Hun Lek Khorat (หุ่นเหล็กโคราช)
Name of an art factory museum in
Nakhon Ratchasima. Factory and
museum that makes steel figures with pieces from old engines, using
mostly cogwheels, as well as some other parts of decommissioned
machines and vehicles, transforming these discarded objects into imitations of robot-like figures, both in human and
animal-like form, as well as into mock vehicles. Many of the creations
derive from cartoon or movie characters, such as Transformers,
Spiderman, Aliens, etc. They are produced in various sizes,
generally from 2 to 4 meters, but some are tiny or larger.
The Thai name hun lek (หุ่นเหล็ก), meaning
man/men’ or ‘metal
is a play of words with the theatre puppets used in traditional
hun lakon lek
performances and
which are known as hun lek (หุ่นเล็ก), i.e. with a different Thai
spelling and tone, and meaning ‘little/small
Despite the use of the term Iron
in its name, there are also artifacts that have been made with or
from other discarded parts, such as old tires. Compare with
Ban Hun Lek.
