Doi Tung (ดอยตุง) is the name of a 1,389 meter high mountain in the northern Thai province of Chiang Rai (เชียงราย), named after a tung (ตุง), i.e. a long ceremonial banner made of cloth and which is typical of the region. The mountain is known as the location of Wat Phrathat Doi Tung (พระธาตุดอยตุง), as well as of Doi Tung Royal Villa, the former residence of late Princess Sri Nagarindra (ศรีนครินทรา), the Princess Mother. The villa was initially built as a summer residence and has an impressive botanical park. Today it is open to the public and houses a museum dedicated to the Princess Mother's life and work, which includes royal projects under her patronage, such as the Doi Tung Development Project for Sustainable Development, established to improve the quality of life of Thailand's ethnic minorities. The timber villa is designed in a mix of Swiss Alpine and northern Thai Lan Na (ล้านนา) architectural styles, featuring wooden balconies decorated with elaborate wood carvings and flowers, typical for Swiss chalets, and V and X-shaped flame-like ornaments at the top of the gabled roofs, known as kalae (กาแล) and characteristic for traditional wooden houses in North Thailand. The ceiling in the main hall of the Royal Villa is decorated with the twelve astronomical signs handcrafted from wood and their constellations represented by tiny lights, as well as lights that represent our solar system and the stars and planets, all fashioned in the same configuration as they were on 21 October 1900, the day on which Princess Srinagarindra was born. The wall of the staircase opposite the kitchen has the entire Thai Alphabet embossed on it in bas-relief, complete with the corresponding pictograms of all the letters. Attracted by the flowers, some Golden Birdwing (Troides aeacus) butterflies were flattering about in the garden, while a Giant False Leaf Katydid (Pseudophyllus titan) had landed on the garden pavement and was resting in the sun.