Yahweh (יהוה)
Hebrew. A word consisting of the four Hebrew letters, Yodh (י)
He (ה)
Waw (ו)
He (ה),
i.e. YHWH, the four-letter personal name of God. Since it has no
written vowels it can be vocalized in several different ways, such
as Yahweh and Yehowah. In order to counter confusion, several
vocalizations were proposed throughout history, often by adding
vowel points to the Hebrew consonants. This however, led to even
more possibilities and further confusion. Most Jews deem the name
too sacred to be uttered and pronounce the word as Adonai, meaning ‘My Lord’. The Hebrew name for
i.e. Yeshua (ישוע) or Yehosha (יהושע),
means ‘Yahweh rescues’. The name is a compound of Yeho (יהו)
and shua (שוע)
or sha (שע), the first element
standing for Yahweh and the latter coming from the root yesha (ישע),
which means ‘rescue’ and ‘salvation’. The word shua (שוע)
itself also means ‘lord’ and ‘to cry out [for help]’, and is even
reminiscent of the Thai word chuay (ช่วย), which similarly
translates as ‘to aid, help’ or ‘rescue’.
