Plain-pouched Hornbill
Common name for a species of
with the scientific name
Rhyticeros subruficollis, which is distributed in subtropical and
tropical forests of southern
adjacent parts of western
and in northern peninsular
Malaysia. Adult males are
mostly blackish, with a white tail and a pale yellowish hood. Its
bill is pale dull yellowish, with a warm brownish base and its casque has dark ridges.
Its legs and feet are grey, and its eyes are
brownish-red with a red orbital ring. Males are about 88
centimeters tall (fig.).
Adult females (fig.)
have a less elaborate, all-black appearance, with a white tail, and
bare blue skin around the eyes. The bill and casque are similar to
those of adult males. Unlike the bill of the
Wreathed Hornbill, that
of the Plain-pouched Hornbill is never ridged, though the casque is.
One variety (fig.)
is very similar in appearance to the
Wreathed Hornbill
with males having a shaggy, brown, mane-like crown, that runs to the
back of the neck, as well as a large yellow gular pouch, though
without the blackish lateral bar on the underside, whereas females
have a large blue gular pouch, also without the blackish lateral bar.
In Thai, the Plain-pouched Hornbill is known as
nok ngeuak
krahm chang pahk riab.
