Nandi Baba (नंदी बाबा) 
Hindi. ‘Daddy or Granddaddy
as well as ‘Father or Granddad Joy’. Name given to an actual existing
the contemporary Indian city of Varanasi (fig.)
that is named after
the mount of Shiva (fig.),
and which has an extraordinary story with a unique daily routine.
According to
tradition, the cow was the first creature to arise during the
Churning of the Ocean of Milk,
and in the
Vedas it is detailed that
cows are to be treated with the same respect as one's mother, because of the
milk they provide.
As such, cows are regarded as sacred and are not
troubled or imposed
upon, even if they enter a business, as in
Lucknow Chikan, a textile shop in Varanasi. In the back
of this store is a statue of
Shiva seated on his bull
One morning, some three decades
ago, a real
bull entered the store and went straight to the Shiva idol, licked it and then
laid down at the foot of the idol, where it stayed for half a day. The next day,
the bull returned and stayed put until the lights went out at 9 pm. Since then,
the bull visits the shop every day, so the baffled shop owner soon started to
call his bovine visitor Nandi Baba. And Nandi Baba is organized: it arrives
daily at the shop at 9.30 am, except in the summer, when it waddles in half an
hour later. The shutters are opened only after the bull reaches the shop. It
walks in first and everyone else follows. Then, it walks up to the idol of
Shiva, licks it and sits down at its feet. The shop is cleaned even as Nandi
Baba sits there. The area around the idol is cleaned only after it leaves the
shop in the afternoon to stroll around the market. Post lunch, it returns and
sits till closing time. Fearing that the bull will be inconvenienced if the shop
is closed, the owner keeps it open every day of the year, and feels he is
blessed by Nandi Baba’s presence. Nandi Baba eventually died, but other bulls
followed and all were named Nandi Baba by the owner of Lucknow Chikan. The
current incumbent bull is Nandi Baba the Fourth. 回
