San Tong Khoo Kongsi (龍山堂邱公司), which is also transliterated as Long Shan Tang Qiu Gongsi. It is renowned for its elaborate and highly decorated architecture, which serves as a testament to the significant presence of the Chinese community in Penang. Kongsi (公司) is a Hokkien term meaning ‘Company’ and originally referred to incorporated businesses. Historically, the term has encompassed Chinese social groups or partnerships. Among overseas Chinese, kongsi referred to both clan organizations based on common ancestry and district-dialect clubs for immigrants from the same region who spoke the same language. The celebrated Khoo Kongsi is the grandest and most splendid clan temple in the country and one of the city's key historic attractions. The clan temple has maintained its original historic setting, which includes an association building, a traditional theatre stage, and late 19th-century row-houses for clan members, all clustered around a granite-paved square in the heart of George Town's oldest quarter. WATCH VIDE0 (1) and (2).

khoon (คูน)

The official Thai name for the rachaphreuk. Pronunciation khun.

Khu Bua (คูบัว)

Thai. ‘Lotus Moat’. Name of an archaeological site, situated about 12 km southeast of Ratchaburi town, and which dates from the early Dvaravati period. READ ON.

Khue Van Cac (Khuê Văn Các)

Vietnamese. Name of a pavilion in the Temple of Literature in Hanoi. READ ON.

Khun (ขุน)

1. Thai. A non-hereditary title or bandasak of the lowest rank, just under a Luang.

2. Thai. A title given to a prince or king of a region, before the integration of Thailand. Also Khun Luang. Familiarly called Tan Khun Khun Luang, the next title in ascendant lineage, now in disuse.

Khun Chae (ขุนแจ)

Thai. Name of a National Park in Chiang Rai. It covers an area of about 270 km² and is alternatively transliterated Khun Jae.

Khun Chang (ขุนช้าง)

The comic but faithful husband from Khun Chang Khun Paen (fig.). Khun Chang is depicted on the second design of a set of four postage stamps on the story (fig.), issued in 2011 to mark National Children's Day.

Khun Chang Khun Paen (ขุนช้างขุนแผน)

A classic of Thai literature written in verse by King Phra Phutta Leut La, the second monarch of the Chakri Dynasty. READ ON.

Khun Chinnarat (ขุนชินราช)

Thai. ‘Royal Accustomed Nobleman’. The name and title of a palace official with the duty of guarding the inner image hall, usually a confidant with special privileges, who has free access to this part of the royal palace at all times. The position is one rank higher than that of Phan But Sri Thep, the official with the responsibility of guarding the outer image hall. The title cam also be transcribed Khun Chinnaraj and might be translated as ‘the Khun leading (chin) to the king (raj)’. The word chin is Pali and means ‘to lead’.

Khun Dahn (ขุนด่าน)

Thai. Name of the most formidable soldier under King Naresuan the Great (fig.), serving as the chief of the Nakhon Nayok checkpoint during the King’s reign. In 1587, he led a courageous resistance against the Khmer, securing his place as a hero in the hearts of the people. To honour his legacy, shrines, known as Sahn Chao Pho Khun Dahn (ศาลเจ้าพ่อขุนด่าน), have been erected in his name at various locations. Most notably, the revered Pho Khun Dahn Shrine perched atop a cliff at Khao Cha-ngok (เขาชะโงก) within the grounds of the Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy (fig.) has become a place of worship for those seeking guidance during difficult times. The shrine is considered sacred, and its power was further affirmed during the Second World War when Japanese occupying forces, who had established a base at Khao Cha-ngok, demolished it. According to local belief, Khun Dahn then performed a miracle that led to the deaths of many Japanese soldiers, reinforcing the enduring faith in his spiritual presence. Also transliterated Khun Dan. WATCH VIDEO.

Khun Luang (ขุนหลวง)

Thai. A title given to a prince or king of a region before the integration of Thailand. See also Khun.

Khun Paen (ขุนแผน)

The dashing lover and able warrior from the story Khun Chang Khun Paen (fig.). His life-sized statue can be seen at Wat Pah Leh Laai Worawihaan (วัดป่าเลไลยก์วรวิหาร) in Suphanburi, as well as that of Nang Phim. Khun Paen is depicted on the first design of a set of four postage stamps (fig.) on the story, issued in 2011 to mark National Children's Day. Also transcribed Khun Phaen.

Khun Sa (ขุนส่า)

Thai name of the now disposed opium warlord who in the sixties fought in the region of the Golden Triangle for control of the local opium trade and who in the early eighties retreated to Burma to operate from there. He was born from a mixed marriage having an Unnanese father and a Shan mother. He graduated from a college in Tong Khi (Myanmar) and became chief of the Myanmar Intelligence Unit before being appointed a colonel in 1963. Due to his powerful position he was able to benefit from the local production of opium and heroin, as well as from the trade in jade, gemstones and ivory. Being a freedom fighter for his people the money gained from their skills in the above mentioned trades was used in their battle for an independent Shan state. In 1966 Khun Sa was captured by the Burmese and imprisoned in Myanmar for seven years. He regained his freedom after his friend Fa Lan (Chan Xu Chien) took two Russian doctors, who were sent to Myanmar in an international aid project, hostage in exchange for the release of Khun Sa. After this he rejoined the United Shan Army and later founded the Meuang Tai Army which grew to become one of largest armed forces in existence in that period. Well aware of the harm drugs do to people worldwide, he stated that he regretted this but said it was a necessary evil for the sake of the freedom of his country, the Shan State. In 1986 however, he finally laid down arms and surrendered to the Burmese. He went to live in Rangoon where he continued to benefit from the profits of his many trades. He was nicknamed the King of Opium and is also known as Chang Xi Fu.

Khun San (ขุนสรรค์)

Thai. Name of one of the eleven heroic leaders who in 1767, at the end of the Ayutthaya period, fought the invading Burmese in defence of the Bang Rajan camp in Singburi (fig.). READ ON.

khwaeng (แขวง)

Thai. Name for a subdistrict in Bangkok, as opposed to the name tambon, which is used upcountry, i.e. outside Bangkok.


Malay for qibla.


See muay thai.

Kiku (菊)

Japanese. ‘Chrysanthemum’. Name for the Chrysanthemum Seal, i.e. the Imperial Seal of Japan. READ ON.

kila (कील)

Sanskrit. Name for a ritual, three-sided, dagger-like peg, used in Tibetan Buddhism to affix things, especially to pin heavenly things on earth, and as such represents the connection between Heaven and Earth. Whereas the handle is usually composed of a triune form of faces, the blade is generally decorated with two intertwined serpents or naga, which is reminiscent of an ancient Chinese myth, which claimed that the world was surrounded by two intertwined snakes, which symbolized the power and wisdom of the creator. The handle is sometimes made in the form of a vajra, a royal symbol of power, absolute truth and indestructibility, and the kila is then referred to as Vajrakila. It is mainly used in Vajrayana Buddhism, where it also occurs as an attribute of certain deities. In Tibet, it is known as phurba. Also transcribed keela or kihla.

kilah chon hua (กีฬาชนวัว)

Thai. ‘Bull fighting sport’. Name for an ancient sport in which two bulls fight each other. It originated in southern Thailand and is still held weekly in the province of Nakhon Sri Thammarat, with different districts taking turn to host the event. Bulls selected are those which have the best breeding and will be trained and carefully looked after.

kilen (กิเลน)

Name for a creature of Chinese fables. In Chinese, it is called khiling, a compound word consisting of the prefix khi and the suffix ling. Khi stands for a male kilen, whereas ling represents a female kilen. They are therefore often depicted in pair (fig.). In traditional iconography the kilen has a scaled, dear-like body, with on its back short curly manes and a bushy tail; legs with hoofs like those of a horse; and the head of a dragon with one dear-like horn. But in popular iconography (fig.) it is usually depicted with a scaled body with long manes on its back; a bushy tail; legs with the paws of a wild dog; the head of a dragon, but somewhat resembling that of a lion; and two dear-like horns. Besides this, other varieties with slightly different features may also occur. In addition, the kilen is the animal that in the Ming and Qing Dynasties was used for the insignia of a military officer of the first rank, akin to the crane used on the Mandarin square (fig.) for civil officials of the first rank. The kilen is one of the mounts of the Chinese goddess of mercy, i.e. the bodhisattva Kuan Yin (fig.). The kilen represents truth and as such it is often found at the entrances of palaces and temples in China and Vietnam, suggesting one has to enter with a truthful heart, leaving untruthfulness and any lies at the door, i.e. to be honest to the ruler or deity one is about to address. Sometimes transcribed as kilin, kylin, kirin or qilin. Compare with toh (fig.).

kilet (กิเลส)

Thai. In Buddhist theology the term for an unwholesome thought that causes unhappiness and barring the way to bliss, metaphorically depicted as the demon kiletsamaan.

kiletsamaan (กิเลสมาร)

Thai. Name of a demon who bars the way to bliss. The name is formed by merging the term kilet and the name Maan (Mara).

kim giao

Vietnamese name for a coniferous tree in the family Podocarpaceae and with the botanical name Nageia fleuryi. READ ON.

kimono (着物, きもの)

Japanese. ‘Thing to wear’. Name for a Japanese traditional robe. READ ON.

Kim Qui (Kim Quy)

Vietnamese. ‘Golden Turtle’. Name of a mythological turtle, known in Chinese as Jin Gui (金龟), that according to a legend first appeared during the third century BC to help King An Durong Vurong in the defense of the ancient capital of Co Loa, by giving him a magical cross-bow that in a single shot was able to fire multiple arrows. In the 15th century AD, the turtle appeared again to reclaim a magical sword that a fisherman had pulled out of the lake in Hanoi where the turtle lived (fig.). He had given the sword to Le Loi, a Vietnamese peasant, who had used it to lead a rebellion against the then occupying Chinese armies, which he had successfully overthrown. He consequently became emperor and returned the sword to Kim Qui, afterwards naming the lake Hoan Kiem, which means ‘Returned Sword Lake’ (fig.).

Kinetic Rain

Name of a dynamic art sculpture in Terminal 1 at Singapore's Changi Airport. It consists of 1,216 bronze droplets that are choreographically controlled by a set of high precision motors working together in harmony to form different shapes, ranging from the abstract to the familiar. It is crafted by the same art studio that delivered the work on The Petalclouds (fig.), also on display at the airport. It is reminiscent of the static sculpture Thong Yod, literally ‘Golden Drops’, a work of art by Thai artist Arin Roongjaeng (fig.) on permanent display in Icon Siam (fig.) in Bangkok. WATCH VIDEO.

king amphur (กิ่งอำเภอ)

Thai. ‘Subdistrict’. A sub-amphur, an administrative district equal to an amphur. Thailand has a total of 81 king amphur. Also transliterated king ampheu.

King Cobra

With a body length of up to 585 centimeters, the King Cobra is by far the world's longest venomous snake. Its colour is variable, from uniform brown to grey-brown or green-grey, or uniform gray to black, and Northeastern Thai species can also be orange-yellow to brown, with dark edged white bands along the body. Juveniles are black with yellow bands and a yellow chevron on the neck. Its hood is longer and narrower than that of common cobras, and it also has pairs of prominent occipital scales on its head. They are often found in all parts of Thailand, especially in the southern provinces and in bamboo reed forests, where they like to nest. King cobras feed mainly on other snakes, in particular rat snakes, and occasionally on lizards. It is known by the scientific name Ophiophagus hannah, with the Latin word ophiophagus literally meaning ‘snake eater’. The venom of this dangerous snake is a very potent neurotoxin and is fatal if left untreated. Victims of this snake will experience severe pain, blurred vision, vertigo, drowsiness and paralysis, followed by cardiovascular collapse and coma. Death then soon follows due to respiratory failure. Fortunately, being a shy and reclusive animal, people not often get bitten by this snake, especially if compared to the Monocled Cobra, the Siamese Russell's Viper and the Malayan Pit Viper. In case an accident does occur, an antidote manufactured by the Thai Red Cross Society, is available in hospitals nationwide. Notwithstanding the fact that the snake family Colubridae is named after them, cobras themselves belongs to the family of Elapidae, more specifically the genus Naja. It is sometimes referred to as hamadryad and in Thai it is called ngu jong ahng. In 1981, it was depicted on the first stamp of a set of four Thai postage stamps featuring venomous Thai snakes (fig.).

King Crow

Another name for the Black Drongo (fig.).

king kah (กิ้งก่า)

Name for any kind of lizard, but also generally used for the king kah hua daeng. See also WILDLIFE PICTURES.

king kah hua daeng (กิ้งก่าหัวแดง)

Thai. ‘Red-headed lizard’. Name for the Oriental Garden Lizard, a small tropical lizard that is able to change colour (fig.) according to its surroundings, for camouflage or when offended, though not quite as rapidly as chameleons, as well as in the breeding season when the frontal half of males becomes red, often with a black throat patch. Its scientific name is Calotes versicolor and it belongs to the family of Agamidae. It has a long body and tail, four legs, and a rough scaly hide. Since males in the breeding season get a red head, neck and throat, it is commonly -yet incorrectly- named Bloodsucker (fig.). The Thai word king kah is sometimes rather misleadingly translated as chameleon, due to its ability to change colour and the fact that it often occurs on the ground, as the name chameleon is derived from the Greek words chamele (χαμηλή) and liontari (λιοντάρι), meaning ‘ground’ and ‘lion’ (fig.). However, the king kah is not related to the commonly known chameleon with its distinctive eyes and long tongue, which in fact belongs to the family Chamaeleonidae. In former days the king kah used to be called pom kahng in Thai, but this name is also used in Isaan for the Calotes mystaceus, a similar species of lizard with a greenish-blue head, and commonly named Blue Crested Lizard (fig.). The Oriental Garden Lizard is also known as Changeable Lizard, Eastern Garden Lizard and Garden Fence Lizard (fig.), and is occasionally referred to as Tree Lizard. In Isaan, these and some other lizards are on the local menu, usually served grilled on a stick (fig.). Juveniles have only small spines on the head and back, and typically have two faint yellowish stripes (fig.), that run more or less parallel along their back, from the shoulder to the tail (fig.). Besides this, they also have two distinctive black spots on the back of the head, near the neck (fig.), that look like nostrils and are reminiscent of the photosensitive pineal gland in some species of lizard, such as the Indochinese Water Dragon (fig.). In Thai it is also called king kah rua, literally ‘fence lizard’. This species of lizard is insectivorous. See also WILDLIFE PICTURES (1), (2), (3) and (4).

king kah hua sih fah (กิ้งก่าหัวสีฟ้า)

Thai. ‘Blue-headed lizard’. Name for the Blue Crested Lizard, a coulorful agamid lizard found in Southeast Asia, and with the scientific name Calotes mystaceus. It is also commonly known as Indochinese Forest Lizard and Moustached Lizard, and in Thai as pom kahng, ka-pom kah (กะปอมก่า) and king kah suan (กิ้งก่าสวน), the latter meaning ‘garden lizard’. The Blue-headed lizard has a blue-green head with a horizontal, whitish stripe above the mouth, that extends to the upper part of its back, keeled dorsal scales, and large transverse reddish-brown spots on the back. Outside the breeding-season, these lizards are variably brownish-grey with darker flank markings (fig.). Fully grown adults are about 33.5 to 39.5 centimeters tall, including the tail. This species is more arboreal than other Calotes species of the region. In Isaan, the Blue Crested Lizard, as well as some other species of lizards are on the menu, usually served grilled on a stick (fig.). See also WILDLIFE PICTURES and TRAVEL PICTURES (1) and (2).

king kah kaew (กิ้งก่าแก้ว)

Thai. ‘Crystal lizard’. Name for the Forest Crested Lizard, an agamid lizard with the binomial name Calotes emma. It is  found in South China, India, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Peninsular Malaysia and Thailand, where two varieties exist, i.e. Calotes emma emma, in Thai called king kah kaew tai, i.e. ‘southern crystal lizard’ (fig.), and Calotes emma alticristatus or Northern Forest Crested Lizard, which in Thai is known as king kah kaew neua (fig.), i.e. ‘northern crystal lizard’. They are two subspecies of the common green forest lizard found in Thailand. While they belong to the same species, there are some morphological differences between them, especially in terms of colouration. The northern forest crested lizard typically displays darker more subdued colouration, with shades of dark olive green, brown, deep rusty orange, and black, with distinct patterns and markings (fig.). In contrast, the southern forest crested lizard generally exhibits a more vivid colouration, with lighter shades of green and brown. Both have a spike above each eye and two spikes above the tympanum, and though they are similar those of the southern subspecies are larger than those of the northern subspecies. See also WILDLIFE PICTURES (1) and (2), and TRAVEL PICTURES (1) and (2).

king kah kaew neua (กิ้งก่าแก้วเหนือ)

Thai. ‘Northern Crystal Lizard’. Name of the Northern Forest Crested Lizard, i.e. one of two subspecies of Forest Crested Lizard, which is known in Thai as king kah kaew. It is overall brownish and has a spike above each eye and two spikes above the tympanum, which are smaller than those of the Southern Forest Crested Lizard (fig.), the other subspecies of Forest Crested Lizard, whilst its body size is larger. Both varieties have strongly developed dorsal crest and their colour changes during the breeding season, or when agitated (fig.).

king kah kaew tai (กิ้งก่าแก้วใต้)

Thai. ‘Southern Crystal Lizard’. Name of the Southern Forest Crested Lizard, one of two subspecies of Forest Crested Lizard, which is known in Thai as king kah kaew. It is soft greenish and grey, with dark bars, as well as a large spike above each eye and two spikes above the tympanum. Its spikes are larger than those of the Northern Forest Crested Lizard (fig.), but both varieties are similar in the fact that they have a strongly developed dorsal crest and that their colour changes during the breeding season, or when agitated. See also WILDLIFE PICTURES (1) and (2), and TRAVEL PICTURES (1) and (2).

king kah rua (กิ้งก่ารั้ว)

Thai. ‘Fence lizard’. Another name for king kah hua daeng.

king kah yak (กิ้งก่ายักษ์)

Thai. ‘Giant lizard’. A name for the Indochinese Water Dragon, alongside takong and lang.

king keuh (กิ้งกือ)

Thai for millipede.

king keuh mangkon (กิ้งกือมังกร)

Thai for dragon millipede.

king keuh mangkon chomphoo (กิ้งกือมังกรสีชมพู)

Thai for Pink Dragon Millipede.

king of fruits

Epithet for the durian, the mangosteen being the ‘queen of fruits’.

King Prajadhipok Museum

Museum in memory of King Prajadhipok, who is also known as Pokklao and by the crown title Rama VII. The museum displays the Royal Regalia (kakuthaphan) and personal effects of this monarch, as well as photographs, films and documents concerning his life (fig.), including the main historic events in which he played a key role, e.g. the 1932 Revolution that led to the transition from an Absolute Monarchy to a Constitutional Monarchy, and which resulted in the Conferment of the first Thai Constitution (fig.), when the country was actually still known as Siam. The museum is located in a neoclassic building opposite of Mahakan Fort (fig.). It was designed by a Western architect and built in 1906, in the reign of King Rama V. The three-storey edifice is decorated with Greco-Roman motifs and reliefs, and has a dome-shaped tower topping the front hall. It was originally known as the John Sampson Store, selling Western clothing and custom-made suits. In 1933, the Public Works Department took over the building as its headquarters and in 2001, the King Prajadhipok Institute was authorized to make it into a museum, which in Thai is known as Phiphithaphan Phrabaht Somdet Phra Pokklao Chao Yuh Hua (พิพิธภัณฑ์พระบาทสมเด็จพระปกเกล้าเจ้าอยู่หัว). See MAP.

King's Private Photo and Film Conservation Building

Name of the Bangkok archive used for the storage and preservation of personal pictures made by King Bhumipon Adunyadet during his lifetime, which consists of both still and motion pictures. It is housed in a 5-story building with a ground area of ​​approximately 1,500 square meters and designed by the Faculty of Architecture of the Chulalongkorn University (fig.). It features high-tech techniques and a team of technicians and experts trained at the National Cinema in the maintenance and repair of slides, pictures and movies, which are considered precious national treasure. The construction, which took 6 months, was done by the Italian-Thai Development Public Company Limited at a cost of over 98,587,000 baht. The project was launched for King Rama IX's 80th Birthday Anniversary Celebrations in 2007-2008 and at the opening the front of the building was entirely wrapped in the 80th Anniversary logo (fig.). The  building, in Thai known as Ahkahn Anurak Film Phaapthaay Phaapyon Suan Phra Ong (อาคารอนุรักษ์ฟิล์ม ภาพถ่าย ภาพยนตร์ ส่วนพระองค์), is located at Suan Seua Pah (สนามเสือป่า), i.e. the Wild Tiger Field, in Dusit. See MAP.

King Wachirawut Museum

Museum in memory of King Wachirawut, whose name is also spelled Vajiravudh and who is known by the crown title Rama VI. It is located at the Territorial Defence Command in Phra Nakhon, opposite of Wat Poh, and is a military museum to the core, displaying old rifles, machine guns and army uniforms from the reign of King Vajiravudh, as well as the royal attire, old uniforms, military epaulettes and medals of this king, who himself trained at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst and at some point served with the Light Infantry in the British Army. Besides a statue and portraits of the king, there are also old photos of ceremonies in which the king presents medals and colours to regiments of the Royal Thai Army. A section of the museum features Thailand's involvement in World War I during his reign, with photos of the Thai military contingent participating in the victory parades in London, Paris and Brussels. In 1911, Rama VI also founded the Wild Tiger Corps, in Thai known as look seua (fig.), a para-military force during his reign, and part of the museum covers the activities of this militia. Besides his contributions to the Thai military, the museum also features some of Rama VI's achievements in the civil sector, such as the establishment of the Pasteur Institute, the Government Savings Bank, the first waterworks, Vajiravudh College, and Hua Lampong Train Station (fig.). In Thai known by the name Phiphithaphan Radjakaan Tih Hok (พิพิธภัณฑ์รัชกาลที่ ๖), which translates as King Rama VI Museum. Also transcribed King Vajiravudh Museum.

Kinh (Kinh)

Vietnamese term for the Viet people, i.e. the ethnic Vietnamese, and the largest ethnic group in Vietnam, who with a total population of around 96 million, form over 85% of the population of Vietnam. Its pronunciation sounds more like ‘king’, rather than ‘kin’.

kin khao reua yang (กินข้าวหรือยัง)

Thai. ‘Have you eaten rice yet?’. Informal greeting in Thailand, similar to the Burmese thamin sa bibi la, and the Chinese chi fan le ma. These questions are usually rhetorical in nature, and posed in order to show an interest in the other person's wellbeing, rather than a nosiness into someone's actual eating habits or an invitation to a meal.

Kinnaburut (กินบุรุษ)

Thai. The male form of a Kinnon. See also Kinnara, as well as THEMATIC STREET LIGHT (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12) and (13).

Kinnara (किन्‍नर)

Sanskrit. Originally a mythical creature with a human body and the head of a horse, or the other way around. In later times it became a combination of a bird and a man (Kinnara) or woman (Kinnari), with a human torso and head, and the wings and legs of a bird. In India the Kinnaras were a subgroup of the gandharvas. It is similar to a Theppaksi (fig.) but its lower arms have a winged section with feathers, whereas its counterpart does not. In Thai called Kinnon and in Burmese known as Keinnaya. See also TRAVEL PICTURES (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5), THEMATIC STREET LIGHT (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11) and (12), POSTAGE STAMP, and WATCH VIDEO, and VIDEO (EN).

