Red-bordered Ground Beetle
Name for a
ground beetle in the Carabidae family, with the scientific designation Mouhotia batesi.
Both sexes have a body size of about 3.8 to 4.9
centimeters, not including the mandibles. They have a flat,
rectangular head and are overall black in colour, with a brass to copper
coloured, harp-shaped rim on the edges of the pronotum, i.e. the front
part of the thorax, as well as on the outer sides of the elytra, i.e.
the hardened forewings that function as wing shields and that make up
the back part of the thorax, which in this species is oval shaped. In
addition, the elytra have shallow grooves, arranged in rows along their
length. This species occurs in
Central, West and Northeast Thailand, and is depicted on a Thai postage
stamp of
2001 (fig.). It is also known as the Large Ground Beetle and in Thai it is called
duang din khob thong daeng, i.e. ‘Copper-edged Ground Beetle’.
