Common name for a large wading bird with the scientific
designation Mycteria
leucocephala, as well as the Latin names Tantalus leucocephalus, Ibis
leucocephalus and Pseudotantalus leucocephalus. It grows to an average height of about 97 centimeters, has a naked
red face and a yellow to orange bill, similar to the
Milky Stork (fig.),
but distinct by its grey to black and white bars on the scapulars and some pink
colouring on the wingtips and tail. Juveniles are whitish with greyish and white
bars on the scapulars, and a greyish-brown to blackish neck and head, but
initially lack the pink colouring on the wingtips and tail (fig.). Its diet includes
fish, frogs and large
insects. This species dwells in lowland wetlands, where it breeds in colonies,
building nests from large sticks, high-up in the trees (fig.).
In Thai, it is known as
nok kaab bua.
