Man Fatt Lam (万佛林)
Chinese. Name of a
Mahayana Buddhist temple in Singapore,
that serves mainly as a funeral and cremation centre, and that is
also known as Wan Fo Lin Simiao or Wan Fu Lin Simiao (万佛林寺庙), i.e.
‘Temple of the Circle of Ten Thousand Buddhas’. It hence has a
furnace-like apparatus with several cremation chambers; columbaria,
i.e. rooms with niches where the funeral urns are stored; and
shrine-like halls for ancestor worship, with altars for ancestral
tablets (fig.).
The main hall, known as Da Xiong Bao Dian (大雄寶殿), i.e. the ‘Hall of
Great Strength’, houses a Buddha statue seated in the
lotus position
on a
pedestal and in a blessing pose, underneath a giant lotus that is
attached to the ceiling, whereas the walls and special columns are
decorated with thousands of semi-translucent orange tablets with
depictions of
Buddha, a hint from where
the temple gets its name. Akin to
temples, either side of the entrance has a large door guardian,
namely a bronze of
Ha Jiang (fig.),
the ‘Yawning General’, ‘Breathing General’ or ‘Laughing General’,
who is always depicted with his mouth open, and one of
Heng Jiang
the ‘Groaning General’ or ‘Snorting General’, who is always depicted
with his mouth closed. Over the doors on the inside of the hall is a
golden statue of
Wei Tuo
which is flanked on either side by golden statues of the ‘Four Heavenly Kings’,
who are known in Chinese as
Si Tian Wang
four guardian gods, of which there is one for each of the cardinal
directions. Opposite to each other, in front of the main hall, are
two lesser halls. The one on the right, known as Mituo Dian (彌陀殿),
i.e. ‘Amitabha
Hall’, houses a statue of Amitabha (fig.),
i.e. one of the five transcendental Buddhas or
Five Great Buddhas
of Mahayana Buddhism, who reigns over the Western Paradise and who
is the personification of Eternal Light. His statue is flanked by
two other deities, while the walls and columns of the hall are also
decorated with countless semi-translucent yellowish orange slabs
with depictions of Buddha. The lesser hall on the left is known as
Jixiang Dian (吉祥殿), i.e. the ‘Hall of Good Fortune’, and houses a
marble Burmese-style
reclining Buddha
statue, whilst its walls are covered with countless semi-translucent
blue tablets with depictions of Buddha. Alongside an open corridor
to the right of the ‘Hall of Great Strength’ are small granite
statues of the
Eighteen Arahats (fig.).
In the back of this corridor is a statue of
Huan Xi Fo (fig.),
the so-called ‘Smiling
or ‘Happy Buddha’, whilst to the right of this is another lesser
hall, known as
Guan Yin
Dian (觀音殿), i.e. the ‘Hall of
Kuan Yin (fig.)’,
the Chinese goddess of Mercy. In front of this hall is another
statue of the ‘Smiling Buddha’. Inside, the statue of Kuan Yin is
placed on the main altar and is flanked on the left by a statue of
known in Chinese as
who is the
of Truth in Mahayana Buddhism and is depicted seated on an
with six tusks
holding a
an ancient scepter-like object with the shape of a lotus flower, a
sacred flower that symbolizes
on the right side of Kuan Yin is a statue of the bodhisattva
Manjushri (fig.),
known in Chinese as
Wen Shu (fig.),
which means ‘Unique Culture’.
He is the Mahayana god of Learning and Wisdom, and is depicted
seated on a
holding a sword and a scroll. The inner walls of the Kuan Yin Hall
are covered with countless semi-translucent white tablets with
depictions of Buddha. In the back of the temple's main ‘Hall of
Great Strength’, is a lesser hall used for ancestor worship. It has
an elongated altar where ancestral tablets can be placed and in
front of it is a statue of
Tai Hong Kong
a Chinese monk with a typical Chinese monk's hat (fig.)
known as a Buddhist Ritual Crown (fig.),
who collects and takes care of the bodies of the deceased who have
no relatives, whilst against the opposite wall is a large wooden
statue of
Ti Tsang
the Chinese bodhisattva of hell beings holding a xi zhang (锡杖) or
i.e. a Buddhist beggar's staff (fig.),
as well as a
or so-called
wishing jewel, known in Chinese as Ruyi Baozhu (如意寶珠), literally
‘Wish-fulfilling Precious Pearl’.
Adjacent to this, to the left of the main
hall, are several columbaria and another hall for the display of
ancestral tablets. Both places feature a gilded statue of Tai Hong
Kong and Ti Tsang, the latter now akin to the former also wearing
the Buddhist Ritual Crown. In the left front of the temple complex
is the crematorium and adjacent to it are some
that contain the ashes of deceased monks. Visitors will come to this
temple to burn
incense and candles that
are sold in the form of a
calabash (fig.),
a Chinese symbol for health and longevity.
