Bamboo Rat
Any of the four species of
rodents in the subfamily Rhizomyinae, which is made up of the Lesser
Rat (Cannomys badius), the Large
Bamboo Rat (Rhizomys sumatrensis), the Chinese Bamboo Rat (Rhizomys
sinensis), and the Hoary Bamboo Rat (Rhizomys pruinosus). They are
found in eastern Asia, from the Indian Subcontinent, southern
and northern
over Indochina and
to the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra, varying in size from about 15 to
30 centimeters for the Lesser Bamboo Rat, which grows a short tail
of up to 7 centimeter, to the Large Bamboo Rat, which can grow to
almost 50 centimeters in length and has a long tail of about 20
centimeter. These bulky, mole-like rodents live in wide-ranging
burrows underground, from where they feed on the roots of plants,
mostly of
bamboo, though the Lesser Bamboo Rat also feeds on the
roots of other vegetation, including those of agricultural plants
and crops, and is hence considered a pest. In China, as well as in
Vietnam, bamboo rats are caught and eaten as a food animal,
especially by the hill tribe minorities. See also
rat and
Brown Rat.
