Chestnut Rajah
Common name
of a species of leafwing butterfly, with the scientific designation Charaxes durnfordi. Above, the wings of the
male are brown,
gradually changing to chestnut-brown on the top-half part of
the wings, towards the apexes. On the forewings, there are
two symmetrical rows of v-shaped white markings, with a
third row along the edges, which are more blurred and become
vaguer towards the top. The hindwings have a broad white
submarginal band, with chestnut, ocelli-like patches with a
white centre, that are located at about one third from the
edge on the white marginal band.
In Thai, this species is known by the names
phi seua
tahn nahm sih tanoht
and phi seua
mah daeng sih tanoht
