Northern White-cheeked Gibbon
Common designation for a
species of
found only in northern Laos and northern Vietnam, and
formerly also in
in southern
China. It
has the scientific
leucogenys and Nomascus leucogenys and is one of two species of White-cheeked Gibbon, the other
one being the
Southern White-cheeked Gibbon,
which is endemic to
and Vietnam.
The Northern White-cheeked Gibbon is also closely related to the Golden-,
Yellow- or Buff-cheeked Gibbon (Nomascus gabriellae), a species native to
Indochina, and to the Black Crested Gibbon (Hylobates
concolor), found in southern China, Laos, and northern Vietnam. Whereas males are overall black with distinct white
patches on the cheeks and a prominent tuft (fig.), females are reddish-brown, with a
dark brown to blackish crown (fig.). Similar to the Southern
White-cheeked Gibbon, it can be distinguished by its slightly longer body hair
and the shape of the white cheek-patches in males, which reach to the upper borders of
the ears and do not touch the corners of the mouth, whereas in the southern
species, the patches reach only half way to the ears and to the edges of the
lips (fig.).