Kinnari (กินรี)

Sanskrit-Thai. Name of a mythical creature that is half-bird half-woman (fig.), and dwells in Himaphan forest. It is the female form of a Kinnon. Statues of these creatures can be found all over Thailand. A kinnari standing on a globe is the logo of the Thailand Tourism Award (fig.), and a roundabout in Ayutthaya has a statue of three Kinnari holding up a fourth one (fig.). Hence, an icon of Thailand associated with tourism, bronze statues of kinnaris in a phranommeua gesture (fig.), making a respectful wai (fig.), i.e. the traditional Thai greeting with the hands brought together in front of the chest, are lining the main road at Suwannaphum International Airport (fig.) to welcome and bid farewell to all travelers arriving and leaving from Thailand's prime airport (fig.). It is also celebrated in the northern Thai-Lan Na style dance called Fon Nok Kingkarah, i.e. the  Kinnari Bird Dance (fig.), which originates from Myanmar's Shan State (fig.). See also Kinnara and Kinnaburut. See also TRAVEL PICTURES (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5), THEMATIC STREET LIGHT (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12), (13) and (14), POSTAGE STAMP, and WATCH VIDEO (1), (2) and (3), and VIDEO (EN).

Kinnarin (กินริน)

Thai. Other name for Kinnari.

Kinnon (กินนร)

Thai. Name for a race of beings that are half-bird half-human. The male species is called Kinnaburut, the female species Kinnari or Kinnarin. See also THEMATIC STREET LIGHT (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11) and (12).

kirpan (ਕਿਰਪਾਨ)

Punjabi. Name for a khan-like (fig.) or kris-like (fig.) iron dagger worn by Sikh devotees as one of their five articles of faith, and used to defend the rights of all those who are wrongfully oppressed or persecuted, irrespective of their race, caste or creed.

kirtimukha (कीर्तिमुख)

Sanskrit. ‘Face of glory’. Indian term for a mask-like creature above some temple doors, usually represented as a face with two horns, round bulbous eyes, the nose of a human or lion, a wide mouth with teeth, often without a lower jaw. In both Buddhist and Hindu (fig.) mythology this creature serves an apotropaic purpose, intending to drive away evil, and protect the devout. It can sometimes be seen as an ornament worn by certain door guardians at temples (fig.). In Thailand, Cambodia and Indonesia it is called kala. In English also kala face. Compare with balu pan gai (fig.), Taotie (fig.) and Rahu (fig.).

kite flying

Allegedly originating from ancient China, flying kites is still a popular activity with both young and old today. It is done all over East and Southeast Asia (fig.) and in Thailand it is especially customary as a pastime at the beginning of the hot season. Children usually fly their kites around dusk, when school is out and temperatures are much cooler (fig.). Kites are flown for fun, as well as in competition, with contests being referred to as kite flying fights. Thai kites have been recorded to exist since the Sukhothai period. A fascinating kite is the so-called ‘singing’ tui-tui. The English name derives from the homonymous hawk-like bird, due to its way of hovering in the air, like a bird of prey. In Thai kites are called waw and kite flying is referred to as chak waw. See also tit lom bon.

kite flying fights

Traditional contests played with two teams in which each team has to try and knock out the kite of the opposite team by pulling it over a line. During the reign of King Rama V kite flying became a popular sport and competitions were held with awards as well as blessings from the king. On 3 April 1983 a revival of the Thai Kite Flying Competition was held at Sanam Luang, a large field in front of the Royal Palace Phra Rachawang in Bangkok. Contests are played with a small diamond shaped female kite called pak pao (fig.) against a much larger pentagonal male kite, nearly two meters in length and called chula (fig.). Competitions are nowadays usually held at the beginning of the hot season at Sanam Luang. See also tui-tui and also tit lom bon.

Kiw Kra (กิ่วกระ)

Thai. One name for Kra Isthmus’ or ‘Isthmus of Kra’, besides Kho Khot Kra.

kiyaw (เกี๊ยว)

Thai. Name for wonton, Chinese-style dumplings, consisting of thinly rolled pieces of dough, made of wheat flour and eggs, making them of a yellowish colour. These thin sheets of dough are used as wrappers, filled with minced meat, typically pork or shrimp (fig.), which is most commonly boiled and served in noodle-like soups like or with bamih (fig.), especially bamih moo daeng (fig.), though it is sometimes deep-fried too, and subsequently called kiyaw thod (เกี๊ยวทอด - fig.), i.e. fried wonton. The square wonton wrapper sheets are sometimes fried as a whole and made into crispy crackers eaten as a snack with sweet and sour sauce or used in noodles soups (fig.). The name wonton is a corruption of the Chinese-Mandarin word huntun (馄饨), which is usually translated as Chinese ravioli. Wonton is somewhat reminiscent of jiao (饺) or jiaozi (饺子), a larger type of Chinese dumpling with ground meat or vegetarian filling, in English usually referred to as pot-sticker (fig.). The latter is in Japanese called gyoza, in Kanji written with the same characters as in Chinese, and in Thai known as kiyawsah (เกี๊ยวซ่า). Though almost the same, the Japanese version (fig.) is in fact somewhat different from the Chinese, i.e. the wrappers are much thinner, the soy sauce is seasoned with rice vinegar, and they tend to have a rich garlic flavour, which is less noticeable in the Chinese version. Also transcribed kiaw and kiao.

kiyaw (เคียว)

Thai. Name of an implement with a short handle and a curved blade, used for reaping rice. Similar to a sickle, but serrated. Also transcribed khiyaw or khiaw.

Klahng Dong Arboretum

Klahng Dong (กลางดง), also transliterated Klang Dong, is a district in the Thai province of Nakhon Ratchasima, that features several Chinese pagodas, as well as an arboretum with Chinese rockery, several ponds with goldfish and small streams with cascades, as well as with open-sided Chinese pavilions. The landscaped garden features a botanical collection of exclusive and rare trees, often with extraordinary deeply grooved bark or another rough or curly texture, long aerial roots, waving buttressed roots, crooked or strongly curving stems and branches, or other unique feature. Whereas the lower part of the rock garden is mostly made up of natural stones and slabs, the upper section partially consists of artificial rocks, including a staircase and an imitation grotto named Long Dong (龍洞), i.e. ‘Dragon Cave’, of which the name is painted in red and embossed in traditional Chinese script on the rock face. Whereas goldfish in Chinese thought symbolize an abundance of wealth, there is a tree that has the shape of a dragon, while some of the rock formations resemble sculptures of animals, e.g. a turtle and a sea lion with a ball on its nose, both in the pond at the entrance to the park. This pond has an islet with a Chinese pavilion on it, whilst the border of the pool is on one side decorated with nine limestone slabs, each on one side carved with a one the Nine Dragons, whilst on the reverse side each slab has a large Chinese character for a specific word associated with a certain virtue, namely: 1. Fu (佛), i.e. ‘Buddha’; 2. Zhong (忠), i.e. ‘Loyal’; 3. Xiao (孝), i.e. ‘Filial’; 4. Ren (仁), i.e. ‘Benevolence’; 5. Ai (愛), i.e. ‘Love’; 6. Ren (忍), i.e. ‘Tolerant’; 7. Liang (谅), i.e. ‘Forgiveness’; 8. Qiu (求), i.e. ‘Beg’; and 9. Quan (全), i.e. ‘Peace’. Whereas mid-2023 the garden was well-maintained, most of the construction on the larger pagodas, such as Yue Ta (月塔) or Chantra (จันทรา), i.e. the ‘Moon Tower’, seemed to have been put on hold with no signs of progress anytime soon. Though only the main skeleton of this pagoda is erected, symbolism about its name and function is already visible throught the edifice, from the miao minge (庙名额), i.e. the ‘temple name inscription board’ to the Moon Gates, i.e. circular doorways used in traditional Chinese architecture. WATCH VIDEO.

kle (แกละ)

Thai. The remaining tuft of hair on the shaven head of a child, comparable with the juk. Nowadays out of fashion. Hill tribe children often have their heads shaved leaving a small lock of hair in front (fig.). Also brahmins grow a small tuft of hair at the back of their head, in the bindu chakra (‘circle of drops’), a part where it is believed that a fluid is produced which can become either amrita, the elixir of immortality, or the poison of death. See also krajuk, poi and bindu, and compare with the codhumbi, worn by Brahmin priests and novices (fig.).

kleun yak (คลื่นยักษ์)

Thai. ‘Giant wave’. Term for a tidal wave or tsunami. See also yak.

klieb kanun (กลีบขนุน)

Thai for antefix.

klieb kanun prang (กลีบขนุนปรางค์)

Thai. The antefix on some prangs in Khmer style.

Klin Jorakae (กลิ่นจระเข้)

Thai. ‘Crocodile Odour’. Name of a kind of kreuang khwaen, i.e. net or frame-like, stringed flower arrangements, that are used to suspend at windows, doorways, gables, etc. It is knitted into three diamond-shaped squares, using mainly jasmine buds (fig.). At the corners are festoons of colourful flowers, such as dok rak (fig.) and dok kulaab (fig.), or yellow jampah flowers (fig.). Its name derives from the fact that its shape is somewhat reminiscent to that of a crocodile seen from above. This type of flower decoration is depicted on a Thai postage stamp issued in 1991 (fig.).

Klin Khwam (กลิ่นคว่ำ)

Thai. ‘Inverted Odour’. Name of a kind of kreuang khwaen, i.e. net or frame-like, stringed flower arrangements, that are used to suspend at windows, doorways, gables, etc. It is knitted chain-like, using mainly jasmine buds (fig.) and dok rak (fig.), and has at its centre a horizontal octagonal shape or hexagram, which has flowers hanging from each corner. This type of flower decoration is depicted on a Thai postage stamp issued in 2005 (fig.). It is also referred to as Kohm Huad (โคมหวด), i.e. ‘Huad Lantern’ (fig.), a name which is also used for lampshades made from a kind of basket normally used for steaming foodstuffs, especially glutinous rice, and in Thai known as huad.

klong (กลอง)

Thai generic term for any kind of ‘drum’. To determine any specific type of drum an affix is added as a name classifier, e.g. klong thad, to refer to a wooden barrel-shaped drum with a double drum head. The coat of arms of Samut Songkhram bears the picture of a such a drum floating on the water (fig.), a reference to the old name of the city, i.e. Meuang Klong. The city's symbol (fig.) also alludes to the fact that this jangwat lies on the banks of the Mae Klong River (fig.).

klong aew (กลองเอว)

Thai. ‘Middle drum’. A large temple drum with a single drum head. It is the largest drum in Thailand, with a length of roughly three meters and a diameter of approximately fifty centimeters. Its name refers to the middle of the drum which is tapered. Originally from Burma where it is called ozi. The drum is used to gather the monks and to call the villagers to certain ceremonies, especially during festivals such as Songkraan and for the ordination of young monks during khao pansa. A smaller version of a similar drum that can be carried hanging from the waist is called klong yao.

klong chana (กลองชนะ)

Thai. ‘Victory drum’. Drum used to announce victory with the features of a Malay drum but shorter and more bulbous.

klong inthaperih (กลองอินทเภรี)

Thai. ‘Indra's drum’. Term used for a large barrel-shaped kind of war drum. READ ON.

klong khaek (กลองแขก)

Thai. ‘Guest drum’. Tall standing drum with hides on both drumheads. It is tied with rattan strings stretching from one drumhead to the other.

klong mahorateuk (กลองมโหระทึก)

Thai. A metal drum (fig.) used in ceremonies of state. Formerly it was used to give warning signals or to greet someone with music. Sometimes referred to as simply mahorateuk. See also Dong Son.

klong phen (กลองเพล)

Thai. Name for a large temple drum (fig.) which is beaten at eleven o'clock in the morning to mark the start of phen, the hour between eleven and twelve in the morning, when Buddhist priests have their last meal of the day. The drumbeat, called ti klong phen, will call the monks and novices together to start their last meal and it is usually kept in a tower called ho klong.

klong ram manah (กลองรำมะนา)

Thai. Name for a small frame drum, i.e. a flat hand drum that has a drumhead of which the width is greater than its depth. It has a high pitch and is used in the southern Thai music of phleng tonyohng, which is performed to accompany traditional rong ngeng folk dances, as well as likae pah, also referred to as likae ram manah (ลิเกรำมะนา). In Central Thai traditional music, such as that played by a khreuang saai (เครื่องสาย) or string ensemble, it is usually played in pair with the klong thohn, and is hence referred to as thohn ram manah (fig.).

klong sabat chai (กลองสะบัดชัย)

Thai. A large flat drum held on two horizontal poles by two carriers whilst the drummer plays it with his hands and elbows as well as with his knees, moving about in a ceremonial manner. It is usually accompanied by the beat of small handheld gongs. Features especially in the North. It is a war drum from Lan Na, that in the past was beaten during battle in order to encourage the soldiers, and today is still seen in performing arts such as here and in processions. In order to be auspicious and a morale for the soldiers to fight bravely three rhythms or melodies were used, that were known as Chai Pherie (ชัยเภรี), Chai Dithi (ชัยดิถี), and Chana Maan/Mara (ชนะมาร), which loosely translates ‘Victory by Drum’, ‘Auspicious Triumph’, and ‘Conquering [the] Evil [One]’, respectively. See also TRAVEL PICTURES and VIDEO.

klong thad (กลองทัด)

Thai. A drum with a double drum head made of cow or buffalo hide and fixed with pins onto the wooden barrel, a shape resembling that of the klong inthaperih (fig.). It is about 41 centimeters high and has a diameter of around 46 centimeters. There are always two klong thad that are played together, one with a high "tum" sound, called tua phoo (ตัวผู้) or the ‘male’ drum, the other with a low "tom" sound and known as tua mia (ตัวเมีย) or the ‘female’ drum. On one side, they have a metal ring, which is used to attach long sticks used as a support, when the drum is placed with one drum head on a cushion, tilting it to an inclined pose easy to play, which is done with a pair of circa 54 centimeter long drumsticks. They are characteristically used in the mahori and orchestras consisting chiefly of the ranaat ek, such as the pih phaat (fig.). They are oftentimes decorated, with the nicer ones inlayed with ivory or mother-of-pearl (fig.).

klong thohn (กลองโทน)

Thai. A kind of small, low-pitched, goblet-shaped hand drum, with a wooden or ceramic body. In Central Thai traditional music, such as that of a khreuang saai (เครื่องสาย) or string ensemble, it is often played in pair with the klong ram manah, and is hence referred to as thohn ram manah (fig.).

klong tuk (กลองตุ๊ก)

Thai. A drum resembling the klong thad but smaller, and barrel-shaped, similar to the klong inthaperih.

klong winitchayperih (กลองวินิจฉัยเภรี)

Thai. ‘[To make the] (final) decision drum’ or simply ‘decision drum’. Name of a big barrel-shaped drum, similar is form and size to the klong inthaperih (fig.), and which in the past was erected at the edge of the palace. When anyone wanted to petition a special request on an important issue or submit a grievance, one could beat the drum and the palace doors would be unlocked, akin to the system of the Bell of Ramkamhaeng (fig.) used by King Ramkamhaeng (fig.) in the Sukhothai Period and described on Inscription Nº 1, i.e. the Stone of Ramkamhaeng (fig.). An authorized messenger would then take the request or grievance and bring it up to the king, and later return the latter's decision. To prevent misuse and raise the threshold, as any presentation of a petition was a disturbance of the king, the drum had to beaten 30 times, to prove it was worth the trouble. If anyone abused the system by petitioning too many requests at once, a certain fee had to be paid, thus encouraging restraint. The use of the decision drum was eventually abolished by King Rama IV when other offices with direct channels for petitioning came into place. Perih, also spelled pairih (ไภรี) and pairin (ไภริน), is a Pali —and now archaic— term for ‘drum’, and thus has the same meaning as the word klong, which also translates ‘drum’. It seems the term klong is here added to clarify the meaning of the word perih for those who are not familiar with this more archaic Pali term.

klong wong (กลองวง)

Thai. ‘Drum circle’. Percussion instrument consisting of several drums with different tones hung in a circular structure.

klong yao (กลองยาว)

Thai. ‘Long drum’. Drum with a single drum head carried hanging from the waist and played by hand (fig.). It looks like a smaller version of the klong aew, the long narrow temple drum. This kind of drum is also used as an attribute in a dance called ram klong yao. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

klot (กลด)

1. Thai. State umbrellas, held by an attendant over the king, queen and the crown prince on state occasions to protect them from the sun and rain. See also chattra and rom.

2. One of the permitted possessions or borikaan of Buddhist monks and novices. It is an umbrella used to sit and meditate under (fig.) and to sleep under in the forest when they go out on thudong. See also rom and WATCH VIDEO.

kluay (กล้วย)

Thai. ‘Banana’. Fruit of the banana plant (fig.), of the genus Musa of which there are many different species. See gluay.

kluay pad (กล้วยพัด)

Thai. ‘Banana fan’. Evergreen tree that grows up to 10 meters. Distinctive are its large paddle shaped leaves on long stalks, resembling those of a banana plant (kluay) but spreading like a fan (pad). Since rainwater collects easily between its leaves and can be used in emergencies to quench one's thirst, it got the nickname traveller's palm or traveller's tree. Its Latin name is Ravenala madagascariensis. Also transcribed gluay pad.

kluay ob neuy (กล้วยอบเนย)

Thai for butter-baked banana. A snack made from raw, horizontally sliced banana, which is left to dry, then seasoned with salt and deep fried. Next it is stirred whilst sugar, sesame seeds and butter are added. It is a well-known snack of the amphur Khirimaht (คีรีมาศ) in Sukhothai. Also transcribed gluay ob ney. See also gluay ob.

kluk khao thod (คลุกข้าวทอด)

See khao kon thod.


Common name for a species of medium-sized butterfly, which is known by the scientific name Lebadea martha. It is found across tropical and subtropical Asia and somewhat resembles the Commander (fig.). The upper-side of its wings are orangey brown, with brown, tawny and blackish spots, as well as white markings that are arranged across the four wings in a V-shape which reach to the very tips of the forewings, where the white markings are more scattered.

Knob-billed Duck

See Comb Duck.

ko (โค)

Thai name for an ox or bull, and often used as a prefix for Nondi. Also the Cambodian word for an ox. In Buddhist art a white ox is the vehicle of the Buddha. The word ko derives from the Sanskrit word go, which in English means ‘cow’ and is also etymologically related to the latter. In India, the cow is regarded as sacred, a phenomenon in the West usually referred to as the holy cow (fig.). The ox is the second animal in the cycle of the Chinese zodiac (fig.) and represents patience, endurance and perseverance, and those born in the Year of the Ox are said to be kind, honest and altruistic, and are often charismatic people that attract a following. The ox features on certain Thai postage stamps, including the Zodiac Year of the Ox Postage Stamp issued in 2009 (fig.) and the Songkraan Day Postage Stamp issued in 1997 (fig.), and the Zodiac Year of the Ox Postage Stamp issued in 2021 (fig.). See also Zebu, Govinda, and THEMATIC STREET LIGHT.

kodawari (拘り, こだわり)

Japanese term that describes the relentless and uncompromising pursuit of perfection, with a sincere, unwavering focus on what one is doing, with commitment to the highest of standards, and which eventually reflects in the premium quality of the finished product, whether in art, a craft or an activity. See also karoshi and compare with the Chinese term Kung Fu.

Kodchamukha (คชมุขา)

Thai-Pali term for Gajamukha.

Kodchamukhasoon (คชมุขาสูร)

Thai-Pali term for Gajamukhasun.

kodchasaan (คชสาร)

Thai-Pali term for ‘elephant.

Kodchasih (คชสีห์)

Thai-Pali name of a fabulous animal from the Himaphan forest, similar to a lion but with a trunk and tusks like an elephant. It is very similar to another mythological creature with an almost identical physical appearance, but with a beard and hair that flows forward, and which is known as Takkatoh (fig.). The name derives from the words kodchasaan, meaning ‘elephant’ and sih, i.e. ‘lion’. In Sanskrit, the cross between an elephant (gaja) and a lion (singha) is called Gajasingha (fig.), of which there are several types. It is the symbol and logo of the Ministry of Defence. Also transcribed Kotchasih and Kochasi, and sometimes wrongfully transliterated Kochasri. It appears on a Thai postage stamp issued in 1998 (fig.).

Kohdom (โคดม)

Thai for Gautama.

Ko Gyi Kyaw (ကိုကြီးကျော်)

Burmese. ‘Great Aid Kyaw’. Another appellation for the nat Min Kyawzwa.

koh (เกาะ)

Thai for ‘island’. Pronunciation should be short, and it is also found transliterated ko, go and goh. Thailand has an abundance of islands in both the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea. The 11 top ten provinces with the most islands are as follows: Phang Nga with 155 islands, Krabi with 154 islands, Surat Thani with 108 islands, Satun with 106 islands, Trat with 66 islands, Ranong with 56 islands, Chumphon and Trang each with 54 islands, Chonburi with 47 islands, Phuket with 37 islands, and Prachuap Khirikhan with 23 islands. Altogether, these provinces alone boast a combined total of 860 islands. The top 5 largest islands of Thailand are Phuket Island (fig.), located in the Andaman Sea with an area of 514.675 square kilometers; Koh Samui (fig.) in the Gulf of Thailand with 236.079 square kilometers; Koh Chang (fig.), also in the Gulf of Thailand, with an area of 212.404 square kilometers; Koh Tarutao in the Andaman Sea, covering 150.84 square kilometers; and Koh Pha Ngan (fig.) in the Gulf of Thailand, spanning 122.017 square kilometers. These islands are all over 100 square kilometers in area. Besides these marine islands, there are also inland lake and river islands located in freshwater bodies, such as Koh Kret (fig.), for example. See also POSTAGE STAMPS (1), (2), (3) and (4), TRAVEL PICTURES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11), (12) and (13), and WATCH VIDEO.

Koh Chang (เกาะช้าง)

Thai. ‘Elephant Island. Name of the largest island (koh) in the Chang archipelago, which includes 66 islands within the province. It is the third largest island in Thailand, with an area of 212.404 square kilometers. It is a district of Trat Province, located on the eastern side of the Gulf of Thailand. Koh Chang is part of Moo Koh Chang (หมู่เกาะช้าง) National Park, which covers an area of about 650 km², and is known for its dense, steep jungles, waterfalls, coral reefs, and long sandy beaches (fig.), making it a popular destination (fig.) for both Thai and international tourists seeking a mix of adventure and relaxation. Among its treasures lies an abandoned cruise ship, a ghostly vessel resting at the island's southernmost tip, nestled on the fringes of the jungle. The island holds historical significance as the site of the Koh Chang naval battle during World War II (fig.). This naval engagement on January 17, 1941, saw a small but significant battle unfold in these coastal waters between the French and Thai Navy, resulting in the loss of 37 Thai lives.

Koh Chang

kohk kek (โกกเกก)

Thai. Name of a running competition on stilts. The player has to balance his stand on a cock's spur of each stilt, holding on using his hands, while trying to outrun his competitors or −alternatively− set the fastest time. The game is also known as thohk thek (โทกเทก), and is sometimes described as kaanla-len deun mai suhng (การละเล่นเดินไม้สูง), i.e. the ‘game of walking on high stilts’. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

Koh Kret (เกาะเกร็ด)

Thai. ‘Splinter Island’. Name of a small island in the Chao Phraya River. READ ON.

