Arahat (อรหัต)
‘The Worthy One’, a title given to Buddhist saints. A term derived from the
Sanskrit word
Arihan, meaning ‘foe-slaying’. In
Theravada Buddhism, one who has attained the
highest level of spiritual perfection leading to
nirvana and is freed from the cycle endless of
rebirths. Some revered Buddhist monks are regarded as arahats. In the earliest
sutras, the
Buddha is said to have asked four arahats to remain in the world to propagate the
dhamma, one for each of the four directions of
the compass, until
Maitreya, the next Buddha, arrived. These four
arahats are sometimes said to be
Kasyapa, Kundopadhaniya,
Pindola (fig.)
Rahula (fig.),
though other sources mention
Panthaka (fig.),
Nakula (fig.),
Pindola and Kanakavatsa. The arahats extended their lives through magical powers
and remain accessible to those in need. Later tradition increased their number
from four to sixteen, referring to the number of saintly ascetics who gathered
at the death and
Mahaparinirvana of
the Buddha, and then on to eighteen (fig.),
especially in Chinese tradition where they probably derived from a Chinese
institution during the reign of T'ai Tsung, who in the year 621 AD selected
eighteen Cabinet Ministers, all officials of high standing, sound learning and
good literary attainments who according to popular belief became immortals.
Others however, believe that they are based on the fact that it was supposed by
some that there were formerly eighteen gods regarded as protectors of Chinese
Buddhist temples, and that the Eighteen Arahats took their places. The Sixteen
Arahats are known as Pindola
Kanaka Vatsa (fig.),
Kanaka Bharadvaja
Subinda (fig.),
Bhadra (fig.),
Kalika (fig.),
Jivaka (fig.),
Panthaka, Rahula,
Angaja (fig.),
Vanavasin (fig.),
Ajita (fig.)
Maha Kasyapa and Kundopadhaniya were eliminated from the first list of four
arahats and replaced by fourteen new ones. Since the
Eighteen Arahats (fig.)
have never received authoritative recognition, the names of the two extra
arahats often vary. Sometimes Maitreya and
Maha Kassapa are
added to the list of sixteen, in other places it may be
Nandimitra (fig.) and a second
Pindola (fig.).
In addition, Maha Kassapa may also be spelled Maha Kasyapa, referring to one of
the four original arahats assigned by the Buddha to remain and guard the dhamma.
Also the identity of Maitreya is something of a problem as originally the
arahats were to remain on guard until Maitreya came. This however becomes
irreconcilable if he is one of them. Sometimes, the Eighteen Arahats are
depicted riding both real and mythological animals (fig.). Besides this, Japanese and Chinese traditions also
revere a group of 500 arahats (fig.), based either on the 500 disciples that were
present when the Buddha expounded the Flower Sutra on Vultures Peak or on the
500 rich merchants, who became beggars after meeting and accepting the Buddha's
teachings (fig.). Also called
arhat, arhan, arihat and
arahan, and usually referred to together, as
the Eighteen Arahats (fig.). In Chinese called
and in Japanese rakan, an abbreviation of the Japanese term arakan (阿羅漢),
itself a translation of the Sanskrit word arahan. In Vietnamese, the Eighteen
Arahats are known as Thap Bat La Han (Thập Bát La Hán -
fig.), and are individually known as Hang Long (Hàng Long - fig.), Cu Bat (Cử Bát - fig.), Tieu Su (Tiếu Sư -
fig.), Tinh Toa (Tĩnh Tọa - fig.), Tham Thu (Thám Thủ - fig.), Truong Mi (Trường Mi - fig.),
Toa Loc (Tọa Lộc -
fig.), Khan Mon (Khán Môn -
fig.), Phuc Ho (Phục Hổ - fig.), Ky Tuong (Kỵ Tượng - fig.), Khai Tam
(Khai Tâm
- fig.), Thac Thap (Thác Tháp - fig.), Tram Tu (Trầm Tư
- fig.), Ba Tieu (Ba Tiêu
- fig.), Khoai Nhi (Khoái Nhĩ - fig.), Bo Dai (Bố Đại - fig.), Khanh Hy (Khánh Hỷ - fig.),
and Qua Giang (Quá Giang - fig.).
