Common name for a small bird of prey, that grows to about 36 centimeters tall, and which was given the
scientific designation Accipiter badius. The male bird is pale grey above, with
dark primary tips, and patterned whitish below, i.e. a white vent, face and
throat, with faint grey mesial streaks. The male has dense narrow rufous-orange bars
on the breast and belly, while females and youngsters have rufous-orange
spots (fig.).
Females are similar to males, but the upperparts show a faint brownish wash, and
whereas males have red eyes, those of females and youngsters are yellow. Both
sexes have four dark bands on the tail, but in females the tail-bands on the undertail
are darker. It is found throughout South Asia and Southeast Asia, in open areas and open wooded countryside.
Being swift flyers, they swoop down to catch their prey, before the victim is
even aware of the danger. Its main food consists of lizards, mice, squirrels,
and other birds. See also
Common Hawk Cuckoo.