Koh Lanta (เกาะลันตา)

Thai. Name of an island in Krabi.

kohm fai (โคมไฟ)

See kohm loy.

kohm kahng (โคมค้าง)

Northern Thai speech for kohm kwaen.

kohm kwaen (โคมแขวน)

Thai. ‘Hanging lantern’. A kind of Lan Na style lantern primarily used for decoration, as well as a light source at night. Its shape is usually either round, square, hexagonal or octagonal. It is made of a wooden frame covered with cellophane (fig.), paper, glass or any other material that allows light to shine through. They come in colours or just plain white, and are adorned with silver or gold paper edging and trimming (fig.). Inside is a lamp or another light source that won't a cause a blaze. It is mostly used in Northern Thailand, where it is called kohm kahng. See also POSTAGE STAMPS, THEMATIC STREET LIGHT (1), (2), (3) and (4), as well as TRAVEL PICTURES (1) and (2).

kohm loi (โคมลอย)

See kohm loy.

kohm loy (โคมลอย)

Thai. ‘Floating lantern’. A lantern made from paper similar to a hot air balloon with a candle or fuse supplying the heat (fig.). They are usually white but also coloured ones exist (fig.). It is a tradition of North Thailand that dates back to the Sukhothai period when these lanterns were launched by its kings. During the festival of Loi Krathong in Sukhothai or Yi Peng in Chiang Mai, hundreds of lanterns are released simultaneously, lighting the sky spectacularly (fig.). According to Buddhist tradition, the paper lanterns are lit and released into the sky as offerings to Chulamanie, a stupa containing hair from the Buddha in Tavatimsa heaven. However, others may say that they do this in order to rid themselves of sins, misfortune or bad karma, whilst yet others may do it just for the fun of doing it. Also called kohm fai (fire lantern), and also transcribed as ‘kohm loi’.

Kohmut (โกมุท)

Thai-Pali. Name of a monkey-warrior from the city from the city of Meuang Khiet Kheun (เมืองขีดขิน), who appears in the Ramakien. He is an ally of Phra Ram (fig.) and is described as having a fur in the colour of a faded lotus, which is sometimes explained as pinkish purple. His weapon is a sword and he wears a golden kabang-style crown. He is the counterpart of Chaiyaamphawaan (fig.). He is one of the eighteen Wahnon Sip-paet Mongkut, and an avatar of Phra Himaphan. Also transcribed Gohmut and Komut. See also LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & NAMES, and TRAVEL PICTURE.

Kohn Phom Fai (โกนผมไฟ)

Thai. ‘To shave the hair present at birth’. Another name for a ritual called Tham Khwan Deuan.

koht (โกศ, โกษ)

1. Thai name for a royal urn, i.e. a funeral urn used to store and transport the body of a deceased member of the royal family prior to cremation, typically at Sanam Luang (fig.). The body is kept upright in a seated pose inside the large ossuary, which has a krabok-shape of which the mouth at the top is covered by a chadah-like lid, i.e. with a Thai crown-like spire. The koht is kept on a pedestal and transported on a palanquin or royal chariot called rajarot (fig.), in order to preserve the deceased royal's elevated position, i.e. on an higher level than his or her subjects. See also TRAVEL PICTURE.

2. Thai name for a royal urn, i.e. a depository used to store the ashes and bones of a deceased member of the royal family after cremation.

Koh Tao (เกาะเต่า)

Thai. ‘Turtle Island’. Name of a small island off the eastern coast of the Gulf of Thailand (fig.), near the southern province of Chumphon, though administratively it belongs to the province of Surat Thani.  It covers an area of just about 21 km² and has a population of less than 1,400. Its most important town is Ban Mae Haad, which is also the main harbour. The island has several secluded, sandy beaches (fig.) and is said to be an important breeding ground for certain species of sea turtles. It is also a famous paradise for snorkeling and scuba diving, and a small viewpoint island, located just off the northwestern coast of Koh Tao and known as Koh Nang Yuan (map - fig.). Historically, it was once a place where political prisoners were detained, similar to Koh Tarutao in Satun Province. Also spelled Ko Tao. See MAP.

Koh Thalu (เกาะทะลุ)

Thai. Name of a small island located on the western seashore of the Gulf of Thailand, off the coast of Prachuap Khirikhan, in the southernmost extremities of this province, roughly near Pha Fang Daeng, i.e. the ‘Red Cliffs’ (fig.). The island has an arched rock formation and a beautiful seabed rich in corals and colourful fish. WATCH VIDEO and VIDEO (E).

koi carp

See pla kooy.

kok (กก)

Thai. General name for sedges, a large family of rush or reed-like waterside or marsh plants which includes the Papyrus Sedge. The Thai name kok is used for several species, including the cyperus (fig.), carex, scirpus and fimbristylis. Of many kinds the stems are used in weaving to make baskets, mats, etc. It is often seen as an ornamental plant in garden pools but also as an imitation interior plant, made from more durable synthetic materials (fig.). See also Kok River.

kokeshi (こけし, 小芥子)

Japanese. Name for a simple traditional Japanese wooden doll, without arms or legs, and usually dressed in a kimono with floral motifs. It often has a geisha-style or pageboy bob hairstyle with a hair ornament, usually a kind of hair pin. Modern versions often have a movable head.

kok ih-yipt (กกอียิปต์)

Thai. ‘Egypt(ian) Sedge’. Name for the Papyrus Sedge, a kind of kok, that is a marsh plant, with the botanical designation Cyperus papyrus. It can grow up to around 4 metres tall and consists of a thick green stem, which is topped by a dense cluster of bright green, thin lance-shaped leaves. When blooming, it will bear whitish-green flower clusters, with a brownish centre (fig.).

Kok River

Name of a shallow, wide and slow-moving river, that originates in Myanmar's Shan State and enters Thailand in Chiang Mai Province. READ ON.

Komodo Dragon

Common name for a large species of lizard found on the Indonesian island of Komodo and a few neighbouring islands. It is the largest living species of lizard on the planet and a member of the family of monitor lizards. It can grow up to 3.1 meters long and weigh as much as 166 kilograms.

Komuso (虚無僧, こむそう)

Japanese. ‘Priests of Nothingness’ or ‘Monks of Emptiness’. Name of a 17th to mid-19th century AD sect of Zen Buddhist mendicant monks in Japan, who were distinguished for playing the shakuhachi, a type of bamboo flute, in order to beg for alms and for meditation so as to achieve the desired state of Emptiness. While travelling, they were also renowned for wearing the tengai, a beehive-shaped reed hood that fully covered the head and face, in order to manifest the absence of specific ego.


Pali. A buddha of the past, a precursor of the historical Buddha. He is the 26th of the 27 buddhas that preceded the Sakyamuni Buddha, and one of the four buddha's depicted in Ananda Phaya in Bagan, located at its East Gate, the others being Kassapa facing South (fig.), Kakusandha facing North (fig.), and Gautama at the West Gate (fig.). According to Burmese mythology, Konagamana was born on a Wednesday and is, similar to the Phra prajam wan geut-system of Thailand, in Myanmar associated with the Buddha of Wednesday. In Thai he is known as Gonahkmana (โกนาคมนะ) and in Burmese he is called Konagon (ကောဏာဂုံ).

Konfutse (孔子)

Chinese name for the Chinese philosopher and religious reformer (fig.), who lived from 551 to 478 BC and is in English usually referred to as Confucius (fig.). In iconography, he is typically portrayed with a long beard and holding one hand on top of the other (fig.), a mudra or hand position that symbolizes the balance of yin and yang, i.e. yin-yang (fig.). In Vietnam, his name is Khong Tu (Khổng Tử).

kong (ข้อง)

Thai. An aphaeresis of takong.

kong (ฆ้อง)

Thai. Collective term for gongs, which have many forms and shapes. READ ON.

kong banchakaan (กองบัญชาการ)

Thai for ‘headquarters’.

kong dap phleung (กองดับเพลิง)

Thai. ‘Fire brigade’. Protective work and fire control in Thailand. READ ON.

kong hin (กองหิน)

Thai. ‘Pile of rocks’. Term used for a kind of cairns, human-made stacks of stones often seen in outdoor and wilderness settings. These structures serve as landmarks, symbolizing a tangible mark left behind by individuals to signify their presence or passage in specific locations. Commonly found throughout Thailand in natural settings, especially mountains and caves, these rock piles have historical roots. In ancient times, people placed piles of rocks at intersections, mountain ravines, or elevated hills—border areas frequented by travelers. This practice, known as kaan koh kong hin, was considered a gesture of communication and reverence toward the guardian spirit of the mountains, aiming to instill a sense of security along these routes. These rock piles are reminiscent of Buddhist stupas, that are regarded as sacred structures. However, in recent years, there has been a growing trend among certain groups of tourist, who engage in constructing these stacks of rocks. Various explanations have been offered for this behavior, ranging from securing a dwelling in the afterlife to the belief that stacking rocks can bring stability, prosperity, and the fulfillment of wishes. Today, entire fields of cairns, known as thung hin kong, can be found in many natural tourist locations. Unfortunately, the actions of these tourists have adverse effects on the natural environment, leading to the destruction of scenery and potential alterations to archaeological evidence at various ancient sites. VIDEO (E-1) and (E-2).

kong hod (กองฮด)

Thai. Name of a ritual, especially in Isaan and the North, but also known in Laos, in which Buddhist monks are blessed with water. Monks are expected to learn various chants and translations of Pali texts, the sacred language of Theravada Buddhism, and once they have passed certain steps, the villagers arrange a promotion ceremony for them, in which they pour the monks with perfumed water. The ceremony is usually performed on Buddha statues or on monks who have been ordained for at least three years and includes gathering rain water, which is then usually scented and poured over the head, neck and back of the monk, who will wait motionless whilst making a wai-gesture. In the process, the villagers use what looks like a ceremonial trough (fig.), i.e. an about 6 sok long, wooden, narrow and open receptacle, known in the Northeast as haang hod, and in the North as hin hod nahm. This adorned, gutter-like vessel is cut from tropical hardwood and made in the form of a naga, the protector of both the waters and Buddhism (fig.). The water runs through the channel of the receptacle, from the tail end down to the head of the naga, where the channel ends in a hole, under which the monks take place. Although this ceremony is still practiced today, the official promotion for monks is now handled by the Sangha. See also sek, rod nahm mon, boon song nahm and song nahm phra. WATCH VIDEO.

kong keun (กองเกิน)

Thai term for registered men of pre-military age who have been listed for military service but are nor yet officially called up. At the age of twenty every Thai boy is summoned to come and draw a lot of which the colour determines if one is conscripted or let off: if the colour is red, one is drafted; if black, one is exempt. Volunteers however may join the military at the age of 18.

kong khao (ก่องข้าว)

Thai. Another name for kratib or aeb (fig.).

Kongming Lock

A traditional Chinese intellectual toy accredited to Zhuge Liang, who is also known as Zhuge Kongming and who lived during the Three Kingdoms Period. The toy is a kind of three-dimensional wooden puzzle, made up of building blocks and based on the principles of dougong (fig.), i.e. interlocking wooden brackets used in ancient Chinese architecture. Kongming Locks come in different sizes and shapes, and with different internal structures. The concave and convex parts inside the interpolation toy mesh perfectly. Nonetheless, they are generally easy to take apart, but difficult to reassemble. In Chinese, it is known as Kongming Suo.

Kongming Suo (孔明锁)

Chinese for Kongming Lock.

kong tamruat (กองตำรวจ)

Thai for police. See Royal Thai Police.

kong teik (功德)

See gong de.

kong thap (กองทัพ)

Thai. ‘Army’ or ‘military might’. See also Royal Thai Armed Forces.

kong thap reua (กองทัพเรือ)

Thai for ‘navy’. See also Royal Thai Navy.

kong phan thahaan mah (กองพันทหารม้า)

Thai. ‘Cavalry’. Soldiers on horseback. Though the Royal Cavalry still has the occasional role to play on horseback, especially ceremonially, such as during royal parades and as guards of honour, today they operate mainly from light armoured vehicles and tanks (fig.). These soldiers' ceremonial dress consists of a grey uniform with a thin yellow stripe and brocade, red-gold collars and cuffs. They wear black horse boots and on their heads they have a shiny, silver with gold helmet, with on top a blue, draping tail. When parading on horseback, ordinary cavalrymen and non-commissioned officers also hold a spear with a white tail, upright in their right hand. See also CEREMONIAL DRESS OF THE ROYAL GUARDS, MAP of THE 2nd CAVALRY DIVISION, TRAVEL PICTURES (1) and (2), and EXPLORER'S MAP (1), (2) and (3).

kong wong (ฆ้องวง)

Thai. ‘Gong circle’. Percussion instrument consisting of several small gongs (kong) with different tones hung on a circular rattan frame. There are two types, i.e. kong wong yai (fig.) and kong wong lek (fig.), i.e. the ‘big gong circle’ and the ‘small gong circle’, respectively. The kong wong yai dates from the Sukhothai period and is made with Indonesian-style gongs. It has 16 tuned bossed gongs and is played with either one or two musicians, who sit in the middle of the circle and may use either soft or hard beaters. The kong wong lek dates from the reign of Rama III, has 18 tuned bossed gongs, that are smaller and higher in pitch than those of the kong wong yai. Each of the gongs is individually tuned by applying beeswax on the underside of the gongs. The two types of kong wong appear on Thai postage stamps issued in 1982, as part of a set of 8 stamps depicting Thai musical instruments that are typically used in a music ensemble referred to as pih phaat (fig.). Also transcribed khong wong and sometimes referred to as bell wheel.

kong wong lek (ฆ้องวงเล็ก)

Thai. ‘Small gong circle’. Percussion instrument consisting of 18 tuned bossed gongs (kong), that are hung horizontally on a circular rattan frame. It is played with either one or two musicians, who sit in the middle of the circle and who may use either soft or hard beaters. This type of bell wheel dates from the reign of King Rama III. Its name refers to the size of the gongs and not of the rattan frame. It appears on a Thai postage stamp issued in 1982, as part of a set of 8 stamps depicting Thai musical instruments that are typically used in a music ensemble referred to as pih phaat (fig.). See also kong wong and kong wong yai.

kong wong yai (ฆ้องวงใหญ่)

Thai. ‘Big gong circle’. Percussion instrument consisting of 16 tuned bossed gongs (kong), that are hung horizontally on a circular rattan frame. It is played with either one or two musicians, who sit in the middle of the circle and who may use either soft or hard beaters. This type of bell wheel dates from the Sukhothai period and is made with Indonesian-style gongs. Its name refers to the size of the gongs and not of the rattan frame. It appears on a Thai postage stamp issued in 1982, as part of a set of 8 stamps depicting Thai musical instruments that are typically used in a music ensemble referred to as pih phaat (fig.). See also kong wong and kong wong lek.

kong zhu (空竹)

Chinese. ‘Sky bamboo’. Name for the Chinese yo-yo, i.e. a toy that originates from China and is the precursor of the western diabolo. It consists of a pair of discs, usually a large one at the top and a smaller one at the bottom, that are connected by a elongated axle which has a deep groove, and which is kept spinning on a string through a gyroscopic-like motion caused by the player, who accelerates or slows the yo-yo by moving two sticks to which ends the string is tied. Modern models are usually made of plastic and often have grooves inset in the rim of the discs, which cause the yo-yo to make a buzzing sound when spinning at high speeds and which allows the player to determine and adjust the velocity of the yo-yo. It was purportedly invented during the Ming Dynasty and initially made from bamboo, hence the name. Spinning the yo-yo is in Chinese referred to as dou kong zhu.

kon tamleung thong (ก้อนตำลึงทอง)

Thai for a Chinese gold ingot. It has a boat-like shape that resembles a smile (fig.) because it helps those who find it to be happy. It is therefore an attribute of the Smiling Buddha (fig.) who is also known by the names Budai (fig.), Mi Le Fo and Huan Xi Fo (fig.). Besides this it is also held by many other Chinese deities, in particular by the Chinese wealth god, Cai Shen. It is often decorated with Chinese symbols or characters, e.g. old Chinese coins, the character fu (fig.) or a picture of a bat (fu), amongst others. In Chinese temples and shrines it is found in paper form and used as a burn offer in the Chinese ritual gong de (fig.). In feng shui, replica Chinese gold ingots are placed in the wealth area, i.e. is the southeast sector, of homes and businesses to attract fortune and abundance. In present-day China, the more convenient gold panda coins (fig.), which since 1982 are issued annually by the People's Bank of China (fig.), have become the accepted replacement for gold ingots, and are popular with both collectors (fig.) and those who like to invest their savings in gold. There are also silver ingots, in Thai called kon tamleung or kon tamleung ngun (fig.), and in Mandarin gold and silver ingots are referred to as yuan bao (元宝), which derives from the name for ancient currency. The same Chinese word is also used for mock ingots, i.e. ingots made from paper to be burnt as an offering, as in gong de (fig.), as well as those made from plastic (fig.), which are used for a variety of purposes, not seldom related to religious worship. In Cantonese, ingots are called xisi (细丝), which could be literally translated as ‘fine silk. See also tamleung and Thai gold.

koob (กู๊บ)

Thai Yai. Name of a typical farmer's hat worn by the Shan people of Mae Hong Son province. See also ngop and non la. 

kooprih (กูปรี)

Thai name for Kouprey.

ko phra chedi saai (ก่อพระเจดีย์ทราย)

Thai. ‘Building a sand chedi’. Name of a kind of local folk amusement which is derived from the religious rite of khon saai khao wat, the practice of bringing sand back to the temple (fig.) in order to replace all the sand that has been carried out from temple grounds sticking to visitors feet, as a form of tamboon. Also called ko sang phra chedi saai. WATCH VIDEO.

kopi luwak

Indonesian. ‘Civet coffee’. Name for a kind of coffee, which is made from coffee berries (fig.) that have been eaten by the Common Palm Civet (fig.). READ ON.

kop sahm kha (กบสามขา)

Thai. ‘Three-legged frog’. One of several designations used for kaangkok sawan.

koram (โครำ)

See Mainland Serow.

Koran (القرآن)

Arabic. ‘Recitation’. Sacred scriptures of Islam. A collection of oral revelations received by the prophet Muhammad, considered by Muslims to be the words of Allah. Also Quran and Al Quran, i.e. ‘the recitation’.

Koran Angelfish

Common name for a species of marine reef-fish, with the scientific name Pomacanthus semicirculatus. READ ON.

Korat (โคราช)

1. Thai. Popular name for Nakhon Ratchasima derived from the Plateau of Korat, the gateway to the plains of Isaan.

2. Thai. A kind of Siamese Cat, with short, slate blue-grey hair. Also called maew korat and also locally known as maew malet (แมวมาเลศ) and maew sih sawaat (แมวสีสวาด). In 1995, this cat was depicted on one of a set of four Thai postage stamps featuring Siamese cats (fig.).

Korat Zoo

See Nakhon Ratchasima Zoo.


See mahout.

Kosala (कोशल)

The empire of King Dasharatha, the father of Rama. Also transcribed Koshala.

Kosih (โกสีย์)

A Thai designation for Indra.

Kosin (โกสินทร์)

A Thai name for Indra. It is a compound of Kosih and In.

Kosathibodih (โกษาธิบดี)

1. Thai. Name of a Siamese general and foreign minister during the Ayutthaya Period, with the title of Chao Phraya and also known as Kosa Lek.

2. Thai. Name of a Siamese diplomat and foreign minister in the Ayutthaya Kingdom, with the title of Chao Phraya, who also known as Kosa Paan.

Kosa Lek (โกษาเหล็ก)

Thai. Name of a Siamese general and foreign minister during the Ayutthaya Period, with the title of Chao Phraya. He held the position of foreign minister under the name Kosathibodih. He was the older brother of Kosa Paan, who also became foreign minister after Kosa Lek, as well as of Thao Chulalak (จุฬาลักษณ์), the concubine of King Narai (fig.). To differentiate him from his brother he is usually referred to as Chao Phraya Kosathibodih (Lek) and his brother as Chao Phraya Kosathibodih (Paan). See also TRAVEL PICTURES.

ko sang phra chedi saai (ก่อสร้างพระเจดีย์ทราย)

See ko phra chedi saai.

Kosa Paan (โกษาปาน)

Thai. Name of a Siamese diplomat and foreign minister in the Ayutthaya Kingdom, with the title of Chao Phraya, who in 1686 AD led the second Siamese diplomatic embassy mission to France, sent by King Narai (fig.). He was the younger brother of Kosa Lek, who held the position of foreign minister before him, also under the name Kosathibodih. Kosa Paan's success in diplomatic negotiations earned him the epithet Rajathoot Lin Thong (ราชทูตลิ้นทอง), i.e. Golden-tongued Diplomat. To differentiate him from his brother he is usually referred to as Chao Phraya Kosathibodih (Paan) and his brother as Chao Phraya Kosathibodih (Lek). Often transliterated Kosa Pan.


Common designation for a rare wild ox, which is found in the forests of northern Cambodia, as well as across its political borders, into southern Laos, western Vietnam, and eastern Thailand. It is the national animal of Cambodia and has the scientific name Bos sauveli, and in Thai it is called kooprih. Both the Thai and common name derive from the Khmer designation goa bpray-ee, which means ‘wild ox’, and if literally translated into Thai would be ko pah (โคป่า). Kouprey have tall but narrow bodies, long legs and humped backs, and the colour of their fur ranges from dark brown, to grey or black, while the lower legs are tan. The horns of the female are lyre-shaped and spiral upwards, whereas those of the male are wide and arch forward and upward. In 1973, Thailand issued a series of postage stamps with rare and endangered wild animals, including one with illustrations of Kouprey (fig.). Also known as Kouproh and Grey Ox.

kraab (กราบ)

Thai. ‘To prostrate’ in order to pay homage or to show respect. When gesture is combined by a wai, it is known as aphiwaht, and when using five parts of the body, it is known as benjahngkhapradit, i.e. prostration in which the head, hands and feet touch the ground (fig.). Also transliterated krahb and a synonym of krahn/kraan (กราน), a term that occurs in the Thai Royal Hymn.

krab (กรับ)

1. Thai. Two, usually bean or crescent-shaped pieces of wood, often painted red, that are used to foretell the outcome of certain events. They are used by people who want a simple yes or no answer to a specific question. The pair is tossed onto the floor in front of a temple altar and from their position on the ground an answer on ones fortune can be derived. If both pieces land with the same side up, the answer is negative; if they land with different sides up, this indicates a yin-yang balance and the response is positive. They are found in temples and shrines, especially Chinese ones or those with a Chinese background and often in the presence of Chinese fortune sticks (fig.). In English known as divining cups and sometimes referred to as fortune bones. See also fowl bone prognostication.

2. Thai. ‘Stick’ or ‘clapper’. Name for a pair of hand-held pieces of bamboo or hardwood sticks used as a rhythm instrument, somewhat like castanets. There are two types: the one consists of a pair of straight, unattached, wooden blocks and is called krab sephaa (กรับเสภา), named after a kind of harmonic poem with melodious verses known as klon sephaa (กลอนเสภา); the other type consists of wooden slats, sometimes with -or made of- brass and with rounded ends, that are tied together at one end, and which is known by the name krab phuang (กรับพวง), i.e. ‘cluster clapper’.

krabeua (กระบือ)

Another Thai term for Water Buffalo, besides the more popular kwai.

krabeuang waw (กระเบื้องว่าว)

Thai. ‘Kite tiles’. Term used in architecture for square or diamond-shaped roof tiles, that are used to cover slanting roofs of mostly traditional-style houses in Thailand. The shape is reminiscent  of that of a kite (fig.), which in Thai is known as waw, especially the shape of the so-called female kite (fig.), hence the name.

krabi (กระบี่)

1. A Thai word for ‘sword’.

2. A Thai word for ‘monkey’, used only in literature.

Krabi (กระบี่)

Thai. ‘Sword(s)’. Town with a population of around 25,000 inhabitants and capital of Krabi province (map) in southern Thailand. READ ON.

