Changeable Hawk-eagle
Name of a
large bird of prey, with the scientific designations Nisaetus cirrhatus
and Spizaetus cirrhatus. It is a resident of Southeast Asia and occurs
in Thailand, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines. It is rare in
Singapore, but also occurs in India. It lives in all types of forest and
is commonly found in primary and closed secondary forest, woodlands and
areas of lowland, but also in plantations and logged forests. Being a
meat eater it hunts for small mammals and reptiles, as well as for
birds. Its large wings, though with a shorter wingspan than birds of
prey of the open region, and its long, rounded tail, indicate its
adaptation to a woody environment. When hunting, it perches motionless
from a high spot, often a dead tree, or from the air, spying on its
prey, which it then raids and usually seizes on the ground. As its name
suggests, the Changeable Hawk-eagle has many different varieties, with
some individuals being nearly white and others almost black in colour.
The darker morphs somewhat resemble the
Black Eagle
The long feathers on the nape give its head an angular profile. It has
four dark bands on the tail, of which the terminal one is broader (fig.).
These birds give out loud calls of shrill screams. Also known as Crested
and in Thai named yiyaw tahng sih (เหยี่ยวต่างสี).
