Blackspot Widow
Common name for a species of
dragonfly, fairly commonly found in South and Southeast Asia. It has
black wings, with a milky white spot in the middle and transparent
towards the tips, with a small brownish black spot on the front edge of
each wing. Depending on the individual, the milky white spot on the edge
of the black base of the otherwise transparent wings can be very wide
and apparent, or just a mere faint smudge or thin stripe,
hardly noticeable or sometimes seemingly non-existing. It eyes are brownish
with a yellow sheen, whilst its body is greyish-blue to black, with a tiny
off-white tip on the tail and off-white to faint yellow markings on the upperside.
There is sexual dimorphism, with
females differing significantly
from males in colour and body markings. The body is blackish-brown with
a pale yellowish mid-dorsal stripe. The wings are in part transparent
with a bright amber shine at the base, while the apex and the centre of
the wings are blackish-brown.
Also known as Pied Paddy Skimmer and in Thai as
malaeng poh
ban pihk taem dam. Its
scientific designation is Neurothemis tullia.