Krabi Monkey Trail

Name of a scenic and adventurous path located at the southern end of Ao Nang (fig.) Beach in Krabi, Thailand. This trail winds through lush jungle terrain and leads to the secluded Hahd Phai Plong, i.e. ‘Bamboo [Stalk] Segment Beach’, offering visitors a chance to experience the area's natural beauty up close. Along the way, travelers may encounter playful groups of macaques, which have earned the trail its name. The wooden trail, with steps and handrails, ascends a small hill, offering stunning views of the surrounding cliffs and coastline. The monkeys that inhabit the area are often curious and may approach tourists. It's a short hike but provides an exciting experience for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike, blending the charm of Krabi’s beaches with a glimpse into the region's wildlife. WATCH VIDEO.

Krabi Yellow Lady's Slipper

Common name for a terrestrial Venus Slipper orchid with the botanical name Paphiopedilum exul (fig.).

krabiad (กระเบียด)

Thai linear measurement. A quarter of an inch (6.35 mm).

krabi krabong (กระบี่กระบอง)

Thai. ‘Sword(s) and club(s)’. Thai martial art with hand weapons, namely swords (krabi - fig.) and clubs (krabong). Traditionally, it also includes a form of ceremonial movements (fig.). This ritual combat is solemnly taught according to a 400 year old tradition that originated in Wat Phutthaisawan in Ayutthaya. The elite bodyguard of the Thai king are today still trained in this martial art. See also Institute of Physical Education.

krabok (กระบอก)

Thai. A short bamboo cylinder of roughly forty centimeters long and usually open on one side. It can be used as a container for Chinese fortune sticks (fig.); to collect palm sugar from the inflorescence of both coconut palms and sugar palm trees (fig.); as a vessel for water; or for grilling sticky rice, i.e. khao laam (fig.), sealing off the side which was left open. In southern Thailand, it is also used to make a percussion instrument known as loh (fig.). See also bong and hun krabok.

krabok tahn (กระบอกตาล)

Thai. ‘Sugar krabok’. A short bamboo cylinder, used for collecting palm sugar. It is open at the top, where a small hole is made on either sides, to attach a string for suspension, which is fixed with a knot. Sometimes only one hole is drilled and a strap-like string with a loop is used instead. It is used both with coconut palms and sugar palm trees.

krabong (กระบอง)

Thai. ‘Club’ or ‘staff’. See also gada, katha and bong.

krabong phet (กระบองเพชร)

1. Thai. A jeweled club or gada, usually with miraculous powers. It is commonly seen as an attribute of certain yak.

2. Thai generic designation for any cactus, typically of the genus Simaroubaceae. Singapore's Award Winning Changi Airport, named in 2023 as the World's Best Airport, features a rooftop Cactus Garden with more than 100 species of cacti (fig.). WATCH VIDEO.

krabuan (กระบวน)

Thai term for ‘procession’.

Krabuan Phayuhayahtrah Chonlamahk (กระบวนพยุหยาตราชลมารค)

Thai term for the Royal Barge Procession.

krabuay (กระบวย)

Thai. A coconut shell dipper, scoop or ladle. The bowl is made of the shell of a female coconut or a part without the three so-called ‘eyes’ (germination pores), whereas the handle is made of wood. They are often decoratively carved (fig.). If used for scooping water from water containers, like those in a ban nahm (fig.), they are also called nahm buay. See also tawak.

krabung (กระบุง)

Thai. A kind of semi-large basket used to carry or store a variety of vegetables or other goods, but especially to collect rice. It is woven from bamboo strips called tok, and is round at the top and square at the bottom, and usually tapers down from about below the rounded part. Some varieties have small legs at each corner of the square base and are referred to as krabung hasah (กระบุงอาสา).

krachai (กระชาย)

Thai. Name of a ginger-like root of which there are a number of different species, such as krachai or fingerroot (genus Boesenbergia rotunda) which is also known as Chinese ginger; krachai dam or sand ginger (genus Kaempferia galanga) which is used as a traditional remedy for a number of gastrointestinal disorders; krachai khao or ‘white krachai’ and sometimes known as Salaween (Salawin) pink (genus Globba laeta); etc. Fingerroot has a yellow-orange to light brown colour and owes its name to the shape of its rhizome which resembles that of long carrot-like fingers growing out of a centre nodule. Sand ginger, also known as aromatic ginger and in Thai as krachai dam, has dark brown to grey rhizomes (fig.) which are near black on the inside, hence its Thai name of which the latter word means ‘black’ or ‘dark’. The fingerroot and the sand ginger both belong to a ginger subspecies known as galangal (in Thai kha), of which only four varieties exist.

krachang (กระชัง)

Thai. Name of a fish coop, i.e. a cage to hold live fish. Traditional ones are usually made from bamboo and are often round in shape. If so, they are also referred to as krachang klom (กระชังกลม), i.e. ‘round coop’ or ‘round cage’. The latter one is depicted on a Thai postage stamp issued in 1995, as part of a set of four postage stamps on wickerwork for catching and keeping aquatic animals (fig.).

krachao fai fah (กระเช้าไฟฟ้า)

Thai. ‘Electrical basket’. Name for a cable-car, consisting of a small cabin suspended on a looped cable, for carrying passengers across a river, or up and down a mountain, etc. It is often found at Thai temples that are built on top of a mountain. It is often simply called krachao and if the cable car is not suspended but on tracks it may also be referred to as rot krachao.

krachet (กระเฉด)

Thai. Name for water mimosa, an aquatic floating plant with the scientific name Neptunia oleracea. It has small green leaves and a lengthy green stem, covered with a white, very soft, almost sponge-like covering, that consists of jointed segments, with thin purplish white roots at each joint. It is used in Thai cooking (fig.) and is cultivated in floating gardens on slow moving rivers and canals (fig.). When used in cooking, the water mimosa is stripped of the white, soft, sponge-like covering on the stem, and mixed with fish sauce, clam sauce, oil, crushed garlic and red chilies, sugar, and salted or fermented whole soybeans. In Thai, it is also known as phak roo non (ผักรู้นอน) and phak non (ผักหนอน), the latter meaning ‘worm vegetable’, due to the grub-like shape of the covering on the stem.

krachon (กระชอน)

1. Thai name for a strainer, colander or sieve. Traditionally, they are woven from bamboo strips called tok (fig.). There are several kinds, but habitually it is either big and square in shape with two large bamboo handles (fig.), allowing it to be held by two people, one at either side, as well as to rest it onto any large vessel placed underneath; or it is small and hemispherical in shape with two curved handles in rattan, which allow for it to be rested onto the rim of any pot placed underneath.

2. Thai name for the mole cricket, a species of cricket with enlarged forelegs, used for digging and swimming, and which is also known by the name maeng krachon.

krachut (กระจูด)

See krajood.

kradaat sah (กระดาษสา)

Thai. Paper made from bark of the paper mulberry tree, which in Thai is called ton sah.

kradang nga ngaw (กระดังงางัว)

Thai. Local name for a kind of hard and large creeper with the scientific name Artabotrys hexapetalus siamesis or simply Artabotrys siamensis, and belonging to the genus of Annonaceae, the same family as the kradang nga songkhla and noi nah. When young, this climber grows just like the regular Ylang Ylang Tree (fig.), but at around 180 centimeyers tall, it will start to vine. At the top the branches have small spikes. A young vine will have green branches but when older it is brown. The kradang nga ngaw has a dense foliage consisting of single leaves that grow in alternate order on the branches. The leaves are bottle-green and slightly rippled with a paralleled rim and oval-round in shape. Each leaf has a short leafstalk and is pointed at the bottom and towards the end. Its edge is smooth, without jags or splits. It bears single flowers that bloom near the bottom of the leaves. At first a flower is green but gradually becomes yellow over time. Each flower has  a corolla of 3 petals which are sheltered by 3 similar sepals. The oval-shaped flowers are rather small, thick and strong, with tapering leaves that hold several pistils as well as stamens within. The flowers have a very strong scent, especially during the evening and at night. The kradang nga ngaw is used as an ornamental shrub that gives plenty of shadow and bears flowers year round. Its flowers is used to make perfume and a single flower is sometimes given as a welcome or souvenir at restaurants. They are also often found as part of the phuang malai. Its common English name is Ylang Ylang Vine or Climbing Ylang Ylang, and in Thai it is also known as karawek.

kradang nga songkhla (กระดังงาสงขลา)

Thai. Name of a tropical tree with the Latin name Cananga odarata and belonging to the genus of Annonaceae, the same family as the kradang nga ngaw and noi nah. It can grow up to 24 meters high and has yellowish green flowers that are used in the perfume industry as they have exceptional scent. In Malaysia called ylang ylang. See also Songkhla.

kradeung (กระดึง)

Small temple bells, often of increasing size, that hang from the spire of a chedi or from the roof of a temple building to tinkle in the wind, akin to wind chimes. They are usually made from brass, nicely decorated and have a usually heart-shaped metal plate that dangles from its clapper to catch the wind. The mountain Phu Kradeung (fig.), in the province of Loei, is named after them, as local folk purportedly often heard the sound of bells jingling in the wind coming from this mountain on Wan Phra, i.e. Buddhist holy days.

kradong (กระด้ง)

Thai. A round, flat winnowing basket, used to fan the chaff from the grain. Large-sized baskets are called ‘kradong mon’. Due to its shape the victoria regia (fig.), called bua kradong in Thai, is named after it.

kradong mon (กระด้งมอญ)

Thai. A large-sized kradong. Officially a winnowing basket, but more often used to contain (fig.) or dry food, such as chilies, in the sun (fig.).

kradook ngu (กระดูกงู)

1. Thai. ‘Snake ribs’ or ‘snake bones’. Name for the spinal column or backbone of a snake, with consists of the vertebrae to which the ribs are attached and which makes up the key part of its skeleton.

2. Thai. ‘Snake ribs’ or ‘snake bones’. Name for the keel, i.e. the timber at the very bottom of the hull, that runs from the bow to the stern, and to which the ribs are attached. The resemblance between the spinal column of a snake can clearly be seen in the main bridge at Talaat Nahm Khwan-Riam floating market, which has been fashioned in the form of the skeleton of an ancient rice barge (fig.). The keel may also be referred to as the ship's backbone (fig.) and to differentiate from the backbone of genuine snakes, it is in Thai also called kradook ngu reua.

kradook ngu reua (กระดูกงูเรือ)

Thai. ‘Snake ribs [of a] boat’. Name for the keel (fig.). See also kradook ngu and reua.

Krae Sapthawanit (แกรศัพทวนิช)

Thai. Name of a puppeteer from Ayutthaya, who derived hun lakon lek from hun luang, which had been performed from the Ayutthaya Period until the reign of King Rama V, and developed it on the model of the Ramayana. Hence, he is considered the father of hun lakon lek puppetry. He first performed at Wang Woradit (fig.), the former residence of Prince Damrong Rachanuphaap. He is habitually referred to as Kru Krae, with kru being a title meaning teacher.

krahm (คราม)

Thai. ‘Indigo, blue, aniline blue’. Name of a plant with the botanical name Indigofera tinctoria and in the family Leguminosae. It flourishes especially during the rainy season and is utilized to extract a blue colour, used a natural dye for dyeing seua mo hom (fig.). Besides this it is said that pharmaceutically the leaves are an effective cure against fevers and bronchitis. Its botanical name is Baphicacanthus cusia and in Northern Thailand it is known as hom and in Nan province by the name hom meuang. The plant can grow to about well over a meter high and spread to a width of about 2 meter. Its has small light green leaves that have obtuse apices and that are arranged odd-pinnately on the branches. When flowering, it bears pink flowers. Indigo can extracted from the leaves of a number of plants and in northern Vietnam a different kind of indigo plant (fig.) is used to make a natural product to dye most of the local hill tribe's traditional costumes. The more the dyeing process is repeated, the darker blue and an almost black colour can be obtained (fig.).

krai (ไกร)

Thai. Collective term for trees of the genus Ficus, such as the Ficus concinna (fig.). Grows from India to the Salomon Islands and Australia.

Krailaat (ไกรลาศ)

Thai name for the mountain on which the Hindu god Shiva dwells, in Sanskrit named Kailasa.

kraison (ไกรสร, ไกรศร)

Thai-Pali word meaning lion’. It is mainly used in mythology, in lieu of singh.

Kraison Jamlaeng (ไกรสรจำแลง)

Thai-Pali. Another name for Kraison Mangkon. Also transcribed Kraisorn Jumlang.

Kraison Kaawih (ไกรสรคาวี)

Thai-Pali name of a mythological creature from Himaphan forest, that has the body of a lion, the head of a Zebu cow, the clawed feet of a bird of prey, and sometimes with the tail of a horse. Also known as singh kaawih and sometimes transliterated Kraison Kawee or Kraisorn Karwee.

Kraison Mangkon (ไกรสรมังกร)

Thai-Pali name of a mythological creature from Himaphan forest, that has the body of a lion and the head of a dragon (mangkon). It is also known as Kraison Jamlaeng, with the word jamlaeng meaning ‘disguise’ or ‘transform’, the name thus referring to a lion in disguise, or a transformed lion. Also transcribed Kraisorn Mangkon and sometimes called Sihara Mangkon. In appearance, the creature is very similar to Toh (fig.), a mythological lion with two antlers on its head.

Kraison Naga (ไกรสรนาคา)

Thai-Pali name of a mythological creature from Himaphan forest, that has the body of a lion and the head and tail of a naga, while its body is also covered with scales. Also transcribed Kraisorn Naga and in Thai pronounced kraison naag.

Kraison Paksah (ไกรสรปักษา)

Thai-Pali. ‘Lion-bird. Name of a mythological creature from Himaphan forest, that has the body of a lion and the head and wings of a bird (paksah). The body is often depicted in light green colour and has tiny feathers, that somewhat appear to be scales. It is similar to Sakun Kraison, the mythological Bird-lion from Himaphan, but the latter is of a different colour and has no wings. Sometimes transcribed Kraisorn Puksa.

Kraison Rachasih (ไกรสรราชสีห์)

Thai-Pali. ‘Royal Lion. Name of a mythological creature from Himaphan forest, with the body of a lion and belonging to the pure lions. It appears in the story of Wessandon, where it is described as a powerfully built, graceful lion, with red manes, red lips, a red tail tip and red paws. However, in other text it is said to be white in colour with golden manes. It belongs to the group of pure lions and feeds on large animals, such as deer or horses. It appears on a Thai postage stamp issued in 1998 (fig.). With the singha or lion being the namesake of Singburi, there is a statute of a large bronze Kraison Rachasihl lion at the entrance road into town (fig.).

Kra Isthmus

See Isthmus of Kra.

Kraithong (ไกรทอง)

A Thai classical story about a crocodile named Chalawan. READ ON.

krathin (กระถิน)

1. Thai name sometimes used for certain species of Acacia.

2. Thai name for the Horse Tamarind, a small tree in the legume family Fabaceae. READ ON.

krajab (กระจับ)

Thai. ‘Water chestnut’ or ‘water nut’. A nut-like fruit of the genus Trapa, with a moustache shape, i.e. a curved V-form with its ends curled up, like a buffalo's or bull's head, inside a thin black skin. They are eaten raw, roasted or boiled, or dried and ground into a flour. In English, it is known as water caltrop, but due to its distinctive shape it also has a number of allusive epithets, such as buffalo nut, mustache nut, devil pod, and bat nut. The leaves of the plant float on the water in clusters and are remiscent of the Mosaic Plant (fig.), which in Thai is referred to as krajab kaew (กระจับแก้ว) or krajab yipun (กระจับญี่ปุ่น), which translates as crystal krajab and Japanese krajab’, respectively. It is sometimes confused with the Chinese water chestnut, which in Thai is called somwang.

krajab pih (กระจับปี่)

Thai. An ancient, plucked, lute-like instrument, that originated in India and is used in the classical music of central Thailand. This four-string instrument has eleven raised frets, a slender neck and an elongated headstock which is typically bent backwards. In 1970, the krajab pih was depicted on one of a set of four Thai postage stamps featuring Thai musical instruments (fig.).

krajah (กระจ่า)

Another name for tawak.

krajaht (กระจาด)

Thai name for any low-edged basket, made of thin, interwoven bamboo strips, known as tok (fig.). It typically has a square or hexangular base, yet with a round mouth above. It is mainly used to hold vegetables or fruits. This type of basket is often used for carrying loads across the shoulder, hanging from a bamboo pole, though it then has an elongated handle and is called krajaht haab (fig.).

krajaht haab (กระจาดหาบ)

Thai name for a low-edged basket with an elongated handle, made of thin, interwoven bamboo strips, known as tok (fig.), and used for carrying loads across the shoulder, hanging from a bamboo pole called mai kaan haab. It typically has a hexangular or octagonal base, yet with a round opening above, though occasionally also other models may be used.

krajang (กระจัง)

1. Thai. A design used in carving; leaves arranged in the shape of two outstretched arms.

2. Thai. A cornice structure with a decorative design consisting of leaves, arranged in the shape of two outstretched arms, found on wooden furniture.

krajiab (กระเจี๊ยบ)

1. Thai for roselle, a flower of the genus Hibiscus. From its seed heads (fig.) a refreshing drink high in Vitamin C can be made (fig.) by soaking them in boiling water. It is known by the scientific name Hibiscus sabdariffa and in Thai also called krajiab daeng, i.e. ‘red krajiab’, to distinguish it from krajiab khiaw, i.e. ‘green krajiab’. See also farang chae krajiab. See also THEMATIC STREET LIGHT.

2. Thai name for Okra, a vegetable also known as Lady's Finger and which grows from a plant with the scientific names Abelmoschus esculentus and Hibiscus esculentus. It is also called krajiab khiaw, i.e. ‘green krajiab’, to distinguish it from krajiab daeng, i.e. ‘red krajiab’.


krajiab daeng (กระเจี๊ยบแดง)

Thai. ‘Red krajiab’. See krajiab.

krajiab khiaw (กระเจี๊ยบเขียว)

Thai. ‘Green krajiab’. See krajiab.

krajiaw (กระเจียว)

Thai. Name of a plant of the genus Curcuma domestica and belonging to the family of Zingiberaceae, the same family of the galingale, which it resembles. The plant bears a flower at the top (fig.) and the flower bud is fit for consumption (fig.). It is the provincial flower of Chaiyaphum, where they are found abundantly in the wild (fig.). Its flowers may be white, pink or purple. It is also called pathumah and bua sawan, and in the North of Thailand it is called dok aaw, in the Northeast kahtiyaw, and in the South juad. Its name in English is Siam Tulip.

krajo (กระจ่อ)

Thai. A traditional silkworm breeding basket, typically flat and round, reminiscent of a large kradong mon (fig.). It is made of bamboo and arranged in concentric circles in which the silkworms are placed to build their cocoons. Depending on its size it can hold up to several hundred silkworms. Sometimes, a brush-like arrangement of sticks hanging from the ceiling may be used instead (fig.). In India it consists of a frame and is called chandrika. In Thailand also called jo. See also silk.

krajong (กระจง)

Thai for chevrotain.

krajong kwai (กระจงควาย)

Thai. ‘Buffalo chevrotain’. Name for the Greater Mouse-deer, a small mammal endemic to Thailand.

krajong lek (กระจงเล็ก)

Thai. ‘Small chevrotain’. Name for the Java Mouse-deer. About the size of a rabbit, it is the smallest hoofed animal in the world and endemic to Thailand. Confusingly, the name krajong lek or Java Mouse-deer is often used for krajong noo or Lesser Mouse-deer (fig.), and vice-versa.

krajong noo (กระจงหนู)

Thai. ‘Mouse chevrotain’. Name for the Lesser Mouse-deer, frequently confused with the Java Mouse-deer, whilst their names are often used intertwined. This small mammal is endemic to Thailand.

krajong williamson (กระจงวิลเลียมสัน)

Thai name for the Williamson's Mouse-deer, a kind of chevrotain in the Tragulidae family, endemic to Thailand.

krajood (กระจูด)

Thai. Name of a waterside or marsh plant that thrives well in muddy ground. It belongs to the family of sedges and is found only in southern Thailand. Once they are harvested, the plants are bundled and bathed in cold water to get rid of the mud. Then, they are spread out on the ground to be dried in the sun for 1-2 days, during which time they will change in colour from green to light brown. Next, they are bundled once again, put upright and rinsed a last time by pouring water over them. Then, they are taken to a large tank to be dyed in the desired colour and dried once again, though this time not in the sun. Once dry, they are flattened with a heavy roller, after which they are ready to be woven into the desired product, i.e. baskets, mats, etc. Sometimes transcribed krachut.

krajuk (กระจุก)

Thai. Another word for juk.

kranok (กระหนก)

Thai. A characteristic Thai design in decorative art resembling tongues of fire. See also kanok and THEMATIC STREET LIGHT (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5).

krapha (กระพา)

Thai name for a wicker hill tribe basket (fig.), which is carried on the back, and held in place either by two shoulder strips or by a strip over the forehead, in order to relief some of the weight from the back. It is woven from strips of bamboo called tok (fig.) and rattan, round at the top and slantingly narrowing down to either a square or round base. It is used for a variety of purposes, e.g. to carry tools and goods to and from the field, to bring vegetables to the local market, to gather kindling or brush wood, etc. They are nowadays only used by some of the hill tribe people in northern Thailand, as well as those in other Southeast Asian countries (fig.) and in southern China.

krapo pla (กระเพาะปลา)

Thai. ‘Fish entrails’. Name of a Chinese crispy savoury made of the entrails of fish. It is served in a soup cooked with rice whiskey (lao khao) or as part of a spicy salad called yam krapo pla. This salad knows several varieties but in geberal consists of either sliced tomatoes and onion, cut pieces of dried squid, chilies, cashew nuts and some green celery-like vegetable (fig.), or of sliced mango, coriander leaves, red onions and chilies (fig.), reminiscent of yam pla duk foo. It is ubiquitously sold around Bangkok's Chinatown and is somewhat high-priced at around 500 baht per kilo.

kra-rohk (กระรอก)

Thai for ‘squirrel’. Thailand is home to some 13 species of tree squirrel, 4 species of ground squirrel,  and another 12 species of flying squirrel, all in the family Sciuridae. Though most species carry the word kra-rohk in their Thai name, there are also a few species that are referred to as kra-len (กระเล็น) or kra-len (กะเล็น), and kra-jon (กระจ้อน). Besides this, Thailand also has a number of tree shrews (fig.), rodents that are somewhat similar to squirrels, but belong to another family and carry the designation (กระแต) in their Thai name. Since it dwells in the branches of trees, squirrels in Chinese and Vietnamese iconography, are said to correspond to the first Earthly Branch of the Chinese zodiac (fig.), i.e. Zi (), which also means ‘son’, ‘child’, and ‘seed’, and are hence a symbol for ones offspring (fig.). WATCH VIDEO.

Krasuang Khamanakhom (กระทรวงคมนาคม)

Thai name for the ‘Ministry of Transport’, i.e. a ministry of the Government of Thailand and in short referred to as MOT. It oversees several departments, including the Marine Department, the Department of Land Transport known in Thai as Krommakaan Khonsong Tahng Bok, the Department of Civil Aviation, the Department of Highways, the Department of Rural Roads, and the Office of Transport Policy and Traffic. It was established on 1 April 1912 in the reign of King Rama VI, though derived from the Ministry of Public Works, which was established earlier under the name Department of Public Works by King Rama V, as part of his effort to modernize Thai bureaucracy. Its circular logo consists of a chariot pulled by two horses, with a charioteer and Phra Ram holding his bow and an arrow, surrounded by kranok motifs, and reminiscent of the logo of the Department of Land Transport, which depicts Matulih riding Indra's chariot pulled by two horses. The Ministry of Transport has featured on Thai postage stamps (fig.) on several occasions, especially stamps issued on its anniversary (fig.): e.g. to commemorate its centenary in 2012, a set of four postage stamps was issued (fig.). In English, it is also known as Ministry of Transport and Communications.

