Opium War
Name of either conflict
fought between
China and England between 1839-42 and 1856-60 over the rights to import
opium from India.
Both conflicts are often referred to together in the plural, i.e. Opium
By the 1830's, the English had become major players in the global opium trade.
Growing opium in India, the East India Company shipped tons of it into Canton
which it traded for Chinese manufactured goods and for
tea. In the early part of
the 19th century this trafficking had produced a China filled with drug addicts,
causing the imperial government to declare opium illegal, in 1836. Lin Tse-hsü
the Imperial Commissioner at Canton, thus began to aggressively crack down on
the trade by enforcing the new opium laws and closing down smoking dens (fig.), as well
rooting out corrupt Cantonese officials, whom the British generously bribed in
order to keep the opium traffic flowing. Deeply concerned about the opium menace
Lin Tse-hsü set out to cut off the opium trade at its source and wrote a letter
to Queen Victoria (fig.) with the request that the British cease their export of opium
to other countries, suggesting that trade should only be in beneficial goods.
The English however, who, because of its harmful effects had made opium
consumption and trade illegal in England, refused to back down from their
overseas trade in opium. In response, Lin Tse-hsü threatened to cut off all
trade with England and expel all English from Chinese soil. When Chinese junks
attempted to turn back English merchant vessels in November 1839, the English
responded by sending warships. Thus war broke out in June of 1840. Due to the
technological superiority of the British the Chinese suffered a humiliating
defeat and were forced into signing an ignomious peace agreement under the
Treaty of Nanking. The treaty stipulated that no restrictions were placed on Englsih trade, and, as a consequence, the opium trade more than doubled in the
following decades. But, even with the Treaty of Nanking in place, trade remained
rather restricted, thus angering the English who felt this was clear treaty
violation. The Chinese, for their part, were incensed at the wholescale export
of Chinese nationals, sent overseas to work at what was no better than slave
labour. In 1856, these differences escalated into a series of skirmishes that
ended in 1860 with a second set of treaties that further humiliated and weakened
the imperial government. The most disgracing of clauses in these new treaties
was perhaps the complete legalization of opium throughout China. Also called the
Anglo-Chinese War and in plural when referring to both conflicts.
