Buddha Tooth Relic Temple
The Buddha Tooth Relic Temple and
Museum is located in
Chinatown district, and is a
Mahayana Buddhist temple.
Built in 2007, in Tang (唐) Dynasty architectural style, the
temple gets its name from what Buddhists regard as the left
canine tooth of the
Buddha, which is
enshrined in the temple, housed in a giant
stupa weighing a
whopping 3,5 tonnes and decorated with 320 kilograms of gold.
The entrance has three
Hong Men (fig.),
i.e. large, heavy doors that are lacquered red and fitted with
gilt bronze studs, engraved plates and
lion door knockers. On
either side of the entrance is a large granite statue of a door
guardian. On the left is
Heng Jiang (fig.),
the ‘Groaning General’ or ‘Snorting General’, who is always
depicted with his mouth closed, whilst on the right is
Ha Jiang (fig.),
the ‘Yawning General’, ‘Breathing General’ or ‘Laughing
General’, who is always depicted with his mouth open. The main
hall, known as Bai Long Dian (百龍殿), i.e. the ‘Hundred
Hall’, features a large gilded statue of the
seated on a throne with his feet resting on a
lotus flower, and
flanked by two
bodhisattvas. With the right
hand he performs
mudra known as
symbolizing ‘calm’, ‘reassurance’ and ‘no fear’, whilst with the
left hand he performs a
varada (fig.)
mudra, representing the ‘granting of wishes’. In his left palm
is a golden
kundika, a ritual ewer
that contains the
Amrita, i.e. the Elixir
of Immortality. Behind these statues is a wall decorated with a
silk cloth with elaborate
embroidery, known as ci xiu
(刺绣), depicting the
Nine Dragons,
i.e. the
nine sons of the first
Chinese dragons.
With nine being a
unique number,
with the Chinese character for ‘nine’ (九) resembling that of
‘power’, ‘force’ and ‘strength’, i.e. li (力), whilst its
pronunciation (jiu) is a homophone for the word ‘long-lasting’ (久),
and with the auspicious dragon itself being a symbol of power
and strength,
the Nine Dragons combined
represent the pinnacle of everlasting power and strength. Each
of the
dragons is
depicted with 5 claws, being the highest possible number and in
China reserved for noblemen.
Around the 13th century AD it was decreed that the emblem of the
Emperor was a completely gold-coloured, five-clawed dragon,
whereas that for imperial nobility and certain high ranking
officials was a four-clawed dragon in various symbolic colours,
whilst the emblem for lower ranks and the general public was a
three-clawed dragon. Also on the silk cloth are depictions of
five bats. In
China, the
a symbol for good luck, as the pronunciation of
the Chinese word for ‘bat’, is homophonous with
which means ‘good luck’. It therefore often appears in Chinese
iconography as an auspicious sign,
when five bats are displayed together (fig.)
they stand for fortune, longevity, good health, love and death of
natural causes (fig.).
Additionally, there are some gold
fish, and whilst the mount of
Kuan Yin (fig.),
the goddess of mercy and a form of he
is a huge Koi Carp, that is able to subdue demons and malicious
beings, fish are in Chinese called yú (鱼), a word with the same
sound as yú (逾) meaning ‘to exceed’ and yú (余), meaning
‘surplus’. Due to this, fish frequently appear in Chinese
iconography and their symbols are typical Chinese good luck
charms, especially goldfish, as those are called jīnyú (金鱼)
which sounds the same as jīnyú (金逾) or jīnyú (金余) and can be
translated as ‘surplus of money’ or ‘gold in excess’. On the
walls of the hall are niches with Buddha statues in various
positions and around those are countless smaller niches, each
with a small open casket that contains an image of the Buddha.
Behind the main Hundred Dragon Hall is a lesser hall, known as
Yuan Tong Dian (圓通殿), i.e. ‘Universal Wisdom Hall’, which is
dedicated to the six-armed Chintamanichakra (चिन्तामणिचक्र), a
manifestation of Avalokitesvara, sitting atop an elaborate lotus
throne. Adorning the walls of the hall are countless small
images of Chintamanichakra seated on a lotus and attached to the
walls like chandeliers. On shelves surrounding the main altar
are statues of various Buddhas and bodhisattvas, as well as Ming
Wang (明王), i.e. ‘Wisdom Kings’, such as
Acalanatha (fig.),
known in Chinese as
Budong (fig.),
who is deemed the protector or guardian deity of those born in
the Year of the
Rooster. There are also
smaller statues of guardians that are associated with the 12
animals of the
Chinese zodiac, each with
their specific animal depicted on top of their headdress. At the
exit of this hall towards the street, is a
mandala (fig.),
i.e. a complex and mystic diagram symbolizing the Universe and
used as
an object of
meditation in
Buddhism, made with
colourful stones and gems. It is laid out in front of a gilded
statue of
Jambhala (fig.),
a Tibetan wealth god, who is
holding a gold ingot
in one hand and a wealth
that spews out precious jewels in the other hand.