Krasuang Kalaahome (กระทรวงกลาโหม)

Thai name for the ‘Ministry of Defence’, the government department in charge of defending the kingdom, i.e. maintaining its national security and territorial integrity. READ ON.

Krasuang Mahathai (กระทรวงมหาดไทย)

Thai. ‘Ministry of Interior’. See Mahatthai.

Krasuang Nakhonbahn (กระทรวงนครบาล)

Thai. ‘Metropolitan Ministry’. Former government department, that during the reign of King Rama V was responsible for maintaining and managing the order and security in the capital Bangkok and its surrounding area. The Metropolitan Ministry was headed by a minister, who oversaw a number of agencies and services, some that are unique to Bangkok, such as the Bangkok Metropolitan Police, known in Thai as Kong Tamruat Nakhonbahn (กองตำรวจนครบาล). The ministry's logo consists of a thevada riding a singha and holding up a chakra and sword. The Krasuang Nakhonbahn was later dissolved and parts of it, such as the Metropolitan Police, were absorbed by the Krasuang Mahathai, i.e. the ‘Ministry of Interior’, which still has the lion as its logo, though without the angel and his attributes.

Krasuang Phanit (กระทรวงพาณิชย์)

Thai. ‘Ministry of Commerce’. Government department responsible for trade and entrepreneurship, and the support and promotion thereof. READ ON.

Krasuang Theknohlohyih Sahnsonthet Lae Kahn Seusahn (กระทรวงเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศและการสื่อสาร)

Thai name for the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, which was established on 3 October 2002, by the Bureaucratic Restructuring Act of BE 2545, i.e. 2002 AD. It is headed by a Minister of State and includes the Meteorological Department and the National Statistical Office of Thailand. Furthermore, the ministry oversees a number of public companies and organizations, such as the Telephone Organization of Thailand (TOT), CAT Telecom (Communications Authority of Thailand - fig.), and Thailand Post, as well as the Software Industry Promotion Agency. Its mission includes the development and enforcement of policy concerning information and communication technology of the country, research on the subject, the promotion and encouragement of cooperation of all sectors and divisions, both domestically and abroad, etc. Under the Pheu Thai Party, the ministry in 2012 promoted free public WiFi and free tablets for schoolchildren (fig.). The Ministry's logo (fig.) consists of the deity Phra Phut, the Thai god of commerce and speech (fig.), with a dark green complexion and seated on a pedestal. He is holding a book (kampie) in one hand and a sword (khan) in the other, the first symbolizing his knowledge in various sciences, the latter symbolizing his sharp intelligence. His head is surrounded by a flame-shaped aureole (radsami), which shows his enlightened wisdom. The deity is placed in a circle, which at the top has a flame-like curl or phraket (พระเกศ) that represents his commonsense, and a wave-like knot or ka-muat (ขมวด) at the bottom, which refers to his embodiment of knowledge and information. See also POSTAGE STAMP.

krasuay (กระสวย)

1. Thai. Name for a weaving shuttle, i.e. a shuttle used in loom weaving (fig.) to make the weft, the threads woven across a warp, the lengthwise threads in a loom, to make fabric. It is made of wood and the head and tail are pointed, a little bit similar to the shape of a small boat. In the middle is a hole to place the reel with yarn. In Thailand at least two kinds of shuttles are used in loom weaving. The first one, called a flying shuttle (fig.), can usually hold two reels of woof yarn and is launched back and forth through the shed, the area between upper and lower warp yarns, by pulling a string that propels the shuttle from one side to the other. The ends of the flying shuttle are reinforced with metal tips to protect the wood and absorb the shock when it is launched and lands. The second type of shuttle is used with a handloom and is passed back and forth through the shed by hand (fig.). It therefore has enlarged ends that function as handles, facilitating an easy grip when pulling the weft thread between the warp threads by hand. The latter holds just one reel of yarn. See also TRAVEL PICTURE.

2. Thai. Name for a spindle, i.e. a tool used in spinning to twist fibers into yarn or thread. Although krasuay is primarily used to refer to a weaving shuttle, the term can sometimes be used for both. The more precise term for a spindle in Thai would be either mai mun (ไม้หมุน) or krasuay pan daai (กระสวยปั่นด้าย), with krasuay being an abbreviated form. So, while krasuay is more accurately associated with a weaving shuttle, using the specific term mai mun (ไม้หมุน) for a spindle is preferable.

krasoo (กระซู่)

Thai name for the Sumatran Rhinoceros.

kratahng toob (กระถางธูป)

Thai for incense burner, usually a large brass vessel filled with sand and a bed of dropped off ashes in which joss sticks are placed. They are often elaborately decorated with dragon motifs, large handles or handles in the shape of Bi Xie heads, and sometimes even with a small roof (fig.). Occasionally they are made of stone (fig.). Before burning joss sticks the person offering them will first perform an athitahn. It is believed that the smoke that emanates from incense burners in Buddhist temples creates pure energy, known as Chi (or Qi). Also called toobbaat.

kratai jihn (กระต่ายจีน)

Thai. ‘Chinese rabbit’. A coconut grater, a tool for grating coconut, having the form of a low, often long, stool with a circular steel serrated knife (fig.). Today, automated grating machines (fig.) exist and for large quantities a grinding machine (fig.) is generally used, which has a board studded with pins and a rotary worked by a motor. The coconut is grated for its juice, known as coconut milk, which is used as an ingredient in several Thai curries.

kratha (กระทะ)

Thai nonspecific term for any ‘pan’, ‘pot’, ‘wok’ or ‘kettle’, including the special kind used for making moo kratha (fig.). See also kratha thong daeng.

kratha thong daeng (กระทะทองแดง)

Thai. Name for a large copper kettle (kratha) in which the Yommabaan in hell (narok) boil sinful people as a punishment (fig.). In Diyu, the Chinese realm of the dead, it is known as yóuguō (油鍋), literally ‘oil pot’ or ‘deep frying wok’.

kratheua (กระทือ)

Thai term for Shampoo Ginger (fig.), as well as an adjective used in compound with certain other species of ginger, such as Beehive Ginger, which is known in Thai as kratheua philaat (กระทือพิลาส) and kratheua chang (กระทือช้าง).

krathiam (กระเทียม)

Thai for garlic, a plant of the onion family with a pungent bulb. It is widely used in Thai cookery and can be found in different form on local markets nationwide. Whole garlic preserved in salt and water is known as krathiam dong or pickled garlic and honey soaked garlic, known as krathiam thoon dong nahm pheung, is a specialty of Chiang Mai.

krathiam thoon dong nahm pheung (กระเทียมโทนดองน้ำผึ้ง)

Thai for a singleton (thoon) of garlic (krathiam) soaked (dong) in honey (nahmpheung), an OTOP specialty of Chiang Mai, especially from the tambon Mae Pohng (Ban Pah Phai village) in the amphur Doi Saket. They are soaked for about three months and made in three tastes, i.e. sour, sweet or salty, by adding vinegar, sugar or salt. They are considered a healthy herb that can be stored for a long period without the use of preservatives or chemicals, and are generally eaten as part of a side dish with rice.

krathing (กระทิง)

Thai name for the Indian Bison, usually referred to as Gaur. READ ON.

Krathing Daeng (กระทิงแดง)

1. Thai. ‘Red Gaur’. Name of an in Thailand manufactured, non-carbonated, energy drink, that contains water, cane sugar, caffeine, taurine, inositol and B-vitamins, a recipe based on earlier energy drinks from South Korea and Japan. Its logo consists of two red Gaurs, in Thai known as krathing, charging towards each other, thus showing the alleged power of the beverage (fig.). The energy drink became well-known locally, due its sponsorship of muay thai boxing matches, where the brand's logo often is still on display today. It later gained international fame under the name Red Bull. The beverage was invented by Chaliao Yuwitthaya (เฉลียว อยู่วิทยา), whom together with his son also owns the majority of shares in Red Bull, and is listed as the richest person in Thailand, whilst his daughter today looks after the Thai side of the business, i.e. Krathing Daeng.

Krathing Daeng logo

2. Thai. ‘Red Gaurs’. Name of a patriotic, rightwing movement and anti-communist paramilitary organization in Thailand during the seventies. Its members often included former Vietnam War veterans and mercenaries of Laos' Secret War. Being active to counter communist insurgencies in Isaan and the South, the movement was initially heavily funded and backed by the United States government, and allegedly even enjoyed royal endorsement. However, it also played a key role in the 6 October 1976 massacre at Thammasat University, in which 46 students and activists were killed, and about two hundred injured, since it regarded the demonstrators as leftists and communist sympathizers, though in fact they were protesting the return of Thanom and Praphat, two senior military officers and former leaders of the dictatorial regime that in 1973 had caused a bloodbad against protesting students and –after being reprimanded by the king– had fled the country. Also known as Khabuankaan Krathing Daeng (ขบวนการกระทิงแดง), i.e. ‘Red Gaurs Movement’.

krathom (กระท่อม)

Thai. Designation for a tree with the botanical name Mitragyna speciosa. READ ON.

krathon (กระท้อน)

Thai. Name of a fruit tree and its bulbous, yellowish green to light brown tropical fruit with a thick husk, known by the western name santol, of a which a local derivative is also sometimes used in Thai, i.e. sathon (สะท้อน), whereas in northern Thailand it is referred to as matong (มะต้อง) or mateun (มะตื๋น). Also known by the epithet wild mangosteen and by the botanical names Sandoricum indicum (fig.), Sandoricum koetjape, and Sandoricum nervosum, as well as Melia koetjape. Its fruiting season is June to September.

krathong (กระทง)

1. Thai. Floating flower arrangement. The trunk of a banana plant is cut in slices (fig.) that are used to form the basis of the krathong which is then decorated with the folded leaves of a banana plant (fig.), flowers, candles and incense sticks. Because of its folded leaves it resembles an open lotus flower and is able to float. During the festival of Loi Krathong these are placed in the water and pushed away to worship the goddess of the water, Mae Khongkha. Nowadays, often less environmentally friendly materials such as polystyrene foam came to be used to make the floating base of the krathong, which has led to avoidable water pollution. As a consequence, a new form of krathong made of dough was developed, i.e. the so-called bread krathong (fig.), which eventually dissolves in the water and becomes food for the fish, a win-win solution. The origin of the krathong can be traced back to Nang Nophamat, the daughter of a brahman priest and a lady at the court of king Phra Ruang of Sukhothai. She is said to have wanted to please the king by ‘creating a new style of lotus flower in different forms which were to be floated on the streaming waters at night during the water festival’. Krathong can be rather simple to very intricate structures. Especially those that are made to take part in a contest and those made for royalty can be quite elaborate (fig.). Throughout the duration of the festival, there usually are also some huge krathong made from paper and other materials, which are set up along roads, in parks and on the streets, as lanterns or for sheer decoration.

2. Thai name for a banana leave vessel, a small container made from the leaves of a banana plant, mostly used as a container for food, as with the dish ho mok.

krathong dokmai (กระทงดอกไม้)

Thai. Name of a cone-shaped offering, that is described as a type of krathong (fig.) and with a shape reminiscent to that of a phanom mahk (fig.). It exists as an offering in its own right, but is also used as a kind of cover for certain offerings, especially with toob thian phae, i.e. an offering of candles and thick rods of incense (fig.). It also resembles the cone-shape variant of a kruay upatcha. See also dokmai. See also POSTAGE STAMPS.

krathong sai (กระทงสาย)

Thai. Name for a kind of krathong used in the Loi Krathong Sai festival in Tak. READ ON.

kratib (กระติบ, กระติ๊บ)

Thai. Name for a small basket used to offer or serve sticky rice and to keep it warm. It is made from either bamboo or rattan, or from the leaves of a plant from the genus Calathea, named klah (คล้า) in Thai. Kratib made from the latter are accredited for their quality to not get tainted by mould or fungi, despite the fact that they are used in moist warm conditions. They are famously produced in the northeastern province of Nong Bua Lamphu, where this plant is found abundantly, especially in Ban Huak (บ้านห้วย), in the amphur Sri Bun Reuang (ศรีบุญเรือง). The name kratib is most commonly used in the Northeast, besides its equivalent kong khao, which is also used in the North for this kind of rice basket, next to the term aeb (fig.). In northern Thailand it is often served with a khantoke meal. Also called kratib khao and kratib khao niauw.


English for krathom.


Reinforced villages in strategic locations from which local rulers reigned ancient Indonesia.

kra-wahn (กระวาน)

Thai name for ‘cardamom’, the seeds of an aromatic Southeast Asian plant of the ginger family Zingiberaceae, which are used as a spice. There are two main genera, i.e. green cardamom (genus Elettaria) and black cardamom (genus Amomum), with the latter also being referred to as Siamese cardamom. Certain varieties of cardamom are considered to be among the most expensive spices, priced even higher than saffron and vanilla. It is used in a variety of cuisines and also has medicinal uses. In Myanmar and India, ground cardamom is used as an ingredient in an ice cream-like dessert called kupih (fig.) and kulfi, respectively.

krayahsaad (กระยาสารท)

Thai. A Chinese sweetmeat made of rice flour, nuts and sesame, cooked with sugar into a kind of caramelised cereal bar (fig.). It is particularly eaten during the saad festival when the sweetmeat is traditionally moulded into more fun shapes such as puppets and animals.

kra-yo (กระยอ)

Thai. A liquid mixture of rice flour, water and salt, that is made into very thin sheets of a dough-like pastry, called phaen kra-yo, which in turn are used as a wrapper for fresh spring rolls, also known as summer rolls (fig.) and in Thai as popiya sod (fig.) or popiya Vietnam, and in a dish known as naem neuang (แหนมเนือง).

kreuang bot yah (เครื่องบดยา)

Thai. ‘Drug grinder’. Name for a tool used in traditional medicine to pulverize herbs. It consists of a usually handheld, metal, disc-like blade, with a bar-like handle, that goes though its centre, and a horizontally boat-shaped and vertically V-shaped, metal groove, in which the herbs are placed. The metal blade is pushed forth-and-back down the groove, thus crushing the herbs. Sometimes the blade is not handheld, but supported by a wooden frame-like structure, in which a heavy load puts weight on the blade, whilst the handles are extended to facilitate the process of moving the blade from a distance. See also hin bot yah (fig.).

kreuang bucha (เครื่องบูชา)

Thai. Offerings to a god, i.e. a religious offer. See also POSTAGE STAMPS.

kreuang hom (เครื่องหอม)

Thai for incense.

kreuang kanthet (เครื่องกัณฑ์เทศน์)

Thai. Offerings to a monk after his sermon. See also kan and thet.

kreuang kathin (เครื่องกฐิน)

Thai. ‘Kathin offerings’. General name for a variety of typical offerings brought to Buddhist temples and given to novices and monks during the festival of thod kathin, in a ceremony called thod phah pah. These offerings can encompass many different kinds of gifts, varying from monetary donations to daily life essentials and objects allowed for monks to have, yet symbolically, it will always include a set of monastic robes called traijiewon, or at least a part of it. The robes are usually placed on top of a phaan waen fah (fig.), i.e. a kind of double tray, each with a foot and often decorated with mother-of-pearl, and sometimes covered by a krob trai, i.e. a net-like arrangement of stringed dok rak flowers (fig.).

kreuang kheun (เครื่องเขิน)

Thai. Decorative objects made in lacquer.

kreuang khwaen (เครื่องแขวน)

Thai. General name for different types of net or frame-like, stringed flower arrangements or mobiles, alternatively made from grains of popped rice and called malai khao tok, occasionally in the form of a lantern, and that are used to suspend at windows, doorways, gables, etc. They are mostly made up from dok rak (fig.), decorated with colourful other flowers and additional u-ba. There exist many different models, some with fixed patterns, others rather imaginative. Most fixed models have their own, often suggestive names, such as Viman Phra In (fig.), Viman Thaen (fig.), Viman Nang Fah, Bandai Kaew (fig.), Bandai Thong, Bandai Ngun, Klin Jorakae, Klin Khwam, Phuang Kaew Sih Chan (fig.), Tahkahy Nah Chang, etc. Their size ranges from tiny to very large and certain shapes are used during certain traditional ceremonies, as kreuang bucha.

kreuang klohk (เครื่องโขลก)

Thai. A stamping mill used to pound or grind things. See also krok tam khao.

kreuang krabeuang (เครื่องกระเบื้อง)

Thai. Collective term for different kinds of pottery, earthen ware, ceramics, porcelain and tile work.

kreuang lahk (เครื่องลาก)

Thai. ‘Tractor’. Although four-wheel tractors do exist, most farmers use a low-cost engine on two wheels with two long handlebars to manoeuvre. This local vehicle can be hitched to a cart or wagon and used for transporting goods and people. Furthermore, the engine can be used to drive an Archimedes' screw fitted into a pipe in order to pump up water and irrigate rice paddies. In addition, the tyres of the tractor can be taken off of the wheels, which are serrated and function as rotating ploughs (fig.), used in agriculture for ploughing the fields and making this tractor multifunctional indeed. Able to do many of the tasks water buffaloes used to do in the past and usually imported from Japan, this type of tractor hence became nicknamed ‘Japanese buffalo’. See also rot ih-taen.

kreuang muk (เครื่องมุก)

Thai. Name for decorative objects ornamented with mother-of-pearl.

kreuang pan din pao (เครื่องปั้นดินเผา)

Thai general term for earthenware, including pottery (fig.).

kreuang pradap langka wat (เครื่องประดับหลังคาวัด)

Thai. ‘Temple roof decoration’. Roof fittings usually made of ceramic and often depicting guardian figures, such as dragons, yaksahs, thevadas and nagas, or bats (fig.) in Vietnam and China. They are generally crude in manufacture. Typically, monks will make or buy roof decorations as well as roof tiles, and offer them for sale (fig.) to visitors, allowing them to make merit by giving a donation towards the temple's further construction. Thus, people only buy them symbolically as they leave them at the temple, i.e. immediately donate them back. To make sure no tile is paid for twice, as well as to memorialize the donation, donors can mark their donation by writing their name with a thick marker pen on the tiles or fittings. Usually their is also a written record of all donations. Larger parts of a temple building often carry nameplates that have the donors details and the amount they donated inscribed on them. In this way, the needed funds are generated and the donors both financially and symbolically help in the temple's further construction, whilst anyone who likes can have his name recorded in the annals of a particular temple at the same time. Compare with Chinese Imperial roof decoration.

kreuang prung (เครื่องปรุง)

Thai. ‘Food ingredients’. A set of small, often lidded cups or glass bowls, with a tiny spoon, placed on either a platter or a steel rack and containing spices used for seasoning a dish according to ones personal taste. It is part of the usual tableware at roadside noodle restaurants, especially those selling guay tiyaw noodle soups. Dressing flavours include nahm phrik (salty fish sauce with sliced chilies - fig.), nahm som phrik (vinegar with sliced chilies), nahm tahn (sugar) to counter spicy flavours and prik pon (ground dried chilies). In addition also thua pon (ground peanuts) may be available.

kreuang racha-itsariyapon (เครื่องราชอิสริยาภรณ์)

Thai. ‘Royal decoration’. Term used for any royal decoration or medal bestowed by the king, enlisting its receiver as a member of a certain order, as well as for medals for acts of bravery, services to the State or the Monarch, and for commemorative occasions. See also POSTAGE STAMPS (1), (2) and (3).

kreuang rahng (เครื่องราง)

Thai. ‘Amulet’ or ‘talisman’. Also kreuang rahw (เครื่องราว).

kreuang sawey (เครื่องเสวย)

Thai. Rajasap for ‘food’.

kreuang sih khao (เครื่องสีข้าว)

Northern Thai name for krok sih.

kreuang soong (เครื่องสูง)

Thai. Name for a kind of fan, similar to a talapat or pad yot (fig.), but attached to an approximate two meter long handle. They are usually in the form of lotus buds (fig.), often kranok (fig.) or kanok-shaped (fig.). It is a symbol of royalty or honour, and is used either stationary (fig.), or carried around in royal processions and ceremonies (fig.). See also THEMATIC STREET LIGHT (1) and (2).

kreuang thuay chaam (เครื่องถ้วยชาม)

Thai. Generic Thai term used for china, ceramics, crockery and porcelain. The term china derives from the fact that high-quality porcelain was first introduced in the West from China, where the present-day city of Jingdezhen in Jiangxi Province, which has been producing pottery for 17 centuries and which is today home to the Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute, is still considered the world's capital of ceramics, while the Sanbao Ceramic Art Institute at Sanbao Village is also taking an important position on the world's stage. Porcelain is produced in a firing process, in which pottery is baked in a kiln with high temperatures between 1,200° and 1,400° Celsius, and then cooling it, often rapidly, causing vitrification, i.e. the transformation of a substance into a glass, as well as the formation of the mineral porcelainite, thus creating its strength, impermeability to water, and translucence. See also eggshell porcelain. Also thuay chaam.

kreuang tom (เครื่องถม)

Thai. Name for nielloware, i.e. decorative objects made from niello.

kreuang yot (เครื่องยศ)

Thai. ‘Insignia of rank’. Court uniform or dress for state functions in Thailand.

kreua thao (เครือเถา)

Thai. ‘Vine network’ or ‘vine’. Name of a decorative pattern with many curving lines, akin to the Thai kranok (fig.), used in temple and palace decoration of walls and pillars since the Ayutthaya period, when this motif was introduced through the trading of goods and exchange of cultures, and said to be of western origin. Sometimes transliterated khreua thao or krua thao and also referred to as laay kreua thao (ลายเครือเถา), i.e. ‘vine network pattern’ or ‘vine pattern’. See also THEMATIC STREET LIGHT (1), (2) and (3).

kreua yaht (เครือญาติ)

Thai name for a pedigree, a genealogical table or family tree. A recorded line of descent or systematic list of ancestors. MORE ON THIS.


Pali. ‘With the face of an elephant’. The term is a designation used for Ganesha. In Sanskrit, similar names for Ganesha, which translate ‘elephant faced’, include Gajamukha (गजमुख), Vahranamukha (वारणमुख), Gajavadana (गजवदन), Gajahnana (गजानन), and Mahtag-gavadana (मातङ्गवदन). See also Gajamuk.

kris (กริช)

Javanese-Malay weapon similar to the Thai khan and indigenous to Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, southern Thailand and the southern Philippines. A kris is a long, bayonet-like dagger or short sword with a straight or curved, double-edged blade ending in a sharp point. People in Java claim that the curved form is derived from the movements of a snake and that its sharp point refers to the snake's tongue, as when used to attack, it may be as deadly as some venomous snakes. It was an important weapon in ancient Malay and Indonesian warfare. The handle of a traditional kris is usually highly ornamented. Also called keris, a Malay word meaning ‘short knife’. In Thai the word kris is used, though due to the intrinsic character of the Thai alphabet, it is pronounced krit. Although seemingly related to keris, the word kris purportedly has a Javanese origin and is derived from the old Javanese word ngiris or ngeris, which means ‘to stab’. In some of the places where this blades were once part of every day life and often worn as a symbol of dignity or supremacy, they are still part of traditional dress today (fig.). Some krisses are heirlooms, handed down through successive generations. Two crossed kris, one of them in its sheet, appear in the bottom right section of the shield in the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Siam (fig.), where it signifies the Malay suzerainty.

