Wat Prayun Wongsahwaht (วัดประยุรวงศาวาส)
Thai. ‘Temple of the Enduring Loop Clan’. Name of a
Buddhist temple in
Bangkok's Thonburi District, adjacent to the
Memorial Bridge (fig.).
The temple's
(map -
houses the 5.7 meter high Naak Saksit Buddha image,
which dates from the Sukhothai Period and is
seated in the maravichaya pose. In the
centre of the hall is a busabok,
i.e. a regalia of rank, and
front of Naak Saksit
is a smaller image of a crowned Buddha,
flanked by Sariputta and Mogallana, as well as
by a silver and a golden phum dokmai
and some minature chat.
The principal Buddha image in the ubosot
(map - fig.),
which is located to the right of the wihaan, is also seated in the bhumisparsa
pose and was cast
in 1828 AD, i.e. the same year as the ubosot was built. It is
covered with gold that was imported from Japan, and considered to be
a work of high quality. Unlike the dull walls of the wihaan, the
interior walls and pillars of the ubosot feature colourful murals. Unlike most other pagodas,
which are usually solid structures, or –if hollow– closed off to the
public, the 60.525 meter high chedi of Wat Prayun Wongsahwaht can actually be entered and
visited on the inside, and while the entrance is a narrow yet high
cavity, the exit consist of a low and narrow tunnel, forcing one to crawl out on
hands and knees, a memorable lesson in humility after having visited
the holy of holies. The interior consists of bricks
and initially had only a central pillar made of brick and a few
wooden support beams. In 1871 AD, the pagoda was struck by lightning
and damaged. It remained
unrepaired for nearly 47 years, until 1918, when it was restored and reinforced with steel (fig.).
Today, the niches
display Buddha images in different poses, including those of the Phra prajam wan
system (fig.).
The principal chedi also houses a bone relic of the Buddha,
referred to in Thai as Phra Boromma Sahrihrikathat,
and is surrounded by a circular wall, that was added later and which is
topped by 18 smaller pagodas. On the inside of the circular
wall are open doorways, that give access to a gallery, which on one
side is used as a columbarium wall, with three continuous rows of
niches to accommodate cremated remains,
each niche closed off with a small memorial plaque (fig.).
In addition, this temple is
known for its Prayun Phantakhaan Buddha Images Museum
- fig.)
and for its
khao mo (fig.),
i.e. an artificial
miniature hill built in the middle of a pond filled with turtles and
fish, surrounded by a rock garden and a number of miniature
and stupas,
cathedrals, pavilions, and rare plants, and also referred to as khao tao,
i.e. ‘turtle hill’. The temple's full name and
royal title is Wat Prayun Wongsahwaht Worawihaan (วัดประยุรวงศาวาสวรวิหาร). See also QUADCOPTER PICTURE and MAP. 回
