Wat Doi Ngam Meuang (วัดดอยงำเมือง)
Thai. Name of a
Buddhist hilltop temple in the city of
Chiang Rai.
Located on a hill, the temple is accessible via a long staircase
flanked with
that leads to a double wooden gate of which the large doors have
been elaborately carved with on one side scenes from
Buddhism, such as the
Buddha's descent
from the
Tavatimsa Heaven, and
Siddhartha in the
maravijaya pose with
Bhumidevi, i.e.
Mae Phra Thoranee, the
goddess of earth, who appeared as a witness of the Buddha's
accumulated merits from earlier lives, just before the moment of his
Enlightenment and here depicted
wringing water from her hair, thus aiding the Buddha in his
resistance against
Mara, i.e. the ‘destroyer’,
also known as the tempter or the evil one, by flushing his army of
spirits away, saving the Buddha from the temptation of desire.
Adjacent to it, passed this entrance, eight tall wooden pillars have
been erected, their number representative for the Buddha's
Eightfold Path. Each one
displays bas-relief carvings with scenes from history, depicting
mostly local village life, as well as mahouts and the king on
elephants. On the plateau next to the main prayer hall is a brick
chedi, an
ancient monument known as Ku Phra Chao Mengrai (กู่พระเจ้าเม็งราย),
i.e. a ku (กู่) or
stupa containing
the ashes
Poh Khun
Mengrai, who in 1262 AD
founded the city that was named after him and whose statue is
erected in the front of the stupa. Adjacent to the monument are
statues of white horses and a white elephant. Whereas the latter is
an animal which in Buddhist nations is regarded as sacred and a
symbol of royal might, and which is believed to bring good fortune
to any nation that posses it, the horses are a symbol of power,
freedom and independence. The stupa was built by
Phaya Chai Songkhram
(ไชยสงคราม), the son of King Mengrai and his successor. To the left
of the staircase that leads to the main prayer hall, is a statue of
Phra Upakhut, a Buddhist deity,
who is believed to protect and have authority over all water, and is
hence called upon to protect seafaring people, as well as to ask for
rain, or alternatively, to stop the rain. In Thailand, he is
believed to eradicate any obstacles to progress, and to vanquish
danger. He is portrayed in a seated
half lotus position,
i.e. the right foot resting on the left thighbone and the left foot
under the right thigh, with his head slightly tilted up, as if
looking at the sky, and holding an alms bowl in one hand, while
putting the fingers of his other hand into the bowl, a
mudra or ‘hand
position’ that in Buddhist
iconography normally
refers to eating from an
alms bowl. On a slope in
front of the temple is a statue of the Hindu god
Ganesha, represented
with a human body and the head of an elephant, with one tusk broken
off, and here painted silver and gold, reminiscent of the
silver and gold trees used
as the annual tribute that vassal states in the past were required
to pay to the ruling kings, as an indication of their loyalty.
