Milky Stork
Common name for a type of stork with the scientific name Mycteria cinerea.
This wading bird grows to a height of about 97 centimeters, has a naked red face
and a yellow to orange bill, similar to the Asian
Painted Stork (Mycteria leucocephala) and the
in Africa living
Yellow-billed Stork (Mycteria ibis). The
difference between the above species is best visible from their plumage, which
in the Milky Stork is overall white with black flight-feathers and tail; rather
pinkish-white in the
with pink and white scapular
bars and extensive black colouring on the lower wings, lower
back, rump and tail (fig.); and
dull white in the Painted Stork, with grey to black and
white bars on the scapulars and some pink colouring on the wingtips and tail (fig.). The Milky Stork has
a restricted distribution in Southeast Asia and is usually listed as living in
Malaysia and on many of the Indonesian islands, though
some sources also list it as occurring in
This species is listed as vulnerable with an estimated world population of about 5,500
birds. In Thai it is called
nok krasah pahk leuang,
which confusingly translates as ‘Yellow-billed stork’, the name which in English
is used for the
Mycteria ibis.
