Name for
24 karat gold, usually with a purity of 99.9%, that is flattened into ultra thin leaves
through hammering, traditionally done
manually by
called gold beaters and which
despite growing industrialization are
to date still active in places such as
Myanmar, especially
in Mandalay, using gold from the nation's own gold mines. Though it could in
practice be done mechanically with an industrial press, the traditional way is
the preferred method as it allows for the opportunity to make merit and gain
especially when used for religious purposes. In the first stage, a gold ribbon
is produced by rolling a solid gold nugget repeatedly through a rolling mill.
Then, the ribbon is cut into small pieces of which the size is
increased by beating it on a large block of granite, in several stages (fig.). In order to
do this, the gold is placed in between special
bamboo paper, which is made from
a unique kind of solid bamboo, without the usual hollow stem of most species,
and known as Calcutta Bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus), and ‒though it can easily
be torn‒ is also very strong to take the unremitting beatings of a 6.5-7
kilogram heavy hammer. This bundle of bamboo paper and gold is held together by
a leather wrapper made from
and a two bamboo sticks on the sides (fig.), that are used to help attach the bundle to
a fixed point while beating (fig.).
Since gold leaf is mostly used as a Buddhist offering,
the use of deer hide as a wrapper during production,
rather than another kind of leather, may possibly be related to
the first sermon of the
held in a
deer park called
Mrigadava, as
deer in
usually refer to this
particular episode in the life of Buddha.
To measure the time the workers make use of a
clepsydra (fig.).
First the gold is beaten for 30 minutes.
After this initial round of hammering, the gold is cut into 6 fingernail-sized pieces and
beaten for another 30 minutes to increase its size to a near-square plaque with
rounded corners of about 2.5x2.5 centimeters. After this, the result obtained
from the second round of beating is hammered on for a third round, which lasts for 5
hours and increases the size of the gold six fold while making it wafer-thin. After
this final round of beating, the obtained gold leaf has a thickness of only 0.008 mm
and is rather oval to round in shape. It is now so thin that it can easily be
blown away just by waving one's hand past it. In the final procedure, the
rounded outlines are folded inward to create square shaped gold leaves measuring
about 3x3 centimeters, using a tool made from horn and talcum powder to prevent
the gold leaf from sticking to the workers' fingers, which are packed in straw
paper. This is done is a closed off space to prevent any airflow to blow away
the leaves. Beside gold leaf also thin gold plates (fig.)
can be produced by beating in a similar way but by a somewhat different process
Whereas gold leaf is typically used to
apply to religious objects, such as
Buddha images
and is usually done by devotees, sometimes to an extend where the original
object becomes completely covered beyond recognition, as is the case with the
Hpaung Daw U Buddhas
gold plate is usually applied to large
objects, such as
pagodas, like
Shwezigon Phaya
Bagan and
in Yangon, which is reportedly covered with 60 tons of gold (fig.).
Gold leaf may also be applied in an ornamental way, usually on objects with a ground layer of
a form of art in Thai called
laai rod nahm
In Thailand, a kind of so-called gold leaf is also applied to religious objects as a way of
tamboon, a deed known in Thai as
pit thong,
but these leaves often contain only 5% gold (fig.). Since 24 karat gold is very soft
and non-corrosive, as well as conductive, it in our time also
has other often high-tech applications and is
used for instance in certain electronic parts and specific computer components.
The Thai name for gold leaf is
