Phrasong (พระสงฆ์)
Thai. Term for a Buddhist monk, of which there are 350,000 in Thailand, assembled into the
Sangha, the community of monks that follow the Buddhist canon.
Thai monks need to submit to 227 rules of conduct and shave their heads on entering the monkhood, and after that once a month, on
wan kohn (fig.),
i.e. the day before full moon or
wan phen.
Contrary to monks of neighbouring
Buddhist countries (fig.),
Cambodia, and
Thai monks and novices also shave their eyebrows, a practice said to date back to the period when
Siam was at war with
Burma. To expose Burmese spies disguised as monks, Thai clerics introduced the practice
of also shaving the eyebrows, which has continued ever since. In Myanmar, monks
and novices shave their heads four times a month (fig.).
