chinlone (ခြင်းလုံး)
Burmese. ‘Rounded basket’.
A traditional team sport and ball game of
very similar to
which is also popular in
(fig.). Yet, in chinlone, there is no opposing team and the
sport is hence in essence non-competitive. There are a
number of players who stand in a circle, with one
player taking place in the centre. A ball woven of rattan or
polyester is passed around using any part of the body, apart
from the lower arms and hands, and must be kept airborne at all times.
When the ball drops to the ground the play must be started
again. The player in the centre is supported by the
surrounding players who move around to catch the ball when
it is passed to them and kick it back to the player in the
circle. The aim is to keep the ball in the air as long as
possible (fig.) and to display the most clever moves, as well as
the ability to maintain body balance, while the skills shown
also reflect ones self-control and endurance. Officially, chinlone
is accompanied with music and played in a circle of which
the outer diameter is 6.7 meters, with six players, five in
the circle and the sixth in the middle (fig.).
There is also an variety called tapandaing (fig.),
which is performed solo-style and only by women, popular
especially at festivals.