Krishna (कृष्ण)

Sanskrit. ‘The dark one’ or ‘dark blue’. The eighth and most popular avatar of Vishnu, with a blue complexion. He is first mentioned in the Mahabharata where he delivers the world the Bhagavad Gita, a religious poem of great significance in which he reveals himself as a supreme being. An ancient myth relates that Shiva took two of his own hairs, one black and one white, then created Krishna out of the black hair and Balarama (fig.) from the white one. Although an avatar of Vishnu, Krishna is worshipped as a god in his own right and is as such the most celebrated god of the Hindu pantheon. He is often portrayed as a young boy or a youthful prince with a mayura feather tucked in his headband, playing the bansuri (fig.), a bamboo flute of which he is a master. His shakti or consort is Radha (fig.). As cowherd Krishna is known by the epithets Govinda (fig.) and Gopala, and in Thailand he is called Phra Kritsana. See also gopis (fig.) and WATCH VIDEO.

Krita (कृत)

Sanskrit. First of the four yugas.

Kritsana (กฤษณะ)

Thai name for Krishna, the eight avatar of Vishnu.

krob trai (ครอบไตร)

Sanskrit. ‘Trai cover’, i.e. a net-like arrangement of stringed dok rak flowers, originally used to cover the traijiewon, the robes that are offered to novices and monks during thod kathin in a ceremony called thod phah pah. However, nowadays the stringed flower arrangement may also be offered alone, as an additional gift in its own right, without the robes, which are then presented separately. It is one among several gifts offered at Buddhist temples during this festival, which are together referred to as kreuang kathin, i.e. kathin offerings’, and usually encompass a range of gifts, varying from monetary donations to daily life essentials and objects allowed for monks to have, yet symbolically, it will always include a set of monastic robes or at least a part of it. The robes are usually placed on top of a phaan waen fah (fig.), i.e. a kind of double tray, each with a foot, and often decorated with mother-of-pearl. It is also known as dokmai klum trai (ดอกไม้คลุมไตร), meaning ‘flower covering [the] trai[jiewon]’ or ‘floral trai[jiewon] cover’.

krodha (क्रोध)

Sanskrit. ‘Anger’. A feature of certain Buddhist and Hindu gods intended to fend off foes and protect the devout. The Thai word kroht is derived from it.

kroht (โกรธ)

Thai. ‘Anger’. Word derived from the Sanskrit word krodha. It is a characteristic of certain Buddhist and Hindu gods, intended to ward off foes and protect the devout.

krok (ครก)

Thai. A mortar with a pestle called saak. This tool is used in cuisine to prepare food, as well as in pharmacy, in addition to the kreuang bot yah (fig.) and hin bot yah (fig.), to ground herbal medicines.

krok sih (ครกสี)

Southern Thai term meaning ‘grinding mortar’ or ‘husking mortar’. In the North it is known as kreuang sih khao (เครื่องสีข้าว), i.e. ‘rice grinding machine’ or ‘rice husking machine’. Despite its name it is actually a kind or mill, similar top a flour mill and used to husk rice before it is being pounded in a large mortar called krok tam khao (fig.). It consists of a stone mill underneath and attached to a cylindrical basket in which the unhusked rice is placed, and a flat, tray-like basket with a high rim below, to collect the processed rice at the bottom and which sometimes has a hole to allow for the husked rice to be gathered into separate basket, usually a krabung (fig.), placed below. The machine is operated by rotating the mill by hand, either directly through a grip on the upper basket, or by a laver, i.e. a wooden extension arm that is connected to such a grip.

krok tam khao (ครกตำข้าว)

Thai. A large mortar used for pounding paddy with the foot to separate the grain from the chaff. It is also known as krok kradeuang (ครกกระเดื่อง) or simply kradeuang (กระเดื่อง). See also kreuang klohk. WATCH VIDEO and VIDEO (E).

krok tam mahk (ครกตำหมาก)

Thai. A mortar for pounding betel nut.

Krom Banchih Klahng (กรมบัญชีกลาง)

Thai ‘Central Account's Department’. Name for the governmental unit, that in English is referred to as the Comptroller General's Department or sometimes the Department of Finance, i.e. the department that is responsible for directing the Kingdom’s financial management, by supervising and controlling the government's spending, and ensuring that all departments observe monetary discipline and operate within the central framework of the Comptroller General's Department, which is aimed at being transparent and auditable, whilst receiving value for money. It was established on 7 October 1890, during the reign of King Rama V, and was initially called Krom Sarahbanchih (กรมสารบาญชี), i.e. the ‘Department of Account’. Afterward, King Rama VI formed the Inspection Department, which he on 18 September 1915 merged with the Department of Account. After the 1932 coup, the ministries and their departments were reorganized and the Inspection Department was transferred to be a new and independent agency under the Office of the Prime Minister, whilst the Department of Account was renamed Krom Banchih Klahng on 23 May 1932. Then, on 14 February 1959, the Budget Division which was initially under the Comptroller General’s Department, was upgraded and became an independent agency called The Bureau of Budget, and was also placed under the Office of the Prime Minister. The department's logo consists of Vayuphak (fig.), a mythological bird believed to guard treasure. To mark the 120th anniversary of the department's establishment in 2010, a commemorative ten baht coin was issued, bearing the department's logo on one side (fig.) and the portraits of King Rama V and King Rama IX on the reverse side (fig.), and on October 7th of the same year, also a Thai commemorative postage stamp was issued (fig.).

Krom Khun (กรมขุน)

Thai. Fourth level hereditary rank and title that is bestowed by the King on certain members of royal descent, one level below a Krom Luang and one level above a Krom Meun. Alternative transliteration and pronunciation Krommakhun.

Krom Luang (กรมหลวง)

Thai. Third level hereditary rank and title that is bestowed by the King on certain members of royal descent, one level below a Krom Phra and one level above a Krom Khun. Alternative transliteration and pronunciation Krommaluang.

Krommakaan Khonsong Tahng Bok (กรมการขนส่งทางบก)

Thai. ‘Department of Land Transport’. Governmental department in charge of all things related to land transport, such as implementation of the law on land transport, including collecting annual vehicle taxes and issuing license plates; remedial actions to protect and promote road safety, including technical testing of vehicles and issuing of exams, safety tests and instructions to obtain a driving license (fig.), as well as issuing driver's licenses (fig.). Furthermore, the department promotes and develops the road network, organizes the sector of land transport, and cooperates and coordinates with other agencies and organizations involved in both domestic and foreign fields of land transport. The Thai Department of Land Transport was established on 11 August 1941 and is affiliated to the Ministry of Transport known in Thai as Krasuang Khamanakhom. The circular logo of the Department of Land Transport depicts Matulih (fig.) riding Indra's chariot pulled by two horses (fig.). The charioteer appears in the Nemiraja Jataka, where he is ordered to take Nemiraja in Indra's chariot to view heaven and hell. Hence, the logo perhaps wants to remind on how roads and cars can be like heaven when used safely, but may also turn into hell when they wreak havoc and kill. See MAP.

Krom Meun (กรมหมื่น)

Thai. Fifth level hereditary rank and title that is bestowed by the King on certain members of royal descent. Alternative transliteration and pronunciation Krommameun and sometimes spelled Krom Meuan. It is one level below a Krom Khun.

krom phaet thahaan bok (กรมแพทย์ทหารบก)

Thai. ‘Army Medical Department’. Division of the Royal Thai Army, which was established on 25 November 1899, and which is responsible for providing medical services to military personnel, both in military hospitals and in the field, including aero-medical evacuations and field surgery. Besides this, the department (known in short as AMED) is responsible for all other medical affairs, such as the training of staff, from first aid up to university level. The Army Medical Department has a mascot, which is known as Mo Oum (หมออ่วม), i.e.Dr. Worse, and its slogan is: Anurak Kamlang Rob (อนุรักษ์กำลังรบ), which can be translated as ‘To Conserve the Fighting Strength’. The AMED's emblem (fig.) is coined on the Rod of Asclepius, the serpent-entwined pole associated with healing and medicine, and consists of a vajra-like torch entwined by two nagas (fig.), encircled by a chakra (fig.), an emblem of the Chakri Dynasty. Military medical staff wear a similar insignia on their uniforms (fig.). When the department in 2010 celebrated its 110th anniversary, the event was commemorated with a set of four postage stamps (fig.), which were issued on 25 November 2009 and of which the first one displays the statue at the entrance of the department's head quarters (map - fig.). See also kong thap. See MAP.

Army Medical Department

Krom Phra (กรมพระ)

Thai. The second highest rank of a former title given to a prince or princess of royal descent, as well as to the Front Palace, i.e. the viceroy or vice-king, and the Rear Palace, i.e. the third man in power. Thai pronunciation Krommaphra. See also Krom Phra Nakhon. It is one level under Krom Phraya and one level above Krom Luang.

Krom Phra Nakhon (กรมพระนคร)

Thai. A former title for a prince or princess of royal descent appointed to rule over a certain province. There are five gradations with the highest title being Krom Phraya or Krommaphraya, followed by Krom Phra or Krommaphra, Krom Luang or Krommaluang, Krom Khun or Krommakhun and Krom Meun or Krommameun. Thai pronunciation Krommaphra Nakhon.

Krom Phra Rachawang Bowon Sathaan Mongkon (กรมพระราชวังบวรสถานมงคล)

Thai. Royal title granted by the Siamese monarchy until the 19th century. The holder of the title, also referred to as Wang Nah or ‘Front Palace’, acted as vice-king and was second only to the King. The viceroy or Uparacha (Phra Maha Uparaat) was usually a close relative of the ruling monarch, often a son or a brother, and generally considered the second-in-line to the throne. The title originated in the Ayutthaya Period and later gained significant powers during the Rattanakosin period, so much so that it in 1874 led to a crisis, known as the Front Palace incident. The crisis reflected a power struggle between King Rama V and the then vice-king, Krom Phra Rachawang (Phra Ong Chao Yod Yingyot), the eldest son of the former Vice-king Phra Pinklao, the younger brother of King Rama IV, and thus an uncle of King Rama V, and eventually resulted in the Front Palace being stripped of its power. In 1885, after the demise of Yod Yingyot, the title of Krom Phra Rachawang Bowon Sathaan Mongkon was abolished and replaced by the system of a crown prince. The site of the last Front Palace in Bangkok is now the National Museum. During the reign of King Phetracha (1688-1703), also the lesser position of a Rear Palace was introduced and during the reign of King Phra Chao Seua (1703-1708), the greater Front Palace became temporarily known as Phra Bantoon Yai (พระบัณฑูรใหญ่), a Thai-Pali title which means ‘Great Royal Command’, against Phra Bantoon Noi (พระบัณฑูรน้อย) or ‘Minor Royal Command’ for the Rear Palace. See also Krom Phra Rachawang Bowon Sathaan Phimuk and Phra Rachawang.

Krom Phra Rachawang Bowon Sathaan Phimuk (กรมพระราชวังบวรสถานพิมุข)

Thai. Royal title granted by the Siamese monarchy since the reign of King Phetracha (1688-1703), until the reign of King Rama I (1782-1809). It was introduced as a lesser title to that of Krom Phra Rachawang Bowon Sathaan Mongkon, which in short is called Wang Nah and means ‘Front Palace’, and is hence referred to as Wang Lang, i.e. ‘Rear Palace’. Initially, a commoner known by the name Job Kotprasit (จบคชประสิทธิ์) was appointed to the position, though he was executed after he fell out of favour. In the subsequent reign of King Phra Chao Seua (1703-1708), the position of Rear Palace was occupied by the King's younger son, whilst his eldest son was appointed Front Palace. Due to the inauspicious end of the first Rear Palace the King decided to change the title of the Front Palace to Phra Bantoon Yai (พระบัณฑูรใหญ่) and the Rear Place to Phra Bantoon Noi (พระบัณฑูรน้อย), titles that derive from Pali and mean ‘Great Royal Command’ and ‘Minor Royal Command’, respectively. Afterwards the original titles were again used. During the Rattanakosin period only one Rear Palace was appointed, namely Anurak Thewet (fig.), a nephew of King Rama I (fig.). He was the last ever Rear Palace, who ruled from 1785 to his death in 1806, after which the office went vacant and in 1885 was abolished together with that of the Front Palace. The site of the last Rear Palace in Bangkok is now the Siriraj Hospital Museum. See also and Phra Rachawang.

Krom Phraya (กรมพระยา)

Thai. Highest rank of a Krom Phra Nakhon, formerly a prince or princess of royal descent appointed to rule over a certain province. Thai pronunciation Krommaphraya. It is the rank above Krom Phra.

krom rachathan (กรมราชทัณฑ์)

Thai name for the Department of Corrections, i.e. the government agency under the Thai Ministry of Justice and with headquarters in Nonthaburi, which is in charge of the national Thai prison system and that oversees the rehabilitation of prisoners. In 2020, it managed some 144 prisons and other correctional facilities nationwide, with a total prison population of over 374,000 inmates, of which the majority is incarcerated for drug related offences, e.g. of the female inmates around 79% are serving time for charges related to drugs, and the total female prison population in Thailand amounts to the second highest rate of female incarceration in the world. Thai prisons are infamous for overcrowding and consequently meager food rations for inmates.

krom sanphasahmit (กรมสรรพสามิต)

Thai name for the Excise Department.

Krom Sanphawut Thahaan Bok (กรมสรรพาวุธทหารบก)

Thai name for the Army Ordnance, a military logistics branch of the Royal Thai Army, which is responsible for the supply of weapons and other military equipment, such as ammunition, to the Army combat units, in order to sustain firepower and mobility. The service evolved from the need for kings, warlords and governments to buy and provide weapons for their troops. The first records go back to the Ayutthaya Period when weapons were bought from the Portuguese. Until the reign of King Rama V, the unit involved in this was known as Krom Phra Saeng, i.e. the Swords Department’, yet in his campaign to modernize the nation and improve its battle power, King Rama V on 8 April 1887 established the Krom Yuttanathikaan (กรมยุทธนาธิการ), literally the ‘Department of Combat Duty, by uniting the land and naval forces, and bringing several military units of the Krom Thahaan Mahaadlek (กรมทหารมหาดเล็ก), i.e. the ‘Military Royal Officers Department under its jurisdiction, whilst making his still young son, Crown Prince Wajirunhit (fig.), Commander-in-Chief. This department's responsibilities included the planning, buying and making of weapons, as well as of ammunition. On 1 April 1890, the status of the department was elevated to that of a ministry and renamed Krasuang Yuttanathikaan, i.e. the Ministry of Combat Duty, which later –under King Rama VI– eventually became the Ministry of Defence, known in Thai as Krasuang Kalaahome. To keep pace with the development of military modernization, in 1902 a special department was created within this ministry, under the name Krom Sanphawut, i.e. the Ordnance Department’, which eventually became the Army Ordnance. See MAP.

krom silpakon (กรมศิลปากร)

Thai name for the Fine Arts Department. Sometimes transcribed krom silpakorn.

krom thih din (กรมที่ดิน)

Thai. ‘Department of Lands’. Governmental department under the Ministry of Interior, referred to in Thai as Krasuang Mahathai or Mahatthai, which is in charge of all things related to land and property ownership, such as the issuing of title deeds, in Thai known as chanoht thih din (โฉนดที่ดิน) for landownership, and nangseua kamsit (หนังสือกรรมสิทธิ์) for property ownership (fig.). Its circular logo (fig.) depicts a garden-like scenery of vine-like motifs, with some flowers and topped by kranok motifs, as well as a reusi, who is standing upright and holding a sword while facing a figure with a stick or bong, who rests with one foot on a rock, whilst in the top centre is the figure of a singha, that is facing left and is enclosed by a semi-circle of flame-like kranok motifs, that spread from the bottom, and which refers to the logo of the Ministry of Interior, which is known as the Seal of the Lion and that was designed by Prince Narisara Nuwattiwong. See also POSTAGE STAMPS (1) and (2), as well as MAP.

krom utuniyom withayah (กรมอุตุนิยมวิทยา)

Thai. ‘Meteorological Department’. In 1905, Thailand's meteorological journey began with Admiral Krommaluang Chumphon Khet Udomsak (ชุมพรเขตอุดมศักดิ์), the Prince of Chumphon (fig.), who introduced meteorology to the Royal Thai Navy's navigation course. By 1912, Vice-Admiral Phraya Rajawangson (พระยา ราชวังสัน), i.e. Sri Kamonnawin/Kamolnavin (ศรี กมลนาวิน) recognized its significance, leading to the creation of a meteorological textbook in Thai. Over time, the Meteorological Department evolved, shifting from the Prime Minister's jurisdiction to the Ministry of Transport and Communications in 1972, and later to the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology in 2002 as part of governmental reforms. Thailand's first meteorological service was established in 1923 as the Meteorological and Statistics Section, focusing on rainfall and temperature data collection, and attached to the Water Management Division of the Royal Irrigation Department under the Ministry of Lands and Agriculture. Despite early challenges, including unsuccessful attempts to send naval officers abroad for meteorological training, progress was made. In 1936, the service moved to the Royal Thai Navy, becoming the Meteorological Division, and later upgraded to a Department in 1942. International collaboration grew with Thailand's membership in the World Meteorological Organization in 1949, marking the nation's commitment to advancements in meteorology. Today, the Department actively participates in various WMO programs, ensuring its alignment with global meteorological standards and technological innovations. See also POSTAGE STAMP (1) and (2).

krom withayahsaat borikaan (กรมวิทยาศาสตร์บริการ)

Thai. ‘Department of Science Service’. Organization under the Ministry of Science and Technology, which origin dates back to 1891, when it was set up as a small unit in the then Royal Department of Mines and Geology. The present function of this leading science and technology government agency is to collect, organize, provide and apply scientific and technological information, as well as to supervise, promote, research and develop this information. It also acts as a reference laboratory which is able to perform impartial laboratory tests, such as the analysis of raw materials and products in the fields of physics, chemistry, physical chemistry, mechanics and engineering, and biological science. The department's lab also conducts environmental analysis of pollutant, as well as instrumental and equipment calibration. In 2011, the department celebrated its 120th anniversary, which was celebrated by a commemorative postage stamp (fig.). See MAP.

Krom Yut Seuksah Thahaan Bok (กรมยุทธศึกษาทหารบก)

Thai for ‘Army Training Command’.

krong nok hua juk (กรงนกหัวจุก)

Thai. Name for a square-based, pyramidical and usually wooden birdcage (fig.), which was originally designed to typically hold Red-whiskered Bulbuls (fig.), a species of crested passerine bird that is widely used to participate in Asian bird singing contests. In Thai this species is known as nok parod hua khohn, i.e. ‘khon-masked bulbul’, while its cousin, the Black-crested Bulbul (fig.) is known in Thai as nok parod leuang hua juk, meaning ‘yellow tuft-headed bulbul’. Hence, crested bulbuls are generally also referred to as nok hua juk (นกหัวจุก), i.e. ‘tuft-headed birds’, due to their crest or tuft which in Thai is called juk. However, since hua juk (หัวจุก), literally ‘tuft-head’ or ‘topknot’, can also be read as a compound word meaning ‘spigot’, krong nok hua juk is frequently translated as ‘spigot birdcage’. See also THEMATIC STREET LIGHT.

kru (กรุ)

Thai. A cell, dungeon or hole inside a pagoda, usually filled with relics and images of the Buddha.

kruad nahm (กรวดน้ำ)

Thai. ‘To pour water’. Ritual performed during Buddhist funeral ceremonies, in which water is slowly poured into a vessel as a libation, to dedicate merit to the dead in order that the deceased may benefit from merit making (tamboon). This ritual is performed in temples, using small metal flaks with a corresponding cup. The flasks used for this are somewhat reminiscent of a kalasa (fig.), the flask of which it is believed that it contains the amrita. A similar libation ritual was performed by King Naresuan, when he poured water onto the ground from a pitcher, as a symbolic proclamation of the freedom the country had gained from Burma after its defeat in the 1593 Battle of Nong Sarai (fig.). He proclaimed that Siamese sovereignty would be lasting, just as the water couldn't return to the pitcher once it was poured out, i.e. set free (fig.). In this sense, the water pouring ritual at funeral ceremonies may also be seen as a symbolic reference to the souls of the dead that are set free, i.e. released from the body. A similar ritual is also performed during bintabaat, the daily alms begging round of Buddhsit monks and novices, after tak baat, i.e. the actual offering of the food into the alms bowl (fig.), called baat (fig.). After the water has been poured into the small cup, the content of the cup is discarded, usually at the foot of a tree. See also rod nahm mon and song nahm phra. WATCH VDO.

kruay upatcha (กรวยอุปัชฌาย์)

Thai. ‘Ordination cone’. Name of a floral arrangement, with an horizontal star-shaped base and either conical in shape and similar to a krathong dokmai (fig.) or phanom mahk (fig.), or bunch-like with a peak made of yellow paper, folded to resemble leaves reminiscent to those at the top of a pineapple. The star-base is typically decorated with stringed dok rak flowers, similar to those in krob trai (fig.). It is used as a religious offering, especially during ordination ceremonies, known as ngan buat, and dedicated to the monks who chant during the ordination service. See also POSTAGE STAMPS.

kruh (ครู)

Thai. ‘Teacher, tutor or master’, derived from the word guru. Also spelt kroo and kru. See also phra kruh and Wan Kruh.

kruh bah (ครูบา)

Northern Thai term used for revered Buddhist monks, and as a title it is placed in front of a monk's name (fig.). See also POSTAGE STAMPS.

Kruh Kaay Kaew (ครูกายแก้ว)

Thai. ‘Master with the Crystal Body’. Name for a fierce looking devil-like demon with a black complexion and a set of black wings on his back. He has two vampire-like, off-white fangs that grow downward and a red pundra, i.e. a sectarian mark, on his forehead, in addition to red eyes, red toenails, and red, long, sharp fingernails. He has a thin body, like an ascetic, because he cannot eat what is good, but can eat only dirty things. It is said that Kruh Kaay Kaew was once either a monk or a reusi, i.e. a hermit, who lived almost a thousand years ago and who possessed Maharddhika, i.e. ‘great supernatural power’, causing him to be nicknamed Borommakruh Phu Reuang Weht (บรมครูผู้เรืองเวทย์), i.e. the ‘Grandmaster who Glows Magic’, and even though his body has long died, his spirit is said to still be alive. Hence, some people worship him as a kind of wealth god in order to attract wealth and success, though others and have warned that worshipping this spirit is actually dangerous, claiming that this demon has Khmer origins, was once a teacher of Jayavarman VII (fig.), and that he is associated with the fall of Angkor Thom (fig.) and Angkor Wat (fig.). Hence, when in August 2023 a large statue of Kruh Kaay Kaew was erected in Bangkok, it soon sparked widespread controversy amongst local residents, especially after it was called for on social media to buy, slaughter and sacrifice cats, dogs and rabbits as an offer to this demon. Also spelled Kru Kai Kaew. See also TRAVEL PICTURE and WATCH VIDEO.

krung (กรุง)

Thai for ‘city’. The term is often used in place names, when it will be transliterated using capitalization, e.g. Krung Thep, or as a prefix to place names, usually to differentiate between a city and province, which in Thai often have the same name. Hence, when using the prefix krung, it refers to the city, otherwise to the province.

Krung Sri Satana Kanahut (กรุงศรีสัตนาคนหุต)

Thai. Ancient, former name of Vientiane.

Krung Thep (กรุงเทพฯ)

Thai. Abbreviation of the official Thai name for Bangkok. READ ON.

Krung Thep Aphiwat Central Terminal

See Bang Seu Grand Station.

Krung Thep Bridge

Name of a bridge, known in Thai as Sapaan Krung Thep, spanning the Chao Phraya River (fig.) in Bangkok, with a length of 350.8 meters and located just a short distance downstream from Asiatique (fig.). It pened on 25 June 1959 after 5 years of construction and is the second bridge built over the Chao Phraya in Bangkok, after the Krung Thon Bridge (fig.). This steel bascule bridge has 5 spans, of which the longest is 64 meters. Heavy congestion on the bridge led to the construction of the additional, concrete and higher, New Krung Thep Bridge, being built in 1996. It was built adjacently and is also known as Rama III Bridge, named after the road to which it connects. See MAP.

