Bird's nest made from the saliva of a certain
species of swallow, known as
Cave Swift. They are famous for
building their saliva nests which are picked for human consumption
and sold as an expensive delicacy in many, often Chinese shops (fig.).
they are known as
rang nok
and are collected from caves, such as Viking Cave on Phi Phi
Leh Island (fig.),
one of the
Phi Phi Islands. The nests are composed of interlaced strands of saliva
that dry up once attached to the cave wall and are made in the form
of a shallow cup (fig.).
The edible nests are used to produce the unique texture of bird's
nest soup and are among the most expensive animal foodstuffs
consumed by humans. In Chinese cuisine they have been traditionally
used for over 400 years as they are rich in nutrients, such as high
levels of calcium, potassium, iron and magnesium, known to provide
certain health benefits. There annually three harvesting seasons for
bird's nests. The first time around February-March. Afterwards there
is a resting period of one month to allow
the birds to make their second nest. When ready they are harvested
and another pause of three months is observed to allow the mother to
lay her, to let them hatch and the chicks grow until they are strong
enough to leave the nest and look for food on their own. Then the
third nest is collected. There are white bird's nests and red
‘blood’ bird's nests. The saliva that the swifts regurgitate in
order to build their initial nest in the first nesting season is
pure white. They are good quality nests that we know by the name of
‘white bird's nests’ (fig.).
The nests built later are called ‘red blood bird's nests’ (fig.),
as it was earlier believed that in the making of a second and third
nest the swifts had run out of saliva and were regurgitating their
saliva until they started coughing up blood. But this is untrue. The
red colour comes from rust in the caves. Due to the high humidity in
these caves the rust infiltrates into the nest which absorbs it,
especially nests build in the second and third nesting season are
affected, as it is then the rainy season in Thailand, contrary to
the first nest which is build during the cold season, around
February-March. Thailand has three kinds of swallows that deliver
bird's nest: the Edible-nest or White-nest Swiftlet, the German's
Swiftlet and the Black-nest Swiftlet. The first two species
provide the white bird's nests, the latter gives us the black bird's
nests, so called because its nest is mixed with dark feathers, but
the nests of all three species are edible. The red ‘blood’ nests are
more expensive, but also often faked by adding red pigment to white
nests. In
a small bowl of white bird's nest soup costs around 200
a large one around 300 baht. The downside of it all is the often
illegal and indiscriminate collection of nests outside the
harvesting season which endangers the swift population. Licensed as
well as unlicensed harvesters, often inspired by greed, will collect
or steal a nest as soon as it is large enough, whether or not eggs
or chicks are inside. They get to them by climbing on high
scaffoldings, a task not without any peril. In Chinese called
yan wo.
See also
nok naang
aen (fig.).