Walrus Tusk Beetle
Common name for a species of
longhorn beetle in the family Cerambycidae, and with the scientific
designation Dorysthenes walkeri. Adult males have a black and
shining body, with an elongated head, large compound eyes, long
segmented antennae, and two long mandibles reminiscent of walrus
tusks, hence its common name. On each frontal side of the pronotum
are two outward growing spikes. Their wings are transparent with
dark veins. Males grow to around 52 millimeter long. Females are
similar, but smaller in size and they have a more rounded head,
rather than the elongated head of males. This beetle is one of the
largest species of the genus Dorysthenes and is commonly found in
and also occurs in
where it is known as
mae fon (แมลงแม่ฝน) and
mae fah mae fon (แมงแม่ฟ้าแม่ฝน), i.e. ‘mother of rain insect’ and
‘mother of sky and rain insect’, due to the fact that they usually
appear in large numbers after it has rained.