Krung Thon Bridge

Name of a bridge that connects Bangkok's Dusit district with Bang Phlat at the Thonburi side, across the Chao Phraya River (fig.). This steel bridge has 6 spans, of which the longest is 64 meters long, and covers a total length of almost 650 meters, though the length of just the bridge alone is only about 366 meters, when not taking into account the approach on each side of the river. The bridge has two lanes in each direction and a small pedestrian path along each side. It took over three years to built and was completed in 1957 AD. Locally, the bridge is known as Sapaan Krung Thon, but also as Sapaan Sang-i, after the former name of the road it extends to. See MAP.

Krut (ครุฑ)

Thai name for the Garuda. It is Thailand's royal symbol and indicates the connection between the Thai monarch as the protector of the nation, and the mighty Hindu god Vishnu, protector of the universe. Used as an emblem (fig.) it is called Krut phah (ครุฑพ่าห์), a compound word of Krut and phahana (พาหนะ), the latter meaning ‘vehicle’ or a ‘means of transportation’, derived from the Sanskrit word vahana, as in the vahana or mount of the Hindu god Vishnu (fig.). A red Garuda over a green banner with the golden inscription dohy dai rap Phra Boromma Rachaanuyaht (โดยได้รับพระบรมราชานุญาต), i.e. ‘by Royal Permission’ is a Royal Warrant of Appointment (fig.) given by the King of Thailand to any purveyor to the royal household or to someone that has shown exceptional services and commitment to the development of the nation, allowing receivers to advertise royal patronage and mount a Garuda sculpture on the roof of the company. He is often referred to with the title Phaya (fig.). See also look lep krut (fig.)and WATCH VIDEO.

Krut Trah Tang Hahng (ครุฑตราตั้งห้าง)

Thai. ‘Garuda Hallmark to Mount on a Business House’. Name for a red Garuda or Krut sculpture holding a green banner with the golden inscription Dooy Dai Rap Phra Boromma Rachaanuyaht, i.e. ‘By (having received) Royal Permission’. It is the symbol of a Royal Warrant of Appointment given by the King of Thailand to any purveyor to the royal household or to someone who (or a business that) has shown exceptional services and commitment to the development of the nation. Receivers are allowed to advertise royal patronage and businesses are permitted to place this special Garuda sculpture in their offices and to mount a large version of it on the gate, roof or facade of the company's building, as well as those of its branches (fig.). Singh, Thailand's oldest beer, was granted the Royal Warrant of Appointment and carries the royal Garuda on its bottles and cans (fig.). WATCH VIDEO.

Krut Yut Naak (ครุฑยุดนาค)

Thai. ‘Garuda holding naga’. Name for the royal emblem of King Rama II, which consists of a garuda holding a three-headed naga with two tails, one held in either hand.

kshatra (क्षत्र)

Sanskrit. ‘Supremacy’ and ‘dominion’. See Kshatriya.

Kshatriya (क्षत्रिय)

Hindi. The warrior or ruling class in India, the second caste in the pecking order of India's four traditional classes or varna. The term is derived from the Sanskrit word kshatra, meaning ‘supremacy’ and ‘dominion’, and relates to ‘those who protect the earth or country’. And, although the political power lay with the Kshatriyas, the brahmins as keepers of religion enjoy more prestige and advantages. The Thai word for king (kasat) is derived from Kshatriya.

Ksitigarbha (क्षितिगर्भ, กษิติครรภ)

Sanskrit-Thai. ‘Earth Offspring’ or ‘Earth Womb’. Name of a bodhisattva who is regarded as the bodhisattva of hell beings, due to his vow to postpone buddhahood, until all hells are emptied. He is therefore sometimes referred to as the Bodhisattva of the Great Vow. He is one of the four principal bodhisattvas in Mahayana Buddhism, the others being Samantabhadra, Manjushri and Avalokitesvara (fig.). He is usually depicted carrying a khakkhara, a Buddhist beggar's staff (fig.) which he uses to force open the gates of hell, and a chintamani (fig.) or a small bowl, which is sometimes explained to be a wishing jewel akin to the ruyi (fig.) and mani-stones, or a singing bowl (fig.). He is regarded as having powers to rescue souls from undesirable forms of rebirth and is as such sought after for assistance through the long judgement process by the Ten Judicious Kings of Hell (fig.). In Chinese, he is known as Ti Tsang (fig.), which translates as ‘Earth Storehouse’, but he is more often referred to as ‘Earth Treasury’ (fig.). He is one of the Eight Great Bodhisattvas (fig.). See also Yan Wang.

kua (คั่ว)

Thai. ‘To roast’ and ‘to pop’, as in roast chestnuts and pop corn.

kuaizi (筷子)

Chinese for ‘chopsticks’. The first word kuài (筷) is actually a compound word consisting of the phonetic part kuài (快) meaning  ‘fast’, ‘quick’ or ‘swift’ and the semantic part ‘zhù’ (竹) meaning ‘bamboo’. In Traditional Chinese the old word for chopsticks is ‘zhù’ (箸) which has the same pronunciation as another word meaning ‘to dwell, to reside’ or ‘to stop’ (住). The use of the word zhù thus became taboo on ships for obvious reason and was replaced by a word with the opposite meaning, i.e. ‘fast’. This over time became the new word for chopsticks and later the semantic part for ‘bamboo’ was added. The latter word zi (子) is a noun suffix and can be understood as a classifier, in this case used for ‘small things’. In Thai called takiab.

kuan (กวน)

Thai. ‘To mix, to stir’. Name for a method used to preserve fruits by boiling and stirring until they have a jam-like runniness which is cast into an edible form and dried. Also the name for all kinds of sweets made of fruit in this manner, e.g. kluay kuan, ma muang kuan, etc. They are sometimes covered with sugar and often nicely packed as souvenir gifts (fig.). Other traditional methods of preserving fruits include chae im (soaking in syrup), cheuam (boiled in syrup) and dong (pickling).

kuandao (关刀)

Chinese. ‘Blade of Kuan’. Name for a type of traditional Chinese long weapon consisting of a heavy, serrated blade on a 1.5 to 1.8 meter long pole. The shape of the deeply curved blade somewhat resembles a human hand. It has a spike at the back and usually also an indentation at the spike's upper base to catch an opponent's weapon. It is a defense weapon rather than an offensive one. Its purpose is to disarm an enemy and ward off his strikes rather than to attack (fig.). To this end, a large sash or veil cloth is often attached at the joint of the pole and blade, to confuse opponents. Also transcribed guantao and kuantao, but properly called yan yue dao, literally ‘falling moon knife’. In literature it is often referred to as ‘reclining moon blade’ or ‘crescent blade’ and when held by the Tiger General Kuan U it is called the Green Dragon Crescent Blade (fig.), Qing Long Yan Yue Dao in Chinese, since its blade is decorated with the motif of a dragon. According to legend, Kuan U was the inventor of the kuandao, hence the name, but there is no historical proof of this. The kuandao is frequently found in Chinese temples and shrines, as part of the Chinese long weapons rack (fig.).

Kuan Ping (关平)

Chinese name for the adapted son of Kuan U, said to have been adopted by the Tiger General of Shu, when he was seventeen. He was general of the Kingdom Shu Han and served a military post in the Kingdom of Shu (221-263 AD) during the Three Kingdoms era (220-280 AD) of China. His date of birth is unknown, but he died in 219 AD, after he was captured along with his father near Mai Cheng, by forces of the Kingdom of Wu. Both were promptly executed. In iconography, he is often depicted alongside his father and his aide-de-camp Chou Tsang (fig.), typically holding a present in the form of a gift box and with his face traditionally painted whitish or pink (fig.). WATCH VIDEO.

Kuan Ping

Kuan U (กวนอู, 关羽)

Thai-Chinese name for Guan Yu (AD 160–219), the Tiger General of Shu (fig.). READ ON

Kuan Yin (觀音)

Chinese goddess of mercy, in Japan known as Kwannon and in Thailand as Phra Mae Kwan Im. READ ON.

kuay jab (ก๋วยจั้บ)

See guay jab.

kuay tiyaw (ก๋วยเตี๋ยว)

See guay tiyaw.

Kubera (कुबेर)

Sanskrit. The god of wealth (fig.) in both Hinduism, Jainism and Mahayana Buddhism. He is the son of Vishrava, a grandson of Brahma and known in Thai as Thao Lastian (ลัสเตียน), with his consort Idavida, who is also known as Ilavida. Hence, he is a half-brother of Ravana, who defeated him and usurped his throne. Kubera is guardian of the North and in Hinduism, he rules over the yakshas and kinnaras, who guard his treasures. In Hinduism, he is often represented holding a mongoose, yet in Chinese Buddhism he is usually represented as an obese figure accompanied by a mongoose vomiting coins and jewels or carrying a money bag and a water jar, and seven treasures. In Sanskrit, he is also known as Vaisravana. In Pali, he is known as Kuvera , a name which in Thai is referred to as Thao Kuwen. His vehicle is a human. Compare with Phra Sangkatjaai. See also Jambhala, Luang Pho Sethi Nawakoht, and Kuperan.

kuh bahn kuh meuang (คู่บ้านคู่เมือง)

Thai. A national institution or symbol, usually referring to an important local edifice, statue or image. It is used and intended locally, thus most cities and villages have their own kuh bahn kuh meuang.

Kui Buri (กุยบุรี)

Thai. Name of a district in Prachuap Khirikhan Province, officially established as a district in 1963, and also transliterated Kuiburi, Kuyburi, and Kuy Buri. It was originally part of the district of Prachuap Khirikhan City, previously under Phetchaburi Province. The area gained prominence when King Chulalongkorn, in 1906, merged several districts from Phetchaburi and Chumphon to form Pranburi Province. Later, his successor King Rama VI, renamed it Prachuap Khirikhan Province, with Kuiburi becoming a minor district before achieving full district status. The district is known for its scenic landscapes, including clear streams, beautiful caves, and a Kui Buri Natural Park (fig.). WATCH VIDEO and VIDEO (EN).

Kui Xing (魁星)

Chinese. ‘Chief star’. Name for the god of examinations in Chinese mythology. Kui Xing was a brilliant student and outstanding scholar, but was awfully deformed. After passing the Imperial Examinations (fig.) with remarkable success he was supposed to have received the golden rose from the emperor, but due to his disfigured appearance the emperor was so shocked that he dropped the golden rose and it broke into pieces, or according to another source, was so repulsed that he refused to give it to him. In despair Kui Xing then either drowned himself and his spirit drifted to heaven, or according to another source, he fell or jumped into the water from a boat and was rescued by a sea dragon (fig.) that escorted him up into heaven (fig.), where he became the deity of scholars who took imperial examinations, as related by both sources. He is often depicted standing on one leg and holding up a Chinese writing brush (fig.). Chinese has a number of words pronounced the same, but with different ideographs, which has led to a combination of meanings, e.g. the word Kui can also be translated as ‘one-legged monster’. It is suggested that his name before deification was Zhong Kui (Chung K'uei - fig.), although this might also be another god, as mythological characters with similar backgrounds or service functions are sometimes blended together and are spoken of as if they are a single entity. It is therefore unclear if Chung K'uei actually ís Kui Xing or if he is yet another character from Chinese mythology. Also transcribed K'uei Hsing.

Kukai (空海)

Japanese. ‘Aviation Ocean’. Name of a Buddhist monk, who in 804 AD during the Tang Dynasty travelled to China, to acquire the esoteric teachings of Buddhism and on his return founded the Shingon or ‘True Word’ school, i.e. one of the mainstream sects of Japanese Esoteric Buddhism. His role is reminiscent of that of the Chinese monk Sanzang (fig.), i.e. Tripitaka, who travelled from China to India in order to obtain a copy of the sutras. The meaning of the name Kukai, literally ‘in the sky’ (ku) and ‘sea’ (kai), seems to indicate that he travelled over the sea, i.e. to China, and must perhaps be understood as an epithet. Pronounced Kookai.

Kukrit Heritage Home

The former home of Momratchawong Kukrit Pramoht (fig.), the Prime Minister of Thailand from 14 March 1975 to 20 April 1976, who was named a World Historic Important Figure by UNESCO in 2009. His former residence consists of a cluster of five teakwood houses raised on stilts in traditional Thai style, surrounded by exotic landscaped gardens with lily ponds, and filled with a wealth of cultural treasures and artifacts collected by its former owner, including a large collection of khon masks (fig.). The concept is somewhat similar to Jim Thompson's House. The Kukrit Heritage Home has been registered by the Fine Arts Department as the ‘home of an important person’ and is open to the public. See also Kukrit Institute and MAP.

Kukrit Institute

See Satahban Kukrit.

Kukrit Pramoht (คึกฤทธิ์ ปราโมช)

Prime Minister of Thailand (fig.) from 14 March 1975 to 20 April 1976, succeeding and preceding his brother Seni Pramoht, between the latter's second and third term in office. Politically, he is remembered for his role in establishing diplomatic ties with the People's Republic of China, meeting with Chairman Mao Zedong in 1975 (fig.), whereas in his social life he is remembered for his role as founder of the Khon Thammasat Troupe (fig.) and as a passionate collector of khon masks (fig.). Kukrit was born on 20 April 1911, and in 2011 his 100th anniversary was commemorated with a set of 4 Thai postage stamps (fig.), highlighting some aspects of his legacy, both in his professional and personal life (fig.). He was a descendant (great-grandson) of King Rama II (fig.) and held the royal title of momratchawong. His name is usually transcribed Kukrit Pramoj or Kukrit Pramoch, but is actually pronounced Keukrit Pramoht (Pramote). See also Kukrit Heritage Home and Kukrit Institute.

kula (กุลา)

1. Thai. Name for a pentagonal kite, sometimes called chula.

2. Thai. Name for a foreigner, especially a Burmese who works ruby mines in Thailand.

kulaab (กุหลาบ)

Thai. ‘Rose’. Name for the flower, which reportedly was originally white in colour (fig.), as well as for the prickly bush or shrub it grows from. When referring to only the flower, it may be called dok kulaab, when referring to the plant in general, it may be called ton kulaab. Roses originated in Persia and from there spread to India. There is no evidence as to when roses were brought into Thailand, but a record of the French Ambassador to the Court of King Narai (1656-1688 AD) states that roses had been seen in Ayutthaya. The celebrated flower has often been publicized on Thai postage stamps (fig.). The rose was one of seven types of dok maijan, i.e. sandalwood flowers, used in the royal cremation ceremony of King Rama IX in October 2017, representing the true love, as well as the loyalty of the people toward the King. See also the Legend of the Rose, Matanapatha, as well as TRAVEL PICTURE.

Kulaab Saipradit (กุหลาบ สายประดิษฐ์)

Thai. Name of a 20th century novelist, who was born in Bangkok on 31 March 1905, during the final years of King Rama V's reign. READ ON.

kulfi (क़ुल्फ़ी)

Persian-Hindi. Name of traditional Indian ice cream that comes in various flavours and which is a popular dish during the festival of Holi, especially bhang kulfi, which has been described as a must-have dish for the celebration. The term derives from the Persian word for ‘covered cup’, referring to the fact that the ice cream, i.e. a mixture of dense evaporated milk and ogher ingredients, was originally packed into metal cones and immersed in slurry ice, similar to the Thai nahm khaeng kot, i.e. ice lollies (fig.) that today are still produced in metal tubes placed in a round aluminum ice box filled with slurry ice (fig.). It is also the popular name used in English to refer to a similar ice cream-like dessert in Myanmar, which is locally referred to as kupih or kupih malain (fig.).

kumaan duht rok (กุมารดูดรก)

Thai. ‘Child sucking a placenta’. Name of a Thai figurine that is used as a charm. READ ON.

Kumaanthong (กุมารทอง)

Thai. ‘Golden prince’ or ‘golden child’. Name of a mythological figure, which often seen in iconography in the form of a figurine of a young prince. The most popular one being a figurine of the prince holding a purse in one hand, while making a kwak gesture with the other. The figurine is said to bring good luck and fortune. In the story of Khun Chang Khun Paen (fig.), Kumaanthong (fig.) appears as Khun Paen's ghost boy, who invokes a female spirit called Hohng Phraai. The feminine form is called Kumarithong. Sometimes referred to as Kumara Thong. See also Sangthong and dek thong.

Kumara (कुमार, ကုမာရ်)

1. Sanskrit. ‘Prince’. A name of the god of war Skanda (fig.), as the son of Shiva. It may etymologically be related to Mara, the personification of evil. See also Karttikeya, Guha, Subramanya and Subramaniam.

2. Sanskrit. ‘Prince’, i.e. the son of a King.

3. Burmese. Name of Prince Yaza Kumara, whose name is also transliterated Yaza Kumar.

Kumari (कुमारी)

Sanskrit. ‘The maiden’. A name of Parvati, before she became the consort of Shiva. In Nepal it is believed that this goddess is embodied by a living girl, until she becomes an adolescent and a new girl is selected. During this period the girl takes up residence in Kumari Ghar, a special house or palace in the centre of Kathmandu, which she is not permitted to leave, except on rare and special occasions, and if carried as her feet are not allowed to touch the ground. The pre-pubescent girl is chosen from the Shakya or Vajracharya clan of the Nepalese Newari community.

Kumarithong (กุมารีทอง)

Thai. ‘Golden princess’. The feminine form of Kumaanthong. Name of a mythological figure, which often seen in iconography in the form of a figurine of a young princess. She is said to bring good luck and fortune.

Kumbhakarna (कुम्भकर्ण)

Sanskrit name for Kumphakan.


Name of a mythological prince from Yawnghwe, who according to legend liberated seven princesses (fig.), whom had been captured by a giant spider when they were bathing in a lake and held confined in the Pindaya Caves (fig.) in Myanmar's Shan State, until the prince shot and killed the spider with an arrow from his bow. The prince's name seems to be derived from the Sanskrit words kumara and abhaya, which mean ‘prince’ and ‘no fear’, respectively. Furthermore, it is thought that the name Pindaya derives from the word pinguya, which translates as ‘taken the spider’, an exclamation allegedly made the prince when killing the giant spider.

Kumphakan (กุมภกรรณ)

A demon from the Ramakien. He is a son of Thao Lastian (ลัสเตียน), i.e. Asuraphong (อสุรพงศ์), with Nang Ratchada (รัชฎา) and ranks as the younger brother of Totsakan (fig.). He has a green complexion and −unlike most of the other important yaks in the Ramakien he wears no chadah-like crown (fig.), but a tiara-like headdress called kabang. In khon, he is represented either with a green khon mask (fig.), or a golden khon mask with decorative lines in green (fig.), i.e. the colour of his actual complexion. He is asleep most of the time because of a curse by Brahma. He was initially so devout, intelligent and brave, that he induced the envy of Indra over him. Consequently, Indra requested Brahma's consort Sarasvati to tie Kumphakan's tongue when Kumphakan was performing a major Yajna for Brahma, along with his brothers Totsakan and Phiphek (fig.). During this act of offering and worship, Kumphakan intended to ask Brahma for a blessing, but with his tongue twisted, his asked Brahma for Nidra-asana, i.e. ‘the throne of sleep’ instead of Indra-asana, i.e. ‘the throne of Indra’. In granting him his request, Brahma hence cursed Kumphakan. Although in disagreement with Totsakan over the latter's mistakes and wrongdoings, he is unable to openly oppose him and joined his brother in his battle against Phra Ram (fig.). Fighting on what he knows is the wrong side, he wounded Phra Lak (fig.) with the magical Mokhasak spear, but was eventually killed by Phra Ram. In the Ramayana, he is called Kumbhakarna and is described as a half-brother of Kubera. See also LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & NAMES.

kumphan (กุมภัณฑ์)

Thai. A devil, demon, giant or monster. See also yak.

Kumphaniyah (กุมภนิยา)

Thai. Name of a ceremony held by Indrachit (fig.) in the epic Ramakien, which would make him invincible. However, the ceremony was disturbed by Phra Lak (fig.) and Nilek (fig.). See also LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & NAMES.

Kumphanuraat (กุมภัณฑ์นุราช)

Thai. Name of a kumphan, i.e. a demon, giant or yak in the epic Ramakien, who has a red complexion and wears a chadah-style crown. Originally, Kumphanuraat was an angel named Sunon (สุนนท์) who served Phra Idsuan, i.e. Shiva. After teasing another angel, named Ratchanee (รัชนี), he was cursed by Shiva to become a giant guarding the cave of Surakaan (สุรกานต์), where he could eat any animal that entered his territory. His curse would be lifted if he paid homage to Phra Narai. One day, Phra Ram (fig.), Phra Lak (fig.) and Hanuman (fig.), Kumphanuraat noticed the three wandering his territory and considered capturing Hanuman for food. A fight ensued, and astonished by Hanuman's power, Kumphanuraat asked who he was and why they had encroached on his territory. Upon learning that they were soldiers of Phra Ram, the avatar of Phra Narai, Kumphanuraat asked for forgiveness from Hanuman and shared his story. After this, Phra Ram freed him from the curse, and he returned to his original form as Sunon, flying back to Mount Krailaat,  the mountain on which Shiva dwells. Sometimes transliterated Kumbhanurat. See also LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & NAMES.


Common name for a small fruit-bearing tree, with the botanical designation Citrus japonica and that belongs to the family Rutaceae. The tree bears edible fruits that closely resemble oranges (Citrus sinensis - fig.) and mandarins (Citrus reticulata - fig.), but which are even smaller still. Also spelled cumquat. In Vietnam, the kumquat tree is considered a symbol of prosperity and during the Tet (Tết) Festival, i.e. the Vietnamese New Year (fig.), people put up kumquat trees, akin to Christmas trees in the Christian tradition, especially in northern Vietnam, where the trees grow well in the cold weather. See also som and ton son.

kun chiang (กุนเชียง)

Thai-Chinese. Designation for a Chinese-style, dry -yet oily- sausage. It may be prepared from pork, shrimp or fish, and is named adding the appropriate suffix to it, i.e. moo, kung or pla, respectively. They are neither fermented, nor smoked or ripened, but dried with heat. It is never eaten directly, but always cooked or steamed before consumption, sliced and served with rice (fig.), noodles or other dishes. Apart from meat, ingredients include curing salt, sugar, pepper, garlic and optionally some Chinese seasonings, such as cinnamon, ginger, soy sauce and Chinese rice wine, with sugar contents varying from a low 1.4% in the cooler North of China, to high in the hot southern areas, adjacent to Southeast Asian countries, where sugar contents may in fact exceed 10%. Some variations of Chinese sausage may also contain starch and food colouring. It is the most popular ethinc meat product available throughout East and South East Asia and is also known as yuen chang and lup cheong.

Kunchon Warih (กุญชรวารี)

Thai-Pali. ‘Water Elephant’. Also transcribed Kunchorn Waree. See Chang Nahm.

kundala (कुण्डल)

Sanskrit. ‘Earring’. Ornaments worn as talisman to protect against evil. The size and material used would indicate the status of the wearer. Elongated ear lobes, like those of the Buddha, originated from wearing heavy golden earrings and indicated royal descent.

