Bhutan Glory
Common name for a species of
swallowtail butterfly, with the scientific name
Bhutanitis lidderdalii, and
which is found in Bhutan, parts
of northeastern India and parts of Southeast Asia, including in
Thailand, where it is
actually very rare. It
has only been observed on Doi Chiang Dao, a mountain in
Chiang Mai
Province, where it lives along swampy areas and can be found perching on
flowers. However, it has not been spotted since 1982, after a huge
forest fire destroyed a large area with its larval food plants at
its habitat in Chiang Dao Hill, and is now assumed extinct from
Thailand. Above, it is mostly
blackish-brown with slim, wavy, off-white lines that run vertically
across the wings. The hindwing has a prominent reddish-orange patch with
bluish-black and white ocelli, as well as a narrow yellowish-orangey
band near the lower edge. Below, the design is similar but rather
In Thai, this
is known as
phi seua
chiang dao (ผีเสื้อเชียงดาว) and alternatively as phi seua phutan
