Silver Pheasant
Name for a
pheasant with the scientific name Lophura nycthemera and which occurs in
mainland Southeast Asia, including
Thailand and Vietnam.
It inhabits mountain,
bamboo, evergreen and deciduous forests, as well as
grasslands. It feeds on fruits, seeds, young plant shoots, insects, worms and
small reptiles. It is polygamous, living in social groups that typically consist
of a male and two to five females. This bird is often bred in captivity and
well-known in ancient Chinese poetry and art. The males are very territorial,
especially during the breeding season, when they can be aggressive towards their
Males of the nominate race have silvery-white upperparts and blackish-blue
underparts, whereas the upperparts of the subspecies Lophura nycthemera lineata
is darker, with denser markings, has pinkish-brown or dark grey legs, while its
tail is shorter. The Annamese Silver Pheasant, a subspecies with the scientific designation Lophura nycthemera annamensis and found in
Annam (Vietnam), is similar to Lophura nycthemera lineata, namely darker above with denser markings, yet bolder and with a conspicuous band of white feathers that runs on either side from the throat to the shoulders, whereas its legs are red (fig.). Females of the nominate race (fig.)
are overall rather dark brown, with black and white scaled underparts,
whereas those of the subspecies Lophura nycthemera lineata (fig.)
have light scaling above and a mostly dull chestnut breast and belly. Females will lay six to fifteen eggs. In Thai it is called
kai fah lang
khaw and
kai fah lang ngun, literally ‘white-backed fowl’ and
‘silver-backed fowl’ respectively, and in China it is often referred to as ‘white
See also
kai fah.
