Thai. Traditional game played over a net (fig.),
similar to volleyball, but with
a lower net, of which the top is
only 1.55 meters high at the posts. The game uses
a lightweight ball, originally
loosely hand-woven of rattan (fig.)
and also called
takraw, yet which is
nowadays usually made of synthetic materials, such as
polyester (fig.).
There are two teams of three players and each team has to try to
score by making the ball touch down on the field of the opposite
team. Players may use any part of the body except their hands and
forearms. Hence,
in competition players are regularly seen making
spectacular jumps (fig.), often
making acrobatic leaps (fig.) while hanging upside-down in the air, in order to
kick a high flying ball
with their feet (fig.).
The game is recognized as an official sport in Asia. On
the street one often sees youths in a circle practicing takraw (fig.),
but officially the sport is played over a net and on a field
measuring 13.4 by 6.1 meters, which at either team's side has two
quarter circles at the net, one on each side of either team's field, and a
full circle, with a radius of 30 centimeters, the centre of which
is located 2.45 meter from the back line and in the middle from both
side lines (fig.). One of the three players stands
at the back while the other two are in front, one on the left,
the other on the right. During service, the two players in the front
take place in the quarter circles near the net, on either side of
the field, while the third player, i.e. the one in the back, takes
place in the full circle, known as the service circle. One of the
players in the front, called the pitcher (fig.), then tosses the ball to
the kicker, i.e. the player in the service circle and also referred
to as the server, who has to kick
the ball pitched at him over the net, using one of his feet. To give
the ball ample velocity, the kicker will try to hit the ball at a
high enough height, swinging on of his legs to almost vertical
position, in order to smash the ball over the net with great power
and speed (fig.).
During this time, the players of the opposite team may stand
wherever they like, as may those of the serving team once the ball
has been kicked off. The point then is to keep the ball
aloft as long as possible. The team on which side the ball touches the ground loses and
the opposite team is awarded one point, until the winning score of 15
points is reached and the set is over. Whoever wins 3 sets of 5 is
the final winner. Though takraw is also played in
Myanmar (fig.),
Burma also has a very similar yet ancient variety of it, which is known as
chinlone (fig.). Also
referred to as sepak takraw (เซปักตะกร้อ), and sometimes spelt takro.
See also POSTAGE STAMPS (1),
