Name of a
which describes
one of the
former incarnations of the
Buddha, when he was
was born as Candakumara, i.e. prince and viceroy of Pupphavati, a small kingdom near Benares, ruled by his father, King Ekaraja. The prince was known throughout the realm for his patience and fairness in solving disputes, a virtue that put him on a collision course with Khandahala, the unprincipled chief court
Brahmin, who was in no way fair or honest. When Candakumara one day rightfully overturned an unjust judgment of Khandahala, the king made his righteous son chief judge, enraging the covetous Khandahala. When the king one night dreamed of a glorious heaven, the Brahmin told him that he could only enter this paradise if he offer some of his subjects, including his son, as a sacrifice to the gods. The dream so affected the king that he was no longer sound of mind and he succumbed to Khandahala's dreadful advice. Hence, he gave orders to make preparations for the sacrifice. A pyre was arranged and
chattra, i.e. royal multi-tiered umbrellas, were erected. Ignoring the pleas of his son, as well as of his subjects, for the sacrifice not be carried out, eventually Indra descended from heaven and intervened, destroying the multi-tiered umbrellas, upon which the crowd attacked the evil Brahmin and beat him to death. In the ensuing pandemonium, King Ekaraja tried to flee on an
elephant, but was captured and eventually sent into exile, whilst Candakumara was crowned the new King of Pupphavati. In Thai, known as Chanthakumaan.
