H.R.H. the Crown Prince of Thailand 64th Birthday Anniversary (2016)


H.R.H. Vajiralongkorn, the Crown Prince of Thailand   H.R.H. Vajiralongkorn, the Crown Prince of Thailand

H.R.H. Vajiralongkorn, the Crown Prince of Thailand   H.R.H. Vajiralongkorn, the Crown Prince of Thailand


 Issue Name:

H.R.H. the Crown Prince of Thailand 64th Birthday Anniversary

 Thai Issue Name:

64 พรรษา สมเด็จพระบรมโอรสาธิราชฯ สยามมกุฎราชกุมาร

 Issue Date:



To commemorate the occasion of H.R.H. the Crown Prince of Thailand's 64th Birthday Anniversary

 Catalogue Number:



5 Baht, 5 Baht, 5 Baht, 5 Baht

 Unused Value:

5 Baht, 5 Baht, 5 Baht, 5 Baht

 Complete Set:

20 Baht (unused), 4 Baht (used)

 Thailex Collection:



48 x 30 mm for A and D; 30 x 48 mm for B and C

 Quantity of Stamps:





Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn riding a bicycle while presiding over the well-wishing cycling events in honour of his parents, the King and Queen, who are deemed the Father and Mother of the Thai nation and which were dubbed ‘Bike for Dad’, held on Friday 11 December 2015 (Design A), and ‘Bike for Mom’, held on Sunday 16 August 2015 (Design D), as well as children's drawings of these events (Designs B and C), with Design B also featuring a Sum Chaleum Phra Kian shrine and portrait of King Rama IX and the equestrian statue of King Chulalongkorn at Royal Plaza, where the main ‘Bike for Dad’ cycling event in Bangkok began. The colours yellow and pale blue are the personal colours of the King and Queen according to the sih prajam wan system, and the cycling events took place in the weeks following their respective birthdays, i.e. 5 December for King Bhumipon and 12 August for Queen Sirikit. In the top right corner of Designs A and D is also the personal monogram (fig.) of Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn, i.e. his initials M.V.K. (...) underneath the Great Crown of Victory, and a small chakra and trisula or vajra (fig.), referring to both his name and his royal status as a member of the House of Chakri (fig.).

 Related Link:

Vajiralongkorn, H.R.H. the Crown Prince of Thailand's 50th Birthday Anniversary, H.R.H. the Crown Prince of Thailand 60th Birthday Anniversary, H.R.H. Prince Vajiralongkorn, The Crown Prince, Bhumipon, Sirikit, sih prajam wan, Chulalongkorn, Rama IX, Royal Plaza, Sum Chaleum Phra Kian, chakra, vajra, Chakri, Crown of Victory, Happy and Healthy Bike Lane