Bhuridatta Chadok (ภูริทัตชาดก)
Thai-Sanskrit. ‘Jataka
of the
Godly Datta’. Name for one of the
i.e. life stories of the
ten last
incarnations of
in which the
was born as
Bhuridatta, Prince of the
In the story, Bhuridatta
ascends daily from the realm of nagas to the human world, where he
coiled himself around a
termite mound,
which he uses as a seat for
meditation. One day,
a hunter and his son saw Bhuridatta
meditating and since the latter wanted to keep then from revealing
his place of meditation, he had invited him and his son to return
with him to the naga kingdom, to dwell there in great ease and
luxury. They initially agreed and went along, but after a year, the
hunter longed to return to the world of men. Trying to persuade him
to stay, Bhuridatta offered him great riches, as well as a Jewel
That Grants All Desires. Yet, the man refused and said he wanted to
become a ascetic. Later, the Jewel That Grants All Desires got
stolen by Alambayana, a
charmer, who −as the faithful servant of a
had been granted a magic snake charm, which the hermit had been
given by a
Garuda, who
accidently had destroyed the hut in a
tree, where the hermit lived. The
hungry Garuda, the natural enemy of snakes and nagas, had captured a
naga and flew off with him. As he swept over the
Himaphan forest, clutching the
head of the great snake in his claws, the naga was able to coil
himself around a tall banyan tree, hence destroying the hermit's
dwelling. In order to make up for the damage, the Garuda rewarded
the hermit by telling him the words of a magic snake charm of great
power and gave him a fan behind which to chant it, but, since he had
no need for it, the hermit had passed it on to his
faithful servant. When
the latter came across some naga youths who had with them the
precious jewel of the nagas, i.e. the Jewel That Grants All Desires,
they trembled with fear as they heard the Brahmin muttering the
magic spell of the Garuda, and fled into the water, leaving the gem
behind. Now, when the hunter saw the magic jewel in the hand of
Alambayana, he regretted not having accepted it when Bhuridatta had
offered it to him and determined to get hold of it, but he could not
convince Alambayana to part with it. Then Alambayana told him that
his purpose was to find and capture a mighty naga, which would win
him fame and fortune. Hence, against the advise of his son, the
hunter said he could inform him of the whereabouts of such a snake
and in return for the magic jewel he led Alambayana through the
forest to the great termite mound around which Bhuridatta was
coiled. Anxious to capture the great serpent, Alambayana hastily
handed the hunter his reward, but as the hunter grabbed it, it
slipped through his fingers and disappeared through a crack in the
earth, to be reclaimed by the naga world from where it came, leaving
the foolish hunter with nothing, whilst Alambayana captured the
Bhuridatta chanting the magic spell while holding the fan. After
this, Alambayana put Bhuridatta in a snake basket and performed with
him on the market of Benares in order to make money. Here,
Bhuridatta was seen by his brother Sudassana and his sister, who
−disguised as an ascetic and a frog, respectively− had set out to
search for him. After showing off their powers, Alambayana was
easily persuaded to release the naga prince, who quickly assumed a
radiant form and stood before the multitude in all his glory. Upon
this, the Brahmin crept away and was never seen again.
