Raisina Hill
Name of an area in the Indian capital New Delhi, located at the top of a hill and locally known as Lutyens' Delhi. Raisina Hill is the spot where the most important Government buildings are located, including Rashtrapati Bhawan, i.e. the ‘Presidential Palace’, the official residence of the President of India, the Secretariat Building, which houses the Prime Minister's Office, and several other important ministries. It is also the location of the Parliament House, a circular edifice, which is locally known as Sansad Bhawan. The entrance to Rashtrapati Bhawan is guarded by a metal fence held in place by decorative stone posts, that are adorned with figures of
elephants. The Presidential Palace is topped with a large central dome and in its front stands a huge pillar, which is referred to as the Jaipur Column. On Raisina Hill, Rajpath, i.e. the main boulevard, splits the Secretariat Building into two, creating a North and a South section, and it aligns the Presidential Palace with India Gate, a prominent nearby landmark in New Delhi (fig.). Annually on 26 January, the Rajpath Boulevard, which is also known as the ‘King's Way’, is used for India's Republic Day Parade. See also TRAVEL PICTURES (1) and (2), and MAP.
