Qin Shi Huang Ti (秦始皇帝)
Chinese. Name of the first emperor of an imperial and unified
Born in 259 BC, he in 246 BC became king of the powerful feudal
state of Qin (Chin), at the young age of 13. In 221 BC, he unified
several feudal states through annexation and warfare, and founded
the Qin (Chin) Dynasty. His autocratic rule was marked by cruelty
and megalomania, from the enforced integration of several feudal
states to the tremendous cost in human lives in the pursue of his
numerous gigantic projects, including the construction of the
Great Wall of China (fig.), an extensive national road system, and a mausoleum (fig.)
guarded by a life-sized army of
Terracotta Warriors (fig.). In the major
political reforms he undertook after unifying China, he is said to
have outlawed and
burned many books, and allegedly buried their authors and other intellectuals
alive with them. Ironically, in a bid to gain longevity and
immortality through Wai Dan (外丹),
i.e. External Alchemy, he swallowed mercury pills on a regular
basis, which gradually poisoned him, and on 10 September 210 BC eventually killed him,
at the age of 49. Since he was on a tour of his country when he died
and fearing an uprising over the power vacuum, his dead was
initially kept quiet to most of the Imperial entourage accompanying
the Emperor. To allow the Emperor's body to be transported back to
the capital Xianyang, two carts filled with fish were reportedly
arranged to accompany the Emperor's wagon, i.e. one in the front and
one directly behind, in order to prevent anyone from noticing the
foul smell of the decomposing body emanating from the wagon, whilst
his son and some his closest
eunuchs who were
informed, kept up
appearances by bringing food on regular intervals. His name
is also transcribed Qin Shih-huang Ti or Chin
Shi Huang Di. The words Huang and Ti in
the name, both mean ‘emperor’, either used together or separately, and
his name is therefore often shortened to just Qin Shi Huan.
Construction of his tomb, with 35 square miles the largest in China
(i.e. 500 times bigger than any other tomb excavated in the nation),
was started as soon as he ascended the throne and is said to have
lasted 37 years, hence it continued even after his death. At one
point some 710,000 people worked on it. So far, no one has been able
to find the entrance to the tomb where the emperor is buried. The
main imperial burial chamber is described to be guarded by crossbows
and to envision an entire replica of the universe. The ceiling is
said to be covered with pearls and precious gems that represent the
constellations, and on the floor there is a model of China's
landscape, including the Great Wall and rivers of mercury that wind
through the valleys.
personal name of China's very first emperor was
Ying Zheng,
and as is usual
in literature, the reign
name Shi Huang Ti of this emperor is preceded by the name of
the Dynasty, i.e. Emperor Shi Huang Ti of the Qin Dynasty is
called Emperor Qin Shi Huang Ti.
