Yellow-banded Trevally
Common name for a species of small
inshore fish in the family Carangidae, which includes the jacks, pompanos, jack
mackerels, runners, and scads. It has several binomial names, including
Selaroides leptolepis and Caranx mertensii, and is also commonly known as
Yellowstripe Scad, Yellowstripe Trevally, Smooth-tailed Trevally, Slender
Trevally and Slender-scaled Trevally. The Yellow-banded Trevally is a small
species, with a length between ca. 15 to max. 22 centimeters, with a compressed,
oblong, elongate body shape, with the dorsal and ventral profiles equally
curved. It is metallic greyish blue to blue-green colour above, a silvery white
below, and a yellow stripe in the middle, that extends from the upper margin of
the eye to the caudal peduncle. Behind the eyes is a prominent black opercular
spot. It is an important commercial species in fishery. In Thai, this species is
known as
leuang (ปลาข้างเหลือง),
‘yellow-sided fish’,
sihgun khahng leuang
(ปลาสีกุนข้างเหลือง), i.e.
‘yellow-sided caranx fish’.
See also
