Long-armed Parry Beetle
Name for a species of beetle in the Scarabaeidae family, with the
scientific designation Cheirotonus
parryi. Males have a body size of 4.8 to 7.1
centimeters, measuring from the tip of the head to the far end of
the abdomen, i.e. not including the legs, which are brown and short
with spines, apart for the forelegs, which are even longer than the
body size and with a shape resembling that of antlers. They have a
metallic green head, whilst the elytra, i.e. the hardened forewings
that function as wing shields, are of a dark brown
background, with tan to light brown spots distributed throughout.
Females (fig.)
are similar, but instead of the long antler-like forelegs of
the males, they have shorter forelegs with tiny spines. Their body
size is also smaller, measuring between 4.8 to 5.5 centimeters. A male
Long-armed Parry Beetle is depicted on a Thai postage stamps
of 2001
(fig.). In Thai, it is called
kwahng dao nahm khah
trong, i.e.
‘Straight thorn-legged Rhinoceros