Kundalini (कुण्डलिनी, กุณฺฑลินี)

Sanskrit-Thai. ‘Coiled power’. A shakti or form of Durga, which in yoga is understood to be an unconscious, instinctive or libidinal force, that lies coiled at the base of the spine and which is also known as corporeal energy. It is usually imagined as a sleeping serpent, that resides in the sacrum bone and lies coiled in three and a half loops around a linga. Each loop is said to represent creation, preservation, and destruction, whereas the half loop is said to signify transcendence. This dormant energy, in English sometimes referred to as serpent power, can be awakened through the practice of yoga, meditation and various esoteric practices, enabling it to rise up to top of the head along the spine and merge with the crown chakra, which results in certain physical and psychological effects, such as involuntary jerks or shaking of the body or limbs, and the sense of energy rushes described as feelings of electricity circulating the body, as well as mood swings and altered states of consciousness, often trance-like. These occurrences are known as the Kundalini experience. See also Tantrism.

kundika (कुण्डिका)

Sanskrit. Name for a kind of pitcher or ewer, i.e. a long-necked water-pouring vessel. In Buddhist iconography, the kundika is sometimes depicted as an attribute of the Buddha or certain bodhisattvas, whether or not in gold, and said to contain the amrita. See also kalasa, Suwanphingkhaan.

kung (กุ้ง)

Thai general name for any aquatic, prawn-like crustacean, such as lobster, shrimp, etc. See also kung ten.

kung kaam kraam (กุ้งก้ามกราม)

Thai. ‘Grinder-clawed prawn’. A name for the Giant River Prawn.

kung mae nahm (กุ้งแม่น้ำ)

Thai. ‘River prawn’. A name for the Giant River Prawn.

Kung Fu (功夫)

Chinese. ‘Virtuous man’. Originally, the term Kung Fu (gōngfu) referred to a process of training and any achievement through great effort. It combines the word gōng (功) meaning ‘meritorious deed’ or ‘skill’, and fū  (夫) which translates as ‘man’ (note that tone of the second word becomes neutral when combined with the first word, originally of the same tone). The Chinese word for gōng (功) is itself actually a compound word of two other characters, that is gōng (工) and lì (力), of which the first means ‘work’ and the latter (lì) ‘strength’, ‘ability’, ‘power’ or ‘(physical) force’. Over time, Kung Fu became a term used in reference to Chinese martial arts, said to have derived from Shaolin (fig.). As a martial art, Kung Fu is in Chinese also known as Wu Shu (武术), i.e. ‘military technique’ or ‘martial art’, with the first character Wu (武) being a compound of zhi (止), i.e. ‘to stop’ and ge (戈), i.e. ‘halberd’ (an ancient Chinese weapon), thus ‘to stop [an attack by] a halberd’, and hence referring to the martial art's defensive character. See also Qi Gong and compare with the Japanese term kodawari.

kung ra-beud (กุ้งระเบิด)

Thai. ‘Shrimp bomb’. Name for a snack made from a paste of seasoned minced fish meat mixed with chopped shrimps (kung), which is made into small balls and covered with small cubes of bread. The balls are deep-fried in oil until golden brown and are typically eaten with a spicy sweet-and-sour sauce and some cabbage or salad. In English sometimes referred to as fried shrimp balls, but that designation could also refer to look chin kung. It is an OTOP product of Samut Sakon.

kung ten (กุ้งเต้น)

Thai. ‘Dancing shrimps’. The name of a dish consisting of small fresh water shrimps mixed with several spices whilst still alive. They are sold by street vendors and on markets, straight from the fish tank. The shrimps, called kung in Thai, jump (ten or ‘dance’) like a fish out of water, giving the dish its typical name. A local dish from Phayao. WATCH VIDEO.

kung thalae (กุ้งทะเล)

Thai. ‘Sea shrimp’. Term for various species of small marine crustaceans that belong to the order Decapoda. They are harvested worldwide for human consumption and are widely used in many cuisines due to their versatility in cooking. A commonly farmed species of sea shrimp in Thailand is the Pacific White Shrimp, a species with the binomial name Litopenaeus vannamei and also commonly known as Whiteleg Shrimp and King Prawn, and in Thai called kung khao, literally ‘white shrimp’. The specific names and terms for shrimp can vary based on region and industry standards. WATCH VIDEO and VIDEO (E).

Kunti (कुंती)

Daughter of Shura and mother of the Kauravas. She is an important figure in the epic poem Mahabharata. Previously she was named Pritha.

Kuperan (กุเปรัน)

Thai. Name of a yak, i.e. a demon character, in the Ramakien. READ ON.

kupih (ကူဖီ, ကူဖီး)

Burmese. Name for an ice cream-like dessert in Myanmar, which consists of frozen coffee with sweetened condensed milk and some ground cardamom (fig.). It is also referred to as Burmese kulfi, i.e. the name for traditional Indian ice cream and of which kupih is a local Burmese version. Its is cylindrical in shape and hence somewhat reminiscent of the Thai nahm khaeng kot, i.e. ice lollies (fig.) that are produced in metal tubes (fig.), though kupih is much denser and more creamy. Also transliterated kupee and ku hpee and sometimes referred to as kupih malain.

kupih malain (ကူဖီ မလိုင်, ကူဖီး မလိုင္)

Burmese. ‘Kupih cream’. Another name for kupih, an ice cream-like dessert in Myanmar (fig.), i.e. a Burmese version of the Indian kulfi, with malain meaning ‘cream’, a word that itself derives from the Hindi term malai. Also transliterated kupee malain and ku hpee malai.

Kurma (कूर्म)

Sanskrit. ‘Turtle’ or ‘tortoise’. The second avatar of Vishnu who supported the churning stick during the churning of the Ocean of Milk, thus preventing it from going in the soft soil (fig.). It thus became a symbol of stability. Also transcribed Kuurma. WATCH VIDEO.

kurta (कुर्ता)

Hindi. Name for a kind of dress that consists of a long, loose, tunic-like shirt, without a collar, which is worn over a pair of trousers, that is either loose or tightly fitting around the calves. It is worn by both men and women in certain countries of southern Asia, including in India, and can be simple or very colourful. It is sometimes referred to as kurta-payjama (कुर्ता-पायजामा). Compare with saree (fig.).

Kuru (कुरु)

A king of the Lunar race, who ruled over Kurukshetra, a region near Delhi in northwestern India, that was supposedly the battle scene of the war between his descendants the Kauravas and the Pandavas, described in the epic poem Mahabharata.

Kusa (कुश)

One of Sita's two twin sons in the Ramayana, neither of whom were recognized by their father Rama until they were fifteen years old. The other son was Lava. Also spelled Kusha.

Kushinagara (कुशीनगर)

See Kusinagara.

Kushinara (कुशीनर, กุสินารา)

Sanskrit-Thai. Original name of Kusinagara, which is still preferably used in Thai.

Kusinagara (कुशीनगर)

Sanskrit-Thai. Place in North India where the Buddha died and where his remains were cremated and divided up among eight kings. Originally known by the name Kushinara, it is one of four important Buddhist place of pilgrimage. Also Kushinagara.

Kusinara Ingyin Tawya Phaya (ကုသိနာရုံ အင်ကြင်းတောရ ဘုရား)

Burmese. Name of a Buddhist semi-gu style cave temple in Mandalay, located at the foot of Mandalay Hill. READ ON.

kutakhaan (กุฎาคาร)

Thai. Another term for prasat and prasada, i.e. a Thai architectural form for palaces or religious buildings, such as a mondop (fig.), with an usually multi-tiered, ornate roof, that has one or more spires, such as the Chakri Throne Hall (fig.), Dusit Maha Prasat (fig.), Phra Thihnang Mahison Maha Prasat (fig.), and Phra Thihnang Siwalai Maha Prasat (fig.). Also transliterated kuthakhan.

kuti (กุฏิ, กุฎี)

Thai. ‘Cubicle’ or ‘cell’. The term today refers to the lodgings or living quarters of Buddhist monks in temples or monasteries, but in the past it also referred to either a house with multiple floors and with multiple rooms, that were usually built in cloisters, called moo kuti (หมู่กุฏิ), akin to the term moo ban.

Kuti Jihn (กุฎีจีน)

Thai. Name of an old Portuguese-Thai community in Bangkok's Thonburi district. Its name derives from the epithet in 1835 given to the local Santa Cruz Church, after the original church made of wood (fig.) was rebuilt in a design resembling Chinese edifices called Keng (fig.) and which led to it being nicknamed kuti jihn, i.e. ‘Chinese dwelling’, a name that was gradually adapted by the community that grew around it. The community is home to the Ban Kuti Jihn Museum, a small family-run museum that is housed in a building that used to be the home of a Catholic family and that is dedicated to the history, culture and traditions of this old Portuguese-Thai community, especially to the historical events in the period immediately after the fall of Ayutthaya in 1767, and the establishment of Thonburi as the new Siamese capital by King Taksin (fig.). Besides this, the neighbourhood is also home to Sahn Chao Mae Kwan Im (ศาลเจ้าแม่กวนอิม), also known as Sahn Chao Giang An Keng (ศาลเจ้าเกียนอันเกง), a Thai-Chinese shrine dedicated to Kuan Yin, the Chinese goddess of Mercy (fig.); and Wat Kanlayanamit Woramahawihaan a first class Buddhist temple of royal rank, that features the largest bell in Thailand (fig.) and the 15.15 meter tall Phra Phutta Trai Rattananayok Buddha statue (fig.), which for a long time was the tallest seated Buddha image in the capital.

Kuvalayapida (कुवलयपीड)

Sanskrit name of a demon in the form of an elephant, who was sent out by Kansa to kill Krishna, his nephew. See also Arishta.

Kuvera (कुवेर)

Pali for Kubera.

Kuwen (กุเวร)

Thai spelling and pronunciation for Kuvera or Kubera. Commonly used with the prefix thao, i.e. Thao Kuwen. He is one of the Four Heavenly Kings from Mahayana Buddhism and typically found at the entrance of Chinese-Taoist temples.

Kwae (แคว)

Thai. ‘Tributary’. Name of a river in Kanchanaburi Province. The meaning of its name refers to the fact that there are actually two rivers, namely the Kwae Yai, also referred to as the Sri Sawat (ศรีสวัสดิ์) River, after an upstream district, and the Kwae Noi, nicknamed Khwae Sai Yok (แควไทรโยค), also after an upstream district. The Kwae Yai and Kwae Noi, literally the ‘Greater Tributary’ and the ‘Small or Lesser Tributary’ join in the tambon Ban Tai (บ้านใต้) in the city of Kanchanaburi, alongside a road called Song Kwae, i.e. the ‘Two Tributaries’, to form the Mae Klong River (fig.) that from Kanchanaburi flows through Ratchaburi and empties into the Gulf of Thailand in Samut Songkhram (fig.). The Kwae is fully known in Thai as Mae Nahm Kwae and is in English often incorrectly referred to as the River Kwai. The river became famous for the infamous Thailand-Burma Railway built by the Imperial Japanese Army during WW II and commonly referred to as the Death Railway (map - fig.), which for a large part runs parallel to the river, and the Bridge over the River Kwae Yai (fig.), as well as for the many large pontoons and rafts that are either pulled up and down the river by small towboats and modified as restaurant or disco, or used as stationary floating accommodation (map1, map2 - fig.) along the river banks. See also PANORAMA PICTURE, MAP, and WATCH VIDEO.

Kwahm Suk Muan Ruam Pai Nai Phrathet (ความสุขมวลรวมภายในประเทศ)

Thai for ‘Gross Domestic Happiness (GDH)’. See Gross Domestic Happiness Index.

Kwahm Suk Muan Ruam Prachachaht (ความสุขมวลรวมประชาชาติ)

Thai for ‘Gross National Happiness (GNH)’. See Gross Domestic Happiness Index.

kwahng (กวาง)

Thai for deer.

kwahng dao nahm khah trong (กว่างดาวหนามขาตรง)

Thai. ‘Straight thorn-legged Rhinoceros Beetle’. Thai name for the Long-armed Parry Beetle.

kwahng ha khao (กว่างห้าเขา)

Thai. ‘Five-horned Rhinoceros Beetle’. Name for a beetle found in Southeast Asia, with the scientific name Eupatorus gracillicornis, and also known as kwahng sahng neua (กว่างซางเหนือ) or duang kwahng sahng neua (ด้วงกว่างซางเหนือ), as well duang kwahng ha khao (ด้วงกว่างห้าเขา). It has a size of up to 8 centimeters and is boldly coloured, with a shiny black head, legs and underparts, and a golden brown elytra. Males have four large horns on the pronotum and an extra-long cephalic horn. The larvae, which are difficult to discern from their close relatives in the genus Chalcosoma, are known to be aggressive and try to bite when handled. For many people, this species of beetle is very popular, either alive as pet or dead and framed as an insect collector's item.

kwahng sahm khao (กว่างสามเขา)

Thai. ‘Three-horned Rhinoceros Beetle’. Collective name for any kind of Atlas Beetle, with a size of up to 13 centimeters, the largest beetles in Thailand. They belong to the genus Chalcosoma, which includes the species Chalcosoma caucasus, Chalcosoma atlas and Chalcosoma mollenkampi.

Kwahng Thong (กวางทอง)

Thai. ‘Golden Deer’. Name of a deer from the Ramakien, which had a golden fur, but actually was a disguise of the demon Mariht, in order to spy on Nang Sida (fig.). When Phra Ram (fig.) realized that it was indeed a demon, he shot and killed the golden deer with his arrow. In khon, Golden Deer is represented by a dancer wearing a golden crown in the form of a deer's head with antlers, yet in miniature khon masks it is depicted as a human face with a white complexion, wearing a crown in the form of a golden deer's head with antlers (fig.). See also kwahng. See also LIST OF RAMAKIEN CHARACTERS & NAMES.

kwai (ควาย)

Thai for Water Buffalo, used alongside the terms carabao and krabeua.

kwak (กวัก)

Thai. To raise the arm and move (the hand) as a summons, to gesture or to beckon, as in maew kwak and nang kwak. Also kwak meua.

kwak meua (กวักมือ)

Thai. To raise the arm and move the hand (meua) as a summons, to gesture or to beckon, as in maew kwak and nang kwak. Also kwak.

kwan (ขวัญ)

Thai. Also transcribed khwan or khuan. The tuft or circle of hair at the back of the crown of the head, metaphorically the seat of someone's spirit, especially the guardian spirit with children. According to ancient Thai phrenology it shows the character of a person, and two such circles would indicate a scoundrel nature. It can also be translated as heart, moral, courage, and confidence, as in the phittih tham khwan (พิธีทําขวัญ) i.e. to perform an encouragement ceremony’ (fig.). Also brahmins grow a small tuft of hair at the back of their head, in the bindu chakra (‘circle of drops’), a part where it is believed that a fluid is produced which can become either amrita, the elixir of immortality, or the poison of death. See also poi and juk, and Talaat Nahm Khwan-Riam.

kwan chang (ควาญช้าง)

Thai for mahout.

Kwan Im (กวนอิม)

See Phra Mae Kwan Im and Kuan Yin.

Kwan Yin

See Kuan Yin.


Japanese goddess of mercy, in China known as Kwan Yin (Kuan Yin - fig.) and in Thailand as Phra Mae Kwan Im. She is the female form of the male bodhisattva Avalokitesvara, the personification of compassion in Mahayana Buddhism.

kwian (เกวียน)

Thai name for a cart, especially a two-wheeled cart (fig.) drawn by a pair of water buffaloes or oxen (fig.), and used to transport paddy to the market. As such, those cart loads stands at the origin of a unit of capacity for measuring paddy or rice, officially called kwian luang and equivalent to 2,000 liters. There are different traditional types of carts according to the various regions of Thailand, and in 1992 a set of four postage stamps was issued with typical carts from the North, the Northeast, the East and the West (fig.). Discarded carts are often found parked in gardens, where they are used decoratively, whilst old cart wheels are used either decoratively, to build a garden fence, as part of garden furniture or sala-style garden houses, or even to be made into a rocking horse (fig.), a most original application. WATCH VIDEO and VIDEO (E).

kwian luang (เกวียนหลวง)

Thai. The official unit of capacity for measuring rice or paddy. The term derives from a two-wheeled cart drawn by a water buffalo or oxen, and in the past used for transporting paddy to the market. Such a cart and its load was referred to as kwian. The measure was later made official and settled at 2,000 liters, which is equivalent to 100 thang or 2 ban luang.

kyai (ကျိုက်, ကျာ်)

Burmese-Mon term for a stupa or a pagoda, especially when used in compounds as in Kyaihtiyo. Also transcribed kyaik, though the final ‘k’ is not clearly pronounced, if at all. However, the term pagoda is in Myanmar used generally to refer to a temple and its compound, that is any temple, whether it has an actual pagoda, i.e. a sacred tower (zedi or stupa), or not.

Kyaikpun Pagoda

See Kyai Pun Bhura Kyee.

Kyai Pun Bhura Kyee (ကျိုက်ပွန်ဘုရားကြီး)

Burmese-Mon name of a Buddhist temple in Bago. READ ON.

Kyaihtiyo (ကျိုက်ထီးရိုး, ကျာ်သိယဵု)

Burmese-Mon name of a renowned Buddhist pilgrimage site, located on a mountain top in Myanmar's Mon State, and in English referred to as the Golden Rock, as it is nowadays completely covered in gold leaf. In Burmese, the name could literally be translated as ‘simple, i.e. unadorned (yo), ornamental umbrella (hti) pagoda (kyai)’ or, if read as a compound, ‘umbrella shaft stupa’, though in the Mon language, the name means ‘pagoda (kyai) on the head (yo) of a hermit’, with the meaning of hti being derived from the Burmese term tapathi (fig.) and the Mon term ithi, whilst the Mon word yo is said to mean ‘on the head’. The latter meaning goes back to an ancient legend, in which the Buddha is said to have given three strands of his hair as relics to three hermits, one for each. Two of them deposited their relic in a golden casket, which they kept in Shwe Mawdaw Phaya (fig.), a pagoda specially built for the relic, whilst the third hermit, named Taikthadharma, kept his relic in his own topknot, underneath the characteristic high cap worn by Burmese hermits (fig.), in order to safeguard and cherish it. After the two hermits had died and the end of Taikthadharma's life was also drawing near Thagyamin (fig.), the king of the nats became anxious that the precious relic of the Buddha could be lost and persuaded him to take measures for its safety before he himself would die. The old hermit considered the matter for some time and then agreed to give the relic to Thagyamin on condition that he would find a rock to house it in. Furthermore, he requested that the rock would be of the same shape as his own head. Thagyamin found such a boulder in the sea and consequently balanced it on the mountain edge at Kyaihtiyo, resting on an extremely small contact area between the giant boulder and the mountain slope, allegedly using the strand of the Buddha's hair to prevent the rock from tumbling down, as the relic had now been deposited into a hole bored into the rock, which was later sealed off with a pagoda that was built over it (fig.). Eventually, the hermit passed peacefully away at the foot of the Golden Rock, which today is regarded as the second most important Buddhist shrine in Burma, after the Mahamuni Buddha Image (fig.). The Golden Rock is situated at an altitude of 1,100 meters and  is about 7.5 meters high. When it is pushed, it actually waggles, but seems to defy gravity. In Thai, Kyaihtiyo is known as Phrathat In Khwaen (พระธาตุอินทร์แขวน), i.e. ‘Suspended Indra Relic’, thus referring to the Hindu god with whom Thagyamin is identified. The stupa is associated with people born in the Year of the Dog, i.e. 12 stupas that contain Buddha relics of various years of the Chinese zodiac, and is hence the foreign counterpart of the stupa of Wat Ket Karam (fig.) in Chiang Mai, the pagoda in Thailand for people born in the Year of the Dog. There are many copies nationwide, especially in the area of the original Golden Rock, and there is even a replica in Kanchanaburi (map - fig.), a province  of Thailand bordering Myanmar, with a large community of Mon people. Also transcribed Kyaikhtiyo, Kyaitiyo and Kyaiktiyo. See also TRAVEL PICTURES and MAP.

Kyansittha (ကျန်စစ်သား)

Burmese. Name of a King of Bagan. READ ON.

Kyaswa (ကျစွာ)

Burmese. Name of a King of Bagan, who ruled from 1235 to 1251 AD. READ ON.

Kyat (ကျပ်)

Burmese. Currency unit of Myanmar.

kyat paung thee (ကျြက်ပေါင်သီး)

Burmese name for the Black Swallow-wort, also known as Green Wax Flower, Cotton Milk Plant, Green Milkweed Climber, Sneezing Silk, Louise's Swallow-wort and Black Dog-strangling Vine. It is a plant in the milkweed family, with the botanical names Cynanchum louiseae, Vincetoxicum nigrum and Dregea volubilis, with volubilis meaning twining (fig.). In Myanmar, the slender tapered seedpods, which are tightly packed with seeds attached to puffy fibers, are used in home cuisine.

Kyaukgu Umin Phaya (ကျောက်ဂူဥမင်ဘုရား)

Burmese. ‘Rock Cave Tunnel Pagoda’. Name of a 12th Century AD Buddhist temple near the villages of Nyaung U and Wetkyi-in, which are located in the greater Bagan region. READ ON.

Kyauk Ka Lat (ကျောက်ကလပ်)

Burmese. ‘Rock Club’ i.e. a stone mace. Name of a limestone rock formation in Hpa An, the capital of Myanmar's Kayin State, which is topped with a golden stupa. It is located on a tiny islet in a lake and is surrounded by monastic edifices. See MAP.

Kyauk Sa Ga Gyi Phaya (ကျောက်စကားကြီးဘုရား)

Burmese. ‘Stone Pagoda of the Great Words’. Name of a brick Buddhist temple in Bagan, which is built in a style reminiscent of the early Bagan Cave Style architecture, known as gu. READ ON.

Kyaukse Sain Pwe (ကျောက်ဆည်ဆင်ပွဲ)

Burmese. ‘Kyaukse Elephant Festival’. Name of a traditional festival that originated in Kyaukse. READ ON.

Kyauk Taw Gyi Phaya (ကျောက်တော်ကြီးဘုရား)

Burmese. ‘Great Stone Deity Pagoda’, yet usually translated as ‘Temple of the Great Marble Image’. Name of a Buddhist temple at the foot of Mandalay Hill (fig.), which houses the largest marble Buddha image in Myanmar. READ ON.

kyaung (ကျောင်း)

Burmese. A temple, monastery or school in Myanmar. Pronunciation tjaung. See also Kyaung Lain.

Kyaung Lain (ကြောင်လိမ်)

Burmese. Name of an ancient brick monastery in Inwa, located adjacent to and to the east of Myinmo Taung. READ ON.

Kyay Thun Phaya (ကြေးသွန်းဘုရား)

Burmese. ‘Bronze Shed Pagoda’. Name of a Buddhist temple on the outskirts of Bago. READ ON.

kyi (ကြီး)

Burmese. An alternative transliteration for kyee.

kyee (ကြီး)

Burmese term for ‘great’, ‘big’ or a ‘large’, as well as for ‘elder’, ‘mighty’ or ‘powerful’. It is similar in use to the Sanskrit-Pali-Thai word maha, which can also be used in Burmese. Yet, whereas maha is typically used as a prefix before the name or title of important persons, things and places, the word kyee is used as a honorific suffix and added to the end of a name or title of important persons, things and places. Also transliterated kyi or gyi.

kyeezee (ကြေးစည်)

See kyi-zi.

kyi-zi (ကြေးစည်)

Burmese. ‘Bell plate’. Name for a small to medium-sized Burmese, brass, plate gong or chime, usually with elaborate upward curved side corners and sometimes with engraving (fig.). Its early use is related to religious ceremonies and the smaller bell plates are at present still used by some Burmese Buddhist monks on bintabaat, i.e. alms round (fig.). The monks will hit them to ring three times in succession as a symbol of the Trairat. They come in different sizes and shapes, but are always flat. The most commonly found form is triangular and somewhat resembles a krajab water chestnut (fig.). These metal plate gongs can be found in temple compounds and monasteries all over Myanmar, as well as in some Thai temples, usually near the Burmese border. Some small kyi-zi may also be used as percussion instrument in an ensemble. Also transcribed kyeezee and nicknamed Burma bell. Pronounced chi-zi. See also kong.