Keua Nah (กือนา)
Name of the eight king of the Mengrai Dynasty ruling the ninth reign of the northern kingdom of
Lan Na
from 1355 to 1385. He reigned in a time of relative and
long-lasting peace, of which he knew to make productive use. He brought on the Golden Age of Lan Na in 1367 and introduced the Sinhalese
Wong Order in
Buddhism, which was considered a purer and a more egalitarian form than the previously introduced varieties from
Pegu and
Ava. So he invited, inter alia, around 8,400 monks of an ancient sect from the time of Queen
Chamadevi (fig.) to be ordained after the Langka Wong Creed. In 1369, he invited the Ceylonese monk Sumanathera
to come to
Chiang Mai
with a relic of the
Buddha, for which the king initially had
Wat Suan Dok (fig.) built, yet, after the relic had miraculously doubled, another temple, i.e.
Wat Doi Suthep
was built and the original relic (map
- fig.) was placed in the
chedi thereof (fig.). King Keua Nah died in 1385 and was succeeded by his son Saen
Ma (แสนเมืองมา), whose name means ‘One Hundred Thousand (or Many) Countries Came’ and refers to the fact that on the occasion of his birth many local rulers came to pay tribute to the King of Lan Na. Keua Nah's full name and title is
Phaya Keua Nah Thammi Kraht
Chao (พญากือนา ธรรมิกราชเจ้า).
See also
list of Thai kings.
