The emblem itself
consists of
chattra, i.e. the multi-layered
royal umbrella, with in front of it
crown, that represents the Great
Crown of Victory, with
underneath it the Thai number ten (ñð),
representing the Crown Title of Rama X, as well as the King's initials M.V.K. (Á.Ç.¡.),
referring to his name and his royal status as a member of the House of
Chakri (fig.).
Flanking the initials are a
mythological lion known as a
Singha (fig.),
and a
Gajasingha of
the type
each holding another
ten-layered chattra.
Crossed behind the dark blue shield with the King's initial's are
the Sword of State (fig.)
and the Royal Sceptre (fig.),
one with the Golden Fan, the other with the Yak's Tail
all objects that are part of the
i.e. the Thai regalia.
At the bottom is a green banner with the golden text Phra Ratcha Phithi
Borommarachaphisek Phutthasakkarat òõöò (¾ÃÐÃÒª¾Ô¸ÕºÃÁÃÒªÒÀÔàÉ¡ ¾Ø·¸ÈÑ¡ÃÒª
òõöò), which translates as ‘The
Royal Coronation Ceremony,
Buddhist Era 2562 (2019 AD)’.
the emblem
is embellished with
a characteristic Thai design resembling tongues of fire
