Wrinkled Hornbill
Common name for a species of
which is also commonly known as Sunda Wrinkled Hornbill, and with the
scientific name Aceros corrugatus. The adult male has a mostly black
plumage, with a broadly white to rufous-tipped tail, and a yellowish
head with a black crown-centre. In addition, it has a pale
yellowish, unmarked, gular pouch, a blue orbital skin, and pale
yellow cheeks, neck-sides and chest. Its large bill is bright
yellow, with a red base and casque, which is square-looking, and a
brownish basal half of the lower mandible. Adult females are overall
black, with a pale yellowish bill and squarer casque, and blue
orbital skin and gular pouch, which is unmarked. In Thai this bird
is called nok ngeuak pahk yon (นกเงือกปากย่น),
‘wrinkled-beak hornbill’.
